

๐Ÿงต Blender

Anonymous No. 895470

Femanon /3/ user here and even I do not use Blender. Just simply accept that Autodesk is better.



Anonymous No. 895472

Nobody uses Blender. Even our 3D classes we work with far superior Autodesk products.

You will never be a real artist.



Anonymous No. 895586

You know the rule.

Anonymous No. 895587

Blender is the best thing that has happened to this industry. Imagine a world where Maxon will overnight deprive millions of users the right to use their software over actions their government has taken. Or Epic Games, half owned by the CCP - denying innocent people food and healthcare over Zero Covid. To have the ability to use Blender with no affiliation with these evils is an experience like nothing else. No amount of propaganda will sway me - blender is like nothing else.

Anonymous No. 895588

why should it matter what someone else uses
if they like blender more, cool
if they like autodesk more, good for them

Anonymous No. 895589

do you really have nothing better to do in your life rather than making spite posts on a dead forum cris. have you graduated from your engineering course yet



Anonymous No. 895590


Anonymous No. 895630

Christ, more angry chudcels and this time blatently attacking a female which browses this board. Have you nothing better to do than being a incel?

Sorry femanon for this behavior. My name's Cris by the way, what about you?

Anonymous No. 895631

I'm an advanced professional Blender artist btw. Wanna see my work?

Anonymous No. 895751

>Reddit spacing
>white knighting for troons



Anonymous No. 895762

Lol ok. My name is Mi-Yeon which is an pseudonym, similar to my real name. Im korean. Nice to meet you Cris. Post your work then.

Anonymous No. 895771

he signed off as cris, I'm pretty sure it's a joke anon



Anonymous No. 895820


Anonymous No. 895828


Kek Blender will never be industry standard. Look at Ubisoft. They will get bought out and all their studios will start shutting down 1 after another. All their planning to make blender part of their pipeline will crumble.

Anonymous No. 895937

why would i care what a woman thinks

Anonymous No. 895939

Stop being a mysognistic smelly incel chudcel towards OP. I'm actually talking to her good conversation with good manners unlike you and I got to know her name unlike you.

Anonymous No. 895941

/3/ has FALLEN to such a extremely low niveau it is just laughable at this point.... Chuds are true lows

Anonymous No. 895947

Stop samefagging reddit troon

Anonymous No. 895954

Stop being a chudcel and touch some grass outside your moms basement. You need some fresh air after producing junk in Autodesk products for 12 hours a day.

Anonymous No. 896273

>Implying women would browse /3/
Good bait OP. This is one of the most roastie-repellant boards on the site. Also saged.

Anonymous No. 896276

What if I told you we, who work in 3D, would?

Anonymous No. 896278


Anonymous No. 896731

>Iโ€™m a woman and I follow the mainstream
Yes and water is wet

Anonymous No. 897699

Women aren't good enough at 3d, hard surface is even funnier, 99.999% are men. You will always be a diversity hire.

Anonymous No. 897754

Tits or gtfo

Anonymous No. 897755

My take here: You're a guy in a wig and heels harassing your local autority over people refusing to call you carla despite the fact you're shapped like a fridge and sound like Barry White.