

๐Ÿงต Hey can you guys recommend me a GPU

Anonymous No. 897735

I'm buying a new GPU for vidya tomorrow
I'd also like to pursue making 3dcg shorts (probably those sfm coomer animations) on the side too. Gonna use blender.
Would a 3070 be fine if I want to render vids at 1080p without it taking hours? I don't wanna invest in a Qaudro GPU because I'm just a hobbyist
Already have an RTX 1660 super and Ryzen 5 3500x.
And I have experience with 3d stuff before, made bunch of skyrim mods and custom animations and stuff.

Thanks in advance!

Anonymous No. 897736

Get a gpu with 12gb or 24gb of vram

Anonymous No. 897737

render times depend entirely on the renderer of your choice and scene complexity.
all path tracers (like cycles) will take hours to render longer scenes regardless of hardware.
realtime engines (like eevee) will be significantly faster but it'll look like vidya - you might want to consider rendering in UE5 if you go this route.

as >>897736 suggests, you will be constrained by VRAM.
rendering is one of those things where you really do get more the more you pay.
for hobbyists its not worth going beyond a 3090 at the moment.

do not buy amd.

Anonymous No. 897740

>you might want to consider rendering in UE5 if you go this route.
Not him, but why?

Anonymous No. 897743

>all path tracers (like cycles) will take hours to render longer scenes regardless of hardware.
eh I'll use eevee for the coomer stuff but cycles for other things.
> you might want to consider rendering in UE5 if you go this route.
do people ever render coomer stuff in UE5? lol sounds like overkill.
>rendering is one of those things where you really do get more the more you pay.
>for hobbyists its not worth going beyond a 3090 at the moment.
So is a 3070 worth it? If let's say I want to make a 15 second video at tops at 1080p, how long would it take on a 3070?

Anonymous No. 897747

i prefer the look + RT options.

>So is a 3070 worth it?
depends entirely on how you value your time and money.

>If let's say I want to make a 15 second video at tops at 1080p, how long would it take on a 3070?
difficult to answer this. there's nothing stopping you from making a test scene with your current set up, checking render times on your gpu and then comparing benchmark times of your card vs other cards and trying to extrapolate. if anything having a test scene ready will let you immediately benchmark your new card and decide whether it's worth keeping or not.

Anonymous No. 897750

Don't DON'T but a 3070. The 3080 has twice the iray iteration rate. The prices are getting affordable.
Just don't.

Anonymous No. 897751

And shit 8gb of ram instead of 10 to 12.

Anonymous No. 897781

Alright thanks
3080 is too expensive. How long could I wait?

Anonymous No. 897782

Here the price dif is 300 euros. You should definitevely save. You're making a mistake getting the 3070 if there is any kind of rendering involved.

Anonymous No. 897783

Mistake i made.

Anonymous No. 897784

Just go with an nvidia gpu, I have a 3060 and I can render up to 300 samples on cycles in less than 30 seconds using optix

Anonymous No. 897790

Better be worth it. What PSU should I go with? Will my 3500x bottleneck?
I need it for rendering videos.

Anonymous No. 897791

fyi, nvidia 4xxx series cards will probably be announced w/in 6-8 weeks.
normally i'd tell you to wait, but supply being what it is these days, things are a bit more complicated.
personally, i would still wait.

Anonymous No. 897802

the decision is simple - get a 3060 now and use optix and wait after that if the 40 series will be better and not use extreme amounts of power

Anonymous No. 897804

>use optix
or he waits a couple months, gets ~50% more perf for the same money and doesn't have to rely on a smearing filter that low-standard retards think is magic.

Anonymous No. 897807

anon, no generation gives 50% perf for the same money. I've been buying nvidia gpus for over 20 years now. They are talking about huge power supply requirements which cost money every day from the electric bill. Also, no one is talking about any kind of filter, we are talking about rendering with optix which is the successor to cuda and gives the exact same result as cuda but much faster. How old are you, LOL?

Anonymous No. 897808

you know what? i actually concede; i'm being retarded. i still think it's a bad idea buying a gpu weeks before a new series is due.

i suspect increased power draw will be offset by perf gains, and i'd take faster renders over efficiency.

Anonymous No. 897833

>Better be worth it
Don't take my word for it, look at benchmarks.
It's not 50% better more like 25/30%.
Still. I got my 3070 for 850e when the 3080 where still 1600e. Now i want top sell my 3070.