

🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 894942

How do I make eyelids?



Anonymous No. 894943

Anonymous No. 894948

model the eyes half closed, and use bones or blend shapes to fully open and fully close them.

Anonymous No. 894952

jesus fucking christ, did you retopo it yourself or is it Zremeshed?

Anonymous No. 894957


I'm pretty sure he did it himself. Zremesher still gives better results than this. You're a nigger OP, a fat nigger with a small pp and big man tits.

Anonymous No. 894998

Op here, what is Zremeshed

the difficulty is the odd skull shape.


New Canvas.png

Anonymous No. 895001


Anonymous No. 895006

Problem is also the topology is kinda fucked around the eye sockets, an extrude wouldn't be that simple



Anonymous No. 895011


Anonymous No. 895012

So a regular nigger. But plz how to fix?

Anonymous No. 895014


Anonymous No. 895033

If I'm being honest, the topology everywhere seems fucked. just model eyelids with a sphere that looks well and then retopo BY HAND. try to watch some tutorials on edge loops and put on some podcast because it will take a while.

Anonymous No. 895034

Not doing your homework h1b visa anon.



Anonymous No. 895035

bro why is his nose so much denser than everything else?
Forget eyelids, you need to work on clean topology in general



Anonymous No. 895045

Because beak

Anonymous No. 895067

More of a snout

Anonymous No. 895071

Chuds, he asked for LIDS.

Anonymous No. 895072

need a tutorial on the bones and blend shapes part.

Anonymous No. 895073

equivalent of asking for a new paintjob when your chassis is a rotting rusty garbage can full of holes

Anonymous No. 895078

OP here, whats wrong with it?

Anonymous No. 895079

Nothing. /3/ chuds will just chimp out over every microdetail.

Anonymous No. 895080

Stop being a faggot you XY chromosomed nigger

Anonymous No. 895081

Burgerfag with mental illness chimes in again. Fuck off you disgusting man

Anonymous No. 895085

Racist much, chud? Why do you need the feel to bring the n word to a 3D board? The politically incorrect board is just around the corner - that's where you belong!

Anonymous No. 895086

Are transgender people in the room with us right now, chud?


eye sockets.jpg

Anonymous No. 895087

This is the topology without the eyes



Anonymous No. 895093

I think i messed up the tail as well, what do you think?

Anonymous No. 895094

Topology is the last thing you do as evidenced by the diffculty you are having. Sculpt this instead.

Anonymous No. 895103

Pls post pics of yourself. I need reference on shemales.

Anonymous No. 895107


Anonymous No. 895118

what the fuck is that topology god fucking dammit

Anonymous No. 895159

can it be fixed?



Anonymous No. 895172

it's easy to just google "hawk head topology" for instance, find a picture of someone doing it right, and copying it. If something isn't right for your specific project then change it.

Anonymous No. 895180

Could you upload the file somewhere so I can take a look at it? I want to see if it's salvageable

Anonymous No. 895206

Blendet tier. Your parents must be proud paying so much money on software their NEET son can barely use.

Anonymous No. 895252

Alright, any suggestions on how to do that?

Anonymous No. 895253

Listen fucker, this is my first project, show me your first project so we can have a comparison.

Anonymous No. 895254

But im not doing a hawk, i like how the head turned out anyway

Anonymous No. 895255


Anonymous No. 895256

Using this stupid word unironically makes you a faggot. It's as real of an insult as a tranny being a woman, or you not being a faggot.
Also I need a reference of a faggot my next game I'm working on "Allah vs the faggots" could you send some pictures of your basedface?



Anonymous No. 895259

Brooklyn anon! You're back!
Your topology needs a total rework, there's not any proper loops to support eyelids.
You can quad draw to trace your current model
Use pic related as reference. Loops are the most important thing for modelling characters, human or animal; they have mostly the same anatomy with different proportions

Anonymous No. 895260

why is the nose so dense?

Anonymous No. 895261

1. Go to a website called WeTransfer.
2. Upload the file
3.click on the 3 dots next to "upload file"
4. Select: obtain link
5.send it
Upload it to your Email's driver

Anonymous No. 895265

Not that anon and I agree that is a retarded sounding word, but seeing now how much you guys seem to care about being called a 'chud'( whatever the fuck that is)
it seems to very much have the intended effect of pissing you off.

This makes me believe they have a point and you guys are now actually destined to become 'chuds'.
Perhaps I'll warm up to it one day. I did despise the term 'douchebag' for the longest time but eventually adopted it.

Anonymous No. 895317

I will do just that in 4 hours.
Will my email address be viewable though?

Anonymous No. 895357

Its not letting me, post the link, it says its spam

Anonymous No. 895360


Get rid of the 3 $'s in http to use the link, it was the only way I could get it past the system

Anonymous No. 895361

Try to post like this:
(That's the words after the slash)

Anonymous No. 895363




Anonymous No. 895376

sorry anon, this isn't salvageable.
problem begun when I noticed the eye was just a face with floating vetexes, it should be a wireframe
connecting each vertexes to eachother. I decided to select your whole model and delete all unconnected vertexes
and the mesh just crashed itself full of holes.
I decided to fix it by connecting the remaning wireframe, then the next problem showed up:
there's ghost faces, ghost vertexes and all sorts of problems.
after I took a look in the inside, I saw the whole model is almost "on top of itself"
(in the future, I advise you to NOT model one side of the character, then duplicate it and joint both sides together.
because, when you modeled your original side 1; there were edges in the mesh leading to nowhere, so maya
did some broken math to solve these issues)
if you're using this model just for show, you can keep going, there's no much to worry about,
but if you're planning into animating it, you can finish modeling, but you HAVE to do a retopoly.
you can also TRY to do some automated retopology on maya, but I don't think it will work.

Anonymous No. 895377

Is Maya really this shit?

Anonymous No. 895387

Jej wondering why people are jumping to blender so much

Anonymous No. 895389

honestly, just redo this entire thing again. that geo is fucked up beyond human comprehension, you're just gonna waste your time polishing a turd. seriously, watch some tutorials first and just dump that thing.

litterbox.moe exists for a reason you know

Anonymous No. 895391

It just makes me think they're a faggot, and I'll call them out on it. I don't get upset, it just makes me think less of the person using the word especially when they're trying to speak as if they have any moral authority on anything.



Anonymous No. 895405

I'm on chud patrol every single day to catch nasty bigots. Welp! Atleast I don't call people the n-word and whine about software x is better all day â—‹_â—‹.


Anonymous No. 895446

I adjusted the eyesockets because I thought it would be better as a face. Here is the original
would this get rid of the problem?


Anonymous No. 895447

Damn I spent the majority of a year working on this, I don't think I can bring myself to start again.

Anonymous No. 895451

you can do this in less than one day lol

Anonymous No. 895456

>you can do this in less than one day lol
If you know what your doing

Anonymous No. 895460

/3/ chuds are mentally ill and do not know what they're doing most of the time, guided by their coomed up brains.

Anonymous No. 895461

I'm gonna take a look at it by the end of the day, but I wouldn't have my hopes up.
3d really is mentally exhausting. The idea is to never jump to big projects, but always do little things that you know you can do and slowly try new things.



Anonymous No. 895502

let me show you the other project I did, see how that compares.

This is Flotsam the pirate armadillo.

Anonymous No. 895521

>I spent the majority of a year working on this

my man...
i dont even fucking know anymore. good luck i guess?

Anonymous No. 895535

lmao holy hell

Anonymous No. 895540

Is this some chris-chan version of Crash Bandicoot?

Anonymous No. 895546

>I decided to select your whole model and delete all unconnected vertexes
>and the mesh just crashed itself full of holes.
Kek. But as bad as the topology is, you can always put a floor on it by remeshing it in Blender. Blender's voxel remesher is crappy and works by turning the model into a volume, and back into a surface again. That is a real pain in the ass when you are modeling toes or fingers as if you are using too low of a voxel resolution it will put skin folds between them due their closeness in voxel space, but if you put through it this kind of mesh it will eat up those inside faces. Then you could sculpt the model from there without issue. The same goes for Zbrush's dynamesh.

Keek. Just ditch Maya, and pick up sculpting. You shouldn't be doing box modeling unless you need to care about the topology.

> Damn I spent the majority of a year working on this, I don't think I can bring myself to start again.
If you try doing it the same way, of course you are not going to get nowhere. Try studying, watch some sculpting tutorials, and try redoing these characters in a different manner. Trying to do them again would be a huge chore, but if you pick up some new tricks that could make it interesting enough to try again. That you've worked on this for a year should not be a factor in your decision making. The goal should not be to make these models, but to get good at making them.

Anonymous No. 895548

install mudbox and sculpt it from scratch again

mudbox is awesome and has comfy sculpty tools

and it comes with base meshes so u have headstart

like dinosaur

Anonymous No. 895549

what is this? software shill wars?

Anonymous No. 895553

You know how in 2d, people obsess about brushes as if picking up a new one will make them better? There is a grain of truth in that. The environment you work in is what guides your development, so finding a new tool and immersing yourself in mastering it is the surest way to get better in any domain.

Join the cult of the tool, it might yet save you and even bring you prosperity.

Anonymous No. 895609

ay awesome to see you've stuck with this project anon. keep going!!!!



Anonymous No. 895613

it still has the same problems, the problem originated when you combined the two halves together.

That's actually pretty great anon, a couple of things could be improved still. when I opened your file, it was corrupted for some reason and the bones were not connected to the character.
shame,I wish I could see your animation. You know more about riggin than I do.
The right side was too dense for some reason. you have to think of wireframes as if they were literal metal wires.

Look at the example A, if you were to apply some weigh/force, it would crack, because the force is not flowing to anywhere. the pressure is on the wire.

in example B, if you see these shadows in the faces, that means you're doing something wrong, you're bending them too much, there's too much pressure in these faces.
if you want the mesh to have such a harsh change in position, you have to hold it together with an edge loop near the edges.
Same thing for example C, look at how the face is distorted in 3d space, that shape can't exist in real world physics and your metal wire would collapse.

in the example D, you see how your wireframe for the torax was just a line, leading to nowhere? you need loops to highlight the important areas, like elbows
armpits... if you stop to think about it, the whole arm and limbs are a giant loop, because the pressure of the model it is always flowing through them.

Anonymous No. 895698

Thanks for the kind words

Anonymous No. 895780

I will be away from my computer until Monday

Anonymous No. 895814

not the OP, but you should consider resizing the resolution of a webm instead of completely killing the bitrate.

Anonymous No. 895818

Nigga, just subdiv the head and shrinkwrap new topology ontop, you'll save a lot of time

Anonymous No. 895870

You can just retopo the parts that are fucked. I think you can save the project, it looks interesting. More interesting than the usual shit that gets posted here for sure.



Anonymous No. 896151

>How do I make eyelids?
Like this

Anonymous No. 896154


Anonymous No. 896157

rip op



Anonymous No. 896160




Anonymous No. 896181


Anonymous No. 896189

If it's your first model, your problem is that you took too big of a project for your first foray into 3D

Anonymous No. 896193


Anonymous No. 896279

Op here, is that using this image guide here? >>895259



Anonymous No. 896289

I use only blender, maya looks realy shit.... what the hell? is it only me? or im to used to blender ?

Also yes, all here in the thread are right, this topology is a nightmare! such a nightmare. That programs like in the pic cant help you to correct a little bit of it...

Anonymous No. 896290


Oh my god the dead are talking.

Anonymous No. 896308

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

Im only here to learn



Anonymous No. 896321

I mostly used this one.

Anonymous No. 896330

I was like this aswell, though Blender was the shit until I switched over to autodesk software (maya, 3ds, mudbox). Never looking back to blender again



Anonymous No. 896353

this is how i do it
maybe you can understand my idea

Anonymous No. 896357


Anonymous No. 896421

lmao based

Anonymous No. 896452

Can we see a link to that modal?

Anonymous No. 896455

did you give up trying to fix your own model?

Anonymous No. 896468


Anonymous No. 896469

>blend shapes
Not impressive. Blink occurs on straight line and not curved. Could use more blend shapes to get your curve but that introduces other problems and is only acceptable if you don't care about your rig. All you're showing OP is how to be a hack.

Anonymous No. 896471

it's a shitpost, why would he spend time making a five star 3d model for that

Anonymous No. 896509

Im undecided, you guys seem to be telling me its not worth it


Smug gargoyle.png

Anonymous No. 896549

Sure, but it's only the head that's really changed

It's even worse, I just set up a quick CATRig with one bone for each eyelid

Anonymous No. 896551

Bitch in the 8 days you have been deciding you could have done 8 times this model.

Are you daft? Are you retarded? Get on working and stop procrastinating? If you don't have the guts to trash the work and start over with lessons learned you are not built for cg.

Get fucked anon.

Anonymous No. 896552

i would redo the whole model. get on it

Anonymous No. 896559

Redoing it would be a good idea because cleaning up all of that messy topology might take more time than simply starting over. If you want to save some time, you could remesh your current model, sculpt it a bit, then retopo over that.

Anonymous No. 896583

Alright, i might use the previous one for shape reference.

Anonymous No. 896624


Anonymous No. 896861

Is this nomura trying to put them in kingdom hearts 4 now that hes on his own?

Anonymous No. 896986

Literally no one knows about the Gargoyles series.

Anonymous No. 896988

op should be ready with version 2.0 right about now

Anonymous No. 897140

I was away in the countryside, should be ready by monday though

Anonymous No. 897422

They just got referenced in a show

Anonymous No. 898010

I know its been a week but I would like to thank you for your help in this project.

Anonymous No. 898044

in blender the duplicated vertex problem can be solved with edit mode>select all>mesh>clean up>merge by distance

Anonymous No. 898046

that's higher res than op's

Anonymous No. 898058

where is it

Anonymous No. 898067

Honestly as shameful as it is im thinking to use>>896624
I don't know if I can top that.
I might do another one of goliath but make it less complicated.

Unless you guys think I should continue with brooklyn

Anonymous No. 898092

i would feel dirty about just using some other guy's model for whatever it is you're making

Anonymous No. 898126

Futa gay hentai

Anonymous No. 898129

well I did do 90% of it.

Anonymous No. 898201

his model is completely different from yours. don't flatter yourself

Anonymous No. 898206

It's alright for a first try. Since you're new to modeling, and I presume new to this board, I would strongly suggest you never post here again. A lot of people on here who complain about other people's anatomy skills can't actually sculpt an anatomically accurate model themselves, so they take out their frustrations on people who manage to get somewhere, especially if they're less experienced. Some of them do know what they're talking about, but their skill in modeling is the only thing that makes them valuable as a person, so they like to tear other people down. Go get critiques on any other website, because people there will actually want to help you.

Anonymous No. 898265

I guess it's only fair if i found out how he fixed my model, so i could do it myself

Anonymous No. 898342

I disagree. the /wip/ thread is usually a comfy place to post. we'd love to see you making progress on this

Anonymous No. 898344

I suggest you do a retopology of your model using the one you already made as a base.



Anonymous No. 898376

These videos have actually given me hope.



Anonymous No. 899150

Attempting to retop, am I going about it right?

Anonymous No. 899153

as soon as I saved, those blue highlights on the poly surface disappeared, any way to get them back?



Anonymous No. 899261

The eyes look great. I suggest you start by doing the loops of the eyes (you already have them), the mouth, nose and ears. Then you connect them and start filling the holes. I'm working on a retopo myself, here you can see stars or poles which are actually good. They usually are the union between two different flows, in this case the loops I mentioned earlier



Anonymous No. 899262


first select the object you're using as surface (your first model), then enable live surface, then select the retopo and enable quad draw, in that order

Anonymous No. 899358

Well shit, It looks like my student license on Maya Ran out, What do I do?

Anonymous No. 899362

blunder's knocking on your door now autofaggot

Anonymous No. 899365

he actualy shoiwed him, thanks anon you helped

Anonymous No. 899366

pirate 3DS max

Anonymous No. 899367

go op go, you can't give up now

Anonymous No. 899557

Yeah, at this point just work on blender. There are plug-ins that allow you to do the exact same thing you're doing in Maya

Anonymous No. 899630

>There are plug-ins that allow you to do the exact same thing you're doing in Maya
tell me more

Anonymous No. 899655

The plug-ins are free

Anonymous No. 899658

do you have a link?

Anonymous No. 900026

Actually I just assumed there are free plug-ins that do that because I've heard there are lots of free plug-ins for blender. Here's one, you can get it for free but the full version costs $6: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DlHmZIhRXc&t=72s&ab_channel=PixelicaCG

Anonymous No. 900041

Huh, that’s kinda funny. It looks like >>900026 is pretending to be me so that they can make Blender users look bad by giving you a poor example. Genuine schizo behavior. Just another example of Maya users on this board trying to convince people that paying ~$1,700/year is worth it, even though other software can do the same things for cheaper or free. The plug-in that was shown in the video wasn’t even a retopology plug-in, just an enhanced x-ray plug-in shown with someone using built-in retopology tools.

“The plug-ins are free” was a general statement, but a lot of the ones you need are free (and some of them come with the software, you just have to enable them in the preferences), and the ones that aren’t free are a lot cheaper than paying for Autodesk products. I know ZBrush also has a really good retopology tool (better than Blender), and ZBrush is cheaper and better than Maya. I don’t know much about Houdini and others, but anything would be better than Maya.

Anonymous No. 900043

Are you okay dude?



Anonymous No. 900656

>I spent the majority of a year working on this

Anonymous No. 901144

pirate it?

Anonymous No. 901859

Haha, what do all those loops even connect to? Just how detailed did you model his asshole?
In all seriousness, split the tail off and dissolve most of those loops running down along it, then reconnect it. If you can't figure out some smart way of connecting it with quads, just collapse some of it into tris.

Anonymous No. 901861

op gave up after all

Anonymous No. 901863

oh my god wait no this is too sad

OP don't give up like that, you have the potential to make something that looks really good, you just need a few tutorials first

Anonymous No. 901882

Im still here don't worry

Anonymous No. 901883

how's it going

Anonymous No. 901886

Acting and music are also on my agenda

Anonymous No. 901896

Are you gonna animate Brooklyn?

Anonymous No. 901986

probably yeah, what do you want him to do (keep it clean)



Anonymous No. 902447

Something like this

Anonymous No. 902455

Please for the love of god do 4 of these carrying a casket.

Anonymous No. 902480


MAYA user here, but i've been looking at this for a while now as my license is running out soon as well

Anonymous No. 902587

huh, how close that plug-ins to maya? might use it as well

Anonymous No. 903729

Since OP is too lazy to finish the model, can you send the rig to us at wetransfer?

Anonymous No. 903743

So you guys have the shittiest workflow and blame Maya lmao. Honestly blender does feel much better for modelling but the rest is just not there yet.