

🧵 /blend/ - Blender General

Anonymous No. 896009

A general dedicated to the best free & open source 3D modeling suite.

Download it here:

Learn it here:

Create your boob jiggle with this:

Previous thread: >>891464



Anonymous No. 896018

How do I export a model from Blender > Zbrush > Blender without losing the textures? I have a figure from Daz imported with diffeomorphic, tried to import a base mesh as obj into Zbrush while keeping vertex order, made sculpting edits on Zbrush and can't get the model back without breaking the materials. I'm a good sculptor but I don't understand the 3d pipeline, can someone shed some light and explain to me like I was a retarded child?

Anonymous No. 896019

GoB add-on will suck in any textures too

Also doubt on the good at sculpting part Mr Daz editor lol

Anonymous No. 896020

I'm a Zbrush sculptor not a Daz pedo



Anonymous No. 896038

Is there a modifier I can use to smooth out the poly edges inside the dress? It's supposed to be a cloth material which I finally weight painted somewhat correctly, but increasing the amount of subdivisions makes the edges stand out more. The dress is already shaded smooth.

Anonymous No. 896039

That's weird. What does the wireframe look like? What's your modifier stack? Also did you try smoothing your weights?



Anonymous No. 896041

Wireframe is pic related in rest position.
Modifier Stack is:

The weights are smoothed out as far as I can tell.



Anonymous No. 896043

Which is the better way for exporting a character animation from Blender to Unreal?
Rigged or Baked?
What are the pros and cons for each?

Anonymous No. 896048

Rigged if you're using animation blueprints and blend spaces.
Baked for one-shot animations.



Anonymous No. 896075

just started a fresh Instagram account for art shit, how can I gain an audience ? is it just hashtags? is making a Twitter account better?

Anonymous No. 896076

you gain an audience by producing smut

Anonymous No. 896079

guess i will be a nobody

Anonymous No. 896081

People get this wrong all the time. It's not the smut, it's pandering in any form, porn is just one way about it.
Do some easily shareable relatable content or fanart for more popular artists and you'll get the same effect.

Anonymous No. 896083

could i get an example? i mean how can i get the reach to pander to popular artists?

Anonymous No. 896087

>how can i get the reach



Anonymous No. 896091

The baking plugin I use auto set-ups normal maps like that and I don't understand why.
What does adding a bump map node after a normal map do? Muting it doesn't seem to change anything.



Anonymous No. 896094

are there any good videos that show off the workflow for sketching in 3d like in these vids:


I’ve seen a lot of people creating things like this with the grease pencil but can never find a video properly outlining how they do it.

Anonymous No. 896096

I think you're going to be disappointed, they probably have a model already or roughly blockout the model and then sketch over it with the origin point set to surface.

Anonymous No. 896097

its blank



Anonymous No. 896102

I figured something like that might be the case, but some videos I’ll catch the person just doodling freely in the 3d space. Either way I’d like to see the work flow. Been using Blender for 2d animation to work on a show for kiddos and it’s surprisingly powerful, but I really would like to make some assets that mimic that sort of 3 dimensional sketch art style.

The end goal would be something like this guys demo reel:



Anonymous No. 896104

Also, another small thing I’m having an issue with is when I use the lineart modifier and bake the lineart I get a bunch of useless frames that you see here. I didn’t know if there was a way to more specifically just back for the keyframes of my models animation or if I’ll just have to apply the modifier each time to the individual frames. It wouldn’t be that big of a deal if it was the latter option, but it’ll slow down my own workflow a bit.

Anonymous No. 896106

Any hard surface tutorials that's not about low poly shit or donuts? I have all the basics in Blender, I know what most of the operations and modifiers too but my polymodeling skills are shit so I'm searching for something that's a little bit more advanced and make you do shit.



Anonymous No. 896167

I am learning how to texture stuff. Before this I would just unwrap my models and hand paint textures. Then I would export them in OBJ format and upload them on sketchfab.

So I started learning material nodes like pic related eyes are entirely made out of a node and well I can't properly upload it in sketchfab.
Am I missing a step? Am I supposed to bake the stuff or something?

>Any hard surface tutorials that's not about low poly shit or donuts? I have all the basics in Blender, I know what most of the operations and modifiers too but my polymodeling skills are shit so I'm searching for something that's a little bit more advanced and make you do shit.




Anonymous No. 896185

Can someone help me? How can I quickly transfer the materials to the new mesh? I don't make any new topology I just use Zbrush to fix some errors and sculpt better muscles for drawing reference.

Anonymous No. 896199

What's erm um the best way to model breasts? Some kind of physics simulation?

Anonymous No. 896201

Checked and read da sticky.

Anonymous No. 896203

I know about the boob jiggle bones but I mean actually modeling the booba.
Do people really just sculpt them?

Anonymous No. 896204


Anonymous No. 896211

Darn I guess I'll just try my hardest doing it the hard way...

Anonymous No. 896215

blendlets will never compete with autodesk
>t. former blendlet



Anonymous No. 896220

Any tips on how to improve exterior lighting on a character during daytime? I use HDRI, rotate it to have sun on the side. It looks okay but a little flat. Shadowy areas don't pop. Is it done by playing with exposure and photoshop?


thats not a mask,....png

Anonymous No. 896234

This was my first attempt at sculpting. I think I have natural talent, but if you REALLY think there's any pointers you could give me, I GUESS I could hear you out.



Anonymous No. 896236

Training hard surface but I'm depressed thinking about cleaning this mesh later

Anonymous No. 896238

if you want photoshoot-esque results you don't have to limit yourself to just a single hdri.
additional lights, reflectors, bounce cards, blockers get used all the time irl. but yes, also photoshop and/or luts.

Anonymous No. 896242

You should learn how to use compositing in blender, you can include additional passes in your render.

Anonymous No. 896243

Are Light Groups in 3.2 a gamechanger?


23 minutes.png

Anonymous No. 896252

>doing a tutorial on modeling characters
>23 minutes into the tutorial he tells us we need to keep our shapes square and that triangles are bad
He's already forced me to restart once when he didn't properly explain the reference sketch he told us to make.

Is there an easy way of untriangling my thing? it's all connected in a weird way. Is it that bad if I just leave it triangly?



Anonymous No. 896272

so im making good progress on my mask thing, is there a way to smooth out these random bumps without having to fumble around with the mesh
I mean the shit around the side of the mask, I want it to be nice and smooth so I dont have to sand the thing too much

Anonymous No. 896391

Does Cycles have an AMD GPU denoiser yet?

Anonymous No. 896400

I'm trying to do a fluid sim but it's not working, as in the domain isn't wrapping a mesh around my inflow, and instead ist just a block in my scene.

Are there hidden parameters for it to work? Like size, scale, clipping etc?
I'm working with a scene where my domain is 200m wide

I've gotten fluid to work sometimes and on smaller scales so I do know what to click to set up domain, inflow etc



Anonymous No. 896403

I'm working on my first project and I have a few questions
Why is my water texture not applying its boolean modifier to intersect with the sphere?
How can I make it so that when a boolean cuts an object in half, it displays a face there? Do I just do that manually?

Anonymous No. 896407


Anonymous No. 896414

I used Blender a bit for some game mesh mods and for making desktop background s. So I know basics.

I got around zero knowledge about bones, rigs and animations.

Must I learn all of that there is about bones and rigs and animating or is there a quick and fast way to animate models from vidya? Rigify or whatnot?

Most of the models have original bones.
What do?

Anonymous No. 896415

nobody uses blender for animation

Anonymous No. 896425

not funny

Anonymous No. 896426

its not supposed to be a joke.


Haha boing boing ....webm

Anonymous No. 896429

Haha boing boing

Anonymous No. 896430

doesnt look realistic, like rubber and not sand

Anonymous No. 896431

Realism is boring

Anonymous No. 896432

you're being lazy and also being sexist


not haha not boin....webm

Anonymous No. 896436

Enjoy your soulless, lifeless BORING not bouncy breasts. Do these look like happy tiddies to you?

Anonymous No. 896437

Anyone have a list of useful hotkeys? I remember all the navigation and camera keys well enough, but object and edit keys I’ve almost completely forgotten.

Anonymous No. 896438

>stylized boob jiggle is sexist
Rethink your life.

Anonymous No. 896440

A (& AA), G (& GG), R, S, X, E, I, F, M, H and ctrl+R are probably the only ones you need to remember. Maybe O, K, alt+Z, ctrl++, ctrl+- and ctrl+i too.
For the rest there's F3 and quick favorites.

Anonymous No. 896442

Gotcha, thank you. trying them out now. Remembering some of them already. Feels like blender is kinda like a bike where with a little refresher you can get right back into it which is nice.

Anonymous No. 896446

How do I turn a material I copied from another object into a seperate one so that messign with the new materials nodes doesn't affect the first one?

Anonymous No. 896458

Which is better, Autorig Pro or Rigify?

Anonymous No. 896460


Anonymous No. 896467


Anonymous No. 896473

Rigify is free

Anonymous No. 896477

He asked which one is better, retard.

Anonymous No. 896478

He asked a retarded question and got a retarded answer.

Anonymous No. 896480

>create new material
>link material you want to modify(icon before material name)
>click on the number icon after the material name - this will make the material uniqe

Anonymous No. 896489

Why do my cycles animations keep flickering even at a resolution of 1920x1080 and high sample count like 256? They're not smooth like eevee animations.

Anonymous No. 896499

Does it really matter whether you use the denoiser in the compositer with nodes or directly from the render properties tab? Aren't they both the same?

Anonymous No. 896504

thats not high use 1k samples. you can also blur in compositor and use clamping to fight flicker and ai denoise but basically it always flickers. in sprite fright they used geometry nodes to fight flicker with zdepth geometry and projected 4k textures. luxcore is a viable alternative, especially for interiors i like it

Anonymous No. 896508

I don't know how to fix your problems, but I like your render



Anonymous No. 896513

First time poster on /3/. I spent all of yesterday working on this.


Anonymous No. 896520

good examples of geometry nodes?

Anonymous No. 896522

1k? Man... I need a new computer haha. Thanks for the help though

Anonymous No. 896537

No, you're a complete moron.

Anonymous No. 896546

I'm trying to get some wetmaps using dynamic paint and a fluid simulation, but whenever I connect the image sequence into a material it turns pink, like the texture is missing (when it clearly isn't)?

Anonymous No. 896550

you will never be a comedian

Anonymous No. 896591

I started using displacement maps, that I make in photoshop, to get consistent details in my sculpt.
It also give me a non-destructive layer effect for the details.
The only downside if that I can only make it work well with a multires modifier, since I have to UV unwrap.



Anonymous No. 896594

I still need help



Anonymous No. 896595

With 3D models, why are eyes typically modeled with a cylindrical hole in them? Shouldn't eyes be spheres? Why is the iris area flat, and the pupil is a hole?

Anonymous No. 896596

Watch a tutorial on GoB(it's the Blener <--> Zbrush addon); whatever problem you're having is so utterly basic, so utterly trivial and simplistic, that you can neither describe it to us sufficiently nor are we able to guess at what you mean.
Therefore there's probably a check box you have turned off, or a drag 'n drop you didn't know you could do, or some simple hotkey combo you weren't aware of.

If you REALLY can't figure it out even after watching a video, then record yourself importing/exporting and make a webm

Anonymous No. 896597

Armature needs to be first

Anonymous No. 896600

Your work has to stand out, be engaging, be interesting, and without the viewer needing to know anything about what they're looking at in order to be engaged.

>that's really vague and broad
It is but things like Composition and Color Theory and the Golden Ratio and on and on and on are all available to be studied.
I mean it's basically just like Photography and trying to create a stand out photo. If your work doesn't grab people, no one will ever notice or care.

Smut succeeds because it's inherently interesting, inherently has a built in audience, has a barrier to entry (lots of talented people are afraid of backlash).
Very few people actively go out of their way to go view "poorly lit archviz scene of badly made glasses sitting on a book next to a coffee cup with an incorrectly placed handle while an HDRI meant for lighting is made to begrudgingly do the work of an actual background image all while the same dull glossy finish coats everything like a thin veneer of mediocrity"

>wow those are some mean words you just said
Git gud or fade into eternity. The world needs more porn, it doesn't need more "fine art"

Anonymous No. 896604

There aren't any good all encompassing tutorials, it's spread out over many different videos.
It's pretty fiddly in that you do need a little bit of geometry as a starting point, and you need to do weird counter intuitive things at times to get shapes to go where you want them.

This covers the basics/fundamentals, cheats a bit by making a box out of a box:

A little more advanced but also a lot harder to understand by virtue of the poor presentation:

This person's videos are pretty rough but informative if you can plow through:

You'll never find a high quality single tutorial series on grease pencil. Somebody like the guy whose reel you posted
1) probably isn't a good teacher,
2) has no incentive to help other people skip over all the pain and suffering he had to go through to learn

Anonymous No. 896606

Start stealing long form multi-part tutorial series off of cgpersia.
There's no skipping around and no "but I only want to make TRAINS, I hate GUNS!", you've just got to grind away at all the gun tutorials and the tank tutorials and the grenades and the generic scifi soldiers until you can finally make your trains or whatever

Anonymous No. 896613

If you mean box modeling, go look at some subdiv booba models and also look at the anatomy of the booba.
It's not a sphere that projects from the chest, it's a weird ziplock bag of flesh that hangs off the top of the chest.
Seriously, look at a naked elevated booba (elevated as in like when a woman gets a mamogram); if it's an A cup or smaller it looks like a nice little spheroid but if it's larger it's like god took that A cup and used the Scale tool and just inflated it without changing where the bottom edge of the breast is.

Anonymous No. 896614

Just like with real photography you cheat the fuck out of it. Whether that's in post with levels, full on paint over, etc or whether it's in scene with artificial lighting and exposure time, just fucking cheat.
"More real than real" is the key. But of course you need a solid grounding in reality so that you don't get carried away and end up with some nightmarish Willy Wonka shit

Anonymous No. 896615

1) Fix that disgusting ngon right now
2) Make a library of procedurally generated components you can kitbash together
3) Static meshes don't need to have good toplogy unless they're going to deform but obviously if you have literal ngons, stars, poles, non-manifold geometry, weird ass edge case shit where the viewport recomputes it ten thousand times a second with a different result every time you rotate, then you need to fix that.

Anonymous No. 896616

>is but things like Composition and Color Theory and the Golden Ratio and on and on and on are all available to be studied.
>I mean it's basically just like Photography and trying to create a stand out photo. If your work doesn't grab people, no one will ever notice or care.
>Smut succeeds because it's inherently interesting, inherently has a built in audience, has a barrier to entry (lots of talented people are afraid of backlash).
>Very few people actively go out of their way to go view "poorly lit archviz scene of badly made glasses sitting on a book next to a coffee cup with an incorrectly placed handle while an HDRI meant for lighting is made to begrudgingly do the work of an actual background image all while the same dull glossy finish coats everything like a thin veneer of mediocrity"
holy fucking shit, I didn't expect you to conclude with this
>Git gud or fade into eternity. The world needs more porn, it doesn't need more "fine art"
after roasting the fuck out of my render but i get your points, gonna strive for more uniqueness

Anonymous No. 896617

"Squares" are called quads, triangley are called "triangles".
Quads matter for several reasons:
1) they subdivide nicely (however there are tricks with triangles and subdividing too but that's master class shit)
2) you get nice edge flow that allows you to add in loops
3) quads are an illusion, all of reality is composed of triangles, triangles all the way down, which is why when you export your mesh to a game engine it has to be "triangulated" (turned into triangles); by having it in quads the engine can only solve that triangulation problem one way. If there are ngons or the like, the engine can generate a different result (possibly continuously, creating that weird flickering artifact).

Secondarily it looks like you have a lot of geometric fuckery going on with a number of edges that are missing verts (they're just floating lines intersecting other parts of the mesh).
That's called non-manifold geometry; that's like 3d mesh object thingies that can't exist in reality but can exist mathematically so the 3D program is willing to approximate it for you but in fact you're seeing garbage that will be lit very strangely, textures will look weird, etc etc because the math starts to break down as it goes beyond "dots in space" and into "non-blackbody dielectric object"

Anyway don't get frustrated. Tutorials are rarely uniformly perfect, there will often be gaps in knowledge or technique where the presenter has assumed you already know something or forgot to include something because it's just second nature to them or this is attempt number 25 at recording this part of the video or whatever.
The solution is to go as far as you can, then if you become stuck or too frustrated, go do someone else's tutorial and then come back to this one.

>if I do someone else's tutorial on [SUBJECT], why would I come back to another tutorial on the same [SUBJECT]?
Because you'll learn something that was left out of the other tutorial because that tutorial is imperfect too.

Anonymous No. 896620

Mixamo is the best paid autorigging solution.
Auto rig pro can be easily stolen, like all paid blender addons, because the authors have to redistribute the full source (which is kind of automatic since it's a .py file) and are barred from doing anything to take down other people.

>yes but which one is THE VERY VERY VERY STRONGEST



Anonymous No. 896636

I rigged a flying animal and behold parts of the wings are coming lose during posing. Is there a non-retarded way to fix this? Someome modifier(weld?)?

cheers lads

Anonymous No. 896640

I know it's taboo to admit this but I already deleted the mesh anon... (I don't have much space left on my HDD with all the tuts and shit).
Are you talking about this ngon or do you see another one?
> if you have literal ngons, stars, poles
I may be wrong but these aren't completely evil, right? I made a lot of other meshes that had no shading issues but had a lot of ngons, stars and poles and I didn't see any problem. I'm modeling for video games so no sub-d at all.

Anonymous No. 896651

Nevermind, cant delete this post but I solved it by remeshing



Anonymous No. 896658


Anonymous No. 896668

What's your go-to addon for UV unwrapping?
I tried a couple to straughten UVs and didn't get good results.

Anonymous No. 896671

Why do you need uv unwrapping addon? I keep hearing that people dont like UV unwrap tools in blender but I dont see a problem with it. I like to think I'm not a blind blendet as blender does have its problems but UV unwrapping has never been one for me.

Anonymous No. 896687

A man who has lived in a cave his whole life doesn't yearn for sunlight, once you've UV'd somewhere else you'll understand.

The packing is garbage, the weird way the editor can be connected and unconnected to the viewport and some stuff doesn't work in both modes is garbage, lots of basic stuff like scaling an island to fill the entire 0 to 1 area is annoying af requiring futzing with the 3d cursor. I didn't think it was so bad until I started having to UV in Maya for work

Anonymous No. 896692

I like to have my hair strands in a straight grid so they deform the texture.
Anytime I try to do something more complicated than unwrapping and packing I start a movie on the side because it's long and tedious.
I think you'll understand when you try to managed the level of details, the amount of space they take up on the texture, for the different parts of your model.

Anonymous No. 896703

Can you guys teach me how to make wireframe renders like this in blender

Anonymous No. 896724

And how about facial expressions?
Do you really need to import all these facial bones or can we make transitions between 2 expressions?

Anonymous No. 896761

Follow this guide and make sure you watch absolutely every video:


Anonymous No. 896766

What's the best way to animate the Unreal Skeleton? Mr Mannequin is outdated and not optimized for Blender 3 or Unreal 5.

Anonymous No. 896772

Like what? Try the wireframe modifier?

Anonymous No. 896776

Which is the best Blender hard surface modeling addon, Hard Ops, MESHMachine or Fluent?

Anonymous No. 896809

what tutorial are you following?
I was searching for anime tutorials but at this point any good introduction to modeling characters will do.



Anonymous No. 896822

So im finally far with the mesh editing on my thing that I'd consider it good enough. Before I apply the mirror, subdivision and solidify is there a way later on to remove those if I need to edit it again.
also I intend to print this thing to wear it, can I split it in two parts inside blender or is meshmixer the only way?

Anonymous No. 896823

how are you going to breathe with no mouth or nose holes you moron

Anonymous No. 896824

im built different fool

Anonymous No. 896825

also how would I put in holes in the existing mesh. if I were using solidworks I can just extrude cut, this is my first blender project so im working it out as it goes. will put the holes under the cheekbone curve and have some ''tunnels'' running to the nose and mouth

Anonymous No. 896840

Once you apply modifiers they're applied and there's no going back.
So before you apply, Shift D to duplicate, suffix BACKUP and move it to another collection or something.

If you're printing then topology doesn't matter as much and you can punch holes with a boolean modifier (that's considered bad practice because it really messes up the topology).

Anonymous No. 896849

>If you're printing then topology doesn't matter as much
just because im trying to learn blender properly I did manage to keep every face rectengular and definetly didnt leave one single triangle around the eyes, so dont look for it.
is it possible to split it into two parts though, I want the back to come off so I sculpt connection points for magnets that will keep the two parts on when worn. or did I fuck up by just making it once piece from the getgo

Anonymous No. 896872

I can't speak to the others but my criticism of HardOps is that it's almost like an entire thing unto itself in terms of all the hotkeys and stuff.

Maybe that's just an unavoidable problem or maybe that's changed

Anonymous No. 896873

Not him, not super certain what you're saying but if you have a super dense mesh (like from a sculpt) such that you can't do things in edit mode very reasonably, then you can Alt B (I think? Ctrl B? one of those) to draw a box around the model and hide everything outside the box (but this does nothing to modify the geometry).
If you want to specifically break out a piece because you're going to then do something to it, like the workflow that is sometimes used to make clothing, then in this case you're probably going to need to do some shit with booleans to chop out just the part you want to modify.
If you're going to modify that part via sculpting, I'd mask the edges so they can't be sculpted that way you can still seamlessly plug the piece back into the original sculpt

If that's not the answer you're looking for, maybe record a gif or webm and/or do a doodle of what you're trying to achieve


Screenshot (19).png

Anonymous No. 896895

>>896772 sorry guys i meant do you know how to make this in blender

Anonymous No. 896909

>they're applied and there's no going back.
what if you press "undo" ?

Anonymous No. 896913

is blender better than stock c4d?
everything I try to do in c4d requires redshift or octane, is cycles at least comparable?

Anonymous No. 896922

Dang, those are most of the videos I’ve found before as well. This one wasn’t too bad:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xu0KMOdkXgk

But it also pretty much is just what others have shared which is making a basic 3d model and drawing on top of it. I just figured it was a neat style and wanted to fool around with it, though it’s not really what I’m using blender for at the moment.

I appreciate the help all the same though. Guess I’ll just have to keep fumbling around it until I find a smoothish work flow using the various videos provided.

Anonymous No. 896924

Will I run into much trouble if I just rig a sculpted model if all I care about is the figures silhouette? It’s a bit faster to get the general shapes I want via sculpting over editing, and I don’t need any sort of details on my models. Still, I heard that improper topology can cause issues when rigging them for movement.

Anonymous No. 896932

You undo history can run out



Anonymous No. 896937

>maybe record a gif or webm and/or do a doodle of what you're trying to achieve
basically this, it allows dissasembly to actually put on the thing. I have to split the helmet in two and then sculpt in the small bumps that I can put the magnets in.

Anonymous No. 896938

is there an equivalent to Illustrator's alignment guides in blender?



Anonymous No. 896939


Anonymous No. 896941

it is simply always better to have a subdivision version when sculpting, even if it's just a zremesh style automated topology, it means you can make bigger changes to the silhouette of the model without disturbing details by moving it on subdivision 1 and allows you to UV and yes, even rig your sculpt for posing easily.

I often send subdiv 1 out of zbrush, autorig it in blender for posing then send it back in for example.

Anonymous No. 896942

cycles is very much comparable but will maybe lack speed and certain nodes suck (no good curvature node for example)

isn't octane free though?

Anonymous No. 896943

make it using bezier curves/ paths then just add thickness to them in the curve options.

Anonymous No. 896944

>cycles is very much comparable but will maybe lack speed and certain nodes suck (no good curvature node for example)
interesting, thanks for the response

>isn't octane free though?
no, I think it's like $700 - $900
but it looks like an older version is free for blender but not for c4d, might make it worth the switch though

Anonymous No. 896968

>and then sculpt in the small bumps that I can put the magnets in.
Don't bother, just use a soldering iron to melt your holes after you print it.

Anonymous No. 896970

I later want to produce these things to sell and im i'll automate the process as much as I can. the holes have to be done when its printing and I have to split it in half regardless. The shell wont be thick enough to allow for the magnets to be put in place as is as well

Anonymous No. 896982

octane is subscription.
The free (and paid) version for Blender lags slightly behind since it isn't an addon for Blender but a compiled Blender version with Octane implemented.
You don't have to switch completely to Blender, but you could outsource your shading/lighting and rendering to Blender and use Octane for free.
Only limitation is that it only allows the usage of 1 GPU.

Anonymous No. 897041

Why am I running out of ram when I have 32gb?

Anonymous No. 897043

What GPU do you have?
I can't fit more that 3.5 + (((0.5))) GB in mine

Anonymous No. 897044

RTX 2060

Anonymous No. 897047

then you should have 8GB VRam to work with - no idea what could be taking up that much space

Anonymous No. 897048

Blender loves a good memory leak



Anonymous No. 897059

Hello people, I am working on a commission which required cel shading, I made this based on a tutorial and it works quite well, I added a bit around the end to allow for transparency when needed and I also found the bit I would need to add if I wanted to add normal maps (not pictured), however now I need to add highlights which I did a few days back but lost the file where I was experimenting with it, can someone help me with the node setup?



Anonymous No. 897170

How do you feel about the Amaranth Toolset?



Anonymous No. 897356

I am going to snap. There are dozens of tutorials on how to shade stuff in EVEE, metal, burger meat, hair etc etc

But no one show how to bake it which uses CYCLES and so everything that I make is crap that I can't put in game engine or any art website because the material nodes don't work outside of blender.

How am I suppose to figure out baking on my own? Why doesn't evee even offer a baking option.

Anonymous No. 897359

give up on blender baking and pirate substance painter, trust me.

Anonymous No. 897361


Anonymous No. 897382

Hello, retard here.

Is there a way to export texture from Blender in order to convert to pointcloud? It didn't work with STL



Anonymous No. 897547

> "20 Minute Tutorial"

> ,Took me 2+ hours

I'm pretty bad at Blender.

Anonymous No. 897570

Is there a better way to use displacement than adaptive subdiv? Shit is killing my RAM.

Anonymous No. 897605

Can I transfer rigify rig into the model with same proportions but different topology (I am doing a retopo)?

Anonymous No. 897644


Anonymous No. 897645




Anonymous No. 897716

I don't understand why there are literally MILLIONS of models being added on deviantart every day in xps format, but it's some obscure program from the 2000s and you can't import them into blender without breaking the materials. What's up with that? it's not like the program does some cool thing like MMD which makes it worthy of being a file format right?

Anonymous No. 897800

Kinda comfy, anon. Would the tutorial you followed be suitable for a complete beginner?

Anonymous No. 897809

I spend thousand of hours trying to understand how blender works and I finally did it

Anonymous No. 897818

How to make porn

Anonymous No. 897822

What's the use case of angle-based unwrap method, opposed to conformal? It always ends up looking like shit, so I always use conformal.

Anonymous No. 897861

use camera
film fucki fucki

Anonymous No. 897902

i guessing because xna was used to rip models from games. It takes more knowledge and skill to set up a model for use after ripping and just as much to convert to mmd and setup as a working pmx. Some people are quick and dirty rippers, who just want to get there first. even if the output is shit. there is a xps to mmd converter but it's output is dependent on the state of the input. some might be rigged before so come out semi decent afterwards but some might not have a rig or might just have errors due to ripping and either will be unusable or wont convert. mmd/pmx is just as old btw. and has it's own problems, but it probably wont change for a long time, because no one is gonna make something better opensource, and even so it be take time for people to shift to a new platform. saying that i''ve noticed a few people use cycles or eevee in blender for mmd videos.

Anonymous No. 897923

Anybody got any free Glados model from portal ? i want to play around and do some animations in blender.

Anonymous No. 898054

What is the best tutorial for 2D facial expression textures in Blender? Like instead of having a face rig, you set up a series of 2D tiles for the eyes and mouth.

Anonymous No. 898075


Anonymous No. 898259

>be me
>already tried 3Ds max, C4D, zbrush, maya
>you liked it and continued to study 3d
>heard about blender
>it's free and hype
>decided to download it
>you like the interface + how everything is compact and easy in general
>you decide to try to render the object
>created a regular cube
>no textures or any changes or any other objects
>first render took over 10 minutes
fucking meme
that's why I pirate paid software

Anonymous No. 898266

You're supposed to enable CUDA and OptiX in the system preferences and the render settings. You should also enable the "experimental" feature set in the render settings.

You could also just download the plugin for Redshift, Octane or V-Ray.

Anonymous No. 898298

hey anons, i've made a large factorio mod and i want to make new textures for the machine, and everyone says to use blender. my question is, do i need a good PC to render stuff or can i run this shit on my wank old laptop

Anonymous No. 898399

Turns out cycles is a hot pile of garbage that can't handle displacement.
And no matter how long you let it render, shit always comes out full of noise.

Anonymous No. 898474

I don't think that performance will be a problem. The sprites are quite small (even in hd) and even on cpu rendering this should be doable.
Animations however will be a problem as the render time almost multiplies by the amount of frames you need.



Anonymous No. 898479

blocking out the scene is most likely my favourite part, what about you guys



Anonymous No. 898480

le reference, anyone knows how to get foggy river texture? i am thinking of maybe messing around with color ramps and white noise texture



Anonymous No. 898500

How do you configure this to be able to move into typical female hips poses?
The simplest way looks like it'd be to deselect inherits-rotation but then I lose the ability to turn the whole model with the root bone, and it doesn't work that well anyway.

I've been trying to look around at blender tutorial but for some reason now everyone fucking uses the metarig and calls it a tutorial, this is fucking annoying and completely useless when you want to actually learn how it works or do it yourself.



Anonymous No. 898507

>Turns out cycles is a hot pile of garbage that can't handle displacement.
it can even bake it.


Clipboard - 2022年....png

Anonymous No. 898508

you can use geonodes too

Anonymous No. 898553

>do it yourself

well, there's your answer bud

Anonymous No. 898563

this honestly looks better than the first. I liked the first version too (I'm not being like >>896430
) but something about this version is just better looking idk why

Anonymous No. 898598

you couldve spent 5 minutes to learn the basics, it aint hard

Anonymous No. 898602

so what's with the blender hate?

Anonymous No. 898611

Historical reasons and people who don't create anything thinking that software choice matters more than it actually does. Also annoying fanboys.



Anonymous No. 898732

what’s going on with the shading here? doesn’t it look odd?

Anonymous No. 898734

nvm. i fixed it

Anonymous No. 898801

Does Blender not work with Ipad? I see conflicting info when searching.

Anonymous No. 898805

Natively no, you can emulate linux and run blender

Anonymous No. 898916

Any good youtube tutorials?

Anonymous No. 898923

How would you approach making a realistic or at least good looking grass/forest? I see quite a few tutorials that are all low poly, which is fine and all, but what if I want something more realistic?
And how to approach something like, bamboo? Should I model each segment? Would it be possible to introduce variation with geometry nodes or something?

Anonymous No. 898947

I'm getting exception_access_violation crashes while rendering in eevee. My first thought was that the model I'm using is blowing up my ram (vram?), but it seems reasonably optimized to me. Any other obvious culprits?

Anonymous No. 898978

Why is Ian Hubert so famous in the Blender community? Doesn't he just project photos on cubes?

Anonymous No. 898979

>How would you approach making a realistic or at least good looking grass/forest?

Anonymous No. 898981

It's mostly just a response to annoying Blender evangelists.

Anonymous No. 898986


Anonymous No. 898987

How do I append a control rig? Like, I want to import every control bone with their custom shapes. What should I be selecting to append?



Anonymous No. 898988

Now that GPUs are cheaper again, which one is the better value, an AMD RX 6900 XT or an Nvidia RTX 3090?

Anonymous No. 898995

never ever purchase AMD for 3d work

It is not used by anybody and gets no attention from either software vendors nor AMD itself.

Anonymous No. 899064

cuz i don't retarded

Anonymous No. 899112

Retards who use other software wanting to argue with the retards who use this software we use. Ignore them all and keep on working and improving, lad



Anonymous No. 899127

How do I get downloaded animations on my rig?

Anonymous No. 899139

So long story short I think I fucked up
I made a mesh object the thickness of 10mm, applied a bunch of modifiers and realized that 10mm is too thick for what I need it to be, is it possible to reduce the thickness of a ''shell'' or do I need to bring back one of my backups



Anonymous No. 899151

Does anyone know of an automated way to merge a ton of basic materials into one? I've looked into baking an image, but the process needs to go through each material and add an empty image texture. I'm working on a model imported from a game.

Anonymous No. 899157

Is it possible now to bake things with opacity to a new texture? Things like alpha cutout foliage to a texture? I think I've seen they added it in a new version but can't find anything on the internet. Or was it substance painter lol?

Basically I want to assemble plants from separate leaves masked by an alpha, and then rebake a fully built plant to a texture.

Anonymous No. 899165

What do you mean merge? Some python scripting can probably do something similar. Does each material have a different shader setup that you need to "flatten" together for an end result or do you just have a bunch of images you need layered?

Anonymous No. 899170

It seems like each face of the model has its own material. This makes it unnecessarily expensive in a game setting.

I'm currently trying to install material-combiner-addon, but have some package conflict. I'm quite familiar with pyhon, but have not used it for blender. Do you know any good tutorials to start making my own?

Anonymous No. 899175

It's just a regular game-ready foliage, planes with an alpha mask. Currently when you try to bake it to texture, blender doesn't recognize black parts of the mask on individual leaves so I can't get a clean alpha.

Anonymous No. 899176

Ok, is there an easy way to make it blender friendly? I cant use the models if they have a large number of materials

Anonymous No. 899177

lmao ignore my reply, I thought you guys were responding to my question here >>899157

Not sure how to deal with your issue, that asset is messed up.

Anonymous No. 899185

Kek, no worries.



Anonymous No. 899189

You think that Blender along with Cycles have gotten to the point that if you need to produce a photorealistic render of an object, is more than a capable tool to do it? I did a quick exercise of rendering a soda can on 3 different rendering engines: Cycles on Blender, Arnold on 3ds Max and Redshift on Cinema 4D. Rendered the same scene with the same variables (3D model, texture and HDRI), and I think the result are good on every platform.

Anonymous No. 899206

Should I use a renderfarm service or install blender on a powerful Linode instance? Which will be faster/cheaper?

Recommended renderfarm service?

Anonymous No. 899208

I should note that what I'm rendering isn't intensive. No raytracing, like 40k verts, armatures and textures are a little intense maybe.

The frames take like 20-30 seconds on my old ass 2012 thinkpad, and I hate tying it up in renders.

Anonymous No. 899209

render times?



Anonymous No. 899213


Anonymous No. 899214

out of all of those I honestly think the blender one looks most realistic



Anonymous No. 899221

Does Blender do something with sharp edges that I'm not aware of? I have a simple vertex displacement material for cloth items that jitters them around based on wind speed. It looks great in-engine, but any seam marked with a sharp edge seems to be split. In the image you can see small gaps in the hood mesh where you can see the back on the character's head. Removing the sharp edges removes the seams.

Anonymous No. 899238

Thats not blender, , when you mark something sharp in any software it duplicates the vertex there, it depends what the engine does with it on import or how your shader is written.

Anonymous No. 899247

Cycles has awful reflections and no contact shadows. I was actually hopeful they would fix cycles with all of that cycles X fuss, but in the end they did fuck all.
Would be nice if you could use a good render engine like Arnold in Blender.

Anonymous No. 899248

That's a meaningless comparison if you don't show the details on render settings and material setups for each engine.

Anonymous No. 899256

>Cycles has awful reflections and no contact shadows.
One, contact shadows are a rasterization screen space shading method, not ray traced one. No ray tracing renderer has them, it has to perform an extra rasterization pass to do contact shadows, and that defeats the whole point of ray tracing light information.
Two, blender supporst contact shadows in evee mode.

Anonymous No. 899257

>when you mark something sharp in any software it duplicates the vertex there

Ah, that explains it. Are there any techniques for achieving similar shading without having sharp edges?

Anonymous No. 899260

normal maps? beveling the edge and weighting normals? or changing the shader
a vertex with sharp cant point in 2 directions at once, so its always treated as 2 points in the same space


room in eevee.png

Anonymous No. 899285

I need some advice on rendering this room in Cycles. Those tight grills and the doors in front end up trapping the light rays. I've put in a portal, but I am not sure it is helping much, and I have no idea what else to do apart from jacking up the light rays.

In Eevee I have the problem of ambient occlusion making areas unnaturally brighter. Also I don't think it is projecting light between the smaller gaps correctly. I've tried maxing out the cube and cascade size.

What should I do here?

Anonymous No. 899286

What do you think about Malt?


Anonymous No. 899327

agreed that picture is completely pointless



Anonymous No. 899335

Is meshmachine a must have when making hard surface game assets ? I already have Hardops&BoxCutter but every tutorial about these, the guy also uses meshmachine

Anonymous No. 899391

What is the optimal way to rig and drive fingers?

Anonymous No. 899395

disable AO and use light porbes to bake a GI pass for evee?
for cycles this scene might be much for any engine without 20 bounces and a million samples, might wanna try putting in a fake light inside the room, or if you going for a moody look, just bump up bouce count and use denoising to not make the render take 10 days on million samples

Anonymous No. 899397

>work in a studio
>use blender since getting max requires me to dick around with our tech dep for a month
>have no plugins
>been working like this for 2 years
i would say no?
still i dont like doing hard edge stuff in blender, rather use modo, cad or what ever, i only use it since im a lazy retard

Anonymous No. 899410

Are bones supposed to change size when you rotate them on X axis? Or did i fuck up somewhere? This shit like flattens characters hand and the hand grows twice as long.

Anonymous No. 899411

Are there any addons to make blender's UV tools usable?

Anonymous No. 899413

Alright, question off. Setting up "Limit Scale" constrained fixed it. Don't get why rotation scaled it in the first place but whatever.

Anonymous No. 899491

Hard surface add-ons are memes, except decal machine maybe, you can perfectly do cool stuff in vanilla.

>t.sore Jew that won't spend money on a free program.

Anonymous No. 899495

Yeah but of all the 3D stuff, polymodeling is the thing I hate the most so I'm really after making my life easier. HardOps & BoxCutter did make the whole thing feel better to me so I feel I'd be stupid to not try to make it even easier.



Anonymous No. 899507

I've been banging my head against the rock trying to solve this issue. Im still making this damn mask and I'm almost done and ready to print.
thing is the part where the mask breaks in two doesnt align right
I tried using one half as the boolean reference to remove the edges that cross over from the other one but it doesnt work, the material still stays where it was even after applying
the process of making the mask was
>make mesh mask
>split it into two parts
>apply the modifiers for each part seperatly
it aligned perfectly before the solidification, after appyling it both halves starts crossing into one another. is there a way where I can orient the surfaces in the same direction so it aligns correctly



Anonymous No. 899508


Anonymous No. 899519

If you need to split an object in two, can you not first apply the mods on the original object and then boolean slice it?

Anonymous No. 899522

I dont entirely understand what you mean

Anonymous No. 899538

Is it possible to link different faces of an object to different uv images and be able to edit them separately in texture paint?
I tried to google it but the only straight forward answers I got were to make the face a different material in material properties but then I can't seem to paint it.

Anonymous No. 899553

there are two ways, you can assign different materials which will not overlap the UVs or you can move the second island off to another UDIM tile (effectively moving it by 1 whole unit to the right or up in the UV editor).

UDIMs will use one material but reference several images.

also don't paint in blender you'll have a much better time with pirated substance painter or 3d coat

Anonymous No. 899554

I use UV toolkit, texel density checker and UV packmaster.

It's still not as good as maya but it's workable.

Anonymous No. 899585

I feel like heads are a lot easier to sculpt than box model, but legs are like impossible to sculpt.
Box modeling makes them way more manageable.
idk if there's some trick to sculpting them effectively from scratch or if everyone uses cylinders/curves and then adds details later.


Screenshot from 2....png

Anonymous No. 899614

I created hair particles from curves with an addon NetHair. But after generating it it seems to constantly show on top.
In the image it looks like the hair is covering the face, however the hair is actually behind and the head mesh has become transparent in a way.

Does anyone know what is causing this so i can fix it?


Screenshot from 2....png

Anonymous No. 899615

this is how it actually looks

Anonymous No. 899635

So when Cycles on GPU rendering (3080) runs out of VRAM it starts using RAM, how much slower is this? I know it depends on RAM itself but I just want to know what should be a reasonable expectation.

Anonymous No. 899650

A lot slower.

Anonymous No. 899652

What is the correct way to animate a blink?
Are there any good guides and resources on this?

Anonymous No. 899663

Do you have "show in front" ticked on in viewport display

Anonymous No. 899667


You can use another object to boolean slice it. This is a combination of boolean difference and boolean intersection. Hops has it built-in, but you can also do it manually. Assuming you have an original and a cutter, you diff the original with the cutter and take the intersection between the cutter and a copy of the original.

Anonymous No. 899670

How hard is it to make models for people to use, whether it'd be in Blender or anything else, if you've never drawn anything substantial in your life besides stick figures?

Anonymous No. 899693

Just returned to using blender after a few years. am I a complete dumbass, or did blender get rid of its game logic engine? can't figure out where to access simple things like assigning movement keys to a character and stuff. I know in the past you could do this stuff. I can't for the life of me find it in the manual, tutorials, etc. Where, if still at all, can you find the god damn game programming stuff?



Anonymous No. 899695

the grooves really fuck up the inside of the mesh after I solidify this cunt
does the mesh inside the thing matter if Im going to export as STL anyways? I added the grooves before applying any modifiers, should I have kept it smooth and added the grooves after applying? every single face gets solidified so I get shit protruding outside of the model


Anonymous No. 899697

Yeah, they removed the game engine.
Good move imo, the thing seemed janky af and must have been quite a lot of work to maintain.

Anonymous No. 899706


good to know. what do people use nowadays for programming? I'm guessing you do all your art, rigging, animation and shit in blender then import it into something else to program. sounds like a pain, wish it had stayed all in one place... at least if it had worked properly.

Anonymous No. 899711

and while I'm on that question: is it at all useful to make assets like backgrounds or isometric buildings in inkscape and bring them into blender? is that something people do with success?



Anonymous No. 899745

newcutie here, how do you make the hair have grids like in pic? everytime I do hair it doesnt show up and I cant put a UV wrap



Anonymous No. 899752

hey /blend/, completely new never animated a thing in my life friend here. Say I want to make a web series and I am open to monetizing it in the future if it goes anywhere (even if it's just 5 bucks a month from patreon). Are free blender models online free to monetize? Do I need to purchase a model, and then do I get the rights to it? How does that work? I realize this might be wishful thinking but I don't want to shoot myself in the foot before I even begin.



Anonymous No. 899761

Anyone with talent with blender able to explain how to fix my mesh/weights so that I can treat the particles as fucking normal and paint my pretty feathers on my bord?

I think it has to do with the mirror modifier being used at the beginning when making the mesh but I've already merged and deleted it so I don't understand why it would still be affecting the model. It's dumb because when I created groups and painted for the bones they worked absolutely with no issues at all, but particle systems are going fucking crazy. The first image is what it looks like when I first add the particles with density to the wing (second image) and the third is what happens if I try to comb them.



Anonymous No. 899762


I made fog using this

Anonymous No. 899766

isnt this essentially the same as volume scatter? i am looking to make something like water fog

Anonymous No. 899768

nigga the most important thing would be render time and settings, post those



Anonymous No. 899770

character modelling is really filtering me
not a talented blender user but try duplicating the mesh, then apply modifier, apply transforms then take weight painting, paint the wings. go to the particle property go down to vertex groups and put the "group" in density then apply the particle in the render tab.

Anonymous No. 899772


There is no modifier anymore, once I got mesh the way I wanted I got rid of the mirror. The density is already applied in the particle setting tab as I mentioned. All the armatures are working with the weight groups I made just fine, only the particles have a mind of their own and I'm not sure why.

Anonymous No. 899773

did you apply scale/rotation transforms? i usually find that to fix almost everything



Anonymous No. 899782


Anonymous No. 899783

captcha moment

Anonymous No. 899794

you know what really grinds my gears? Shirt buttons for a collared shirt. The easy mode solution is to use Vertex Parenting. that is the perfect way to deal with them, but that only works if you're staying in Blender. If you want to export out of Blender, you're pretty much fucked. You can set the top and bottom buttons to the Chest bone and Hip/Root bones respectively no problem, but the middle section of bones are dicey. When the character leans forward, there is no way to get it to bend with the character optimally.

Anonymous No. 899807


Not sure what you mean on that

Anonymous No. 899808


Anonymous No. 899818

What is the difference between nurbs and bezier curves? What are their use cases?

Anonymous No. 899849


I think I figured out what you were saying

Object > Apply > All Transforms

Anonymous No. 899980

yup thats it, did it work now?



Anonymous No. 900024


Yeah that seemed to be the key thanks! Really hard question to get good google results from.



Anonymous No. 900059

I tried hand-painting texturing for the first time on this placeholder LADA. I'm actually pretty proud of the result, looks like a shittier version of a Driver: Parallel Lines car.



Anonymous No. 900060

I tried hand-painting texturing for the first time on this placeholder LADA. I'm actually pretty proud of the result, looks like a shittier version of a Driver: Parallel Lines car.

Anonymous No. 900062

Based and Ladapilled.
t. slav



Anonymous No. 900063

Thanks, slav

Anonymous No. 900070

Blender beginner here.
Is there a way to load an .obj made of a couple of meshes, collect them somehow and then duplicate them but programatically?



Anonymous No. 900114

posing models is fun



Anonymous No. 900119

my blender journey begins with a teacup



Anonymous No. 900123

if you do the topology more like this you will get a better smooth mesh.

Anonymous No. 900124

as long as you have 4 vertices you have a quad. Doesn't matter if its shaped like a triangle. Triangles are usually bad because when you smooth the mess they dont smooth correctly. But sometimes you cant avoid them.

Anonymous No. 900127

ohhhh. i messed with the bevel tool to try get that bit to look better but no luck, this would have been a much better way to do it. thanks anon!



Anonymous No. 900138

Anyone did the CGBoost Blender Launch Pad?
Looks decent and an anon posted a magnet to the full thing a while ago.

Is it worth doing? Seems to go over alot of stuff it seems.

Anonymous No. 900139

how long did that take to make anon? The buildings and props seem to have alot of small details

Anonymous No. 900144

glad to help. Good luck with your blender journey!

Anonymous No. 900153

Do plugins not work with Windows 11 or something? I cannot seem to get Auto-Rig-Pro installed or anything else like Blender to Daz bridge.



Anonymous No. 900155

I don't model but:
>Why is the iris area flat
Our irises aren't on the surface of our eye balls, there is the cornea first then the iris; the cornea is transparent. Doing otherwise would probably add distortion or something alike
>and the pupil is a hole
One could again say that it is to simulate the real thing (indeed a hole), but I suppose it have a practical use, like so the pupils don't reflect things or interact unexpectedly with light



Anonymous No. 900156

Maybe someone can explain what this means. The tutorial says select the character to rig and click "Get selected objects" which I do which throws up this error and does nothing.

Anonymous No. 900157

Can someone recommend me a tutorial for modeling, rigging and animating real simple characters in blender?
I'm looking to do a character around the complexity level of fall guys but I'm gonna need some pretty complex animations.
All the tutorials I've found are either way too basic or for making very detailed models.

Anonymous No. 900171

Do any of you have jobs in 3D mdoelling?

Anonymous No. 900176

Probably around 5 hours, I think. I'm using povray to render because I think it looks neat (and cycles ruins my shitty computer)

Anonymous No. 900179

Is there a way to introduce variation into an array of meshes?
I'm trying to make a stone path. I thought using the array and curve modifier would work, but everything is obviously identical.
Is there a way to introduce variation e.g. chip marks etc without going in and manually doing it? Can it also be done with textures?



Anonymous No. 900180

i spent like $150 on a unicomp mini m keybaord, waited two months for it to show up, and only just now realized i can't use blender with it due to not having a real num pad

Anonymous No. 900182

Fuck this piece of shit software.
fuck the low framerate
fuck the endless proxy meshes
fuck the graph editor
and fuck everyone who shills this useless piece of trash
if I can have only 1 (ONE) character on screen so that this piece of shit software doesn't shit the bed and dip below 24 fps then fuck this shit.
Good fucking luck modeling anything with lots of details, like say.. a fucking hard surface character. Blender will shit itself three times in a row plus another time just for good luck.
And if you try to do something tricky like, apply a modifier, well fuck you, it will freeze and take your shitfile with it.
Thank god it has a good recovery system, so that you can replay the shitshow again.
And don't even try to use the fucking EENNN ELLL AAAAII editor. THAT is the biggest insult an animator can get their hands on.
>Oh, you want to fucking animate this strip? Well fuck you, your animation and I'm going to crash, to teach you a fucking lesson, you shitfuckcuntanimator!
>"I spy with my little eye a functioning animation. Inside my nla editor? I don't think so, asshole! Save the file and I'll scramble your shit for next time."
>"Let me show you all actions ever in the nla editor. Sorted alphabetically."
>"I know you chose the correct action, but I'll just not save your animation anyways."
>muh muh muh but it's free
So is opening your veins, your absolute fuck.
in b4 filtered and go fuck yourself

Anonymous No. 900191

sorry about being vague but i am glad it helped anon. A lot of things in life can be fixed with applying transforms

Anonymous No. 900196

when picking a CPU for blender, what should I be looking for/prioritizing? I plan to have my GPU do the hard lifting, while letting the CPU handle sims etc. Would that be a smart idea? is 32GB enough?

Anonymous No. 900198

sounds like a you problem

Anonymous No. 900199

Wonder what do you use instead.

Anonymous No. 900210

Anyone know? Would appreciate advice

Anonymous No. 900220

I bought a mainboard that is somewhat futureproof when I bought it, so that I can upgrade to an 5xxx CPU later, currently I have an 3800X 8core but I plan to get an 12 or 16 core later this year.
It did cost me only 15 bucks more. I'd suggest to look out for upgrade options.
I would suggest you take at least a current gen 8core or if you can afford it an 16 core.
32GB is enough for a start, but if you want to do large scale fluid or pyro simulations you might need more. Buy the biggest RAM chips so that you have slots available to upgrade later.


plush iro wip.png

Anonymous No. 900246

thank you!
spent my sunday making a little fox plush, the cycles renderer thing is amazing
probably a noob mistake but i'm not sure what's going on with the ridges on the top of her head. it's probably something to do with the fan shape there, but dunno how to fix it.
tomorrow i'm going to dive into UVs and textures and stuff, try to get a fuzzy look



Anonymous No. 900248

I have a problem, I created this cutout with bezier curves and a boolean and it has a giant ngon (on the sport where the curve connects to the square edges.) i know this is problematic because i want to chamfer out the edges (highlighted in the picture) it creates a mess. is there a way i can prevent that without manually cleaning every face?



Anonymous No. 900260

how do I add details like reference? is it through texture painting?



Anonymous No. 900261

le reference

Anonymous No. 900271

You can do it procedurally by mixing different scales of noise.

Anonymous No. 900277

when the FUCK is Linux getting AMD gpu acceleration? It's bullshit that I have a 6800xt and I'm sitting here waiting for a 15 minute cpu render to finish.

Anonymous No. 900280

I think it was supposed to be available in 3.2 but you might have to compile a beta driver or something.



Anonymous No. 900282

Anyone have an idea why the volume isn't showing?

Anonymous No. 900323

Why is it so hard to lock a fucking bone in place? I've clicked like three different lock buttons with the foot bones selected and the foot always still moves with the rest of the skeleton.

Anonymous No. 900329

Make sure to enable the Mesh option in the fluid domain props

Anonymous No. 900331

get a better computer, poorfag

Anonymous No. 900340

Now, no one is answering the other one so a fresh one will have to do.

I've been wanting to model PS1 looking characters but I tried a tutorial and it got messed up. I only have experience with enviroments, please help? Or should I just buy a male and female model and be done with it? How long doesnit take to learn and any videos, any resources, the one I'm using right now it's not that formal.
On the lines at the edges, I don't know why but it doesn't work the same as him
so it's fucked.



Anonymous No. 900342


Anonymous No. 900362

do you have any tutorials in mind?



Anonymous No. 900404

kinda got it i guess, just need to do everything else in photoshop, what about moss? can i get that with geo nodes?

Anonymous No. 900408

Maybe add some denting? Bevel those edges a bit?



Anonymous No. 900419

dent ?

Anonymous No. 900420

yeah, like sculpting the edges. You know, no object in nature having perfect edges.

Anonymous No. 900421

gonna bevel em edges but anything else i can improve on? my rendering looks soulless compared to le reference

Anonymous No. 900422

Sorry, not that previous anon, my knowledge ends after very basic modelling.


Screenshot from 2....png

Anonymous No. 900444

I've added hair particles to my mesh and went to Particle Edit mode to add new hair curves with the Add hair brush. The problem is when try to comb these new added hair curves, they aren't stuck on to the mesh at the root and just flow away. Is there any setting to fix this?
This problem is specific to the Add hair brush, if i comb the particles just randomly generated with the particle system then it sticks normally


Screenshot from 2....png

Anonymous No. 900453

nvm found it it's the preserve setting

Anonymous No. 900454

First I'd say you do things in the wrong order. The most common method is to make a model in zbrush, then retopologize and texture it in blender or other softwares. I don't know zbrush that well, but I assume the problem is the UV map, which is all the polygons in a 3 dimensional model wrapped onto a 2 dimensional surface. If the mapping does not match the model the app has no way to know where on the model the original texture is supposed to be. When imported to Zbrush I believe the UV map is lost because it turns your model into triangles and adds more of them as you sculpt.
My suggestion in this case is to drop zbrush and rather use blenders multiresolution modifier and sculpt on that. This requires a decent topology though and I don't know how your model looks like.

Anonymous No. 900455

If you haven't done any editing to the topology i think you should be able to copy the UV map from the original model in blender. If this is not an alternative you could UV unwrap the modified model, then bake the textures from the original to the modified model. If the original is very different from the modified model you could try to shrinkwrap it to make it closer to the modified model.

Anonymous No. 900458

That's complete bs. Blender is excellent for animation, both 2D and 3D. It's even a decent video editor to. It's simulations like water and such are stunning.

Anonymous No. 900460

>It's simulations like water and such are stunning.
Yeah if you've never seen what a paid program can do in realtime without melting your fancy new CPU.

Anonymous No. 900461

Mantaflow is literally the industry standard and blender just implemented this in 3.0. You probably think about the old fluid simulators that were shit in comparison.

Anonymous No. 900463



Screenshot 2022-0....png

Anonymous No. 900469

I'm currently doing it, currently ended the car and doing the environment part.
>Is it worth doing?
Well, it feels more like an extended introduction to blender, it goes over several aspects of the software so if only want to say, learn with a more focus on 3D modeling or animation this course might fall short. Still it's a good intro to 3D fundamentals .
But this course alone won't make you proficient in any topic. But do keep in mind I'm super early into it (5 out of 15 chapters) it might pick up during the later chapters.

Anonymous No. 900474

Nice car, but i wouldn't categorize it as porn. :P

Anonymous No. 900486

You should look more into which GPU you should get, because it calculates 3d stuff way more efficient than a CPU and blender is designed to use it. That said a nice CPU is preferable and 32gb of RAM should be enough. I get away with an i5 on my laptop with a 3060 and 16gb of RAM. It's not enough for the toughest tasks, but it works for me.

Anonymous No. 900487

You can delete the triangular faces in the fan, the select the edges of the hole you just created, then da 'grid fill'. Adjust the numbers untill you get a nice fill of square faces.

Anonymous No. 900489

With the particle system you could make very realistic fur, but it costs a fair bit of system resources. If that is not possible i'd look into some pbr textures.V2YVX

Anonymous No. 900496

How long did it take you guys to learn all the nodes in blender? Or is it something you'll never fully learn?



Anonymous No. 900499

Thats good to hear, yeah I imagine it gets alot more detailed later on.
Actually started it myself by now and am on chapter 3.
Good to know the car is made in ch.5, already have some Ideas for a self-made car.

Anonymous No. 900501

How to make blender look and feel more like C4D?

>Be me and want to learn 3D shit
>Take class
>Class uses C4D
>C4D is $70+/month
>Fuck that
>Look at Blender
>Interface sucks and don't want to relearn a new one
>Pretty sure I saw somewhere it has presets to mimic other 3D program.
>Search google.
>All results "is blender better than C4D?" and not how to make blender more like C4D

Anonymous No. 900503

You can't. Software doesn't matter at your level, anyway.

Anonymous No. 900504

Any suggestions on how to convert .blend into .am format?

Anonymous No. 900506

software maybe not so much, but it doesn't matter how good or bad the software is if the interface is ass backwards retarded.

Anonymous No. 900507

Funny how Blender's interface is always criticized by people who don't know shit about 3D.

Anonymous No. 900508

not my fault you started with a trash interface and don't know any better. All of the other 3D programs I've used I was able to pick up the interface half way reasonably quickly, like 3DS Max and C4D. Blender? Nah that's from backwards land or something. Haven't tried the latest interface so much in 2.9 or which ever one revamped it.

Anonymous No. 900511

The options are to mimic Maya or Max. You can either change the keybinds yourself, or pirate C4D, or fuck off.

A real 3D artist working in an actual production environment on real and actual projects for an actual paying studio has to use many different software programs as part of their workflow, including in-house tools (that likely run on Linux!)

Either get used to the idea that you're just going to have to learn more things, or die.

Anonymous No. 900512

So you tried it 10 years ago, you've been a struggling do-nothing artist that hasn't learned anything else since then, and you think Blender is the problem?
2.79, the last version before the complete overhaul, came out in 2017.

Please just give up.

Anonymous No. 900528

sheesh you wake up on the wrong side of your mom this morning?
Doesn't matter how good of a photographer is but if your camera busted ur fucked.

>So you tried it 10 years ago
yea. I learned 3DS Max 1st in like 2005, and dabbled in Maya a bit shortly after, and learned C4D from a class a year or 2 ago. First tried blender in like 2010.

>you've been a struggling do-nothing artist
lul wut? I just dick around w this shit for fun lol

>that hasn't learned anything else since then
I learned that other apps interfaces don't suck

>and you think Blender is the problem
That's exactly what I'm saying. I can use all these other applications' interfaces without any complaint at all, no problem, but Blender is the only one I couldn't use because of how god awful its interface/controls was. I can even use Linux's old school vi editor no problem. Had to be schooled on how to use it, but now I don't mind using it all. All these other applications I don't have a problem learning to use. Yes, I may prefer one application over another simply because of the interface, but still doesn't stop me from using it like Blender did. Blender is the only one to do this.

Anonymous No. 900529

Fuck me I even learned to fly a helicopter in like 20 minutes. A fucking helicopter is easier to learn to fly than blender is to use!

(for those who want to know: I got a gift to go fly a helicopter. They explained the controls, tossed me in a simulator--which was fckn awesome--and I was flying between buildings and under bridges within 15ish minutes)

Anonymous No. 900571

ahh that sounds like it'll do it, thankyou!
a pal mentioned about using the hair particle system yeah, i'll definitely check it out. i'm not really worrying about making a game-ready asset or anything so system resources aren't much of an issue. it's more for playing around with the features and trying things out, so i'll check out both hair particles and these PBR textures!

Anonymous No. 900576

I sincerely don't understand why C4D UI has been not adopted by others. It is simply the best one.
t. C4D fag trying to learn with Blender


Screenshot 2022-0....png

Anonymous No. 900617

Please anon tell me i can convert a 2d b/w image to a 2d mesh please please.
Dont tell me about using displacement this is not what I need

Anonymous No. 900636

Happy to help! and if you also downloaded the chapters 16-20 he really does in depth about shading and textures. Hope that helped a little bit.



Anonymous No. 900672

Anyone know what kind of noise gets this texture on the light pole? I'm pretty sure it's just some noise + a color ramp but my efforts have been failing me.

Anonymous No. 900674

looks like a voronoi (color) to me



Anonymous No. 900676

Something like this should be a good starting point.

Anonymous No. 900689


Thank you!

Anonymous No. 900692

How do I use a musgrave texture to add stains to a texture? I'm trying the colorramp but any color that is too black won't be seen.



Anonymous No. 900726

Does anyone have recommendations for sites with lots of character concept/reference art to turn into 3d models?
Just stuff with side/front/back perspectives like picrel.
I suck at drawing so figured it might be a good way to practice.



Anonymous No. 900732

Not sure where to look but is it possible to have multiple cameras render to separate parts of a image?

For an example, a cubemap would normally mean rendering a lot of separate images and putting them together in a separate program but if blender can just render each in place, it would be handy.

Anonymous No. 900738

is there a way to connect one cloth sim to another? I basically wanna staple the top part of a piece of cloth to the bottom piece of cloth.

I can't just make it one object that is longer on the bottom.

Anonymous No. 900752

How do I make a plane catch a shadow without adjusting the light? The tutorials I see seem to leave the rest of the plane as partially black if there's not enough light in the scene but then my object becomes too bright. I remember back in 2.79 just being able to hit settings on the plane and boom easy shadow catch.


Object_menu copy.png

Anonymous No. 900799

Used to be I could add an object and edit the segments and rings. Now the menu is greyed out and I cannot adjust anything. Any idea what is going on here? I used to like old Blender but now I hate it.



Anonymous No. 900800

Any idea on how to get the same result of the right picture for the final png file? Transparency just seems to ruin everything. The right is how it looks in blender the left is how it looks when I open the saved file.

Anonymous No. 900802


There might be addons to do that, otherwise you can set your camera as panoramic and find a separate software to convert equirectangular renders into cubemaps.

Anonymous No. 900816

returning fag here, haven't used blender for like a year now. Wasn't there an option to change brush radius & strength with mouse scroll instead of f button? Or am I delusional?

Anonymous No. 900840

>motion blur works for smoke sims in 3.2
Fucking finally

Anonymous No. 900923

This is perfect, thank you!



Anonymous No. 900926

Yeah I saw a plugin for it while looking for tutorials but I was curious anyway.

Anyway I was looking into cubemap because grease pencil stuff doesn't isn't supported in equirectangular rendering. Just sucks that I probably would render in 3D without it looking weird.

Anonymous No. 900993

Retard here, I know there's a setting that limits texture size in viewport, but is there anything like that for renders? Or is doing it manually my best bet?



Anonymous No. 901031

Okay im fucking retarded
Why isnt this welding
This is a vertex point that is overlapped with the vertex point below it, i just took it off to show if its being welded or not

Anonymous No. 901287

most people use game engines like unity, unreal, godot



Anonymous No. 901290

>/beg/ from /ic/
I'm having problems setting light-reflected surface and how this affect color.
maybe this is the easiest question here.
I'm trying to replicate the examples from marco bucci:
light zone
and shade zone
I need a sphere (doens't have to be perfect), a light source and a
surface (reflect light to sphere).

Anonymous No. 901438

I have question regardless the video editor part of Blender, is there a way, when placing multiple video/image clips next to each other, to place place text strip on top of of them and have it automatically overlay the filenames of the images/videos under it?



Anonymous No. 901479

anyone know how to poly model this in blender and how to get the lines https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/head-drawing-foundation-746f57f1ef664ecbbd2d3e69b2ca32c7

Anonymous No. 901541


Anonymous No. 901556

Yes, I know how to do it. Also those lines are drawn on the texture.

Anonymous No. 901675

I just finished his free intro course and really enjoyed it.

It's a lot easier to jump between different parts of the workflow than it is in C4D and I picked up the shortcuts so much quicker than all my time in C4D



Anonymous No. 901880

I think I finished the modeling phase of the LADA. Going to work on the texturing later



Anonymous No. 902956

here s what i did long time ago