

🧵 Environment modelling large scenes

Anonymous No. 895025

My retard brain is trying to learn how to environment model large scenes for games. Specifically with the cartoon style like this.

I can't find any resources on the internet how to do this. I'm interested in how they actually got this look of having color and height on separate "layers."

I looked at Eric's Artstation page and can understand he baked the normals, but specifically I want to know what tool was used to sculpt and color at the same time.

Anonymous No. 895089

What do you mean by color and height on seperate layers? The appearance of depth in a 2d scene?

Anonymous No. 895092


Anonymous No. 895170

What a mess of a question, please slow down and start with the basics. You’re throwing random 3D terms left and right, it doesn’t even make sense.

Anonymous No. 896538

Sorry anon. How did he get the base color and normal map to appear to be on separate layers of the rock and wood planks in the picture? Is this doable in Blender / Substance?

Thanks bro but that tut is mostly using shader stuff in Unreal to light flat objects. I am looking for more of hand painted tutorials and with normal mapping techniques.

Anonymous No. 896540

I'm not sure that's the answer you're looking for but if you're talking about the environment in the back, they're just more far away from the camera than the platform and character. But like this guy >>895170 said, your question is a mess and it shows that you need to get the basics first.