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Anonymous No. 897881

How the fuck do I make money in this field?
Is it even possible?

Anonymous No. 897882

no it is not possible.

Anonymous No. 897884

Is cad a viable path?
Get some mechanical thing and just brute force it into solidworks? No creativity is required just ability to copy.
Is there market for such things?

Anonymous No. 897886

You learn to make pornographic content for Reddit coomers, Indian coomers, SEA coomers, firewall-hopping Chinese coomers, etc

Anonymous No. 897891

Is there REALLY market for it or is this a meme? Why would consume 3d cgi porn when actual real porn is so widely available in pretty much every variety?

Anonymous No. 897893

You can't. Quit. Find a new hobby. Suggest your friends to do the same.

Anonymous No. 897894

I don't have friends

Anonymous No. 897898

Regular porn is mass market so you're right about generic 3DX never being a replacement for it and often ends up as the dregs of rule34 etc.
The successful guys I've seen don't do mass market. They go super niche to the point where I feel like the potential audience is only in the 3 to 4 digit range on the entire planet but they're somehow all subscribed to the whatever specialist modeller of ahegao Arabian mtf bodybuilders or some shit

Anonymous No. 897918

Why should I pay you over the other billion 3d modelers?

Anonymous No. 897986

Like this guy said, there's very little demand for someone who can only model. Even (good) animators have more demand than modelers.

If you want to up your chances, learn something like rigging, python etc. Or as others mentioned, do porn, it's perfectly viable, assuming you can animate well. Just still renders aren't going to get you anywhere. Maybe some market for lewd rigs you sell to other creators, but I'd say you're likely still going to need to animate on the side as well, to get some extra revenue from non-creator customers as well.

Anonymous No. 898123

>money in this field?
dont limit to film/game
there are a lot of opportunities outside of that like in medical, archtectural, graphic, vis work, that you would be surprised. they even pay more too.
My first real job was being a modeler for a small mannequin manufacturer. worked for them for six years. so much less stress and work compared to other positions.
Before that, i looked for freelance work from various websites, making a few thousand dollars now and then.
the key is to be actively looking for work, self promote youself, and actually network with people.

Anonymous No. 898134

>there's very little demand for someone who can only mode
wdym, studios are constantly looking for modelers, prop artists, weapon artists, vehicle artists, environment artists etc.

Anonymous No. 898153

>the key is to be actively looking for work

Anonymous No. 898158

Rigging so studios are terrified of losing you.

Anonymous No. 898161

not on 4chan, thats for sure.
do you know how to use google?
job listing websites. cg related sites with job boards. specific websites for places you would want to work. learn how to talk to and email companies ask about positions and talk like a normal human being who is interested in working for them. that's what i mean by being actively searching. half of the jobs i got were through networking and just emailing studios telling them what i can do for them.

Anonymous No. 898175

I make money just doing basic af cad for scientists needing 3dp stuff, i do the 3dp too.

Its so simple it feels like a scam

Anonymous No. 898185

/3/ says this shit and then you come across stuff like this

that makes these anons
more worth hearing out

boomers like to overpay for simple tech tasks and think you're a genius for it.

Anonymous No. 898186

>/3/ says this shit and then you come across stuff like this
You can't compete with pros.
You also can't compete with pajeets that do "this shit" for $5 a day.

Anonymous No. 898187

How do you get into that? Specifically how do you make the jump from artist with a landfill full of models, no business sense, and blankly staring at the wall to end up finding enough of these scientist who need enough 3DP stuff to keep you busy. What basic things in demand are we talking about here?

Anonymous No. 898190

>self promote youself, and actually network with people
This is why I will never get a job in 3d

Anonymous No. 898196

>You can't compete with pros.
You've never interacted with or learned from a pro have you? They're not incomprehensible gods. They have gaps in knowledge and technique in certain areas/software that even you can fill to help their workflow. With age they're more sticking to what's always worked for them and become to busy and crystalized to keep on top of all the new changes and experiment. Besides why always compete when you can be the one they like working with. I've already seen enough older pros unimpressed with autistic genius savants because they're Chinese tier and create technically impressive but souless work and get butthurt when they get feedback, or are difficult to work with be it giving off an aura of death or ghosting at the worst of times.

Also some of us have nothing but time and just learn and practice this all day for more than a decade. If it took that tranny to get a job at Eidos the very next week after one year of 3D school and end up as a junior character artist for Deus Ex and later modeling and texturing Adam Jensen, then we'll just spin a story about being gay Jewish Africans.

Anonymous No. 898197

>This is why I will never get a job in 3d
you have to find a way to get invoved and communicate or connect with people who do the kind of work you want to do. find and take some kind of class if you have to, just to meet people in real life. it's the best way.
think of it like nerds going to comic-con to find friends. you have to go fishing if you want to catch a fish.
i used to live in new york and to go to monthly 3d meetups, post my work on handful of 3d websites, join discusions on the forums. that's how i made a lot of friends in the field, and that made the difference. thats how i got freelance jobs in the beginning to put on my resume to lead off my career.

Anonymous No. 898285

Maybe there's more work for modelers than I've assumed. Granted there's a wider field that needs models. Not much need for proficient animators in architecture or science fields for example. Any one who can use the tools can handle that side for those projects, no need for actual animation proficiency. So I might have let my own bias come out a bit there, as I said what I said based on my own experience, that every time I've needed a modeler, I've gotten one who gets the job done well enough pretty much instantly with one phone call. But a decent animator on the other hand seems impossible. Everyone even mildly worth their salt has been hunted by the bigger studios, are already on a project, or are just simply too burnet out to bother taking new work.

To get a good animator around here at least, you basically need to grab them straight out of school, and train them yourself, and hope they stick around long enough for all of that time investment to have been worth it.

Anonymous No. 898296




Anonymous No. 898378

So what's not mentioned on this board is many famous tier pros also teach now even in personal tutor format and hold Q&A's. They're not hard to reach. They'll tell you how it is and they've never seen more demand modelers than ever before.
>but low tier indian outsourcing
If the business isn't completely run by HR and out of touch management, they won't want to shove into the pipeline a remote working jeet who doesn't know what scene hierarchy is, autos his UVs, bakes tumors onto his low poly mesh, and names the spinnable rickshaw horn "I _have_a_doubt1_loo" with the pivot baked at the world center. Imagine being on a team playing hot potato with an asset and the rigger has an impenetrable language barrier between him and Pooja.
Because they all clip objects through each other without integration and don't even think about real world scale or layout and how its interacted with and fits into the rest of the 3d world. The crucial but tedious and forgettable shit that doesn't directly involve creating their little visual masterpiece in a vacuum is what many neglect.

Anonymous No. 898391

Think you replied to the wrong person. I'm perfectly aware of the problems that arise with outsourcing abroad. Anyway, I don't disagree with you, learning to model at a high enough level is really not all that hard. It's a basic skill any 3D artist, regardless of specialization, should know to some extent at least. Which is why I find it a bit unbelievable that there really would be so much demand for non-generalist modelers. Seniors I could understand, there's always demand for seniors in all fields, but I find it hard to believe there'd be much entry level positions. But I've been wrong before, so I won't doubt your word on it too much.

Anonymous No. 898443

>Is there REALLY market for it or is this a meme?
Its not a meme anon.
One of these could be you.

Anonymous No. 898535

Lead character artists in a studio here, the only advice other than getting a full time gig over trying freelance, even as a guy who does 3d scan clean up is to not trust jews.
Jews are the cause of 90% of the problems in the world.

Anonymous No. 898543

This I am already aware of.

Anonymous No. 899681


Anonymous No. 899734

make a small set of character models in 28mm scale, preferably close to or in a similar style of one of the major wargames or tabletop games like dnd or warhammer, start a patreon, release the files in monthly themed sets for $10, after each month throw them over on myminifacotry for a major upcharge, rinse and repeat.

if you want an example of what im talking about, look at patreon/myminifactory makers like titan-forge, artisan guild, bestiarum miniatures, etc. you can make a shitload of money with reliably monthly income and passive income from sales, and it works best if you target existing games and make similar "counts as" proxy models that could be used as units for their game

Anonymous No. 899800

>make similar "counts as" proxy models that could be used as units for their game
thats not how warhammer works. You cant proxy because it goes against the lore

Anonymous No. 899811

Lolwut? There is nothing stopping you from using third-party models, it's actually fairly common with orc/IG armies

Anonymous No. 899996

Is CGtrader good for some quick bucks?

Anonymous No. 900013

works just fine. there are at this point several dozen large studios as well as probably in the hundreds if not thousands of independent developers making proxies for warhammer for 3D printing. it's a massively growing industry

a lot of these patreons have 7-8k patrons, each paying $10 a month, plus the later sales after the files get released separately on MMF which are likely just as high if not more so.

you just cant play with them in an official brick and mortar GW store. but no one plays at those anyways since they are just high pressure sales shops like a fucking apple store or something.

Anonymous No. 900014

make content for neets with rich parents over at /vg/

Anonymous No. 900016

study /fng/ at /vg/ for a day then ask yourself why you aren't cashing in already



Anonymous No. 900017

>2$ per creation
>pay 2$ a picture you can find on the internet for free

Anonymous No. 900018

the real way to make it is;
>make oc characters
>make a few renders for free
>allow for private commissions of those characters

Anonymous No. 900019




Anonymous No. 900029

Today was the first day at work where I got paid to sit down and just model all day after almost a year of working there. It's possible, I wanted to go into 3d as my main career but that was never an option.
>teacher hooks me up with internship at machine shop
>tell them I can use 3d software/program (no fucking clue what they used there just said I knew how because it's all the same)
>slowly start programing toolpaths on the side for the machines
>use blender on my break and lunchtime for personal project's
>boss and coworkers start to notice, ask if I could model parts for them
>say yes despite not knowing shit about solidworks
>go into the bathroom watch tutorials like every ten minutes at work for a couple weeks

And that brings me to today where I got into work, they gave me a part they wanted to make a mold for, and I just sat down, listened to some music and modeled the mold for them the whole day.

Basically just find a job somewhat 3d related and bullshit your way to the top. Far cry from getting paid to sculpt cute anime girls all day but ayy at least I made it.

Cause no one really wants to work rn probably best time to do this, just don't apply for places that will pick up on your bs and you'll do just fine + even if you get fired now you can put real life job expirience on your resume.

Anonymous No. 900031

Also I forgot to mention you won't have to deal with the competitive bullshit nature if freelance. Go on Craigslist right now get yourself in a building and start getting paid, in person connections are going to be several times as valuable as online business connections provided you aren't a pain in the ass to work around.

Anonymous No. 900033

Big yes read

Anonymous No. 900039

Niche porn, simple as. Few years ago I talked to a dude who made his living by making furry /d/ tier shit renders and he was swimming in money, like owning a house debtfree in early 20s tier of money. Say what you want about furryniggers, but they seem to be ready to shell out some tangible cash for their porn. I can imagine there are plenty of more niche stuff like that that only waiting for content.

Anonymous No. 900085

Yeah idk man, seems like you possibly don't have high enough standards for props. Modeling (and only modeling) is something a lot of people can learn how to do, yes, but doing it at a really high level WITH good textures, WITH good HP sculpts is not easy at all. I'm talking really high level stuff. If you don't have high standards you probably won't see differences between good and great props, but they are there. It's not easy to master at all, but sure, you can get to a decent level where you're capable of producing good enough work in a relatively short amount of time.

But I may be biased in my own way too, because I'm primarily working as a prop artist professionally. There are only 2-3 really good artists (5-10% of the total number) in my team right now, the rest gets the job done and that's it.

Even in AAA games it can be obvious and even some random props will stand out from the rest when you look at the details. You can tell when they've been done by a more capable artist. But QA let both of them pass because the others were good enough and there are deadlines that need to be met.

Aynway, yeah, there are plenty of job opportunities for modelers, just in the game industry alone.

Anonymous No. 901464

same as every other form of art
you make erotic vrchat avatars for furries
literally the only profitable way to use an art degree is drawing furry porn

Anonymous No. 901554


Anonymous No. 901605

it is

Anonymous No. 902435




Anonymous No. 902437

>>input your ideas into AI
>>turn it into 3d
>>sell it as NFT

I'm rolling in cash

>>next step
>>turn AI Art directly into NFT, skipping 3D all together

working on this one but no success yet

Anonymous No. 902446


...is this picture made by an AI?

Anonymous No. 902457

I bet it's that mid journey AI. Shit's crazy, but somehow I can tell immediately it's generated.

Anonymous No. 902463

Next step is AI uses you as the tool to do everything you did but better



Anonymous No. 902664


... what kind of AI is used to create such stuff? are there some projects you can run localy with your own inputs?

when you feed this AI with pictures and grafics you like, the style, color palette, composition etc, theoretical, it should generate stuff you would creat either, but faster!

Anonymous No. 902667

that picture is almost certainly from midjourney.
it is a fork of disco diffusion, which itself is some VQGAN + CLIP thing i believe.
if you want particular styles from those you're going to need to retrain the models, which is something you probably can't afford to do.
they're almost not great at (or at all capable of) producing variations when given inputs.

midjourney is closed source and hosted on the web. you need beta access and then to pay for gpu minutes.
you can run disco diffusion locally, but it's not as good as midjourney, you need a 3090 tier gpu for decent resutls and even then it takes awhile to generate something at decent res with enough detail.

dall-e 2 is the thing you actually want, but that's pretty walled off right now. very limited number of people with access, but it is expanding slowly.

Anonymous No. 902668

>they're mostly* not great at