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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 897139

You experts and professionals in the field, how many polys does this beauty have?

Anonymous No. 897145

At least 10

Anonymous No. 897153

Do you really expect me, in a Saturday afternoon that I'm passing drinking good whiskey, in probably another continent from you, to count the polygons of your fucking jpeg picture? Why? What, exactly, is the purpose behind that question?

No. Wait. I do not care. I absolutely give zero fucks.

Anonymous No. 897155

between 40k - 60k

Anonymous No. 897156

Middle is the most attractive.

Anonymous No. 897169

>drinking good whiskey
Bullshit. I bet you drink some supermarket swill.

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fuck you.jpg

Anonymous No. 897174

It IS good whiskey. Go fuck yourself. If you want to give me some better whiskey, please tell me about it. Then I will not call you a fucking tranny faggot, in general.

Anonymous No. 897175

>malt whiskey

My god, I can smell the poor taste across the ocean.

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Anonymous No. 897200

Yes, i will explain.
When this movie came out it was practically the most absurd 3D at that time, it would be interesting to find out if the current games come close to that amount of triangles... but good drinking anyway.
Seems like a believable amount according to this wireframe.

Anonymous No. 897204

Anon do you understand the concept of subdivision

Anonymous No. 897222

I like big butts and I cannot lie. No literally I cannot.

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Anonymous No. 897227

It's comparable to modern day game models. 20k-30k

Anonymous No. 897285


Anonymous No. 897338

Yea looks close to the base Genesis 2 low res 16k poly.

Anonymous No. 897367

the base body is close but look at ops pic, hands and face have a higher density.
the head is obviously one level higher subdiv.

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Anonymous No. 897369

>Every one of her 60,000 hairs was separately animated and rendered, at a render farm consisting of 960 Pentium III-933MHz workstations that took 1.5 hours to render every frame. Her model is estimated to be made up of around 400,000 polygons, as are the other main characters of the movie

Anonymous No. 897380

As you can see the Aki model isn't that heavy and in the sub 100K range like most modern game characters. But it's built with subdivision in mind so when you see it on screen it is the number of polys in the basemodel squared to the subdivision level. Whatever is needed for her curvature to look perfectly smooth at the distance from camera so prob between 2-4 subdivisions depending on the shot.

So Aki is maybe 40-90K polygons that is actually hand edited by the artist, and a couple of hundred thousand to low millions is what you're looking at on the subdivided surface in the rendered frames of the released film.

Anonymous No. 897381

This is bullshit there already was hair sim back then

Anonymous No. 897435

you over estimat the polycount.
~25k polys is accurate, definitely under 30k
The comparison model is under 20k polys.

OPs model shows more polys in the neck and hands and probably the feet, but not in the face. The face only looks more dense because the the hair from the back of the head showing through the front of the head.

add ~100polys each to the neck, each hand and feet on the comparison model and you have a very similar density distribution.

Anonymous No. 897436

you over estimate the polycount.
~25k polys is accurate, definitely under 30k
The comparison model is under 20k polys.

OPs model shows more polys in the neck and hands and probably the feet, but not in the face. The face only looks more dense because the the hair from the back of the head showing through the front of the head.

add ~1000 polys each to the neck, each hand and feet on the comparison model and you have a very similar density distribution.

Anonymous No. 897441

they literally chose to do this anon

Anonymous No. 897448

>body is close
Look at OP boobs - round to pixel precision.
Look at yours - like 8 sides.
I'm not even /3/ but are you guys retarded?
Didn't those old programs use nurbs so there are no polys until surfaces are divided up to render one tri per pixel or whatever?

Anonymous No. 897454

Sub-D and NURMS had displaced NURBS quite some time before The Spirits Within.
NURBS was pretty archaic and something few where dabbling in by the turn of the Millennium.
CV-surfaces are very hard to work with compared sub-d and something few people was dabbling in past the early-mid 90's.

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Anonymous No. 897460

20K sound plausible, my fem-model looks like it has a very similar poly density and it's about 20K.

It's a game model not meant for sub-d but it can be used to demo what sub-D is all about for people ITT that perhaps are new to all this.

Anonymous No. 897491

No one knows or cares who you are, faggot
>dood drink lmao
Shut up

Anonymous No. 897501

How did you get quad version of game models?

Anonymous No. 897663

He didn't see that thigh? how all the wrong triangles are iso-lined?
Anon prob ran some 're-quadify' function on it or did a very sloppy cleanup manually.

Anonymous No. 897675


this is right. I just ran the quadrangulate operation in maya for the sake of getting a more comparable model.

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Anonymous No. 897679

>I'm not even /3/
you should stop there and asks questions next time instead of calling others retards. it really just makes you sound like one.

OPs image is a poly model with NURBS hair; Built in 2000, so likely in Power Animator, and that approach would be the norm at the time. I started 3d in 1998, so I know quite well how it worked back then. There were not a lot of options.

The underside of the breasts are rounder in OPs image because of subdivisions in the bikini top and perhaps subdivisions in the rendered models. Otherwise, you can visually count the number of polygons that make up the breast area and in entire model for that matter, to see that they're very similar.

Also note, that the comparison mesh has denser hair including the bun, and bows and lace in the top of her outfit that account for additional polygons if you want to consider the differences. All that in a model under 20k polys. Adding an extra 5k on top of that is generous.

Anonymous No. 897720


>Every one of her 60,000 hairs was separately animated and rendered
>Her model is estimated to be made up of around 400,000 polygons
These points and numbers are nonsense. Tech writers have no idea what they're writing about, especially back then. They may get a few talking points and specs from someone and write complete horseshit articles to impress and fill magazines. I had very close experience with this.

you can see the wireframe in OPs pic. there's no need to imagine what it looks likes to understand what is a realistic poly count is, or how the hair was made.
the hairs,or eye lashes, brows, possibly the clothing were nurbs based surfaces, so of course they cant give a polycount on the mdels, so they give some made up *estimate* of 400k polygons to make it sound impressive.

Being partially made of nurbs means that the tellelation and polycount varies depending on the rendering resolution and distance from camera any character is at any time.

Anonymous No. 897722


>Every one of her 60,000 hairs was separately animated and rendered
>Her model is estimated to be made up of around 400,000 polygons
these points and numbers are nonsense. tech writers have no idea what they're writing about, especially back then. they may get a few talking points and specs from someone and write complete horseshit articles to impress and fill magazines. I had very close experience with this.

you can see the wireframe in OPs pic. there's no need to imagine what it looks likes to understand what is a realistic poly count is, or how the hair was made.

the hairs,or eye lashes, brows, possibly the clothing were nurbs based surfaces, so of course they cant give a polycount on the mdels, so they give some made up *estimate* of 400k polygons to make it sound impressive.

being partially made of nurbs means that the tesselation and polycount varies depending on the rendering resolution and distance from camera any character is at any time.

Anonymous No. 897725


>Every one of her 60,000 hairs was separately animated and rendered
>Her model is estimated to be made up of around 400,000 polygons
these points and numbers are marketing nonsense given to impress the audience.

you can see the wireframe in OPs pic. there's no need to imagine what it looks likes to understand what is a realistic poly count is, or how the hair was made.

the hairs,or eye lashes, brows, possibly the clothing were nurbs based surfaces, so of course they cant give a polycount on the mdels, so they give some made up *estimate* of 400k polygons to make it sound impressive.

being partially made of nurbs means that the tesselation and polycount varies depending on the rendering resolution and distance from camera any character is at any time.

Anonymous No. 897786

Worth noting some games, especially older ones, do sometime encode quads in the model file and split them at load time.

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I let you use thi....jpg

3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 897794

250 thousand polys. Half in the face and hands, the other half in the hair and the whole body.

Anonymous No. 897865


Anonymous No. 897917

>you should stop there
And yet I was clearly right that there are more polygons used in the shaded images in OP than in the 'mesh', (look at the shoulder of the arm on our left - hard corners - shaded, no corners) whereas you are left embarrassing yourself talking about visually counting the polygons in the mesh

Anonymous No. 898000

>I was clearly right
no, the only smooth here is your brain. this is a discussion talking about polygon count in the model, not how you look at breasts.

Anonymous No. 898001

>I was clearly right
no, the only smooth thing here is your brain. this is a discussion talking about estimated polygon count in the model, not how you focus on breasts.

Anonymous No. 898217

Oh, it's you

Anonymous No. 898396

so what happened to the shoulder between the 'model' in wireframe and the actual model in grey?

Anonymous No. 898400


Fucking kek. This is not your true skill. Stop holding back and post your artstation.

Anonymous No. 898405

wireframe is the base model
smooth-shaded model is typically just the base model rended with smooth shading, but because the aliasing is different it will look different from the wireframe. however i can see a lot of the same linear edges in the top of the shoulder and the side of the hip, and because it makes absolutely no sense to subdivide the model just to take a screenshot of an unaliased shaded model, im going to say it probably wasnt subdivided.
rendered model however clearly shows additional subdivision.

now, OP showed the wireframe and asked for a poly count estimate, and everyone is clearly making comparisons to the wireframe and not the rendered image.

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Anonymous No. 898534

/ck/ here. Tell me the bottle and I will be the judge if it's good whiskey or not.


Anonymous No. 898816


Anonymous No. 898845

He's not wrong

Anonymous No. 898847

You sir, are a blatant liar. You spelt whiskey with an 'e', revealing that you are in fact drinking dirty dish water.

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Anonymous No. 899121

So... And this one?

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Anonymous No. 899141

Any guess?

Anonymous No. 899657

T. Dural lover

Anonymous No. 899930

60k at least, but they used nurbs

Anonymous No. 900568


Anonymous No. 901508

Triss, what a miss!

Anonymous No. 903978

all those Tris, jesus christ and im struggling to get a job with the ability to fully quad topologise and animate a bitch wtf

Anonymous No. 904544

the visual difference between 200K verts and 100K-60K verts is hard for most people to notice and depending on the art style/how textures are applied.
I think around 60K is right.

Anonymous No. 904628

Looks like nina willams

Anonymous No. 905262

Kek... Very funny

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Anonymous No. 905281

>kek very funny
think so?

Anonymous No. 905391

From wiki:
Each character's base body model was built from more than 100,000 polygons,[34] plus more than 300,000 for clothing alone.[23] Aki's character model bears 60,000 hairs, each of which were separately and fully animated and rendered.[30]

Anonymous No. 906608


Anonymous No. 908398

atleast two subdivisions levels an really low. it has really good bump maps.

Anonymous No. 908403

Nobody gives a shit about you getting drunk off of $20 store brand whiskey on a weekend afternoon.

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Anonymous No. 909417

Any guess?