

🧵 What is the future of 3d artists?

Anonymous No. 895909

What is the future of 3d artists? Do you have a fear that in 5 years+ 3d artists will be unnecessary?
A friend of mine said it was better to go to work in IT, because IT has a more stable future than 3D

Anonymous No. 895911

>What is the future of 3d artists?

>Do you have a fear that in 5 years+ 3d artists will be unnecessary?

>A friend of mine said it was better to go to work in IT, because IT has a more stable future than 3D
3D is stable as well if you're good at it.

Anonymous No. 895921

metahuman felt way too restrictive when i used it during the beta. the tech is impressive but it needs much finer editing available.

i don't know if thats changed since i last used it. i don't think its for people who actually know how to sculpt and build a decent looking human face personally, aka its for anatomylets. take from that what you will.

Anonymous No. 895922

>if you're good at it
Vitaly Bulgarov will always have work creating training data for the AIs. Not-Vitaly-Bulgarovs need not apply.

Anonymous No. 895934

>3d artists will be unnecessary?
never going to happen, the demands for the assets are way too specific for each project

Anonymous No. 895936

For /3/ chuds, there is obviously no bright future. I howewer, have a very bright one with my skills that I'm progressing on. My Asuka model turned out to be super prettier than expected!

Anonymous No. 895960

>What is the future of 3d artists?

Pajeet earning $3 a day, sitting the concrete sewage pipe that serves as his home, dragging sliders around on his $30 tablet, connected to a multi-million dollar GAN and render farm owned by globocorp on the other side of the world.

Anonymous No. 895964

Ehh, you can't legally use MetaHumans outside of Unreal Engine anyway.

Anonymous No. 896031

more like you CANT, anyway.
it exports to maya but thats for facial animations and live link.

Anonymous No. 896034

Its fancy but at its core its just a better daz studio.
It creates figure that can fill your scene, but not protagonists. They are boring and regular, there is nothing special about them. Nobody with a shred of creativity would use this to create the hero of their story.

Anonymous No. 896178

>le kitbash meme
Bulgarov and anyone like him will be the first to go. Any AI can throw panel gaps and hinges at a 3D surface, it's just 3D fast food.

Anonymous No. 896194

You're asking the wrong question as I see it. Nobody actually knows what the future is gonna be so you just have to live now and adapt to changes as they come. Working in 3D brings me more happiness and fulfillment than anything else so there's no way I'm going to abandon it out of fear that something out of my control might happen who knows how many years in the future. I don't even know what else I would be doing with the bulk of my time because everything else sounds completely unappealing in comparison. That being said I'm also learning other skills on the side and networking with people who do other things so all my eggs aren't in one basket.

And you can inform your choices on what to be doing on the side based on your interest in 3D. If you like modelling you'll probably also like woodworking etc.

The tl;dr of this is if you're wasting time worrying about this instead of gitting gud you're ngmi

Anonymous No. 896277

It's inevitable that 3D programs would be able to do everything on its own (model and texture from images, etc), but there's still going to be people who need to guide AI no matter how good it is. It's not like it can make a feature film that looks great with a click of a button. The only lasting effect AI would have in the long run is that entry-level jobs would be like a supervising job-- aka 'supervising' the AI, and that's only when it becomes good enough to do complete tasks autonomously.

Anonymous No. 896294

I have not seen one beautiful looking meta-goyim character.
Is it even possible to make a good looking person with it?

Anonymous No. 896296

Anime ruined your brain

Anonymous No. 896396

People who meme about AIs don't know anything about them at all.

Corporations would use them now if they were potent, but it requires a laaaaarge dataset and it fucks it up most of the time.

Anonymous No. 896405

Metahumans are human model generators geared towards realism.
Some games and films could eventually use them, but not every game needs to be realistic.
And even if you used metahumans, you'd want some kind of accessories and clothes for them.

Anonymous No. 896406

1) they are uncanny looking and 2) you cant make models that don't look like the presets and 3) they dont give you nearly enough control and finally 4) epic has no interest in updating this

Anonymous No. 896461

Great if you want to make a Netflix show.

Anonymous No. 896462

Then make your own metahuman generator, chud. Chuds are never satisfied with anything.

Anonymous No. 896493

will you take you stop it with the forced memes and post something of value? Dont you dare reply to this

Anonymous No. 896500

>What is the future of 3d artists?
It's a growing field, both in terms of advertising and entertainment.

>Do you have a fear that in 5 years+ 3d artists will be unnecessary?
Not really? While AI can make decent scans and replications of 3d objects, it lacks the creative and artistic flair a real human could add to a project. While AI can be a wonderful tool it's no substitution for a human artist.

>A friend of mine said it was better to go to work in IT, because IT has a more stable future than 3D
IT has its own pitfalls, it's a constantly adapting industry and becoming 'outdated' is a constant threat. If arts your thing and your open to adapt 3D modeling is as stable as any other job. Even if the art sector is take over we still need digital draftsmen, architects and engineers.

While AI can be scary, it's more of a tool than a worker.

Anonymous No. 896506

It's cruel to dress your own cope posting as advice for a budding artist. AI increases artist througput -> price of art plummets -> artist starves. The market for entertainment cannot grow 10x to meet 10x increase in art production capacity.

Anonymous No. 896518

Looks like you're the one who's coping. I don't understand some of you guys who are so pessimistic about this when nothing is really happning yet, I can't even get a good retopo solution, while you think I'm gonna be out of a job, like, tomorrow. That's probably not gonna happen any time soon unless something fundamentally changes about 3D graphics workflows. Seems like you subconsciously want it to happen just so you can cope with the fact you haven't managed to reach success in this field and so you want for everyone else to feel the same way.

Anonymous No. 896523

you *don't* understand AI

Anonymous No. 896531

there's no evidence you do either

Anonymous No. 896533

If you understood it, you wouldn't be saying that

Anonymous No. 896534

First of all, those absolutely suck.

Second people don't want some generated garbage. Devs are generating thousands of games & assets with code and they do not get any attention because the art sucks. Simple as that.

100% is impossible to generate a coherent artistic style that actually catches on vs. one made by hand. It's not just the picture but it's also the idea behind the art that makes it useful as art.

Anonymous No. 896588

>What is the future of 3d artists? Do you have a fear that in 5 years+ 3d artists will be unnecessary?
Wanted to make some stupid joke but might as well share some experience.
I work in a big ~1000 people studio as a character lead and we are always looking for good artsist, so far there isnt even any plans to use any procedural shit, and while we use 3d scans a lot and more each year we need more and more people to clean them up, rebake, resuclpt and prep blend shapes.
We crate internally a lot of systems that blend existing models and maps, systems to reuse rigs and transfer skinning easily, but all those libraries have to be made by someone.

Dunno how it will look in 25 years, but looking at big upcoming projects we will work at we will need only more and more people and we are forced to outsource more and more due to shortage in experience staff department.

Anonymous No. 896619

The reality is always a "forced meme" to you. Maybe it is you who needs to write something of value rather than junking the board with complaints.

Don't like it? Make your own, chudlet.

Anonymous No. 896622

ywnbaw faggot

Anonymous No. 896623

No arguments whatsoever as expected from a talentless /3/ chud.

Anonymous No. 896647

It's not black magic, and better technology helps artists than hinder it.

Anonymous No. 897224

I will believe it when I see a consistent range of beauty. If all you do is show me average joes and janes, or worse, people uglier than me, then we are going to have a problem.