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Anonymous No. 897752

Help bros

I'm modeling what would be a final level mech for a videogame. The idea is that can you level up your mech's body and weapons.

This is the highest level mech, which should be a behemoth - the largest of the bunch. Yet I can't help but feel it still looks like a toy - when it should be hueg.

I tried adding more and more elements such as turrets, walkways, ladders and little bunkers to give the viewer a scale reference and that's helped a bit - but I still don't have the result I want.

What do?

Anonymous No. 897759

Your mech looks like a low-level enemy, because it is top-heavy (which makes it seem like it can be toppled over at anytime). Use silhouettes, and have the final design be abit more "grounded", maybe longer legs, defined "feet".
PS no offense but it also reminds me of a garbage bin

Anonymous No. 897761

Thanks, senpai. My boss seems to like the chunky, square design, but I see what you mean about it being toppled over easily. Something to do with the weight-stability of the design.

Yet, I'm still thinking about "scale". Looking at that picture, would you say that robot is as tall as a building or as tall as a house?

Anonymous No. 897764

It feels to me more like human to room ceiling height, you could help with the sense of scale by incoporating something that is easily recognisable into its design, that way people will see that thing there, and go "ok that is always that size, so the entire model is bigger than that, and proportionally is this size"



Anonymous No. 897766

those giant torx screwheads still just look like torx screw heads. panelling in general will help.
what's that ladder for on the leg? :)

Anonymous No. 897769

Scale :^)

What's a torx screw head? :^)



Anonymous No. 897770

I mean I added the ladders for scale reference, yet didn't think about the utility much. I figure if maintenance was to be done on this robot engineers would use cranes and lifts before using ladders and walkways on the robot itself - yet it was an idea my boss had and I just went along with it.

Anonymous No. 897772

Those are details that aren't really visible at first glance, have a big, distinctive feature that is easily recognisable as "definitely huge", like a tree, building, etc, some mechs get around this by showing the pilot's compartment encased in glass, so you can get a scale of how small the pilot is compared to the whole thing

Anonymous No. 897774

Yeah, of course the scale will be visible in-game what with the surrounding models and whatnot. But I want the hugeness to be clear by looking at the robot by itself, without relying on external elements.

Anonymous No. 897776

Flak cannon on top seems to be too big if its a normal flakvierling, crotch cockpit looks more lika a one person cockpit you would see on construction equipment, looks like one could easily topple it and normally things get smaller the taller they are, just my 2 cents, don't quote me

Anonymous No. 897778

Yes exactly that's what I'm saying, integrate a tree or something into **the model's design***

Anonymous No. 897792

Protip: think about how it would be built

Your mech is smooth. Presumably it's made of a metal of some sort?
You really think that it's feasible to produce a single sheet of metal that's like 10 storeys tall?
You really think someone would use a fastener the size of a car and put a screwdriver slot in it? Lol

Scale is an aspect of realism
Realism comes from real world constraints like manufacturing and material limits etc.



Anonymous No. 898012

Your surfaces are too uniform for what should be a mobile base on legs. You should break that form and add more details in places where the plating is unnecessary/obstructive. Rivets, pipes and covers should add that sense of scale. Most of the surface details can be added with texture normal maps, but the best option would be to strip the plating and add some mechanical parts instead.

Anonymous No. 898014

Why not do a place holder and do a playtest for the feel
You can try various types of shapes and scale

Anonymous No. 898018

sharper edges, get rid of the boring legs, add weird movements to its movement style

Anonymous No. 898077

>I'm modeling what would be a final level mech for a videogame
Just put a sunglasses on it and call it a day.



Anonymous No. 898112

other anons are dropping some good advice about the construction. my 2 cents would be to look at some giant military equipment



Anonymous No. 898143

also look at massive machinery, these walking dragline excavators are probably the closest thing we have to mechs. I mean look at thing, it's a moving building!



Anonymous No. 898144

here's a good example of why you need to have more "people sized" stuff on the bot. this excavator is huge, one of the largest ever made, but it's hard to get an exact sense of scale



Anonymous No. 898145

slap some cars next to it and your brain figures out the rest pretty quick



Anonymous No. 898240

OP here. Thank you all for the great advice. I'll update you guys on progress soon.

In the meantime I brought it over to Unity to see what it looks like.



Anonymous No. 898925

that window is too big + fragile for the crew take a look on how battleship bridge windows look like

legs should be bigger especially feet no way something that big can be hald up by these tiny legs

also on these leg joints same logic they look like they are gonna break

that right arm looks..silly make it bigger

also learn from the masters theres tons of good mecha refs around



Anonymous No. 898953

get rid of the bolts, make joints thicker, exaggerate some shapes
another problem is that its shape is very reminiscent of those old robot toys
the architectural elements you added are a good idea though