

๐Ÿงต Automation and 3D

Anonymous No. 895133

What sections of 3DCG work are certain to be automated soon, in ten or twenty years, in your opinion? Are there any parts of 3DCG work that you think are inseparable from human input?

Anonymous No. 895134

AI gonna make a quick work of topology in general, its their field after all.
Rigging and animation tho, will need human touch for a while.

Anonymous No. 895142

I think in the LONG RUN human input will keep having some value in that field but as always products made for the masses will work fine with cheaply generated shit. Huge companies will try to use AI wherever possible while individuals might appreciate "hand made" shit.
AI development is currently absolutely going INSANE. By now the question isn't what part AI will take over but rather when. Basically any shit you do in your programs can be trained sooner or later. We also already have AIs that are training themselves and creating datasets for even more developed ones which in turn will improve those datasets. Look at AI demos just a year ago and what is coming out currently. Shit is absolutely getting real now.
There is also the possibility that in the (far) future 3D meshes will be completely obsolete and frames for example in games will get synthesized in real-time and the creation process will be some weird artist oriented CAD-like process. No more vertices pushing ape work.
I'd say first retopo will be fully automated with sufficient results, mostly automatic mesh fixups with some user input. Texturing might get automated too. For example selecting parts you want to texture, then clicking the dropper on a 2D image you loaded as reference. Stretching and low res would be no problem again with AI upscaling, synthesizing most of the needed data to make a crisp texture in all parts.
Even animation could get AIIlmao'd by transferring animation from 2D reference once the AI "understands" the character and the movement (and we're basically already there since 3D models from 2D photos does already work).

Back in the 80s many people HATED computers, feared the computer would take their jobs and I think to some extend this is happening again right now. Basically not as instant as people and the hype makes it seem but definitely butchering jobs a lot in the 3D ape apartment. Retopo wizards should definitely already start acquiring some additional skills.

Anonymous No. 895145

I think texture work will go first, I think eventually you will just be able to block out a scene and type "alleyway" and an AI will texture shit for you based on the arrangement with a texture library

Anonymous No. 895148

Ok but designing things won't go away right? That's literally the most fun part

Anonymous No. 895157

World is literally ending in a couple of years. Losing your jobs to automation should be the least of your concerns.

Tribulation is starting soon (Wrath of God at the end of the age, and harvest of the seed that bore fruit [people who accepted Christs gift of salvation])

Anonymous No. 895158

Nothing will "go away". People still sketch things on paper with a pen if they like doing that instead and you will be able to design shit yourself.
The change is in the industry where time and money counts. By now you're already very unlikely to be able to compete with low income countries offering work for a fraction of what you'd want but that doesn't directly affect your ability to do that shit as a hobby. AI will basically just replace those who're already doing if for pennies.

Anonymous No. 895176

OK but can you do 3d in the kingdom of heaven

Anonymous No. 895213

OK chud.

Anonymous No. 895301

One good thing to remember is that as things get automated, there will simply be more things and more complex things getting made, and more 3D artists will be needed. Low skilled 3D work may be less and less needed, but as long as you're willing to learn new things, there's no need to feel desperate.

Anonymous No. 895308

>automate jobs to cut costs
>need to hire more artist because ???
>productions suddenly MORE expensive?
Giga cope

Anonymous No. 895323

thoughts on this AI generated 2.5D animation?

Anonymous No. 895473

I disagree completely with the way AI is going, to be honest.

First of: Zremesher can't, to this day, make a proper topology for rigging and animation alike.

I actually use this. Not to mention, it can't make a good work on hard surface when you need certain edges to be creased, either.

Also, you're all forgetting a very important point: AI has very bad art taste.

Everytime you ask AI to make stuff, it looks generic, subpar and amateurish.

What I think it will actually happen is: you won't be able to work without AI anymore.
Standards will increase dramatically.
Work will be far more specialized than before.
Companies thinking they can automate 99% of their work are simply delusional.
Computer art is and will always be worthless.

We already have a practical example of this: take a look at NFT generative artwork around.

It got hyped up and now is completely dead.

Tl;DR: Thinking AI will replace you is a cope for depressed people wanting company in their misery.
Believe in yourself.

Anonymous No. 895477

>First of: Zremesher can't, to this day, make a proper topology for rigging and animation alike.
Pretty sure Zremesher is just a normally programmed complicated and static algorithm and not based on some machine learning shit.



Anonymous No. 895482

>Computer art is and will always be worthless.
Machine learning is still in its infancy and has started developing rapidly only a couple years ago. I have absolutely no doubt that in the near future it will be able to create shit appealing to the masses of normalfags like characters for Youtube babby cartoons, ads, popstar album covers and flyers, shit, even pop music itself. Why? Because all that shit is already formulaic AS FUCK. Nothing is left to chance nowadays involving shit like that. Those creations are made following strict guidelines to minimize design time and costs while maximizing impact.

True GREATNESS will still involve the human factor, no doubt but the cookie cutter normalfag shit, yeah, that will be 90% automated because it already is pretty close to being automated because of the heavy framework involving that shit.

Anonymous No. 895501

You don't understand.

Forget the technique for a second.

Do you see anyone comparing him or herself to a computer in any way for anything in society?

I don't think you or anybody does.

It's not about appeal itself. It's also about effort and where such production came from, who made it, etc.

In reality, the moment someone knows a computer has made an art piece, it ceases to be valuable on the spot.

Why would I give any worth or value to something a non-living being has made?

Just doesn't matters. It was a small trend that has now fortunately died.

TL;DR: You're right technique wise. Though, nobody will care either way.

0s and 1s aren't qualified to be artists.

Anonymous No. 895508

>In reality, the moment someone knows a computer has made an art piece, it ceases to be valuable on the spot.
In reality it will go down like this
>general concept of characters will be discussed, quick sketches done
>quick characters will get generated based on base parameters that then get further discussed
>changes will get done by changing parameters and/or some manual work but overall instead of doing everything from scratch the average "wagie artist"'s job will be to define base parameters and shaping the thing/fixing issues until it reaches the final design with (almost) all technical shit made ready for animation

Since there will be still designers at work literally no one will care that more shit got taken over by a new toolset which happens to be AI nor will the average design agency "advertise" that they make heavy use of AI apart from maybe a couple meme studios who make this their whole thing.
Do you see normalfags getting mad at artists because they use digital brushes that create a pattern with just one stroke or getting mad at artists for using color grading at the end instead of autistically getting the color hues and mood absolutely perfect as they go? Or do you see people boycotting a movie because the artist started out with T/A pose basemeshes instead of starting out with a box or a sphere? Because basemeshes are universally used by now.

AI will become another tool of the designer that will shave off hours or even days of work depending on how much they can get away with. This is no doomfaggotry, it's simply a change how things will get done and computer tools have kept evolving since literally they got available.
Again, all this is from the AVERAGE wagie shit job perspective. I am fully aware of the fact that people who're in for the ART itself are allergic towards automation, rightfully so.



Anonymous No. 895929


yeah of course. if you're saved you'll have a 1000 years in the millennial reign to create masterpieces like this one. And literal Angels advising and aiding you. After that you get to go to heaven, and what it's like there nobody knows. But I bet it's pretty sweet.

Anonymous No. 896021

Automation will only be a helper tool for procedural generated stuff or else we get shit like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngZ0K3lWKRc