

๐Ÿงต 3DS Max vs Blender - Hard Surface

Anonymous No. 898488

Somebody told me Blender is much better than 3ds max for hard surface modelling. Is this true? Should I install Blender?

Anonymous No. 898489

>Is this true?
No, edit mode performance is shit in blender
>Should I install Blender?
Try solidworks instead

Anonymous No. 898499

>troll opens up the next flame war thread
Everyone knows 3ds Max the superior hard surface modelling program, no contest.

Anonymous No. 898501

How so? Provide points instead of being the generic autojew.

Anonymous No. 898502

I have a better idea, you stupid retarded faggot.
Figure it out for yourself.

Anonymous No. 898503

in b4
>because you don't say what I want, you expose yourself as an amateur who doesn't know anything.

Anonymous No. 898504

So you admit to not knowing any differences and instead repeat

Anonymous No. 898505

whichever u want to use... there is not better. there is however NIGGER brain and FAGGOT hands.

Anonymous No. 898506

3dsMax is the superior hard surface modelling software.

Anonymous No. 898509


Anonymous No. 898510


Anonymous No. 898511

>aha! so I pretend that you said something else so I can insult you!
go and play 'delete the default cube'



Anonymous No. 898513

the 3ds modifier stack, ui and modelling tools are much easier to use then having to jump all over the place to do basic things.

Anonymous No. 898514

3ds max maybe beats native blender, but blender has some nice hard surface addons like hard ops and boxcutter that make it much more competitive

Anonymous No. 898516

>3ds max beats blender
the end, you insatiable faggot

Anonymous No. 898517

so basic boolean functions

Anonymous No. 898518

lol, maxfags are insufferably dishonest. anything to defend their dying dinosaur software

Anonymous No. 898520

the only person here being insufferable here is you as if the software you use matters at all.

Anonymous No. 898521

aha so you expose yourself! You don't know anything about 3ds Max or blender and are just here to troll

Anonymous No. 898538

I'm a blendlet but I actually have money so I don't get all sour-grapes about other software. I believe 3ds is better for modeling. I've seen feature requests for blender for tools 3ds has had for a long time.

However, what's the 3ds interface like? Can I quickly customize it like I can with blenders? Are there hotkeys for everything? I remember the last time I opened up 3ds (literally 15 years ago) I was disgusted that I seemingly had to dig into menus for every little thing and the windowing setup took like 5 more clicks to adjust than blender or something and even then I couldn't totally customize where I had everything.

Anonymous No. 898542

Lmao not even close, Blender has the worst of any package on the market.

But .... there are few plugins like box cutter, hard ops and mesh machine that actually make it capable of performing basic functions.
Anybody who says "blender is good at X" means Blender + 10 paid plugins.

Best out of the box tools are in Modo.

Anonymous No. 898545

If you are not modeling in Max you are just making your job harder.

Anonymous No. 898561

How so? Again, please provide some points.

Anonymous No. 898570

Don't answer this faggot >>898561
You waste your time explaining things to him. He will shit on your opinion and say that blender is better and if he should get it.

Anonymous No. 898590

All I asked was to provide a range of points which speak for max. Yet I still have heard nothing ever since OP made the thread. Why are you enraged over this?

Anonymous No. 898599

Maya has speedcut for free and hard mesh.

Anonymous No. 898665

It depends what you mean by better.

3DS Max comes with a more comprehensive toolset out of the box, but Blender is more extensible and has a much faster workflow when you get used to the shortcuts and install the great addons.

Hard Ops + Boxcutter + MeshMachine + Fluent makes for some of the fastest, most efficient hard surface modeling workflow you will ever seen.

Anonymous No. 898667

He's sperging out in the Maya thread too. He's either suffering a severe case of post-purchase rationalization, or he got filtered hard by Blender and is salty about it.

Anonymous No. 898670

>Somebody told me Blender is much better than 3ds max for hard surface modelling.
Did that somebody deliver solid arguments on why that is?
If not, why are you so fucking gullible and believe "somebody"?
Shouldn't you pester that somebody about reasons, proofs and sound arguments ?
"what can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence."

Anonymous No. 898672

What even happened to Modo? Is it still going?

Anonymous No. 898761

not really, foundry puts all their resources into Nuke and Mari
Modo gets basic support but isnt developed much, its still good since the fundamental ideas behind the UI and what polymodeling tools you have by default are good
Tor Frick and other heavy hitters still use Modo, so it should say something

Anonymous No. 898781

the bar of entry to blender is so low,
blendlets get filtered by not know how to torrent and run a keygen.

Anonymous No. 898790


3dsmax is much better now, I have no doubt in few years Blender is better.
The 3dsmax developers are very old, every update and the changelog sucks.

Anonymous No. 898791

Are you samefagging? I didn't post in the maya thread.
I lurk mostly, because you fagots are a waste of time.

Anonymous No. 898792

I tested 3DS Max a few weeks ago and I still can't understand how people are recommending it over Maya and Blender for polymodeling. I don't know if it's because I'm too used of these two but 3DS was a nightmare to grasp. I also hate the way every operation is listed in the UI.

Anonymous No. 899122

My problem with Maya operations are they are unpredictable when it comes to surfaces. Bevels, circularize and other modifiers often create weird triangles that break the flow of topology. As much as I like radial menu that Maya has, once you remember positions of modifiers in menu, it gets easier and you can always make custom buttons for most used ones.

Anonymous No. 899123

Max is like fine wine - it only gets better with age. Max is the perfect modeler.

Anonymous No. 899231

blenders ui is pretty shit so for me picking 3ds max is a no brainer

Anonymous No. 899269

>ngmi crybabies always filtered by a UI
Zbrush deja vu