mudbox rex1.jpg
Anonymous at Thu, 5 May 2022 21:17:22 UTC No. 895567
Anonymous at Thu, 5 May 2022 21:37:09 UTC No. 895570
>TRex with horns.
Hey Steve why don't you learn your dinos first you Carnotaurus ignoramus.
Anonymous at Thu, 5 May 2022 21:58:21 UTC No. 895572
What's your favorite? Mine is the niggersaurus.
Anonymous at Fri, 6 May 2022 03:19:59 UTC No. 895616
UMM, HELLO. Again. I saw the N word thrown around AN BOARD FOR 3D. You seem to lacky the braincells inside your tiny coombrain to understand you don't bring that vibe here, alright? Smelly bigoted chudlets.
Stop bullying Mudbox Steve. He's a great guy and is part of contributing positive vibes to this board.
Anonymous at Fri, 6 May 2022 03:25:20 UTC No. 895617
Again that I saw the N word thrown around AN BOARD FOR 3D. You seem to lacky the braincells inside your tiny coombrain to understand you don't bring that vibe here, alright? Fucking smelly bigoted chudlets who can't into 3D and instead of working, spend their time shitposting racist terms online.
Stop bullying the OP Mudbox Steve for his lack of knowledge about dinosaurs. He's a great guy and is part of contributing positive vibes to this board to our community.
Anonymous at Fri, 6 May 2022 07:35:55 UTC No. 895640
If you love them so much maybe actually try to learn some paleoart instead of doing the same jurassic park/90's derivative garbage. Also your sculpt is bad.
Anonymous at Fri, 6 May 2022 08:06:58 UTC No. 895641
Mine is the tyrannosaurus rex
Anonymous at Fri, 6 May 2022 08:20:23 UTC No. 895643
3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 at Fri, 6 May 2022 09:07:47 UTC No. 895650
3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 at Fri, 6 May 2022 09:10:56 UTC No. 895651
Anonymous at Fri, 6 May 2022 19:08:54 UTC No. 895753
You have to go back to Plebbit, Eloi.