

🧵 What's stopping you guys from creating stuff like this?

Anonymous No. 896245


Anonymous No. 896246

I could easily do this in 2 days but I have better things to do than blah blah blah blah. This is what every response on /3/ is because republican boomers have brain atrophy and cant do 3d.

Anonymous No. 896247

too busy having sex with ur mum

Anonymous No. 896249

>What's stopping you guys from creating stuff like this?

gameplay is all that matters. Visuals just don't cut it - see : The Matrix Awakens.

Anonymous No. 896268

that is the type of thing i want to do. i have videos of places and i want to recreate them to that level in ue5 and then have models of people in them, posed. i am an absolute beginner though, so the answer to the question is that i don't know how to at the moment.

Anonymous No. 896282


Anonymous No. 896285

I'll help you out friend.

Making objects is called "hard surface modeling", making architecture and indoor scenes is called "ArchViz".
Much of the heavy lifting looks like it's being done by "Procedural textures" and likely "procedural modeling", both of these are where instead of doing lots of stuff by hand (pushing verts around, making textures by hand) you're instead using a kind of automation within your program of choice to create things for you based on a small amount of input on your end.
Houdini is very good at this, Blender is getting better at it, you can also use programs like Substance Painter to create textures in an automated way that then get brought into your software of choice.

Advice: Firstly it doesn't matter if you use Blender, Max, Maya, Houdini, Cine4D because all the skills and concepts are the same. The tiny differences in names, button positions, hotkeys, etc are things you can adapt to within a few days if you already have all the fundamentals down.
Second: Even if ArchViz is what you want to do, you can't just only watch ArchViz tutorials. You really need to just grind on tutorials as much as you can and accumulate fundamental knowledge.
At first you'll learn a lot, then you'll learn less, then you'll be annoyed that the author did something an inefficient way, then you'll find you're only learning like one thing (that you wish you'd known 6 months ago) per tutorial.
Third: Don't try to do your own version of the tutorial when you finish. Tutorials are often paint-by-numbers that are really just teaching you what buttons do, and some broad concepts, trying to then do your own metaphorical painting using only the limited information in the tutorial is a recipe for failure.
If you get stuck in a tutorial, go to another one and come back to this one later.

Don't get discouraged. If you find yourself getting tired, stuck, feeling like it's painful, those are all signs that you're learning and growing. It's hard work.

Anonymous No. 896310

Not him but the i'm the same in sculpting. It's like RNG to me, either dice rolls and I can make a great thing or I'll make vomit. I followed SpeedChar's anatomy tutorial along and recently managed to make and prepare a game ready human model which looks like straight from a call of duty game, then today i tried to sculpt a female with references and it was so ugly, ass, noobish as if I was set back to day 1 of my knowledge, I had trouble with even basic human anatomy. I dont get this. It doesnt feel like im progressing at all without using tutorials like a dog handholding.

I want to freesculpt my own characters and not be limited to male gigachad anatomy where every bone is visible

Anonymous No. 896312

Every time someone’s personal project gets featured everywhere I get jealous, no matter how good I am myself.


I kneel.jpg

Anonymous No. 896326

this is literally mind-blowing, the fact that someone did this on their own and as a personal project. It gives me hope as a complete beginner



Anonymous No. 896329

The balls



Anonymous No. 896336

I've been wondering for a while how viable it would be to make CGI movies in a real-time engine like UE5, and videos like that are very inspiring. It looks very good!



Anonymous No. 896360

I want to cut them off

Anonymous No. 896364

Nothing, I'm doing it right now. Just quit my shitty gamedev job so I have time to make cutting edge graphics.

Anonymous No. 896385

Time pretty much.
I've been batting around the idea of doing a series like this, but with highway rest-areas. I always loved stopping at rest areas in the middle of the night during a road trip, it's like a nexus for travelers or some shit.

You know, some ungodly hour of night, the sound of idling big-rig trucks in the distance, the sound of cars passing by on the highway, moths flying around streetlamps filled with hundreds of bug carcasses, the glow of vending machines as you approach the rest area interior, opening the door, brochures of local attractions on a rack, the slight buzz of the fluorescent lighting, an unreadable atlas map of the state you're driving through, a wet-floor sign as you approach the bathroom...

You know, that sort of thing. Something kind of liminal feeling, a bit unnerving if you're a pussy, but not explicitly scary. But yeah, it's something I've been meaning to do and whip something up in UE4 (or 5 now), but procrastination on top of other projects and commissions keep me from diving into it fully.
It's kind of a stupid project, but I'm sure someone might appreciate it if I ever bother doing it.

Anonymous No. 896393

I'm not interest in film.

Anonymous No. 896409


Anonymous No. 896412

Chuds don't have sex. Period. Let alone a chudlet from this board.

Anonymous No. 896449

Am I the only one who thinks this is boring as hell?
>some stairs of an empty train station
>no people, no trains, no timeboards, no scrap papers nor plastic bags blown by the wind
the definition of soulless, not even memeing
it's obviously extremely well made, but I can't fathom putting all those hours to recreate an env of which I can literally find a better version by just going outside. And at that point, I'll just photoscan the entire thing and get the same exact result in a tenth of the time.

okay, good luck with your envgen job. you're obviously made for it. nothing wrong with that.
shitters mashing together ripped game models in ripped game environments in sfm are more famous and make more money than you do, just so you know.

Anonymous No. 896454

my materials usually suck dick and i have no patience to figure out what's missing
in isolation they look alright in substance but when im trying to put together a scene it's just ass



Anonymous No. 896472

I wanted to do picrel by projecting it in my viewport but when I started modeling the perspectives didn't line up so I gave up

Anonymous No. 896562

You should try using a perspective matching tool like F.spy

Anonymous No. 896575

Based. I'm a beginner too. Thanks for the two cents lad. Appreciate it.

Anonymous No. 896577

> japanese train station
> no people, no trains
True, this is pretty unrealistic
> oh wait its in Toyama
> no garbage
> no timeboards
probably unrealistic, though im not sure this technology has reached the Toyaman hinterlands as of yet



Anonymous No. 896585

Curious that unreal engine 5 constantly has these nice environments but when they add in game characters - even when they try their hardest to make it look right - it breaks all believability. Kind of makes you think.



Anonymous No. 896625

Every game will be lazy and realistic now

Anonymous No. 896643


Anonymous No. 896656

And retards like you will be just as, if not more common.

Anonymous No. 896708

Hi everyone,

I'm Lorenzo Drago, the creator of the video. Here's my website if you want more information about me and the project.


Anonymous No. 896715


Anonymous No. 896717

so wait, all of that is just low poly and textures? you didn't do any high poly baking at all?

Anonymous No. 896726

how many people did it take?
and in how many days?

Anonymous No. 896727

1 person, 1 month

Anonymous No. 896782

>muh baking
what is it with noobs and their baking obsession?

Anonymous No. 896786

One word for you noobies - stencils. Learn about them.

Anonymous No. 896789

babby's first frame buffer

Anonymous No. 896795

What's that supposed to mean? Share something smarter with all of us, then.

Anonymous No. 896797

there are like 5 people in the credits

Anonymous No. 896804

because literally everything looks better with a high poly pass

Anonymous No. 896807

Anon, you do realize that 100% of all AAA unreal games are designed first to run on the PlayStation 4 with its hardware limits because they cant move units on PlayStation 5 exclusives at literally $70 a game. They only give this nanite / lumen crap away as free shovelware demos.

Anonymous No. 896817

how does any of that address what I've said?

Anonymous No. 896819

I am just making you aware of the hardware limitations of the PS4 in regards to your 'high poly pass' and texture size limitations. Don't harm the messenger

Anonymous No. 896832

by high poly pass I meant if he made high poly versions of his assets to then bake into normal map. I ask this because he only mentioned a low poly workflow, which got me thinking he did all this with just textures and maybe normal map decals for edges. ps4 limitations have nothing to do with it

Anonymous No. 896833

i think its right to assume he made them for nanite since this is an ue5 thread but, as i pointed out, games are targeting the ps4 which doesnt support this...

Anonymous No. 896841

My daytime job that I need to pay the bills.

Anonymous No. 896856

>first piece of software listed is Blender
Guaranteed angry replies and industry standard mental gymnastics

Anonymous No. 896874

High poly pass obviously means making a high poly and then baking it to a normal map, which will be used on a low poly object. Every game is using """"high poly pass""""" or however else you want to call it. I see this misinformed opinion a lot here, like making a high poly version first is somehow only meant for cinematic assets. 3DCG 101.

He probably didn't make hp and bake here, and for this kind of stuff it usually isn't done anyway. Lots of architectural pieces like this depend on a low poly + bevel + FWN, together with trims and tileables. There is no need to make high poly for those metal beams, it just doesn't make sense and you wouldn't change anything. Maybe you could add some sculpt detail to stairs if you really want to showcase that geo damage with Nanite, but even then, in this case it would kinda be a waste of time with minimal results.

It's not about high poly models here, it's good textures with good surface imperfections / roughness maps and good lighting setup. UE5 helps a lot with reflections and light bounce though, it's insane how good it is, pretty much everyone's realtime work these days look much better just because of the switch from UE4 to UE5. And it keeps getting better, I just tested newly released version of it since the last summer when I was working on an alpha version. It's looking so good and I can't wait to get some free time to work on more personal projects with it.

So to answer OPs question, lack of time is pretty much the problem. Sometimes I unironically wish to get less work from clients so I can start farming Artstation likes with personal projects again, but then I remember how depressing it was last year when I didn't have work for months at the time, so I guess I'd rather just keep quiet and improve my craft through professional projects. Thankfully it's challenging which makes me learn a lot and I'll still have many things to share on my portfolio soon.

Anonymous No. 896877

well I'm a prop guy, so i've always had an HP>LP workflow that's why i'm curious. you think for a scene like this a trim with edge decals like in the link would be enough? https://www.artstation.com/artwork/l3wwa

Anonymous No. 896878

dont listen to that guy, he doesnt know what he's talking about. With unreal engine 5 you dont need to go HP->LP you only do HP and use nanite

Anonymous No. 896879

i'm still not rly sold on the whole auto LODs thing, but i haven't tried it

Anonymous No. 896881

just play the matrix demo on ps5 for your proof

Anonymous No. 896890

They're so rent free that you unironically are blaming "Republican boomers" for the quality of posts on a 3d modeling board, while failing to pyw. Seek help.

Anonymous No. 896930

no it doesn't lol

Anonymous No. 896945

imagine being this retarded

Anonymous No. 896954

imagine giving one sentence negative answers with no explanation whatsoever while being objectively wrong

Anonymous No. 896955

I'm already working on multiple big projects which implement Nanite, I probably have more experience with this than you do. Generally it's true, HP is basically mid poly, that is, HP and LP are actually the same mesh - you just unwrap "HP". But not always, sometimes things still need to be optimized a bit even for Nanite, at least for this current implementation of it.

That being said, I've been talking about the HP > LP in general, this only applies to Nanite, while HP to LP is still a normal workflow for other engines atm. Also, I'm pretty sure the guy who made the OP scene himself said he didn't actually use Nanite workflow for this environment.

Sure, why not. Those microsurface details could still be done just with a normal map and it could be enough, I think that's how this guy did it in the first place. It's more about texturing and lighting in this case.

Anonymous No. 896956

>falling for the nanite meme this hard
lol this guy probably only uses one uv set

Anonymous No. 896957

nanite isnt a meme. See the matrix demo for proof

Anonymous No. 896971

meanwhile on /3/, people complain about UE5 looking like plastic and having bad lighting because it doesn't have an automatic "good lighting with landscape" button. They later shill engines that they never make fully completed games with like uniengine, unity, or godot.

It goes to show you that the tools aren't bad, it is the users that are. If your lighting and performance looks like shit, then it's entirely your fault.

Anonymous No. 896972

>because it doesn't have an automatic "good lighting with landscape" button
but it does, and it's a major point of critique - UE will allow you to make good looking stuff fast but the second you wander off the trail UE triest its best to waste your time.

Anonymous No. 896978

I'll listen to you the moment you make a real time scene that is as photorealistic as the OP.

Anonymous No. 896980

I'll listen to you the moment you make a real time scene that is as photorealistic as the OP.

Anonymous No. 896983

So because 4chan is now so adamant on hosting rightwing boomers it's 3D GFX board is shit? Well guess what? you're right! And most other boards here are shit now too.
Trump truly ruined the world by rallying up schizos to secure votes.
And that's a good thing!

Anonymous No. 897008

There are threads on this board that are still comfy. The rest is teenage shit stirring by tourists.

Anonymous No. 897052

pyw libtards

Anonymous No. 897070


Anonymous No. 897197

I looked at your resume. How fast were you working that you found the time to juggle so many things simultaneously?

Anonymous No. 897213

Lack of knowledge. I don't have access to that station and flying over there would cause me to lose my current job.

Anonymous No. 898580

>clips in the day look completely realistic
>switches to night and it looks off
Am I just nitpicking? Idk but I think it's something about the way the flashlight interacts with objects
doesn't look as good as everything in the daytime
Any ideas? Is it the bloom? Just curious

Anonymous No. 898637

waste your talent for bad reputation by posting your work to white supremecist board. ok

Anonymous No. 898638

If you're not a white supremacist, what the fuck are you even doing here?

Anonymous No. 898641

What board do you think you are on right now?

Anonymous No. 898645

It's the stencil shadows or whatever.
Any time a game has shadows that look like that, it instantly looks off. It's like the 3d object is offset and floating in space, not like a shadow.
That and they don't really have a realistic softening/falloff that you'd expect.
I don't know if you can really fault the dude for that, or Unreal. I'm not familiar enough with Unreal to make a comment on how its lighting actually works.

Anonymous No. 898646

>if you're not a white supremecist you must be liberal.
Your 1 dimensional thinking is why your "government" will fuck you out of existence.

Nice job mang! I like your other stuff too. You should get the fuck out of here tho.

Anonymous No. 898647

oooh I see. that makes sense. Thanks for the explanation anon!

Anonymous No. 898699

we get it, you snowflakes have nothing worth showing at all. Stay triggered.

Anonymous No. 898710

Weird. You must not be a coomer, since the best thing we are good at is sculptijng the female body lol.
Still need references though.

Anonymous No. 898711

the day version is genuinely impressive
the night version looks like one of those shitty "high res" texture mods in a game that just turns up the specularity to 11

Anonymous No. 900306

Do it anon, sounds fun. Those highway stations might change a lot soon. No more gasoline smell, full of modern charging stations. I guess many get renovated to be as modern and comfortable as possible when people need to stay there for 30 min to charge their car. If you do it now you capture a piece of our history. Something the future generations won't know about if you don't do your part.

Also where are you from? Never been to the US and always wondered how those rest areas there are like

Anonymous No. 900307

Very nice Lorenzo Kun, I'm gonna follow your future work. I look forward on what you build next.


3D Reich Mutterfi....jpg

Anonymous No. 900308

Äh, the /3/d reich board?
Was zur Hölle did you think?



Anonymous No. 900383

Yeah it's something I've been working on slowly in the background, but it's been slow going since it's something I can only really do in my free time.
I don't think they'd change too much in the next 20 years, truckers still need a place to park and sleep after all, and people need a place to stretch their legs and take a piss. I could see charging stations popping up, but I don't see a problem in making people get out of their car and walk around for 30 mins or so.

But yeah, I'm from the US. I'd mainly focus on East-Coast rest areas since that's what I've had the most exposure to (traveling up and down visiting family and stuff), but since my dad was in the military, we got stationed all over the country, so I've gotten to see all kinds of places. Though I'd probably just make something from scratch that has the "feel" of somewhere rather than a 1:1 replica of an existing place.

I mean the rest areas aren't really all that important or need some kind of preservation, I just think they're kind of neat for some retarded reason.