

๐Ÿงต It's over.

Anonymous No. 898381


Look of what AI is capable of doing now. Then think about what it was capable of 5 years ago and then imagine how good it will be 5 years from now.

Anonymous No. 898383

All this trash will bring itself out when the US niggers use AI to autodetect nuke launches and autolaunches nukes, lmao.

Anonymous No. 898384

It's nothing.

Nvidia reinvents photoscanning and some pajeet goes WHOOOOAAOAOA HOLD ON TO YOUR PAPERS SIRS

Anonymous No. 898385

Have you seen the whole video? Some of the models obtained are flawless.
I think that AI will be one day able to literally do anything any human can do but better, including making even more AIs which will be able to make even better AIs :)

Anonymous No. 898386

didn't click
didn't watch
saged ur thread

Anonymous No. 898388

this is old tech and still dumb as rocks

Anonymous No. 898623

filtered by your own brainrot. guy's not even indian

Anonymous No. 898794

Except he's Hungarian and whiter than you, retarded mutt subhuman.

Anonymous No. 899479

>Some of the models obtained are flawless
No they're not. They showed the topology. They're the exact opposite of flawless.

It's just a seemingly better version of AI reconstruction using pictures. The tech is literally available for free to anyone owning a smartphone.

The only use for this I can think of is realistic bukkake fakes using fluid simulations on constructed models from celeb pics. There's literally no other uses for it. The very fact that it's freeware should give you a hint it's useless tech.

Anonymous No. 899480

It's a research paper, you braindead buffoon. That's why it's freeware. So people can test it.

Anonymous No. 899543

A paper is not "freeware", you moron. AI reconstruction from images is, and that has been available for years.

Just because some students decided to improve some old algorithm for their dissertation it doesn't mean it's also some breakthrough technology.

But you go on ahead and explain to me why the poor man's version of a 3D scanner will change the industry in 5 years...

Anonymous No. 899544

It's nvidia's research team, smoothbrain.
If you really want an explanation how about
>3d scanning requires you to be on site with expensive as fuck equipment, scanning objects which depending on size can take a fuckload of time
>this type of method just inputs photographs, meaning anyone can do it, at any time, anywhere, at any scale and even of things which no longer exist as long as there are pictures of the object
Fucking idiot.

Anonymous No. 899546

all this will do is allow youtubers to put 3d crap into their videos for cheap. meanwhile pro modelers will have nothing to fear for at least 12 years.

Anonymous No. 899549

>he thinks he has 12 years when this has gone from nothing to these levels in less than 5

Anonymous No. 899550

the way its always worked in VFX is when new capabilities are created the scenes and expectations just become more demanding and advanced.

Anonymous No. 899562

>this type of method just inputs photographs

You still need to be ON SITE and take the photographs, you imbecil.

Just stop.

Anonymous No. 899610


you cant use downloaded, already copyrighted images in your dataset to produce "new" commercial work because the law says that is derivative. That is illegal. Because of that, this tech is almost entirely useless.

Anonymous No. 899611

>what is open source image libraries
>what is large scale data collection
and this method is purely for recreations to boot. you can already have an ai generate massively complex ideas for you simply by text input. its laughable to assume the same wont be possible for 3d scenes in a decade or less.

Anonymous No. 899612

>can generate quick and dirty models of existing objects from photos only needing to be cleaned up instead of doing them by hand or set up expensive 3d scanning equipment
>artists can focus on the cool shit like creatures, spaceships, sci-fi weaponry and everything that can't be reasonably retrieved physically

I don't get it, this is a boon for everyone. You have no idea how little time is spent doing cool stuff now and how much time is instead wasted doing mundane shit in CG that 30 years ago would've just been captured on film directly on set.

CG went from being prohibitively expensive to do anything but things that couldn't be made on set,
to being so cheap that films get shot entirely on greenscreen,
and now it's "going back to its roots", letting AIs do the mundane crap instead of pajeets while the artists go back to just making the impossible things become real.

It only sucks for actors who'll still need to act in front of green drapes, but they get paid millions so suck it up, actlets.

Anonymous No. 899892

The dataset (images) shown in the video were specifically created to work with their algorithm. Good data in => good data out. Bad data in => bad data out. Doesn't matter how advanced your AI is, this is just a fact.

There is no such thing as an "open source image libraries" created with the sole purpose of being used by this algorithm. Therefore any image library, no matter how exhaustive, is BAD DATA and the end result will not even be comparable to what is shown in the video.

It's like you morons never wrote a dissertation paper. In case you didn't here's a hint: dissertation papers are written because they need to be written, not because they came up with some brilliant idea. If they did come up with a brilliant idea they wouldn't write a how-to manual about it and make it publicly available to everyone.



Anonymous No. 899895

>Dear fallow scalpers
>This is too many papers with doctor Carlos journal faggot
What did he mean by this

Anonymous No. 899899

Whiter than you Muhammed

Anonymous No. 901416

anything browner than vanilla ice cream is pajeet

Anonymous No. 901419

>you can already have an ai generate massively complex ideas for you simply by text input.

Anonymous No. 901428


You're looking at this the wrong way.

This guy >>899612 gets it. Advancements like this are DECENTRALIZING who gets to make cool shit. It's leveling the playing field. /v/ and /tv/ constantly bitch about what the massive gaming/movie studios are making, as if they could do better. Well guess what, this is putting extremely powerful tools into the hands of indie creators.

These kinds of tools combined with game engines = anyone will be able to create a game or film in very little time. Hollywood and AAA game devs are fucked.

Quality games/films in the future will come from who is most creative and has the best writing skill, not who has the most money to throw at a project.

Anonymous No. 901447

Incredibly powerful tools in the hands of "indie creators" has flooded the market with an insurmountable tsunami of trash.

Anonymous No. 901448


Anonymous No. 901450

its trash tier



Anonymous No. 901452

Prompt: A first person action adventure set in post-apocalyptic North America with microtransactions, gacha mechanics and NFT based player economy. 97 Metacritic.

Anonymous No. 901458

That's an inevitable negative side effect, yes. However, if it kills woke mega corporations stranglehold on what gets made and released, it's a win in the end. People will find the gold. The cream will rise to the top.


Anonymous No. 901510

I wish I could be as optimistic.

Anonymous No. 901511

Even /ic/ isn't in denial anymore. It's time for you monkeys to evolve and face the music.

Anonymous No. 903976

racist... not all indians are bad btw

Anonymous No. 905292

I look forward to the day I get to start suing big companies for sampling my work in their AI projects without licensing those samples for me. I hope this does take off. It's free money for me.

Anonymous No. 907027


all Indians are as good as anyone identifying as Muslims
better off not existing

it's not racism. it's just statistically accurate. both examples only serve to kill the world

Anonymous No. 907049

we all deserve to be on this earth, even you.
lord forgive this man