

🧵 Questions Thread

Anonymous No. 894880

/QTDDTOTT/: Questions that don't deserve their own thread thread.
>Why is snout of teapot pointing towards right (X) in max, should it not point forward (Y)?
>will mastering 3D make my peen longer?
>Will baking normalmap halp make me normal?
>Is the Cross Product a reference to resurrection of Jesus?

Anonymous No. 894881

Any shader anon out there that knows if the name GGX used by the specular function popularized by Disney is named so because it uses two 'Generalized-Trowbridge-Reitz' speculars?

I've been looking around every now and then but I never seem to find an explanation where this name came from.

Anonymous No. 894889

Nobody will hire me because I have no shipped AAA games but I can not ship a AAA game because no one will hire me. What is this bullshit?

Anonymous No. 894897

It's deterrence, applicants who are not able to circumvent this catch 22 obstacle clearly are not crafty enough for game design.

Everybody is trained to lie thru their teeth on their CV so every company put out 'hiring' for individuals that basically doesn't exist.
>"Applicants should have a minimum of 24 years of experience 3 PhD's a 18 inch dong and bench-press a minimum of 200kg"

That guy they're asking for never applies ofc, but it discourages anyone who's not super serious from even trying.
Meaning the amount of retards you have to interview drops by a lot.

Anonymous No. 894899

You need a modicum of brazenry and just apply.
Doesn't mean that you can have a shot at it as a fucking retard blendlet who's worse than cris, but you also don't need to be Artstation-frontpage material.
This is much easier to do when you know what you want, what you want to be and where you want to be, which is none other than the translation in real-world, practical terms, of the whole "passion" meme.

Anonymous No. 894901

Tldr: just apply despite the insane standards?

Anonymous No. 894902

Yeah keep honing your craft improving your portfolio and keep pestering them companies til someone offers you a position.



Anonymous No. 894958

complete blender beginner here, started a week ago trying to make masks to 3d print
I got this far but noticed these shitty edges all over my model. I tried moving shit around, subdivision out the ass



Anonymous No. 894968

Perhaps too many edges is your problem. Try dissolving your edges maybe? The ones going along the x axis.
I'm also a blendlet and I have no idea how to go about blockingout or vertex outlining for a front view face.



Anonymous No. 894972

>How do I get into game design?
Indie shit. There are thousands of game design tards who want to make a game but have no art skills whatsoever. You're going to want to pick up a default asset homie. Someone who has the skill to code in playable models but doesn't have the know how to create them. Find your niche and fill it. Most of the work will be hobby gigs. Most of your modeling work should be stashed into your portfolio, networking with other creatives brings you one step closer to the official scene.
>Ok I've made some indie shit how the fuck do I get in?
There are a few options here. You can
1. BS your way in by showing off your work in playable form. Like >>894897 stated, it's a normie filter. Make a mockup and start working on a test demo. If you can play it and can show a legitimate passion for design, you might just be able to squeeze into a smaller team. Build yourself up form there and forget about applying to the big dogs with no experience.

2. Make your own team and monetize your own projects. While costly you can always go down the crowdfunding rabbit hole. Keep shilling until you can get eyes on the project then sell of the team to a larger studio.

3.NSFW. If your down on your luck and I mean you really can't get a job ANYWHERE (i.e your personalities repulsive, you have yandere dev's skill set, and/or you have been to jail before) Try 3D porn. Furries and troons always need another plaything. Making loli inflation cock vore will wear on your sanity, but most degenerates will pay big money to see their OC using a cheese grater as a but plug.



Anonymous No. 894986

Tried making the eyes but it didn't turn out so well.
Any better ideas on how to make the eyebrow ridge? I keep trying things while waiting for replies too.

Anonymous No. 894994

Are you modelling. You should be sculpting.

Anonymous No. 894997

Im dog shit at sculpting and have no real clue what are good practices vs bad. Just feels awkward as hell with a mouse too but. I'll give it a shot.

Anonymous No. 895090

Are skinning and weigth painting the same thing?

Anonymous No. 895117

Terms may be used interchangeable in some texts but not really.

When you're weight-painting you are indeed skinning something but you can be skinning something without painting any weights,
such as assigning your weights by wrapping them to an already weighted model or use envelope volumes and stuff like that to assign the weights.
So 'skinning' is a catch all term for the process of skinning a mesh to a skeleton by any and all means
and weight painting is skinning by the specific act of assigning your vertex weights by painting them.



Anonymous No. 895119

To elaborate I do very little actual weight painting on my characters when assigning skin weights.
Instead I use vertex selections and the weight table and type-in all my weights by number.
I use blend functions across vertex selections around joint loops to smooth out weights between adjacent bones.
~90% of the process is done like that. I only go in and actually "paint weights" by brush touching up here and there where needed.

Now someone might look at what I'm doing or I may even myself call it 'painting in weights' as the vertex heatmap changes color according to skinweight.

Anonymous No. 895129

Seems to me like the battle between the Unreal community and the Unity community has been going on for eternity and has only gotten worse. What is going on, bros?

Anonymous No. 895138

Doubt anyone developing anything with either has any time to spare for feuding with the other community anon. If there are such notions it's limited to summerfags and kiddies insecure about which package to pick, same as the whole 'blender vs autodesk' thing etc. It exist on /3/ and basically nowhere else.

Anonymous No. 895146

You need more references than just one blurry front view and your modelling methods are undeveloped. If you want to get better at blocking, my advice would be to make simple furniture and simple creatures like snakes and worms first. Use tutorials. And you look like you need it, because your Shenron is much more complicated than it needs to be for what it is. It's a really simple design, and you've added a lot of unnecessary topology and scuffed the shape and forms.

Anonymous No. 895149

If you want to do organic characters you need to sculpt, just get a cheap wacom without display



Anonymous No. 895150

Ok lads, I need your creative input on what I assume to be an age old problem.

What's a good arrangement for grass billboards that will obscure the fact that they're flat planes with textures on them? Would it be viable to bend and fold the billboards (last examples) for this purpose? I don't mind a few extra polys if it's effective. I'd like to minimize the number of grass blades that are seen perfectly aligned with each other, it really kills the illusion.

Here's a quick sketch of the ways I've considered. Let me know what you'd try.

Anonymous No. 895151


quick google search revealed a grebbit thread and this paper. you're probably close.



Anonymous No. 895152

forgot image

Anonymous No. 895153

Don't they just used cached poly grass blade clumps now.

Anonymous No. 895154

Nice, Thanks anon



Anonymous No. 895161

What am I doing wrong here? I've made a few bits of a tileset for tabletop simulator but for some reason the mapping on the windows isn't working like everything else I've made. It looks perfect in blender itself but once I get it into TTS it has these janky missing bits.
I've made a few perfectly working pieces that are walls and doorways but these windows aren't playing ball.

Anonymous No. 895164

incorrectly oriented faces maybe?


normal facings.jpg

Anonymous No. 895165

I don't... THINK so? It's seeming like something to do with facings but it isn't orientation related at the very least.

Anonymous No. 895185

the unity community (people who actually use it) don't hate the unreal community at all they just wish unity was getting the same attention UE was from its developers.

They've been going through years of pain on half finished features designed to prop up investor hype while unreal actually innovates.

Anonymous No. 895187

Telling him to sculpt something that basic would be a waste of time. It's a fucking snake with eyebrows and legs. It'd take him an afternoon after actually getting to grips with the program and learning some basic topology from some shitty tutorials.

He's shown us two pictures of him trying to connect the dots using topo with a blurry reference, I don't think "not sculpting" is his issue.

Anonymous No. 895302

realistically, how hard is it to produce good to excellent quality animated 3d porn with your own models and rigs?

Anonymous No. 895310

Looks like inverted faces BUT on your unwrapping solver.

Anonymous No. 895311

strange, I honestly have no idea what it could be

Anonymous No. 895856

Is it worth getting a laptop to do 3d gamedev on if you already have a UFO tier desktop? From what I've seen, good lappy specs = huge huge huge money.



Anonymous No. 895889

I have some LIDL low poly models that I'd like to share.
For example random 20 textured boxes, guitar amp, desk, bookshelf etc.
Just clutter that could be used in backgrounds.
What's the best place to upload them?



Anonymous No. 895910

Hello everyone. Dumb question about texture painting.

I have been following this guide learning how to paint for the first time in my life
and he paints shadows on his models. I can understand if he paints on the creases and cracks because it's hard for light to reach those places. But he paints shadows under the models as if the light is at the top of the model. Like in 4:20 for example he paints the shadow only at the top of the handle as if the light is at the top.

My question is, what happens if I need the model to move a lot and sometimes it turns upside down? do I still need to draw the shadows as if the light was at the top of the model? wouldn't it look bad/weird?

I tried looking for other guides or artworks but they all paint the shadows the same so maybe I'm missing something or they don't plan to animate the model...

Anonymous No. 895912

idk gumroad or something like that would work nice i think. Also i like those could you send em to me?

Anonymous No. 895913

is there a good sketchfab ripper anywhere?
i only need a way to look at their wires locally their viewer is toasting my pc for some unholy reason

Anonymous No. 895916

I think about more... public I guess.
I don't have any means to shill my carboard boxes to anyone.
I'll try to prepare something for mega upload.

Anonymous No. 895923

https://mega.nz/file/XIxwVbbT#NBut93gstOnfe5H3-oG29FtPVQKld8DE_bZc2M9CYgM Here's the whole room scene.

Anonymous No. 895935

thx, maybe you could try cgtrader?

Anonymous No. 896205

I feel like I am not learning in the correct order. I started recently, and I do not know if I should follow a method for learning, since all I do is follow tutorials I find. Should I continue like this, or what should be my focus?

Also, Stylized vs Photorealistic? Which to learn first?

Anonymous No. 896206

What you do next should be whatever you want to do, why did you learn 3d? Do that. Find a concept, style or object you wanna run with and try to make it. If you like stylized do that, if you want to do realism do that, there'll be plenty of time to drill your weaknesses later but you don't even know what they are yet

Anonymous No. 896213

That would only be good for a fixed camera angle or a porfolio piece. In a game world you want as neutral lighting as possible.

Anonymous No. 896216

Alright neutral lighting it is then... I was getting confused with all the guides on painting always doing many shadows to make their models look good and my absolute lack of art knowledge. I'll study hand painted game's uv mapping and try replicating them

Thanks for answering my dumb question. Have a wonderful day my dude.



Anonymous No. 896223

always go to reference before 4chan nerds.

There's league of legends model viewers out there too if you just want to have a quick squiz without bothering to rip stuff.


Anonymous No. 896228

Doesn't work

Anonymous No. 896229

It works fine you're just rarted

Anonymous No. 896240

Thinking of getting a VR headset for VR 3d dev, but I have experienced nausea with it in in store demos. Is it over for me?

Anonymous No. 896241

did the demos have stick-based / on-rails movement? that stuff is what causes nausea normally.
if you're teleporting, irl walking or standing/sitting still you'll be fine.

Anonymous No. 896260

> that stuff is what causes nausea normally.

Doubt that is all there is too it, VR is hyper sensitive in having perfectly smooth frame spacing.
Was playing a WW2 flightsim at a mates place and I could do loops rolls and violent maneuvers for 30 min without any signs of nausea.

then he loaded up another map that had lot's of burning stuff on the battlefield and the renderer could not quite keep up with the smoke effects
and this where dropped frames every now and then. After 5 minutes of flying with these micro-stutters I started feeling nauseous.
Any dropped frames is like your head was suddenly moved, your whole visual field moves much like when someone punches you in the head and you're not ready for it.

VR is just too finicky way it works now, if you're an absolute enthusiast that are wiling to spend hours reading thru forums and tweak ini-files and graphics settings
you can set up a game to work fairly well, but if you don't have time energy for that it's gonna be a disappointing experience unless the game you're into was made
by absolute experts and works straight out the box (You know how often that happens).

Anonymous No. 896287

That's a cool gif and website that I'll be sure to check. You outdid yourself anon. You are the best.

It didn't worked for me either so I googled the issue and the website doesn't seem to work on firefox but does work in chrome.

Anonymous No. 896299

League has fixed top down view. If you have a free moving camera painted in shadows will look bad.



Anonymous No. 896303

I'm a beginner and it might be a stupid question but:
If you're doing hard surface modeling (for games), let's say you model a complex static object that requires you to make it out very different shapes. So you detail the shapes and all but in the end they're not connected to each other. Is it a bad thing or is it common to do that?
Like for the barrel of a gun or whatever

Anonymous No. 896304

Lit-from-above ambient shadow work very well for any characters/props unless they're far off the ground or hanging from a ladder/ceiling etc.

Ambient occlusion works out so characters in most natural conditions is standing on a floor with more open spaces in all other directions.
Better than painting it in is to do it in the shader by doing the equivalent of a dot(N,-vec3.up) on all your ambient light/IBL/self ilum whatever technique you use.
(so your shadows don't change orientation when your character animates).

Anonymous No. 896306

Nah, It's very common to have models made up of several meshes that are unconnected.
Gun parts for example or a car where the wheels, suspension geometry, windows, mirrors, doors, hood etc all are isolated mesh.

Where ever parts are discontinuous in reality they're usually discontinuous in a 3D model to.

Having edges disconnected rather than joined means you have a double vertex pair for where ever your seam is.
The overhead is super negligible.

A model that is say a 100K polygons where every face was unconnected would be significantly heavier than one where they where continuous,
but long as you don't do anything super crazy like that it's not even an issue to worry about.
You're unlikely to ever experience any issues caused by too much 'floating geometry' til you model really big structures
like say a detailed model of a ship with numerous rooms and substructures and such.
Lighting such surfaces in real-time may require you to start worry about how to handle your occlusion culling.



Anonymous No. 896314

Okay thanks a lot anon


Annoying verts sub.png

Anonymous No. 896318

Why's this vert being a cunt?


Annoying verts no....png

Anonymous No. 896319

Non subdivided version for reference

Only a few are like this and I have no clue why.

Anonymous No. 896325

Does blender have creasing.



Anonymous No. 896333

3D/Blender noob here, how do I create these lines so that they conform to another object? I’m using curves that I extrude and solidify and converted into mesh for the lines and the shrinkwrap modifier to make it wrap to the object, but it looks very bad. I’d like it to look as if someone formed lines/shapes with clay and put them on another object. Pic related is the best example I could find


Annoying verts fi....png

Anonymous No. 896337

Turns out it was just some flipped normals always catches me offguard.



Anonymous No. 896342

any way of automatically smoothing randomb bumps without having to fuck around with vertices
mostly looking at the bumps at the side of the mask

Anonymous No. 896343

is there an equivalent to Illustrator's Smart Guides in Blender?



Anonymous No. 896346

I sent in like 4 different quote requests for 3D printing services in my city last week. Whats taking them all so long to get back to me?

Anonymous No. 896387

edge crease

Anonymous No. 896401

I didnt mean the sharp edge going along the edge. I mean randomb bumbs on the surface when I want the helmet to be a nice and smooth curve.

Anonymous No. 896408

If I want to improve my ability to design 3d models should I start lurking /ic/?

Anonymous No. 896416

3d models in terms of what
making organic shit like video game characters and props or mechanical shit for engineering shit

Anonymous No. 896450

What are the best courses I can find on torrent sites? Especially for Maya and Blender but even something that shows you a complete workflow.



Anonymous No. 896525

I'm trying to model anime thighs. I can make the hips/waist/torso fine, but making the slope of the mons pubis has been making things very hard for me. Creating a plane between the two thighs won't let me subdivide it, can't loop cut it, and all my attempts at creating the shape without doing this have been garbage.
Picture for context, not actual thighs.

Anonymous No. 896526

I want to make bold designs

Anonymous No. 896535

Look for some 3D anatomy modeling videos, the method I've learned is modeling the torso and make some panty shaped thing in the pelvis area, then make holes in the sides and extrued both hips and legs from there. Otherwise sculpt your model and then do retopo.

/ic/ is mainly shitters trying to learn how to draw anime girls, you'll find some good resources on how to draw but I don't feel like that's what you're looking for.
My advice is to look for stuff that inspires you, you can start on sites like Pinterest and Artstation, get a feel for what you like and then try to reproduce it.



Anonymous No. 896599

With 3D models, why are eyes typically modeled with a cylindrical hole in them? Shouldn't eyes be spheres? Why is the iris area flat, and the pupil is a hole?

Anonymous No. 896631

Either you are making too small orders to be worth their time and energy or what you're requesting to print is something so depraved they don't want to have anything to do with you.

Anonymous No. 896632

likely cause its a small order. basically a 5 foot staff prop. At least one person got back to me, but they want 1K for it

Anonymous No. 896670

got any screens of the prop?
I run a few printers for our machine shop
did you send it in in different segments or do you expect someone to actually print a 5 foot staff?



Anonymous No. 896675

it says that it comes in segments to put together. I requested to have the staff part scaled so that the total height of the staff is 5'6". Worse comes, I'm just going to build it using pvc pipe like I originally planned.


Anonymous No. 896768

What`s the proper way of texturing big walls? Do I just use a tiling PBR material and and then add imperfections with vertex painting and decals? Or should I break up the wall into smaller pieces and texture them in substance?

Anonymous No. 896771

Retard here, I want to make it as a 3D animator, but I'd really prefer not to model entire scenes to animate for my portfolio. Can I get away with being lazy here?
To be clear, I'm still doing that, I just don't really enjoy modeling and I'd much rather focus on animation itself as much as possible.

Anonymous No. 896783

Animation reels are always somebody else's rig on damn near empty backgrounds, it isn't a problem work on your animation

Anonymous No. 896784

Damn, I was really overthinking it then. Gonna go study some reels, thanks, anon. We're all gonna make it.

Anonymous No. 896834

how the fuck do I UV unwrap organic objects that don't have clear shapes that I can break down? do I just auto UV at that point?

Anonymous No. 896857

Because real eyes are not perfectly round. Go on google and check for yourself.

Anonymous No. 896910

What is the workflow for creating a hard surface character like a robot or scifi armor? I am familiar with zbrush and just bought hardops/box cutter and but im not sure what order I should do things in? sculpt basic shapes first I guess but then what? do I have to retopo before I can start box cutting it? thanks for any answers



Anonymous No. 896912

Same reason physical sculptures tend to have parabolic recesses for eyes, it mimics how the semitransparent iris
and lens catches light inverse to the sphere of the eyeball itself.

It's common to use a normalmap on a sphere for this tho since we don't need actual geometry to bend light in CG.
Modelling an actual lense that buldges out over the iris and has translucent effects adds the complexity of avoiding
to have the iris intersect with the eyelid as your character looks up and down, or make it very obvious that your eye has a hole in it.
Keeping the eye a perfect sphere and faking the shape spares you a ton of headache.



Anonymous No. 896989

First time visiting this board.
I want to get into 3d because I want to make up references for drawing and maybe the odd hour of vidya I treat myself with during the weekends.

My rig can't handle 3d modelling at all. I would need to get a Graphics card but I am pretty lost because it would be the first one I buy.

Any reccomendations? I am not planning to animate anything big or play stupid overpriced AAA vidya.

Anonymous No. 896990

>My rig can't handle 3d modelling at al

You realize people 3D modeled on home computers in the 90's anon? If your computer can run a browser in the 2020's you can 3D model on it.

Anonymous No. 896991

Yeah but loading up models and trying to move them around or handle them slows it to a crawl.

Anonymous No. 896993

post your other specs, because this could be just as much a cpu issue (+ depends on the models you're working with and what dcc you're using. drop those details as well if you can - maybe just take a screenshot of a scene that slows your computer down).

re: choice of gpu:

it's safer to pick up an nvidia card because it offers more rendering options than amd right now. you may not need that right now, but in the future you might.

of the new cards, 3060 and up will be more than enough for you. for gamur stuff you might want more.

Anonymous No. 896996

8gbs 1666 ddr3 RAM
some ssds and hdds

I know that it is quite shitty but I armed it with the first money I earned some 9 years ago.

Anonymous No. 896998

how do i join other mesh into onepiece without weird, deformed looking shader?

Anonymous No. 897028

Look up boolean meshes



Anonymous No. 897206

Can someone help me add specular/gloss/highlights on this cel shader?

Anonymous No. 897207

Boolean, then merge some vertices by distance, then reset vectors, check normals, etc.

Anonymous No. 897268

Looks like your mesh is quite compressed try merge by distance for the sharp edges on the back and if you want hard edges on subdiv meshes try edge creasing edges. Also try loop tools so that your mesh would have uniform distances because if your edges are too close before subdiv it can cause visual bugs.



Anonymous No. 897333

i have good experience with sculpting, drawing and generally creative arts will it make anything easier for me? Picrel from year ago

Anonymous No. 897334

you're due for an upgrade, but with a new gpu you'll be perfectly fine as long as your polycounts aren't too crazy.

Anonymous No. 897335

>will it make anything easier for me
yes, you'll have a significan't edge over most people in most /3/ disciplines. get started and have fun :)

Anonymous No. 897355

I would say boolean and remesh, but you need zbrush if you want good results

Anonymous No. 897365

interesting looking fella



Anonymous No. 897399

Is there such a thing as a drawing tablet with a screen that can connect to a computer to use its processing power? For 2D drawing, those little tablets with screens seem nice, but 3D is a whole different ballgame in processing requirements and I can't afford an expensive workstation/gaming laptop for it, either. Ideally I'd strictly be paying for a nice drawing screen and sensitivity and all that stuff, but not a good CPU or memory or whatever.
I really can't imagine myself in a comfortable position drawing on a tablet while looking upwards at a computer screen so this is the only solution I can think of without effectively buying a second computer I don't need. Thanks for reading.

Anonymous No. 897400

Oh, I guess a better way of asking is if there's one that takes HDMI or DVI cables so it can connect to a GPU and receive its signal.

Anonymous No. 897401

Not really a thing, no.

You mostly need power for rendering and sims though, if you just wanna practice modelling, sculpting or animation you're fine with a potato. ZBrush runs on toasters especially.

Texturing is more difficult due to vram but should also be fine

Anonymous No. 897402

Sorry I thought you meant a screen tablet with some sort of internal gpu, no all screen tablets (huion kamvas, Wacom cintiq) connect to your computer's gpu

Anonymous No. 897403

Yeah, after I posted I realized I made my question far more complicated than it needed to be.
Nice, that's great to hear. Thanks for the speedy answer.



Anonymous No. 897437

how to make a faraway forests that looks good? so that it reacts to a dynamic lighting cycle and has a forest contour and such.

Anonymous No. 897440

terragen is industry standard for this, anon

Anonymous No. 897444

Sorry I should have specified for games, I'm not super knowledgeable about terragen but I don't think it would work unless you made a skybox or something. I guess what I should have asked is how can you make a faraway lod for forests that looks good.

Anonymous No. 897449

If you mean for forest so distant it's represented just by pixels? You can employ a microfacet theory of shading and threat the far away surface
as really rough and compute a BRDF with a fresnel falloff, you use this falloff not to just blend in the reflection but instead
blend the normal of the surface with a normal that is the halfangle between view and sun (N dot H) or view and (N dot normalize(VN)) for any ambient light.
This should make forrested hills catch light as tho they where covered with geometrical trees facing you.

This is essentially how the popular PBR microfacet models work and what the 'roughness' term hint at.
How to model a surface that scatters light as tho it was covered with lots of rough geometry but geometry much too small to resolve at distance.
Faraway forest is microdetail from several km away in the same way the fibers of the skin of a tennisball is microdetail from a meter away.



Anonymous No. 897512

Love this art style to death, and want to make a space sci-fi game using this style. I got the basics of rigging and modeling down, but I'm wondering how to create designs for ships if you're a nodraw fag? I know a guy who models trains based off of real life trains, can I do that and put in some sci-fi twist or is there copyright infringement?



Anonymous No. 897514

So I've downloaded a model off Sketchfab just to get a closer look at it in Blender but it looks "off". To get a better idea, click on any Sketchfab model (Let's say for example this one https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/classroom-d4553cc2008242849214e4cbf8ad8551), open model-inspector and turn off "Post-processing"; that's what it looks like in Blender. I personally love this style of rendering so how do you turn it back on or replicate it yourself?

Anonymous No. 897523

>is there copyright infringement
There's no infringement if you are not caught 8)
Borrowing ideas is legit.

Anonymous No. 897530

>can I do that and put in some sci-fi twist
you've just described most scifi concepts
don't name your space plane brand lockheed martin and you'll be fine.

Anonymous No. 897532

Turn on bloom in Eevee, or add a glare node to the compositor set to fog glow

Anonymous No. 897609

>guy who models trains based off of real life trains
And no the copyright holders for military vehicles don't give a shit about stuff like that.
I think the Humvee makers sued CoD though because they didn't get permission before using that in their game a million times

Anonymous No. 897614

Total noob here, what software do I use to start off? I am literally on IGP btw
I would love some 3d exercises too. Like "make a teacup" or something

Anonymous No. 897639

Should I rig/animate on blender? Or just use maya?
I'm looking for something just good enough, doesn't need to be the top of the line.



Anonymous No. 898159

If I can't draw, have no experience with modelling or animation, can I start with Blender and learn 3D animation?

If so, what are some good tutorials to help with this please, and to start from absolute scratch?



Anonymous No. 898401

Im a beginner with Advanced Skeleton (Maya)
Do you know a solution for this? Im tired of spending all day looking for a solution

Anonymous No. 898618

In substance painter, how do I paint across materials?

Importing from blender, I'm only able to paint on one texture set at a time, having to select the next texture set if I want to paint onto a seam. It seems weird that Blender can do this out of the box with massive amounts of lag with 4k textures, but SP can't.

Anonymous No. 898634

You can use the shrinkwrap on the curve before converting it to a mesh.

Anonymous No. 898640

How do i render a scene with the textures being the source of light, unshaded or unlit, in maya?

All i get is a black screen or shadows i want the textures i painted to be.

Anonymous No. 898644

Not sure if this is the right board

I need to film and edit a video. I want it to be 24fps for cinematic look however is there a way to actually keep the video at 60 fps but make it look like 24 fps? I am thinking it would need to have some frames interpolated then removed and two exact frames added to have that 24fps look. I want to do this because there will be several scenes where I will keep 60fps look.

Anonymous No. 898649

use UDIMs for that

Anonymous No. 898650

if you drop a 24 fps video onto a 60 fps timeline it'll just fill in the frames for you.

Ideally though you can edit at 120 fps and then 24 FPS will perfectly divide into it. It'll still do the doubling of frames when playing back on a 60hz monitor but it allows for the option of perfect frame playback.

Anonymous No. 898652


Anonymous No. 898654

why not?

Anonymous No. 898656

its called "step printing".
You repeat a frame 2 times, effectively cutting the visible frame rate by 2.
Doesn't really work with 60 fps because math (60/2=30fps), but maybe its enough for the desired cinematic look.

Anonymous No. 898657

>It seems weird that Blender can do this out of the box with massive amounts of lag with 4k textures, but SP can't.
you're confused.
Texture sets is the old method and it is used if you only have one UV per object.
If you want to paint over more than one UV you use UDIM's.



Anonymous No. 898689

Quite possibly the noobiest question I've ever had to ask, but what is the normal workflow for texturing the actual ground plane of a small, close-medium shot like this? Obviously there are a lot of props and shit hiding ugly bits, but strip all that away in your mind and just think of the ground surface. The way I see it, you have two real options, you can either:
A) apply all your material setups and then mix between them with painted or procedural masks, which is severely autistic if you have to mix between like 5 different materials, or
B) Paint the entire thing and use the baked textures, which would theoretically be more limiting because you're constrained by the resolution of the final maps.

A) is, to my knowledge, the normal way for game engines, but it's really annoying to set up if you have to mix between more than two materials.

Anonymous No. 898703


If it's a game you usually have a 'splat map' that encodes each type of ground material and you typically have
five materials you blend between, RGBA as masks + baselayer that shows thru where all masks are blank.

If you are doing it in an offline render and you don't have a terrain mix material/shader on hand you can stack
materials thru the blend/mix material that surely is part of your package. So you make all your mats and then
mask them off by blending between material AB with a mask and material CD with another mask and then blend between AB and CD with a third mask.

Anonymous No. 898705

keep in mind you'll also have lots of decals and stuff for things like puddles or patches of leaves etc. making up a lot of the variation.

In unreal engine at least setting up the layers for your landscape texture to automatically spawn grass and stuff is also just not that painful, it takes time to implement it but the system is already built for you.



Anonymous No. 898708


This is an example using 5 simple materials that tile many times at different frequencies
It's an experimental directX shader I wrote last year.

Because the normals are computed to displace the normal of the material partially visible underneath instead of just interpolating linearly.
You get an almost unique looking geometric shape on all surfaces because there is hardly any repeating patterns over any distance you can resolve.

The colors are blended using a spherical interpolation of the color space instead of a linear, basically if you interpolate between 'red' and 'green'
you will pass thru yellow halfway instead of a muted grayish red/green, this helps the colors stay vibrant and unique looking across the faded bits.

Anonymous No. 898709

Thank you brother, RGBA+base is very clever compared to individual A-B, C-D, AB-CD cascading masks. Shouldn't be terribly difficult to implement either.

Anonymous No. 898719

I was unhappy with hours fumbling around with SP and not really making any progress, but I guess I'm just being afraid of change. I'll look up UDIMs in the morning.

Anonymous No. 898731

newfag here. What are math or comsci/coding ideas that I should be familar with before going in?
Im gonna build my pc soon so in a meantime I want to read some theory stuff

Anonymous No. 898733

gamedev.tv has a good course on it, both 2d and 3d. ofc look around youtube first.

Anonymous No. 898735

going in.. what?
arithmetic is useful.

Anonymous No. 898737

before going into doing 3D. I'm scared that I will not get it or it won't work out. I guess I'm just over thinking it.

Anonymous No. 898738

>doing 3D
there are many disciplines in 3D and for most of them you need no math or programming skills.
they're art roles first with some technical concerns.

there are more technical disciplines like technical rigging, FX, pipeline work where you will need some of that, but most people will never touch those.

if you want to make anime waifus you can be a mathlet.

Anonymous No. 898740

What do you call a man with no body and no nose?

Anonymous No. 898742

>I'll look up UDIMs
its piss easy - UDIMS are multiple UV's numbered.
1001, 1002, 1003 etc.
Now you know what UDIM's are.
Look up how to handle them in different programs and you're ready to go.

Anonymous No. 898744

For coding games/rigs and 3D related stuff? Vector math, know your cross and dot products.
have a good grasp of geometry and trigonometry in particular, functions involving pi/sin/cos/tan/atan/asin etc creep up a lot in everyday stuff.

If you wanna head towards the deep water you can study matrices, quaternions and tensors.

Anonymous No. 898760

Is poly modeling dying? Everyone seems to be using Zbrush for absolutely everything.

Anonymous No. 898777


Anonymous No. 898798

Thanks, I'll start by using the program. Looks like it won't be that hard to start.

Thank you for giving me topics name, now I have something to read about.

Anonymous No. 898799

if you want a book that's go over the stuff the other anon mentioned this is very good. i'm going through it now:

it assumes some prior knowledge so if you run into something you don't know fill the gaps in with khan academy or w/e



Anonymous No. 898853

What is the difference between a well-optimized asset and a "game ready" one? Are they basically interchangeable terms now? It's not like how it was 10-15 years ago when consoles could barely handle models with 100k+ tris or textures larger than 4K, is it?

Anonymous No. 898856

game ready just means it was made with a game in mind anon. The only real "rule" is generally use at least 70% of the UV space.

Performance targets, texture budget etc. are up to your seniors and are per project, per asset, per context.

If you're looking to make an item for your portfolio I would suggest ripping something you like from a game and using that as your reference, umodel will allow you to rip any unreal objects.



Anonymous No. 898857

I'm making a jacket for someone, and honestly a lot of those faces are just useless. Especially the inner part of the sleeves, there's no way it will ever be seen.
I'm not sure what are the best practices for deleting geometry that is never seen. It feels like something I could regret.
The final version will be for unity.

Anonymous No. 898884

I'm using autodesk inventor and I want to make a planetary gearbox, because existing designs don't meet my requirements.

How do I get the helical gears that are for no reason limited to assemblies out of the assembly and into a "part" so that I can expand on the outer ring and sun?
In an assembly I can only remove volume but not add any, but in a part I can't make gears.
Looking for tutorials on google results in fuck all with the keywords I can think of.
Creating a separate part just to increase the outer diameter of the ring gear in the assembly CAN NOT be the solution, right?

it's taken almost 7 hours longer than it should have taken, and it's soon time for breakfast.
I wouldn't have thought creating something so simple needs to be so convoluted by design..

Anonymous No. 898886

When you add the top and pants just see what you can see and delete what you can't.

Anonymous No. 898956

How do I figure out what texel density I should use when working with UDIMs?

Anonymous No. 899021

Where do you get your textures? I need some fur and I'm not really finding it.

Anonymous No. 899049

Alright, I'm trying to make a forest path with stone slabs in blender. I've used Array and curve to make a path (despite the system being kinda jank) but I have the problem of identical textures and uniform appearance.
Is there a way to introduce variation in the mesh and textures rather than manually doing it?

Anonymous No. 899051

I'm interested in going into the game industry as either an Environmental Artist or Level Designer. After doing some research and comparing a number of different job listings, it seems like the most commonly required skills are Maya, Houdini, Substance 3D (Painter and Designer namedropped the most) and some sort of game engine (typically Unreal).

Is it even worth getting my feet wet with Blender first, or should I just jump into the deep end and start right away with Maya? I'm not actually a student any more so I'm a little concerned about Maya's price whereas Blender is free.

Anonymous No. 899053

>google "[thing] texture cc0"
Hasn't failed



Anonymous No. 899087

How would I go about modelling a complex shape like this as accurate as possible? I've tried making this in blender from measurements and also photogrammetry but nothing comes out even close to the real thing.

Anonymous No. 899102

Sculpting. It won't be exact, but you can sculpt it to the broad shape you want and give it a mesh. With that mesh you'll be able to pull and poke at the parts that need a defined measurement.



Anonymous No. 899108


...work on the cap first, lowpoly in the beginning, add edge creases and loops only to enhance the form, add subd lvl2 and apply it. then add an solidify modifier and apply it too. then take a cylinder with the numbers of facesides which matches the most with the mesh. union booth, clean up the boolean, use the union edge to add an bevel ...



Anonymous No. 899110


...and one with shitty vieport shader! when you have a model like my previous post, you can add all the irregularities what this buddy >>899102 wrote in sculptmode, then you create a bumpmap of the little scratches and stuff, creates a somewhat more accurate shader ...

Anonymous No. 899155

I have no idea what cc0 means, but it werks, thanks


SNES - SMB3 - Bac....png

Anonymous No. 899159

How would I best go about making these clouds? I want to make it relatively flat so the middle part is smooth, but I'd like to retain the overlapping bumps seen on the top and bottom of each cloud layer.

I'm using Blender and tried using metaballs but the result I got was way too bumpy in the middle. I've been messing about with low geometry circles and I'm getting stuck trying to perceive the geometry.

Anonymous No. 899160

cc0 means you can use it in your projects and make money with it, and you don't have to give credit



Anonymous No. 899193


...this only works in eevee, because you need the shader to RGB node!



Anonymous No. 899194

That does look really nice, but it doesn't have the over lapping effect I was talking about, and I was hoping to do some volumetric cycles shenanigans.

Perhaps it's too abstract a effect to do properly in 3d, my experiments aren't bearing much fruit.

Anonymous No. 899224

Had the idea of using popsicle stick style meshes in a certain way to get the effect, it's working well so far.



Anonymous No. 899229

How much does it cost to commission a personalized figure around 145 to 200 mm if it was stylized like Multiversus' art? Considering it's a simple character design.
The most I know is that it's needed to pay for 2D references, the 3D model, 3D printing, painting and shipping iirc

Anonymous No. 899230

depends if you're asking pajeet for a posed gamerip or if you want a custom model done in the multiversus style and then have that printed, painted, and shipped to you

Anonymous No. 899232

Custom model and have it printed, painted and shipped to me.

Anonymous No. 899233

I see a few people offering services like that on Fiverr for around 400 dollars, which is way less than I thought it would be, try looking around those kinds of sites

Anonymous No. 899234

forgot to add that it would be significantly less if you went through two specialists instead (3D modeller then 3D printer/painter), but would create more friction



Anonymous No. 899265

How is the topology on this so nice and simple and there's not verts all over the damn place. Is this just hiding all the other verts and showing the seams? I'm having trouble trying to even ask my question here because I was told it was subdivision but everything I'm googling and looking for subdivision isn't anything like this with the curves for the wireframe.

Anonymous No. 899273

Is it some retopo or is this just viewing on cage? It's just wild because it looks like it was subdivisioned maybe 2 or 3 time but still has the wireframe of 1 or even 0. I just don't understand how there's so little faces or edges as compared to someone trying to make an ass for their model and has dozens of verts and edges.

Anonymous No. 899274

Search for isolines

Anonymous No. 899275

Also in other software it's called Surface Subdivision sampling.mdb


Test 4.jpg

Anonymous No. 899276

Isolines usually show the original edges before subdiv. It's a subdiv sampler used to better show the effect of geometry on the final result and identify meshflow faults.

Anonymous No. 899279

It seems like everyone would benefit greatly for modeling from this as compared to pointless verts or edgeloops you get from subdivision surface. It just feels like subdivision surface gives diminished returns when you're trying to crank out a nice curve.

Anonymous No. 899283

how do i "get gud" at design? i can model well enough, but when it comes to making up my own designs i can never design anything that looks even halfway decent, and i usually do the computer equivalent of crumple it up into a ball and throw it away after a few hours.

Anonymous No. 899284

yeah, thats a smooth preview showing an interpolated version of the low poly mesh superimposed onto a high poly subdiv model. the actual low poly topology would not look that smooth.

Anonymous No. 899307

Is it worth it to try to go to school for this shit? Not a confused highschooler or anything, just an adult trying to reorient himself in life. I already got a degree unrelated to 3DCG years ago.

Anonymous No. 899341

3DCG is a massive field, so you'll have to define
>this shit
further. But realistically speaking, you can be entirely self-taught and, if your work is good, you'll be able to earn from it. The main advantage of formal education is direction.

Anonymous No. 899343

I dont know of a automatic way, but you can sculp it out with the smooth tool



Anonymous No. 899392

Me again, I managed to get the overlap effect but now I'm best trying to figure out how to make the mesh seamless in the middle and the vertical lines less severe. I feel I'm going about this very ineffectually.



Anonymous No. 899396

hello /3/, I'm a gamedev working on a homebrew game for an older console, can anyone recommend where would be a good place/community to find 3d modelers to commission that are experienced at low poly (<3-5k tri) & rigging?



Anonymous No. 899447

I can usually model something that's a decent enough representation of what I'm going for and I'm pretty satisfied with a majority of my shit, and then I go to texture it and I want to never touch software ever again

Do you guys have any suggestions for someone who is completely retarded when it comes to 2D art? Should I just find an artstyle I like and continuously copy it until I figure it out? Should I waste 2 years getting good at drawing so I can texture without everything I make looking like doodoo? Where and how did you guys study for texture painting?

At this point I feel like going full experimental with nodes and give up trying to handpaint anything ever again

Anonymous No. 899459

what kind of texture painting are you trying to do? like cartoony stylized stuff or more realistic or somewhere in between?

post an example of one of your goals, like a model in a style you would like to emulate, and maybe we can give you some advice on how to achieve it, as different texturing styles have very different workflows.

also maybe include a sample of something you've done so we can see where you're struggling, and what software you are using

Anonymous No. 899566

Where is a good place to find anime models? Only found sfm/mmd most of time

Anonymous No. 899584

how to model mechs?



Anonymous No. 899592

How do I load two figures from smutbase into the same blender scenee and pose them with each other?



Anonymous No. 899593

Are these shoulders passable for rigging? I haven't done this in years and I remember the shoulders being extremely hard to rig if the topology isn't done a certain way.

Anonymous No. 899594

I want to use Marvelous Designer to make clothes but I do not want to pay.
It has a 30-day free trial.
Can I somehow extend this trial time past 30-day? Maybe disable/reset computer time or something? Or maybe use multiple emails? Anyone know of any methods to basically getting it for free?

Anonymous No. 899604




Anonymous No. 899618

Why does this mechanism for my oscilating fan not work? I checked all measurements and it should work. I move this by only rotating the selected bone.

Anonymous No. 899636

looking into this, thank you



Anonymous No. 899754

Jesus christ I'm confused. What is the absolute easiest way to make an animation if I do not give a shit about building animation skills? Apparently vroid is for noobs so that sounds good to me, but can you actually make films with it? Can you make a ten minute animation with vroid and then import it into blender or something and then make an actual film? I don't get it.

Anonymous No. 899780

When is the right time for a 3D generalist to specialize in only one field of 3D modelling? I want to do gamedev and I have been learning blender for a couple of months now. I know it's still too early for me, but I'd like to know what level of generalist skill is enough to justify me only focusing on one area of 3D? e.g. environment art.

Anonymous No. 899835

mixamo or hire an animator

Anonymous No. 899941

Try setting a pole to that IK



Anonymous No. 899954

How copywritten / trade marked are animations? I'm not planning on ripping animations literally but maybe copying the idea of an animation. Like copying a distinctive sword move. For a personal project I'd like to make money with.

Anonymous No. 900015

specialize first, then branch out. studios will only judge your portfolio on your worst piece, so if you have a bunch of mediocre generalist stuff, you will get passed over in favor of a specialist who's really good at one area.

this is less true for smaller studios where people need to wear a lot of hats, but that can also be more difficult because you need to be competent at a lot of different areas to fill in the gaps. but overall i would say pick an area of expertise and get really good at it, then alter on you can start to pick up other skills.

it is a good idea to get a general understanding though of the pipeline of 3D work and a rough idea of how all the different disciplines work together

Anonymous No. 900036

Thanks. That makes sense.

Anonymous No. 900065

When I model, I often think in terms of drawing an object with splines, but I hate using splines

does any software support simply free drawing with a stylus, and kinda "smart" smoothing whatever I draw? Like, I wanna draw the bottom of a shoe, but I don't wanna trace an image with splines, I just wanna go around with a single line and then go from there.

Sorry if theres an obvious solution or tool to do what im saying, I've only really gotten in depth with Cinema4D, but i'm really open to learning just about any software

Anonymous No. 900067

Individual movements are not copyrightable, like you're allowed to steal whatever move you see someone else do. But you're not allowed to steal like long stretches of choreography.
Like you can make a new dance where you touch yourself in the crotch a lot while saying "hiii ihiiii!" but you're not allowed to copy long segments of a Michael Jackson dance routine move for move.

Anonymous No. 900080

Anyone know of a good tutorial on making trees for GAMES from scratch?

I just want one good one that goes through the process from start to finish.

Seems like every single tutorial on youtube to make trees is just how to make it look good and render it in blender, not to optimize it and get it ready for a game engine.



Anonymous No. 900082

By creating a memorable silhouette and looking up elaborate designs of final boss god characters and other deities on lsd. Otherwise it depends on what you want to design. It's generally comes down to an amalgimation of references and working off of some template. I mean for christ sakes look at the memorable and intimidating characters, especially in manga, have a skull face.

Anonymous No. 900110

First of all never rely on YouTube to get you there, start ripping models directly from games, get free packs off the unreal store, look at artstation and polycount stuff. YouTube is noob Venus fly trap 90% of the time.



Anonymous No. 900117

Is it free?
As for Youtube, are there any specific videos you'd recommend?
You reckon it's possible to learn Blender despite my lack of skills elsewhere? I don't think I'll ever really learn to draw well

Anonymous No. 900206

I'm trying to learn how to make assets myself. I want to understand the whole process of creating a tree from scratch and making it ready for use in a game.

Surely there are some tutorials for that...

Are you saying I have to reverse engineer this shit?

Anonymous No. 900207

look for tutorials on cgpersia

Anonymous No. 900224

I've installed 3ds max 2022.
Windows says it weighs 10.8 Gb.
C:/Autodesk is 4 Kb.
C:/Program Files/Autodesk is 360 Mb.
Installation path I told the installer is 3 Gb.
Where are the remaining 7 Gb?



Anonymous No. 900352

Now, no one is answering the other one so a fresh one will have to do.

I've been wanting to model PS1 looking characters but I tried a tutorial and it got messed up. I only have experience with enviroments, please help? Or should I just buy a male and female model and be done with it? How long doesnit take to learn and any videos, any resources, the one I'm using right now it's not that formal.
On the lines at the edges, I don't know why but it doesn't work the same as him
so it's fucked.



Anonymous No. 900390

Sorry if this is a long question but I really am worried about the future. Are my fears correct industrychads?

My school has arranged internships and connections to some big companies but the AAA industry seems soul crushing with crunch and monotonous work.
I like doing characters but the thought of having to retopologize and uv and shit for years makes me want to kill myself. I kind of want to just make my own little game and program and everything from scratch.
If I work for a small studio, would I have more freedom? The pay doesn't really matter as long as I survive and have free time to work on my own game in the evening and on weekends I'm happy.

Anonymous No. 900400

The games industry is pretty much notorious at this point for "crunch culture". Rule of thumb is if a studio's publisher is a publicly traded, stay the fuck away. Shareholders put tons of pressure on the publisher, and in turn the studio, to ship products by a certain release window, no matter how unfinished things are.

Anonymous No. 900402

Is a publicly traded company***

Anonymous No. 900403

Then another publisher buys out your studio and you're canned.

Anonymous No. 900405

Yup. And the cycle continues back to the job search.

100% have a backup plan while navigating through jobs in the industry. It could be something as small as making tutorials or selling some assets, or as large as starting up your own studio. Having a source of income to fall back on is key to staying successful. So many studios are being told to crunch and contract-based projects are and will continue being a thing. Working in games isn't known for job satisfaction and security, as things can and will get rough.

Anonymous No. 900449

there is no right way. just wing it but keep it low poly (under 512 or 256 tri and under 256x256 textures). It seems hard, until you realize you dont have to use quads, use rules of 8, and you don't have to attach the mesh together. You can use the armature to bind every part together

Anonymous No. 900587

how long will it take a novice to learn to create realistic characters and landscapes?

Anonymous No. 900598

why u fags not answering

Anonymous No. 900619


If you have it in you between ~five and fifteen years depending on how driven and talented you are.
Most artist will plateau before they ever able to reach that level tho.

Unless you have a really high spatial IQ to begin with you're gonna get filtered along the way
by something when brushing up against an obstacle too tall to clear.
Mental tasks are just like physical ones, you can train to get a lot better/stronger than you started out
but at some point you'll reach the limits of what your body or brain is capable of.

Start running and see if you show any promise for whatever it is you want to achieve or not.
One can have fun with this and do worthwhile stuff without having to be a top artist.

Anonymous No. 900621

>If you have it in you between ~five and fifteen years depending on how driven and talented you are.

post your workflow, kid

Anonymous No. 900632

>post your workflow, kid

I was born early 80's. I've seen people come and go, rise and fall. Evaluate my stated guesstimate thru that lens.

Anonymous No. 900633

you're under 50, so you're still a kid. Post your laughable "5-15 year workflow" you complete idiot


patch vs triangle.png

Anonymous No. 900652

How do I know which one to use? I've seen people use them interchangeably.

Anonymous No. 900684

so basically you will never get there as a hobbyist with the current technology

Anonymous No. 900701

No, but the price is fairly low.



Anonymous No. 900730

I'm trying to learn how to make mouths and someone suggested using a boolean but this doesn't look to great even with trying to move verts together and merging them. Also making eyes for the Pokey is rough too. How do you keep roundness of the eyes? Just keep sub dividing? Or how would you go about making a pokey from mario?

Anonymous No. 900753

Why can't I combine nla strips in blender?
How do I do this? It won't even play for me...

Anonymous No. 900761

How do I edit the keyframes of an nla strip in blender?



Anonymous No. 900868

Why did no one help me? 5 days and no model?



Anonymous No. 900874

Why is the texture of my plate separated? I'm retarded

Anonymous No. 900898

Check your normals, eat chicken tendies and the chech your material tranparency and then wipe the drool outa you mouth.

Anonymous No. 900915

I don't really mind paying if it's worth it, but given I've no experience with Blender I might start on Youtube. I mean, there's a possibility I don't even like the thing.
Blender allows animation too, right?

Anonymous No. 900920

yeah, you can animate just about anything in blender, it's even up to industry standard for 2D animation now

Anonymous No. 900928

How do you stay focused? After I gather enough ref and then get 50% done I check out and start something new.

Anonymous No. 900930

Unplug the internet. No seriously. Our brain is not designed for the shitton of distractions you get to have when working on a computer: instant messaging, music, memes, news ,4chan shitposting etc etc. Create the need for your brain to stay focused on a boring task by eliminationg distractions. Trust me after a day, you'll do anything even dishes to have your mind occupied.


Maya UVs.jpg

Anonymous No. 900949

Straightening out some UVs for texturing, rather than simply giving me some stretching, the texture is getting ripped apart across a tris. Anyone know what is causing this? The only workaround I've found so far is adding more edge loops.

Anonymous No. 900973

Any good tutorials on how to model inside of the mouth and rig it?

Anonymous No. 900975

You can't avoid distortion if you straighten like that because of the shape.

Anonymous No. 900980

Why not separate each UV face and stack them on top of each other? Sure, you'll get a repeating pattern. What texture are you planning to put on top?



Anonymous No. 900991

I am aware that it can't be perfect and stretching I can live with, but the diagonal line breaking the plane into two tris is too much.

For this particular example the solution was simply to add additional edge loops, however this is a problem I run into every now and then, and it is not always possible to simply add more edge loops without messing the model up even more.

Anonymous No. 901019

Thank you

Anonymous No. 901275

In blender, for some reason if I go into front view, so my view is perfectly aligned with the Y axis, and then press ctrl+alt+numpad 0, so the camera should be perfectly aligned with the Y axis, it never does. It's always slightly offset the Y or considerably offset. It's never aligned exactly and I don't know why.
Google doesn't help and every single video I've seen about aligning the camera never has this problem.
I've tried it in perspective and orthographic to see if this made any difference and obviously it didn't.
Why is it like this bros?

Anonymous No. 901298

Why does my object grow in size when I delete my armature?
I've tried applying the scale, but it still does it. how do I get the size to stick?

Anonymous No. 901350

How do I make it so an object I have can be replaced by another object on a certain keyframe?

Anonymous No. 901355

Before deleting the armature, clear the parent of the object but keep transformation.

Anonymous No. 901392

You either have an on/off property on your object that can be animated, animate the transparency so if faces out to 0% as the other fades into 100%
or you can have the other object already visible somewhere in your scene and break the tangents of your position curves and have it moved
there instantaneous from one frame to the other when it's needed as you do the inverse and move the other object away instantly same frame.

Having both your objects have the same transform root and aligning them is helpful so you just align them to be in the right place.
For example if you wanna have your character kick a door that flies off the hinges and is replaced with a deformed/shattered version of that door.

Anonymous No. 901435

Is there a way to search the contents of .blend files en masse? I wrote a pretty long script in April that's probably packed in one of these hundreds of files.

Maybe I'll just start over.

Anonymous No. 901463

is there any book to learn animal topology? no, not anatomy

Anonymous No. 901481

how do you make this in blender

Anonymous No. 901550

How do i rig non-spherical eyes? I tried using lattice but had mnay problems during the rigging process

Anonymous No. 901611

I'm going to texture a character in substance painter for the first time.
Should I have my entire character and all of its clothing and accessories opened in the same project, or should I break it up by textures?

Anonymous No. 901612

you can do either, you can hide meshes within the program so you can load the whole thing and hide whatever you don't want affected

Anonymous No. 901625


...can you post more infos about your non spherical eyes?

Anonymous No. 901628

I'm new to 3d modeling, I've been building human-like figures just with low-poly primitives and the flat plane tool. Is there a tool or something I can use to correct crooked vertices and close seams?

It's not easy to to model the "right" way just from online tutorials, so I barely know what I'm talking about, I just know I taught myself to make crooked 3d models of catgirls

Anonymous No. 901654

Give your character a set of hidden spherical eyes that aim-constraint to look at whatever your character is to look at like a regular set.
Wire the rotation of these eyes so their vertical and horizontal rotation offsets the U and V coordinates of your texture
so your textured eyes scroll on the surface so they look at whatever your eye-spheres are targeting.

Anonymous No. 901658

>It's deterrence, applicants who are not able to circumvent this catch 22 obstacle clearly are not crafty enough for game design
We don't design the games dumbass

Anonymous No. 901659

How the fuck do I into texturing. How THE FUCK do I into texturing?

Anonymous No. 901660

If it's for a portfolio piece, you'll want it realistic, that's where the jobs are

Anonymous No. 901690




Anonymous No. 901693




Anonymous No. 901695

uv unwarp, then use another program to do the magic like sketchfab

Anonymous No. 901696

i mean substance painter

Anonymous No. 901708

If you actually follow the money you will clearly see that stylized makes more money



Anonymous No. 901784

I paid big boy bucks for that poly humble bundle pack. Some assets in this are terrible. Should I ask for my money back?



Anonymous No. 901786

This is the ground plane for this model, btw

Anonymous No. 901788

Yes ask for your money back. Unless it was like 500 textures for 10 bucks then I wouldn't doubt there's some misses here and there but that face count is abysmal and even a blendlet like me can see why.

Anonymous No. 901793

It was 4100 models for 20 bucks. Is it worth even if some of them are this bad?



Anonymous No. 901797

>>"I paid big boy bucks"
>> "it was 20 bucks"



Anonymous No. 901799




Anonymous No. 902012

I tried exporting as an fbx a .blend model I found on Sketchfab to animate it in Maya.
- I opened in Blender and it came as pink so I did the missing file thing and it was displayed correctly
- I exported the model as an .fbx
- I imported it to Maya

But in Maya, it came pink as well. How do I fix that or what did I do wrong/missed?

Anonymous No. 902018

In the export window, set Path Mode to Copy

Anonymous No. 902020

I did, I also enabled the embed textures option. I tried with and without it and I get the same results.

Anonymous No. 902043

I downloaded a max file that contains a model with multiple material zones. How do I export this model for blender use, that keep all the material zones? I tried and it only export obj file with one material zones only?
The model is kaisa btw

Anonymous No. 902103

Is there an established, "this is exactly right" layout for female body topology, or is it more a case of find someone who does it in a way that you like and emulate that?
I've seen a couple people on the internet displaying their topology and it generally follows a similar pattern but there are differences.
Just wondering how to avoid "bad" topology and identify the "good" topology.

Anonymous No. 902106

Should specify - topology for modern games. Not exhaustively restrictive with the poly count, but not as free as with animations.

Anonymous No. 902110

There is no one clear answer to topology, just more or less valid solutions.
The topology that is optimal for one body type isn't the perfect ideal for another but usually for projects involving multiple body-types
you settle for one topo that is malleable enough to be able to fit all good enough.

>wondering how to avoid "bad" topology and identify the "good" topology.

Become a rigger. Why certain topology is needed in certain places wont be evident to you until you've rigged many models.
Exactly where your edge-loops should ideally go and in what direction the geometry should flow depends on the roto-centers of joints and the articulation range
and how many loops you need to average out a rotation for a limb to keep it's volume during deformation. This is impossible stuff to know til you start building your own rigs.
You'll have to tear down and rebuild your models many times before you arrive at anything approaching a perfect formula.

My characters are ~9th gen iterations of characters I started over 10 years ago. As you rig and animate you zero in on your problem areas and you keep what is good
enough from the last project to save time while you invest time in improving what is worst/most critical.
You'll never get it completely right the first time, it's rather a game of getting it less and less wrong over time.



Anonymous No. 902111

Thanks for the input.
Any tips of doing shoulder/delt/pec topology?
I want this part (highlighted red) to be set up in a way that allows me to easily emphasize or deemphasize that pectoral muscle and how it connects underneath the deltoid.
Unfortunately, most topology I've seen has a pole (vertex with 5 edges connected - not sure if I used the right terminology) there which really dilutes that specific muscular definition.
Based on what you've said, it's basically a case of finding what works essentially through trial and error, but I'm not hopeful that I'll be able to rejigger the edge loops in a way that accomodates my desires.
It should be noted that this is only necessary because topology plays a large part of the shader I use in my game and I will be wanting to focus the camera at times on this area of the body.

Anonymous No. 902112

Again, should note. That's a screengrab from a video on youtube, not my sculpt.



Anonymous No. 902114



...i am learning this currently too, may be helpfull for you too.

Anonymous No. 902115

Also, that Pisciasa model is insane.
Highly recommend reading the forum thread about it.


uv moment.png

Anonymous No. 902127

I'm downright horrible at UV editing, mostly because I work with flatly coloured models or flat planes if textured, but now I need a simple texture to go up along this spiraling thingy, so I need the UV to be simple and straight, all planes the same
How would I go about doing that?

Anonymous No. 902128

nevermind i found out
just had to reset the UV and then adjust any ones pointing the wrong way

Anonymous No. 902134

Post picture of what you ended up with (UVs and spiral) for context.


at anons request.png

Anonymous No. 902136

The edge crossing the middle is the tip, also the texture has been modified a bit
I need to re-do this properly... After I re-do the horn. Ah well



Anonymous No. 902142

someone mentioned that for the eye it might be better to make a "bowl" shaped eye rather than an orb, but i'm having some trouble wrapping my head around the idea.

any suggestions?



Anonymous No. 902246

Ok I'm close to finally rigging this. I have a final issue with materials and textures.
I assigned a lambert material and linked it with the textures and it works for the whole body but the eyes. I have another texture.png for the eyes but how do I assign a material specifically for the eyes? Do I have to select all the faces, un-join them from the mesh and assign the material to it or is there another way?
In the original .blend file, I have two materials correctly set up.
I imported the .blend file as an .obj if it matters.

Anonymous No. 902256

you can just select the faces, right click, assign favorite material, lambert



Anonymous No. 902267

It's a common technique in sculpture to make the iris concave.

In this case, you would make the "eye" a concave shape, and the red "iris" a convex shape (or a combination of both convex and concave in the middle). Then for the reflection you might just put a sphere there and make it a shiny transparent material.

Anonymous No. 902268

What this anon said. No need to separate the faces to assign a material to them. You can just select them and assign the material to those faces directly.

Anonymous No. 902340

What does that achieve over just having a sphere with an iris painted on?
is it just for the edge cases where you would see the eyeball from the side and see the far side of the iris as opposed to the near side of it?

Anonymous No. 902351

I remember seeing a blender addon that allowed you to retopologize by wrapping and moving a mesh around another mesh like a baloon but I can't find it, does anybody know what it's called?

Anonymous No. 902354

see this prev question in this thread >>896912

Anonymous No. 902355

if i flip my uv and stacking it, will it ruin my texture?

Anonymous No. 902359

nvm I found it. It's called softwrap.



Anonymous No. 902391

how do i easily straigthen pic this?



Anonymous No. 902399

Use edge selection and that and this tool on the right will activate. Select a loop of edges and voila.

Anonymous No. 902488

>trying to rotate the normals of my grass billboard plane upwards by 45° so it's lit as if the normal were pointing straight up. I have the normals displayed in Blender settings, and the lighting is changing in preview.

But the normal arrow stays pointing straight forward. Is Blender a retard? Why doesn't the arrow rotate with the rotating normal? What's it there for then? Fucking Blender...

Anonymous No. 902505

Are there any UV editors that are standalone/inside free packages that are nicer than Maya's UV editor? Or just better UV tools available for Maya in general?

Anonymous No. 902543

Where are the UVs stored in a 3D file? Is it within the mesh, the materials, the texture file? I'm asking because when importing/exporting files between softwares, I always have to fix/add materials and textures but never the UVs and how the textures wrap around the mesh.

Anonymous No. 902544

Uvs are traditionally stored as a parallel parsing of vertex coordinates within the mesh.}

Look a this example of a plane exported as an obj. (Obj files are perfectly readable non convoluted 3d files)

# 3ds Max Wavefront OBJ Exporter v0.99 - (c)2007 guruware
# File Created: 09.06.2022 20:36:43

# object Plane294

v -0.5000 0.0000 -0.5000
v -0.5000 0.0000 0.5000
v 0.5000 0.0000 0.5000
v 0.5000 0.0000 -0.5000
# 4 vertices

vn 0.0000 1.0000 -0.0000
# 1 vertex normals

o Plane294
g Plane294
s 1
f 1//1 2//1 3//1 4//1
# 1 polygons

>f 1//1 2//1 3//1 4//1 here are the uvw vertex coordinates. The first digit is the map length on the u dimension and the second digit is the vertex number. The last digit over all this group is the v dimension of the group of vertices.

I once created a system to export two uvw channels in one obj file. I had to create a parser that could read the info for a webgl project.

Anonymous No. 902545


Some 3d formats include texture and material info.

For example fbx files include materials, ids, mapping and texture paths within one file.

For example gltf files are an indexing file that contains texture path info but all the res is contained within the bin file associated to the gltf.

Anonymous No. 902546

Search for unwrella.



Anonymous No. 902552

I am doing a low poly retopo (low enough to have good loops before subdivision at least), there is a ton of ways I see face topology but I would like some opinions, is this going the right way?

Anonymous No. 902554

Thanks a lot. Also first time I see two consecutive posts in 4chan actually being consecutive posts in a thread.

Anonymous No. 902556

Dude /3/ is practically desert look.... 902555 get trips get

Anonymous No. 902558

oh shit 557 get

Anonymous No. 902559

fuck.. never mind

Anonymous No. 902570

I'm looking for stuff that'll help me quickly make readable unwraps but I'll keep Unwrella in mind

Anonymous No. 902571


Anonymous No. 902575

Kek look at how it's done >>902575 get

Anonymous No. 902581


Anonymous No. 902585




Anonymous No. 902592

why the skeleton on the tail doesn't bind with the skin?



Anonymous No. 902593

this fucks everything lol
it re-unfolds the whole element not only the uv island i wanted



Anonymous No. 902595

ok, i did it manually, but i had to go by hand through each edge which is absurd.
there should be an easier/faster way to do it

Anonymous No. 902765

should i orient skeleton before bind it?

Anonymous No. 902796

Jesus christ, Cascadeur has one of the most obtuse controls I have had to deal with. The UI is very unintuitive and doesn't tell you anything. Are there any other, better, animation oriented programs, or should I just stick with Blender/Maya?

Anonymous No. 902823




Anonymous No. 902889

Can someone please help me figure out which of these mouth sets corresponds to what sound?
>Inb4 someone says to use a different mouth set

I've already got my rig set up to use this one.



Anonymous No. 902905

so i want to make the upper head position like that, is there a way to freeze to rotation transformation without unbind it?

Anonymous No. 903055

whats a good course on box-modeling characters

Anonymous No. 903176


Anonymous No. 903217

thanks anon, what did you like about this tutorial

Anonymous No. 903769

Simple, to the point, the person actually tries to explain. She still has much to learn by her own admission, but that is exactly what a beginner needs: Someone halfway there to teach the basics.

Anonymous No. 903863

nice, thanks anon
think ill start this next week

Anonymous No. 903939

Why does my glitter material look so much worse once I bake the maps?
I used the above tutorial if that matters.
The maps I baked are diffuse, metallic, normal, and roughness.

Anonymous No. 904103

For an effect like glitter it'd be better to use a tiling detail texture, or design a shader to create sub-pixel noise in the normals and specular
protip: mipmaps are going to fuck your shit up

Anonymous No. 904116

You can check out Danny Mac 3Ds tutorials on youtube. Just search 'danny mac head retopology'. He's got a very nice technique for retopo of the head. Skip part 1 of the tutorial tho, it has some techniqes for retopo in zbrush. Part 2 is what you want, a step by step guide to facial retopo.

Anonymous No. 904967

Which is better for poly modeling, blender or zbrush?