

🧵 What is/was your inspiration to get into 3D...

Anonymous No. 895411

I've genuinely had to ask myself this recently. It sounds like a straight forward question right? But to me it seems like some anons kinda gave up before they even dug their heels in and tried.

This might sound super faggy, but mine was Into The Spiderverse. It sort of reminded me that 3d can be a really great medium for what I wanna do in the near future. Being a mainly 2D artist who has only a little experience in animation, 3D still scares the fuck outta me. Although I can't really just sit by and have this nagging thought that maybe I could do this. I stopped and start going into 3D before and recently I've been given some time to myself so I wanna see if by the end of this summer i can at least take the first few steps.

>TLDR I got reminded about what got me into 3D and I feel more motivated than ever, so What got you into 3d anon?

Anonymous No. 895423

Ivy's tits in Soul Calibur 2. I wanted to make my own big tiddy milf characters that I can make naked.

Anonymous No. 895427

>maybe I could do this.
you can't. stop now.

Anonymous No. 895440

>what got you into 3d
Dissatisfaction with current vidya. Many times I play a game and think "man I would have done this differently", they just don't satisfy me anymore. Begging developers to make the game I want is some whiny shit, so I gotta become the change I wanna see. My first games are undoubtedly shit, but I hope someday I'll become good enough that I'll be able to make my dR3aM G4me. A really cliché concept that's bound to have made some anons roll their eyes, and for good reason as only ideafags speak in those terms, but hey I'm actually making some progress in 3D so I'm already further ahead than most ideafags. WAGM faggots

Anonymous No. 895442

based gogetter

Anonymous No. 895454

It kinda just happened with a 3D intro class in uni. I always liked creative modes in games, I built small games / levels in various web tools, I built pen&paper games during my childhood. So during the class I realized I could now make some cool atmospheric game environments with my acquired knowledge, and so I started learning environment art. It went from there pretty much. All this relatively late btw, at around 22. 5 years later I'm working as a freelancer for various game, VR and learning content projects. Also managing other artists on some projects. Given the nature of being a remote freelancer, I still kinda feel like I'm not a part of a 3D community though, which is kinda sad I guess. I never worked in an actual real studio 9-5.

Anonymous No. 895484

The Spyro remake came out with 60+ smoking hot dragons in it and I realised game engines were good enough to do animated movies in now without waiting forever to render.

I was immediately hooked the first week and I don't think I've taken a break off 3d for more than a single day since

Anonymous No. 896571

My computer is the only thing i have, so i thought "why not learn to do something cool with it." Very same reason why i learned how to code

Anonymous No. 896705

based taste



Anonymous No. 896713

I'm inspired to use 3D software as a meditative feedback loop for use in lucid dreaming and later, assets for VR environments. I am not interested in doing it professionally. What motivates me is the understanding that what I want to be made will never be available on the market.



Anonymous No. 896820

when i first started off, it was because of Code Lyoko
but recently, it's been square enix visual works.
The way they adapt their bizarre anime-ass character designs into almost flawless 3D is so impressive



Anonymous No. 896893

I got into 3D because of Warcraft 3 and I wanted to make high quality lowpoly enemies to put in the game. Then I was going to make my own game which sucked ass but it taught me a lot of things.

Now I just model for fun and to share with my friends or the 2 people on twitter that like my stuff. I don't really care if it succeeds, I'm havin fun pushing vertices around.

Anonymous No. 896894

same thing with me. i just wanted to make my own playable autistic fantasies

Anonymous No. 896896

More specifically, I wanted to make outfit mods for illusion games and I wanted to learn how to sculpt so I could make my own figurines.
I still haven't managed to reach a satisfying level in sculpting but now I'm problably one of the most expert md/clo3d users on the board kek.



Anonymous No. 896899

The... 6th Phoenix Wright game, I think? There's this one section where you cross-examine a pair of magician bunny girl twins who keep performing "magic tricks" in their animations. Like at one point they do this thing where they go back to back, spin around, open the umbrella as a curtain, then when they drop it one of them is "levitating" (pic related). I remember I didn't even care about the story at that point, I just wanted to see what other silly animations they had. I started studying Blender just because I wanted to make fun animations like that.

Anonymous No. 896931

PS1 aesthetic and @gensho_yasuda



Anonymous No. 896934

Hotel Transylvania’s animation really inspired me. Up until then I had figured you couldn’t really get that much squash and stretch out of 3d animation, nor the wild, exaggeration in the expressions. I picked up blender, for a bit, then tried maya… then promptly dropped both.

Much later, Captain Yajima inspired me to look into Blender again and to my surprise it had a ton of traditional animation tools that not even some of the paid 2d animation software had. That and I had moved a bit away from traditional animation at that point and was much more into crafts, and the fact Blender could create such a convincingly real stop motion look had me. After that I tried to find the pitfalls I usually found in the softwares I had used in Blender and was surprised that it had addressed them all.

It’s funny because I use blender mostly for 2D, but the tools it provides has it doing a lot of what would have been the grunt work and inbetweeners jobs for me.

Anonymous No. 897212

Second Life but before that it was videogames.

Anonymous No. 897240

IRL sculpting puts me in a state of flow much like playing video games. Just like with drawing it was inevitable I would proceed with the digital format with commercial application and 3D printing in mind. Also convenient not to have to deal with supplies causing a mess and running out.

That and I got tired of looking at the stock anime head in zbrush used in every anime model making it look like a lalafell that got an allergic reaction from a bee sting

Anonymous No. 897511

I wanted to pose Touhou models for posters
I want to recreate the aesthetic of Sky Rogue



Anonymous No. 897559

Stuff like this made me fall in love with CGI.



Anonymous No. 897563

I want to mod the Snoop Dogg arena from Tekken Tag 2 in Smash Bros Ultimate and I needed to create more models to more accurately recreate the stage. I also have a fuckton of OCs I want to convert into 3D and I want to earn extra money. Figured this would be a fun way to get all three.

Anonymous No. 898250

Blue archive, hated the game, loved the chibi models, so I decided to do something better from scratch

Anonymous No. 898257

I shot a Gerudo with an ice arrow in Ocarina and
wanted to learn how to procedurally generate ice

Anonymous No. 898286

Playing Riven: the sequel to mist on a friend house
I started with 3dstudio 2,5r, arround 20 years ago trying to do scenarios and mechanical puzzes

Anonymous No. 898366

Honestly, I had no reason. I was just bored and there weren't any good video games to play. I wanted to make my own game but got filtered by programming. Around that time, comments about the brand new release of Blender 3.0 started popping up, so I downloaded it on a whim and it ended up being really fun.

Looking back, first time I heard of Blender was when someone mentioned it on Newgrounds around the 2000s. For works that inspired me, there was a 2D stickman fighting animation called Xiao Xiao which I loved, and later on I saw Monty Oum's Dead Fantasy series of 3D martial arts action which was great, and I'd like to be able to make that sort of animation some day.

Anonymous No. 898367

Based. Blue Archive as a game has plenty of flaws but the chibis are wonderful.

Anonymous No. 899073




Anonymous No. 899080

For me it was that episode of The Simpsons where homer becomes 3D (Homer^3)
Witht that, I looked for a shit tone of fan made 3D simpsons characters on early youtube + I bought the Simpsons hit and Run

Anonymous No. 899106

kek based

I'll always think that Code Lyoko is a copy of Homer^3 basically. Still, early 2000's 3D art had SOVL, so based

Anonymous No. 899336

How'd you do it anon? What languages are you good at? I'd like to learn how to program so I can make some vidya.

Anonymous No. 899344

Unity or Unreal are good programs for making vidyas.
Obviously it's cooler to make your own engines and stuff, but since you're a single person doing it, unreal is fantastic
Good renders + can easily make multiplayer games + as long you know how to do 3D models, you can make cool stuff




Anonymous No. 899431

I'm the anon you were replying to.

I learned how to code through the Harvard CS50 online course. It's very good, i couldn't have possibly chosen a better way to learn. Watch the lectures and do all the exercises and you'll come out of it knowing everything you need to deepen yourself into programming.

They begin the course by teaching you C in the first few lectures in order to get you initiated to how programming and computers work, then when you're already relatively good they're also gonna give you the basics of languages like Python and JavaScript. Keep in mind tho that learning languages like these is piss-fucking easy when you already know C.

Speaking of C, i highly highly recommend that you read the book in pic related and do all of the exercises (look for help on the internet if you need). Not only it will give you a deeper understanding of the language, it will make you a better programmer and give you valuable experience.

I'm also familiar with the C++ programming language (used on unreal) too, which i self-taught myself using the site cplusplus.com after watching this guy's videos:

TL;DR Of course i'm just telling you here how i've learned. You don't need to do all this shit if you want you can do only CS50 and then proceed to learn Unity or Godot, etc...

Anonymous No. 899433

Looks like a decent course for learning game development. Does it teach any programming?
I'll look into all these resources anon. Thank you.

Anonymous No. 899435

>Does it teach any programming?
It uses visual scripting, which is a type of programming done by connecting boxes instead of typing all of the code by hand. It's faster and much harder to fuck up. The main tradeoff is that it's less optimized, but the difference isn't dramatic enough to matter unless you're doing something completely crazy. Last time I used it, there were also a handful of functions that weren't available in blueprints, but they were pretty niche things.

Anonymous No. 899453

Sounds great. I'll definitely check it out. It will be of great use before I learn how to code.

Anonymous No. 899460


Anonymous No. 899525

being exposed to PCs at a super young age, grandpa worked for Lockheed.
when i was in elementary i would go to work with my mom sometimes and just sit in a random unused cubicle and draw on MS paint for hours and hours.
this led to getting pirated versions of Photoshop when i was 12 and i used to shit out memes before 4chan even existed, 2001ish.

Anonymous No. 899537

i used to fuck around with bryce 3d on my dads computer when i was a kid

Anonymous No. 899555

Had a dream I made a porn game that catered to all my fetishes and woke up with a very strong urge to learn blender


Deluxe Jet Vehico....png

Anonymous No. 900226

As a massive transformers fan myself, at first it was the tv-show Transformers Prime and the diverses video games set around the early 2010s... (War for Cybertron, Fall of cybertron... )


Lio convoy's....png

Anonymous No. 900227

...but it was waaay ago (around 5 years ago) now as I watched more shows, got into reading comics and such... I find the near end/early 2000 3d more attracting and enjoyable to look at


Transformers Lega....jpg

Anonymous No. 900228

Ok it's not well done by today's standards but ehhh...

Anonymous No. 900244

it looks like he's pumping into something or someone. maybe Vegeta.



Anonymous No. 900314


Anonymous No. 900316

My inspiration were perfectly unwrapped models and I wanted to become the best unwrapper in the industry. Bad choice.