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Anonymous No. 898089

Does /3/ possess the skills to model horses

Anonymous No. 898095

You'll find out in a couple hourse

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Screenshot (319).png

Anonymous No. 898113

I modelled this horse in 2009

Anonymous No. 898122

VERY cool horse

Anonymous No. 898142

thanks. i uploaded it here
feel free to do what you want with it.

Anonymous No. 898146

That horse look pretty hot

Anonymous No. 898147

>feel free to do what you want with it.
Thank you. I will.

Anonymous No. 898149

I've found creatures/animals not to be difficult especially when it's not some curvy multi-layered behemoth that is hell to retopologize because of countless peaks and valleys that low poly cannot capture the shape of. Then you're left aggravated and wondering why you bothered to put so much work in sculpting the thing. But a much smaller beast like a horse where you're just for aiming for a base mesh with some secondary shapes is quick and relaxing project, especially since a horse block out is the likely first and very common thing you'll see when you get into art.

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Anonymous No. 898155

Very slightly related but wanna see if anyone else can relate

>want to learn blender
>start with donut meme tutorial
>barely started and i imagine the donut is a pony butthole (ponut if you will)
>get boner
>too distracted to continue

Anonymous No. 898165

>>barely started and i imagine the donut is a pony butthole (ponut if you will)
>>get boner
>>too distracted to continue
not just you. why do you think most blender users still havent gotten past the donut?

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Anonymous No. 898171

Remember I modeled a horse once and I still had the file, was back in 2005 apparently. Was meant to be a knights war horse for this scrapped fantasy project I was working on at the time.

I feel like I could do a good horse today, more experienced in general and I've played a lot of Red Dead 2 since. Feel like I have a much better feel for what a horse is supposed to look like from all angles.

Anonymous No. 898172

Are those spline patches anon? That's very OG of you in 09 if so.

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Anonymous No. 898177

Remembered it being more complete like that, found these WiP renderings of it.
Bonus points for me apparently knowing about high-back saddles.

>Retract a few points for that silly over-sized longsword tho.
>And this was before I had a chance to study armor.

Anonymous No. 898191

was never a fan of spline modeling. I built that horse in Lightwave 7.5 I believe, using my own quad modeling technique and lighwaves version of smooth subdivs.

Anonymous No. 898194

Curious to see each quad subdivided into an odd number of polygons.

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My horse.jpg

Anonymous No. 898195

Why yes.

Anonymous No. 898202

Yeah, this was before Catmull-Clark subdivision became the standard in every 3d program.
Lightwave's subdiv system back then was unique and very fast to work with but had many limitations that lead to it's replacement.
One of the cool things though is being able to subdivid a quad into any number of subdivs you want instead of how it's all exponentially divided nowadays.

Anonymous No. 898204

establish a plan and stick to it

Anonymous No. 898238

that horse looks like I feel when I wake up in the morning

Anonymous No. 898261

I modeled a horse for beast porn once. With a big veiny detailed horsecock... never really did much with him tho. Eh maybe someday.

Anonymous No. 898293

impressive, very nice

Anonymous No. 898294

really great but are you the same dude? strange coincidence that both horses have a kinda similar mood to them and both from the 00s

Anonymous No. 898348

not the same person

Anonymous No. 898560

Let's see Paul Allen's horse.

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Anonymous No. 898694


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3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 898723

..................i never rigged her.

Anonymous No. 898724

Any tips for modeling a horse?
I always wanted to try it but I just can't bring myself to any further after I've modeled the thick juicy cock.

Anonymous No. 898753

>Any tips for modeling a horse?

look at horse
model horse

Anonymous No. 898758

as great as ever ;D

Anonymous No. 898883


Anonymous No. 898898


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Anonymous No. 898905

There you go, fresh from the presses. I've been around horses since childhood so I didn't even had to look up any photos.

Anonymous No. 898908

That's a dog you fucking retard.

Anonymous No. 898957


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Anonymous No. 898962

Modelled in Fusion 360

Anonymous No. 898996

Smoll pony is actually very smoll!!!

Anonymous No. 899215


Anonymous No. 899698


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Anonymous No. 900685

dude you are literally me. im trying to learn blender but i get extremely horny as soon as I try to learn how to model my degenerate fetishes then I have to go masturbate and then i lose motivation.

Anonymous No. 900966

let me horse around a bit

Anonymous No. 900971

good, i hope you give up soon

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Anonymous No. 900972


Anonymous No. 900979

That shoop is unironically older than 80% of the current userbase here

Anonymous No. 901003

What fetishes are you trying to model? Also... discord?

Anonymous No. 901004

I agree. In blender you can use the multires modifier to sculpt on 5-6 subdivs and make very fine details. Multires requires a lot less CPU than regular sculpting at same detail level and it's non destructive, so you can sculpt on high level and then go back to unsubdivided and bake the normals and bump maps from your sculpt. This will give you fine details without the heavy load of a subdivided model.

Anonymous No. 901005

That's pretty amazing. I know a horse when i see one.

Anonymous No. 901020

giga juan

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Anonymous No. 901103

I attempted to make a dala horse a while back. I had not the slightest idea how to sculpt back then, nor did I understand topology very well.

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Anonymous No. 901997

Oh my even has a watermark...

Anonymous No. 903652

so do you now understand it?

Anonymous No. 903663


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Anonymous No. 903763

It looks better from a distance

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Anonymous No. 903784

/mlp/ & /k/ is leaking

Anonymous No. 903789

i love them

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 903798

wheres the penis?

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Anonymous No. 903861


My donut was a donut if you know what I'm saying.

Anonymous No. 903868

this fucking site

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Anonymous No. 903937

low poly one

Anonymous No. 904001


Anonymous No. 904492


Anonymous No. 904541

Runescape moment

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Anonymous No. 905301

I got the horse from a friend (it's easy to make friends in a small modding community). It's not perfect, but after tweaking it, it suits all my purposes.

Anonymous No. 905442

What's his routine

Anonymous No. 905443

tonsa poutine

Anonymous No. 905447

I modeled a horse but I'm afraid I can't post it due to the type of horse it is

Anonymous No. 905449

just use imgur to show it then

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Anonymous No. 905462


Anonymous No. 905470

>he didn't give it a horsecock
why even post this

Anonymous No. 905478

Love it

Anonymous No. 905516

>horse is a dog
hasbro g5 moment

Anonymous No. 905524


Anonymous No. 905533

make me laugh

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photorealistic ho....png

Anonymous No. 905687

Heres your horse bro

Anonymous No. 905690


Anonymous No. 905693

>low poly giga juan


Anonymous No. 907171


Anonymous No. 907725

not real modeling

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Anonymous No. 907795

horse bros we got acknowledged

Anonymous No. 908439


Anonymous No. 908522

>modeling its dick

Anonymous No. 909213

He's an accurate artist

Anonymous No. 909484

Kek'd, very nice.

Anonymous No. 910530

pretty much

Anonymous No. 910881

horses will revolutionize 3d modelling

Anonymous No. 910922



Double rope you fucking troon

best horse ITT

Anonymous No. 910931

This is what autism does to your brain. Sad!

Anonymous No. 910933

unfortunate that you're a ponyfag so you can't tell that I'm actually normal

Anonymous No. 912411

horsebros, we need to become more efficient.

Anonymous No. 913665

Too complex.

Anonymous No. 915221


Anonymous No. 915244

>tfw your horses take up way too much space on your hdd

Anonymous No. 916585


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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 918258

horse anatomy is very important

Anonymous No. 918437

I loved this tutorial! piss poor at it still. I have yet to model the donut properly, doesn't click for whatever reason. soon, everything i make will be photorealistic mwahaha! well, in about a year. assuming I don't give in due to no money. most of my time goes to hobbies and those don't pay :/ happy modeling!

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Anonymous No. 918446

low poly btw