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Anonymous at Sun, 8 May 2022 07:47:27 UTC No. 896032
>Decide to setup a render before I go to bed
>Just finished setup and started the render
>Not even tired anymore
Why the fuck do I keep doing this to myself? Everytime I think something will take twenty minutes at most, it takes atleast five times longer. My sleep schedule is so fucked. Veterans and Pros, what do you do?
Anonymous at Sun, 8 May 2022 08:42:19 UTC No. 896036
what does setup a render mean
are you just starting at 11 ?
if you are already loading something up to render why is it not ready to render ?
Anonymous at Sun, 8 May 2022 09:43:21 UTC No. 896040
I have a set bed time and a 1 hour buffer before that in which I put all work down. When it hits that time I save and close the project, yes it sucks but you get used to it
If you work up until you go to bed you'll never be sleepy
Anonymous at Sun, 8 May 2022 14:21:09 UTC No. 896089
Setup is creating a lighting scenario, camera movements, and tinkering with the rendering settings. I already have a bunch of finished models and animations, but they need time to get a decent render for, so I want it to process overnight so I don't wait during the day.
Sound advice. I'm too used to used to trying to squeeze in more work but as a result I loee sleep and get a bad start to the next day.
Anonymous at Sun, 8 May 2022 14:25:51 UTC No. 896090
>Setup is creating a lighting scenario, camera movements, and tinkering with the rendering settings.
sounds like you're not spending enough time on these things if you think this is 'set up' for rendering as opposed to a stage just as important as modelling.
Anonymous at Sun, 8 May 2022 20:25:37 UTC No. 896177
I am in the same vicious cycle anon. The feels.
I think that >>896040 and >>896090 are a good start. Even if you want to let the pc think overnight what usuallly happens is that you end up using the night yourself. That's why I encourage everyone to have a render node so they cannot be bound to the smae machine while rendering.
If you tink you have a dealine you passed and allnighter to getto next time add +1 day to that schedule EVEN if you fell capable of achieving it.
Yes I am also a slave to my machines. Professional cg work sucks because of that. I am usually jealous of chads that can produce the same amount of economical value only using their phones or gmail. 3D, CG and coding are the artisanal work of the 21st century we are artisans waiting in doom to be replaced by machines in this case AI.
That's why my short term goal is to leave this line of work and focus on sales. Manual labor, even with a mouse, tablet and keyboard is hard labor butslowly getting underpayed,
gg anon I feel you. brofist.