

🧵 How to transfer drawing skills to sculpting skills

Anonymous No. 896586

I am from /ic/. It is my first time sculpting an anime character. I want to make a perfect, professional level sculpt and start a 3DCG company by the end o the year. Any tips would be appreciated.



Anonymous No. 896587




Anonymous No. 896589

Reference image, I want it to look like this. I think it's the eyes that's off.
I looked up a lot of Youtube videos on anime sculpting and they all look somewhat off. None of them manage to replicate the beauty of a 2D drawing. The only good one I found was of Ochako. I want to be the first to break that trend.


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Anonymous No. 896590

This one is good too.

Anonymous No. 896598

>I want to make a perfect, professional level sculpt and start a 3DCG company by the end o the year.
Holy fucking shit hahaha you're so fucking funny dude, you should consider professional shitposting instead of something that you will never be able to make it as with your level of dunning-kruger

Anonymous No. 896601

Sculpting isn't hard like drawing, most people become professional within 1 year of practice. I just want to become a pro in half that time. My face sculpt is pretty good for a day's worth of sculpting. It's a wip of course and the hair is a matter of how much time I invest in it. I want some critique on the face and also should I make the eyes flat circles instead of spheres?



Anonymous No. 896602

Also I only started blender 2 weeks ago and I already made kalaeidoscopes and dragons.



Anonymous No. 896603



kalaeido scope.png

Anonymous No. 896605




Anonymous No. 896607

>anime character


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Anonymous No. 896608


Anonymous No. 896609

Ref has nostrils. >>896589
The nose looks good.

Anonymous No. 896610

You'll have to work on a cure for blindness before becoming an artist.


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Anonymous No. 896611

Retard crab


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Anonymous No. 896612


Anonymous No. 896626

esdeathfag fuck off to /ic/

Anonymous No. 896627

Sorry but the "1 year of practice" applies to people who have already mastered box modelling and other 3D fundamentals such as proper topology
Case in point regarding your dunning-kruger. Go learn proper 3D, don't bother trying to fast-track because you clearly don't have the aptitude for it. Do not, however, do donuts. Start by modelling your room, bedsheets and curtains and all, and get feedback for that first. Don't be a loser faggot.


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Anonymous No. 896634

Thanks for the advice, I was never planning to do donuts because it looked stupid and a waste of time anyway.
But you are going to need to elaborate, what do you mean by "proper topology"? Are you saying my kalaeidoscope has to follow a predetermined topological ruleset otherwise it's not appealing? I don't quite understand. I have covered box modeling, that's how I made my torii gate and I have also acquired a basic understanding of geometry nodes and everything other than sculpting in the past few weeks. It was easy, not hard at all. Rendering is a matter of investing time, and I want to jump right into sculpting which is where my drawing skills will shine.
Sculpting and modelling are two completely different subjects, even if it's both 3DCG. I want to know both but I have already developed enough understanding of the latter so what I want to focus on now is sculpting.
I have people willing to hire me provided I have the skillset, which is why I'm in a hurry.
I even modeled the dragon horns without any tutorial, just using my own reasoning skills. I can model pretty much any basic object I want. It's a matter of where I put my time. Modelling my room would be easy, I might do it another time but why does it have to be now? What will I learn from it?

Can you give me feedback on what I've done so far?

Anonymous No. 896635


Anonymous No. 896638

You obviously have a great eye and are very intelligent. I think you're selling yourself short by aspiring towards grunt work, have you considered a more impactful managerial role? Your skills could lift up an entire team of artists. Food for thought.


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Anonymous No. 896644

first thing I thought of

Anonymous No. 896645

Don't listen to this midwit lol, you have a headstart already and you're pretty compotent. It's a matter of being with the right peers.

Finish your sculpts



Anonymous No. 896646


Anonymous No. 896648


Anonymous No. 896653

Your models didn't initially interest me when they were by themselves, but they do look interesting now that you're put them together. If you improve your technical skill and knowledge, you may be able to create something really cool.

With 2d art, you take a real-world 3d form and turn it into a shape, but with 3d art you keep 3d forms as 3d forms. When you take a 2d shape (like anime), and try to turn it into a 3d form, it doesn't always work out well, almost like trying to increase the detail in a low-resolution image. Even if you only want to make anime, it would help to study the form of real-world faces, then combine that knowledge with anime to get a 3d anime character that works. Studying emotion would help out the most, since that seems to be the main issue with >>896586.

Anonymous No. 896654

Your first problem is that you're trying to sculpt with blender



Anonymous No. 897032

im giving it a try. the blocking so far

Anonymous No. 897034

You guys don't know what hell /3/ is in for. Don't attempt to help this /ic/ permabeg. It will only serve to inflate his ego twice over one year of no progress.

Anonymous No. 897035

Don't threaten me with a good time. I don't even draw but visit /ic/ for the twitter schizo drama.

Anonymous No. 897055

Looking great so far

Anonymous No. 897064

Being a permabeg is still better than being a crab, because at least permabegs make things.

Anonymous No. 897068

can i see its wireframe?



Anonymous No. 897074


Hey OP, don't pay attention to this guy:

You're more creative and talented than 90 + percent of people on this board. Just keep at it, and you'll go places.


visual animation.png

Anonymous No. 897091

Thanks, yeah my friends want me to create visual animation and VJ stuff for their music but I ran out of ideas. Copying Ducky VJ loops is easy and all but eventually I want to create stuff like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrOd4Ngc17s

This looks exactly how I wanted it, especially the nose. I've been sculpting the nose for hours and managed to achieve something close but I accidentally messed up the rest of the head. Good hat, too. I think I will try this blocking technique before sculpting.



korone doggy god.jpg

Anonymous No. 897094

Also simple animations like this are inspiring too and something I can make with blender https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLNTAMY1NZA



Anonymous No. 897095

Also, I have studied drawing realism for many months on /ic/ so I have a basic understanding of the skull and 3D form.

Thanks too



Anonymous No. 897097




Anonymous No. 897226

>I want to make a perfect, professional level sculpt and start a 3DCG company by the end of the year.




Anonymous No. 897241


Lo Dog No. 897242

Not realistic enough... Show me someone who can get her to want me

Anonymous No. 897256

>I have a basic understanding of the skull and 3D form.
NO YOU DONT LMAOOOO holy FUCK dude how fucking old are you man you sound like a permabeg, you cant even tell when the crabs here are encouraging you to stay stupid because your inflated ego has made you retarded

Anonymous No. 897262

>How to transfer drawing skills

Let's see your drawings.



Anonymous No. 897266

Retard post your work then

Here are some, fireden is down so I can't show some of my other ones


7 day progress.jpg

Anonymous No. 897267



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Anonymous No. 897269




Anonymous No. 897271




Anonymous No. 897272




Anonymous No. 897274


Anonymous No. 897275

Why does /3/ have so many idiots like: >>897256

Anonymous No. 897276

/3/ is the first board on the mobile apps.

Anonymous No. 897277

Cool, this is really helpful. I really want to see this completed and compare to this >>896589

I'm not sure if you can do this in Blender, but I think it could also look really cool as an if you complete it and add manga lines like this:


Anonymous No. 897278

Cool, this is really helpful. I really want to see this completed and compare to this >>896589
I'm not sure if you can do this in Blender, but I think it could also look really cool as an if you complete it and add manga lines like this:


Anonymous No. 897280

I dont have to prove anything to a permabeg like you, either take the advice of people who arent actively trying to sabotage your improvement by sucking your dick, or stay unemployed

Anonymous No. 897281


Anonymous No. 897310

Except you only give shit advice and hurl abuse, idiot.

Anonymous No. 897322

Lol you are replying to an artificially biased thread. Save your breath and hide this thread kek.

Anonymous No. 897346

People come here from /ic/

Anonymous No. 897363

cute esdeath

Anonymous No. 897497

Your drawings look just as bad as your 3d work, so I'd say the skills have transferred over completely.

Anonymous No. 897498

Not very convincing. Let's see your work.

Anonymous No. 897510

No dude don't listen to him you're the best you should apply to Disney and sell all your possessions in the meantime because they will definitely hire you and you should relocate early

Anonymous No. 897515

You're the same idiot who made a complete retard out of yourself in the Blender vs Maya animation thread, aren't you?

Anonymous No. 897517

I don't think your 2D looks gargabe. Better than what I can do but nothing even close to special compared to the most impressive stuff I've seen online.
Ignore the ngmi replies, those are normal here.
You're agead of most people here but only in the way that you're working to improve while they aren't.
Prove me wrong if you can but I do have to agree with the fags here that you are overestimating your skill and how fast you will get to where you want. That doesn't mean you should stop and give up, but that you should gain some bettter perspective because if you continue thinking you're amazing you will one day crash into reality and then give up in shock, and I don't want you to do that.

Anonymous No. 897520

?? No I don't care for software nonsense, and I was being legitimate. He shows a lot of talent and promise, he should relocate!

Anonymous No. 897607

Please ignore OP, he's a retard spamming in threads on /IC/, ignores every single tip people give him and keep posting his stuff without getting any better. People literally started to ignore him hoping he'll stop posting.

Anonymous No. 897619


True. If you look at wakarimasen.moe archive it shows how many times the retard posted his shitty artworks in /ic/. I am lead to believe esdeath and 7month schizo are one in the same.



Anonymous No. 897646

Mouth nose and looks spaced closer in the reference which you fixed. You can subtle cheeks that transition into the orbital with of a polished surface under the eyes (always reference real anatomy anime characters are just symbol representations of things like the eyes, nose, and mouth). Jaw should be slightly obtuse here (this one looks like a 100 degree angle) with the straight lines gradually curving or even can be more angular at the point it lines up at the bottom of the nose. Usually anime characters have that transition above the mouth to denote the jaw line and help form cheeks.
not bad in a few areas but I there are clearly places where more work on fundamentals are needed. The closed right hand on the 5th model going left to right is good shows massive improvement but then the left turns into an arcade claw with too long slender fingers (remember middle finger and palm are the same length with the primary form of thenar eminence being a circle starting at the wrist and ending at the halfway point of the palm). Never be satisfied until proportions and silhouette fully match your references and your anime drawings look manga/anime style hyaku pasento. Make sure when you look it as a whole, especially the face, determine that it exudes Esdeath. Is it believable to you imagining someone else made it for a film and presented it to you as the art director, or is it a cheap Chinese imitation created to look more like a doll that you wouldn't approve for production?

Also props for being one of the few artists left to make your own anime head.
Recreating the same character from multiple angles with different poses and expressions consistently without it looking like a different character is extremely hard. I've know very technically skilled art students who've worked in animation, with one for as long as 7 years, beat themselves up over it still being their weakest point. The fact that OP is even working on this deserves compliment.



Anonymous No. 897757

Thanks, I know my stuff isn't the best but I think I'm pretty good for the amount of time I've been drawing.
I was going to show you what I was capable of but I'm still not used to my new wacom (I used to use a screen tablet) and I realized my carpal tunnel still (partly why I started blender) hadn't healed yet.
I am still getting used to blender so there's a lot to learn.

Thanks too, yeah I did really good for that hand and yeah it's hard to make the same face at different angles. My favorite faces are >>897271
and >>897274 but it's hard to achieve that feel in frontal view while looking as good. I am taking it easy on drawing because I injured my hand 6 months ago but I am working on this and instead of finishing my drawings in a single day I will be working on it over the weeks and months.

Anonymous No. 897760

My dude, you do not draw half as good as you think you do. Your sculpting is unimpressive at best. I know you feel proud about learning something new, but this isn't nearly presentable to an audience.

Grind more.

Anonymous No. 897767


All I see that's improved is your dunning kruger level.

Anonymous No. 897826

Stop being delusional

Anonymous No. 897827

Oh my god this is a train wreck.

Anonymous No. 898021

Hey esdeathfag got bored of /ic/? is /3/ your next target for posting garbage?
Also hi /3/ hope your having a nice day.

Anonymous No. 898027

Just practice


meQ cocnept art 3....jpg

Anonymous No. 899074

>he wants "perfect stuff"
>doesn't use references
>doesn't use 3 side view images
>doesn't use a workflow

Anonymous No. 899086

I'm guessing all these icfags are just like OP, but stagnated in a slighter better skill level and probably just as bad at 3D. Nobody making anything worthwhile has time for intraboard raids.

Anonymous No. 899119

Personally as 2D artist mainly who enjoys 3D modeling and sculpting on the side. Best program that gives you more of a drawing/clay sculpting feel is Zbrush. If you are in school you can get a free academic license so you can practice to your hearts content. Also follow Zbrush artists like SMAARTIST (Stephen Anderson) he gives full break down on how to block out and add full detail. One I'm working on



Anonymous No. 899120

Sculpt I'm working on

Anonymous No. 899205

Wow you are the best artist I've ever seen!!! Dont EVER try to listen to people giving you advice!! It will make your magic modeling skills rub off! ):

Start working with reference and learn how to make basic shapes before jumping into details
Try modeling inanimate items
Preferably things in your house which are pretty simple like bottles and what not

And get your head out of your ass dude
You are a starter you have potential
But if you won't listen to people who tell you you need to learn the basics (both in drawing and cg) you won't get far

Anonymous No. 899478

What matters is listening to the right people, and not mentally ill idiots like yourself.

Anonymous No. 899524

yeah i was gonna say Zbrush. it has literal 2.5d brushes where you just draw and you can translate the drawings/alphas directly into a brush or turn them into mesh armatures.
2D to 3D basically.

Anonymous No. 899531


Please tell me this is a very complex crabbing psyops to make OP spend another year wasting on 2.5d brushes with no progress whatsoever? This is rather based.

Anonymous No. 899534

i was saying that more to get him interested in ZedBrush, not to use 2.5d, sorry.

Anonymous No. 899560

Grind, if you're 7/10+ at art but 1/10 on tech you'll still have to work. Vice versa too. If you're already competent at both, maybe 7/10 for both, you'll do it in half a year, maybe less. Otherwise, you're looking at a 1-2 year grind minimum. Some who don't have time to do it at least 6 hours a day for a whole year will take even longer, like 5+ years.

Anonymous No. 899606

Post in the WIP faggot.

Anonymous No. 899654

topkek chrischan tier

Anonymous No. 901044

youve gotta try to make the eyes rest more, right now she looks like shes staring irght into my soul withthe craziest fucking sanpaku eyes ive ever seen in my life, squint them more and i think youll be alright



Anonymous No. 901048

thats fuckin scary



Anonymous No. 901082

me again and i geniuenly believe you should familiarize yourself with the basic fundamentals of 3d modeling and get an understanding before you venture out to realms of "professional sculpting"

its still would be a waste to just start over so finish it and look at it as a pratice piece if anything. you have a clear understanding of drawing but its a completely different medium, which is why a guy who only draws with gouache brushes wont be able to instantly become a perfect graffiti artist due to the muscle memory and more complex details that a spray can and a brush have

im repeating myself but start with that blockout and add nessecary details on a fly. there isnt any given situation in which you switch between dyntopo (dynamesh if you arent a gay blender user) and subdivison, atleast not for me but i also suck at sculpting even though i do.

good luck man
pic rel is my kinda terribly done work but it atleast shows that blockouts help alot

Anonymous No. 901152

Any progress on this?

Anonymous No. 901160

This isn't half bad anon. It only need a little more refinement and detail to be a finished piece.

Your work is only as good as the amount of time and patience you put into it.



Anonymous No. 901161

>I want to make a perfect, professional level sculpt and start a 3DCG company by the end o the year
dude you are delusional
>I am from /ic/
lmao, this has to be some kind of pasta



Anonymous No. 901165

>How to transfer drawing skills to sculpting skills
You do not !

2D is about faking things this is why anime or drawn characters often look terrible in 3D.

>professional level sculpt and start a 3DCG company by the end o the year.