

🧵 90s internet gifs

Anonymous No. 895715

How can I make 90s internet looking gifs (or animation that looks like them) ? Who made them even and in what ?

GIF related.

t. blender user.

Anonymous No. 895717


Oh I know that. I'ts very simple you can start by using /sqtddtot/ you fuck.

Also. Use only legacy scanline materials. Animate using only pose to pose animation. Use omni lights with no GI. When rendering uso no anti aliasing and max res is 640px x 480px.
Animate at 12fps or less.

Anonymous No. 895739

I have no idea what you wrote except the 12fps I simply make something and add the HDRI.

Anonymous No. 895745

well it's not going to look fucking 90s if you use an HDRI
use a single light and put all your render settings super low

Anonymous No. 895746

>well it's not going to look fucking 90s if you use an HDRI
This is why I ask.
>use a single light and put all your render settings super low
I remember old blender looking like ass if you do this and not have this look.

Anonymous No. 895776

> I have no idea what you wrote except the 12fps

Then search for the terms dude. Are you daft? Typical /3/ faggot that does not know how to de a basic google search.

Fuck you anon and fuck your renders I hope your art goes hi res and lit by 32 bit hdri's.



Anonymous No. 895778


Here's a gif for you anon.

Anonymous No. 895779

>Refuses to learn what they mean
Thousands of years of evolution lead to you to be able to effortlessly search for information on your fingertips, yet you can't bother to do the bare minimum

Anonymous No. 895829

some tips:
- use default phong shading
- dont use textures
- lack of real physics simulations
- linear or default bezier animations, do not adjust graph curves



Anonymous No. 895838

Here's some advice from the last thread:

Hope this helps

Anonymous No. 895841

>dont use textures

Wtf, people definitely used textures back then.

Anonymous No. 895948

3DS Max always had simple physics sim. Later it got the reactor (havoc) physics addon.

Anonymous No. 895951

Chudcel, do you intend on making xenophobic and racist gifs like these? Your intentions are starting to become scary the futher I read your post.

Anonymous No. 895998

Just ask Wyerframes' lol

Anonymous No. 896030

cristian cerón, you're literally not even offending anybody (who's not a terminally online "industry standard" schizo) , you're wasting your time and also just making a fool of yourself by posting your godawful godot indie shit "games" here and in /vg/.

i can imagine you laughing as you type an off-topic reply with the word "chudcel" while trying to bait whatever's left of this board in the shittiest way possible. however this does not work for me because i always hide your threads anyway, none of them are worth reading and most of them are just terrible bait posts. also, people make fun of you behind your back in multiple discord servers, you're literally a lolcow and nobody likes you because you never take any advice

whatever, i just find you quite sad and pathetic and honestly you should just consider staying off your computer for a while. also 3d isnt for you so go pursue something else

Anonymous No. 896110

Textures were indeed frequently used in the 90s kind of renders, albeit simple looking or low-quality.