๐งต Redmoa uses SFM? Best porn program for 3D
Anonymous at Tue, 3 May 2022 15:44:50 UTC No. 895106
Hey guys, I make a lot of 2-D hentai and make a living doing it. I've always been interested in 3-D hentai though. I've been following Redmoa's work for a long time and was wondering if anyone could tell if this guy uses SFM? I'd ask him directly but he's so big that I don't think he'd have time to answer any questions. I've always been partial to SFM because of it's easy to learn and quick pick up type of style.
Anonymous at Tue, 3 May 2022 15:54:17 UTC No. 895109
imagine typing the equivalent of "I want people to like and pay for my art but I want to put the least possible effort in it" with a straight face.
and killing a thread for it, too
go suck start a shotgun
Anonymous at Tue, 3 May 2022 15:59:45 UTC No. 895114
huh, not really helpful at all and full of spite. I truly believe in efficiency and working smarter, not harder. Why learn an overly complicated program if SFM and other programs can get the effect I want? Nothing wrong with individual goals; we're all on this board for different reasons, anon.
His animation is amazing and I believe in it's made in SFM but wasn't too sure.
Anonymous at Tue, 3 May 2022 16:31:43 UTC No. 895123
Draw in 2d and extrude symmetrically to add thickness.
Anonymous at Tue, 3 May 2022 16:49:45 UTC No. 895126
>why climb mount everest when helicopters exist?
>oh, I also want people to suck me off as if I did in fact undertake the feat
I rest my case.
I wish I was as brazenly obtuse, because it evidently works.
Anonymous at Tue, 3 May 2022 17:46:48 UTC No. 895130
Stick to 2d buddy, also share
Anonymous at Tue, 3 May 2022 17:54:44 UTC No. 895131
op you wouldn't believe how many people just come to /3/ to drive-by post a question about doing 3d porn with no previous knowledge and with no research. this is a slow board so threads like this really have an effect. it's exhausting. do your own research first and ideally use existing threads for your further questions.
Anonymous at Tue, 3 May 2022 18:23:45 UTC No. 895135
I use sfm to show how a car accident happened , so my government have a better understanding how a oil leak near a car wash caused 4 casualties .
You use it for fucking porn.
Anonymous at Tue, 3 May 2022 18:48:26 UTC No. 895139
>ESL wants to do porn instead of learning a real skill thread #5674523
If you're going to get good enough with SFM to make a living, just make a living from doing something that won't make everyone think you're disgusting instead
Anonymous at Tue, 3 May 2022 18:55:39 UTC No. 895141
onlyfans is freedom, anon
Anonymous at Tue, 3 May 2022 23:00:19 UTC No. 895171
mavixtious used daz with blender to create that aunt cass model
moa used to use sfm but now he uses trendy blender models made by other people same as everyone else.
basically no one models anything because you get the most clout hopping across lots of different smutbase blender models of videogame ripped junk for whatevers trending on twitter each week. its the lowest effort max fanart method.
All the actual subd modellers are usually too slow and too burnt out after modelling for 300 hours to animate, but the few that did (before having a mental breakdown) were very good at animating (wo262, blenderknight, meltrib, otalewda). SFM has always been awful especially at skin and reflection stay away from it.
Anonymous at Tue, 3 May 2022 23:29:53 UTC No. 895179
>used daz with blender to create that aunt cass model
>now he uses trendy blender models made by other people same as everyone else
bahahahahah nigga so literally, unironically this >>895126 >>895109
basically it's just a neverending circlejerk of stolen and derivative assets and no one of these hacks would actually know where to even start
hahahaha nigga I was being purposefully and overtly spiteful, but you literally just proved me right on all counts and then some
hahahahahaha and OP is acting all meek and shit about DM'ing the literal who he's sold like he's some fucking all-knowing 3d guru who'd be too busy to "dispense his knowledge to the puny mortals like him" hahahahaha like, nigga hahahah these hacks know less about 3d than /3/, even cris is better
holy shit
I'm dying
civilization is doomed.
Anonymous at Tue, 3 May 2022 23:58:31 UTC No. 895181
You want to work harder and slower?
Good luck being a unemployed loser.
Anonymous at Wed, 4 May 2022 01:42:49 UTC No. 895193
Jesus fuck this thread
It looks much better than sfm but not quite a path tracer level, it's blender eevee OP.
Anonymous at Wed, 4 May 2022 02:24:43 UTC No. 895196
RedMoa uses Blender.
If you actually have been "following Redmoa's work for a long time", you'd be able to tell since he mentions it quite frequently.
Even if not, it's painfully obvious to see that he doesn't as evidenced by the fact that SFM looks like absolute shit.
If it doesn't look like a Half Life 2 mod, it's not SFM.
Now leave, tourist.
Anonymous at Wed, 4 May 2022 12:36:41 UTC No. 895269
What a beautiful world
Anonymous at Wed, 4 May 2022 12:39:30 UTC No. 895270
Go on smutbase almost if not everything he use it from there and get good at animate
Anonymous at Thu, 5 May 2022 02:14:56 UTC No. 895388
Hi new kid. You should leave before the shitty fucksticks that thrive on this board ruin your interest in making 3d coomer stuff. Seriously, everybody in here is a huge asshole, myself included.
Anonymous at Thu, 5 May 2022 03:15:46 UTC No. 895392
Dazdolls are pretty nice.
Anonymous at Thu, 5 May 2022 07:06:26 UTC No. 895415
>everybody in here is a huge asshole, myself included.
literally worse then /pol/ i hate you racist fucks
Anonymous at Thu, 5 May 2022 08:02:04 UTC No. 895419
I think Redmoa uses Blender, I would advice against using SFM because the stuff is outdated, maybe learn how to make some animations using Cascadeur and Blender.
Anonymous at Thu, 5 May 2022 08:28:47 UTC No. 895424
Leave this place, learn Maya via courses and tutorials, invest 2-3 years into modeling rigging animation and rendering, add UE4 or unity later on for some realtime things. Become a professional, work for an established studio to further refine your skills. Leave the studio after 4-5 years there and begin your career as a professional lewd 3d artist. Now the world is your oyster.
Anonymous at Thu, 5 May 2022 17:37:46 UTC No. 895512
SFM looks like shit. If an animation looks good, it's because it's not SFM. Learn Blender.
Anonymous at Mon, 9 May 2022 00:41:14 UTC No. 896200
I really wish copyright corporate cunts would purge all "Fan Art" from the internet.
It's fucking disgusting to know that no matter what you create, if it gets even slightly popular every fucking degenerate will go out of their way to ride your success under the guise of fan art. It's disturbing to see what gets created, even the more tasteful fanart is bothersome because it's just another normie without a shred of creativity fishing for easy $ and upcummies.
Anonymous at Mon, 9 May 2022 01:35:51 UTC No. 896207
The answer to that question then would be: Make furshit.
Seriously, furfags are willing to put dish out good money for their fetish.
Anonymous at Mon, 9 May 2022 13:24:31 UTC No. 896265
Where my dazchads at?
Anonymous at Sat, 14 May 2022 00:01:18 UTC No. 897049
>If an animation looks good, it's because it's not SFM
Anonymous at Sat, 14 May 2022 04:03:10 UTC No. 897072
Don't get me wrong, RedMoa is leagues more competent than most of the other porn animators, but he really suffers from something similar to "sameface" with his animations. I'm not saying all the characters look the same, rather the animation style and movements are all super similar throughout all of them. It's all done with style and competency, but the "style" of animating itself is the thing that's really samey. Like every character acts and moves the exact same ways (that jumpy pose to pose "owo what's this" movement) and they all have the same "personality".
Like the dude definitely knows what he's doing, and he has an animations style that's much more palatable than the literally none anyone else has, but I do wish that he'd differentiate his characters a bit more in terms of body language.
Like in that Cass animation, she moves just the same as the Squid Sisters, Velma, and everything else he animates. That's the problem I have with his stuff.
I'm not saying I can do better or it's bad, it's just an area I do wish he'd improve, but no one calls him out on it because they're blinded by the fact that they're getting a crumb of decent animation.
He can still keep the same "style" but differentiate the motion of the characters a bit more so they don't seem to be exactly the same character "on the inside" despite looking different on the outside.
Thanks for reading my blogpost about how some random porndude on the internet animates.
Anonymous at Sat, 14 May 2022 21:00:34 UTC No. 897198
Anonymous at Sun, 15 May 2022 00:06:43 UTC No. 897215
That's the great thing about what I posted, I don't have to. I even said so in the post.
I don't need to be a better animator to make an observation about some random porn animator you respect.
Just like I don't have to be a dog breeder to know you're a bitch.
Anonymous at Sun, 15 May 2022 20:43:02 UTC No. 897378
PYW, you pathetic faggot.
Anonymous at Sun, 15 May 2022 22:38:32 UTC No. 897396
Not an animator :^)
Can't compare apples and oranges.
Anonymous at Mon, 16 May 2022 01:33:59 UTC No. 897430
The guy clearly knows how to animate, but he's heavily limiting himself with the toy he's using, in place of a proper tool. If you ignore the animations, their content is barely passable in most other aspects, and look like some in-game cutscenes from a 10 year old game.
Clearly it hasn't stopped him from getting subscribers though, and it goes to show, that good animation skills alone can get you pretty far, despite everything else being subpar. But even still, no one should waste their time with SFM in 2022. It was barely worth the effort when it released, and it certainly hasn't improved with age. There's absolutely no good reason to use SFM over blender, when both are free, and you can easily have all the same models in Blender, that you had in SFM.
Anonymous at Sat, 21 May 2022 22:01:43 UTC No. 898841
Anonymous at Sun, 22 May 2022 06:51:52 UTC No. 898904
You first.
Put up or shut up.
Anonymous at Wed, 25 May 2022 01:51:15 UTC No. 899418
>n-no you
Anonymous at Wed, 25 May 2022 02:45:24 UTC No. 899424
>I've always been partial to SFM because of it's easy to learn and quick
That's your problem, you're a lazy nigger
Anonymous at Wed, 25 May 2022 05:37:44 UTC No. 899449
isn't sfm harder than just getting actors to do shit and you film it?
stop being a stupid "effort is only what i think is effort" fag.
what do you do? go to a london theatre and shout "but they didn't even write the play! this guy from 1500s did!!"
Anonymous at Wed, 25 May 2022 05:40:06 UTC No. 899450
fuck you cunt
Anonymous at Wed, 25 May 2022 17:34:11 UTC No. 899517
>isn't sfm harder than just getting actors to do shit and you film it?
What if I want lolis mr glowie desu.
Anonymous at Wed, 25 May 2022 17:50:23 UTC No. 899521
they all kitbash assets because it takes 5,000 hours just to make a good skin texture and sculpt an actual high poly human face.
all the people i know who got into Blender porn are just a level or 2 below being able to make it from scratch. i know someone who rigs the assets they get though, which is kinda impressive.