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A cybertronic bis....png

๐Ÿงต DALL-E 2

Anonymous No. 898519

So this AI model can make pretty damn convincing images with nothing but text inputs (see filename). The output isn't perfect, especially zoomed in details, but overall it's not half bad.
>"hey anon, generate this image of a robot bison, and make sure to fix up any problems the AI makes!"
Is this what working in the 3DCG industry will be like in the future?

Anonymous No. 898523

this is a boon to concepting
for now it cannot keep a style consistent, but it's a great way of trying lots of different ideas with little effort
no more creator's block
also, imagine the porn you'll be able to create, no matter how specific the taste

Anonymous No. 898524

>le porn
Porn is jewish.

Anonymous No. 898525

Cool, artists will be more rare.
>hey anon, we really like your work.. could you make a model for us..?
Also this>>898524

Anonymous No. 898539


>yeah just the one, our art guy can take over from there, thanks.
>what do you mean extra for "license for AI derivatives"? never heard of such a thing, did you just make that up?
>really sorry but we don't think this is going to work out after all
>best wishes, stacy, vice president of art sourcing

Anonymous No. 898547

This is good. Most artists these days are shitty women and sois, the ai will only improve and so will its art capabilities, the more of these people lose jobs the better

Anonymous No. 898559

Doesn't matter, I still make money. But nice take.

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Anonymous No. 898584

OpenAI already shitcanned you coomers.

>AI comes around that can genuinely spit out decent concepts based off of a human-readable description
>have an idea in mind? have the AI generate 100 iterations, pick 10 you like and refine them into a finished concept, cut down concepting time by 80%, without cutting the artist out
>can create ad-hoc images for CYOAs, stories, greens on the fly

get absolutely fucked, bitch. half of the fucking internet is porn, always the same exact shit all the time too and yet you still want more of the same.
based mormons, it was worth killing AIDungeon just to fuck you coombrains sideways on DALL-E.


Anonymous No. 898601

>Is this what working in the 3DCG industry will be like in the future?
Depends on how long it takes for these models to learn to rotate and change the lighting of their outputs. Probably a few years from now, maybe even less considering the advances of stuff like NeRFs.

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Anonymous No. 899492

This is just the beginning, once it goes open source they'll lose control. Besides, we're getting more alternatives every day. You can't stop the COOM.

Anonymous No. 899540

>always the same exact shit all the time too
Guess how I know you're a normalfaggot?

Anonymous No. 900698

Yeah but I think it will be censored and it will report what you type in so if you type "child getting fucked" it will report you or something

Sigma No. 900722

Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't A.I unable to produce copyrightable material, legally?

If you, say, could make a game or art products with A.I "art", anybody could take the rights for themselves.

If it was originally some piece of A.I that has made the art, then would modifications even be legally accepted as "copyrightable" in the end?

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Anonymous No. 902871

>the competition has a hidden ace

Anonymous No. 902875

multiple models are being recreated from the white papers as open source projects.
A large corp can train on public data and whatever internal datasets they have of previously completed work.
zero licenses needed, everyone running their own custom versions of AI that fit the 'brand'
You can already get AI to generate models from still photos.
AI driven topology optimization trained on years of production assets will be coming soon (a 'zremesh' that will give animation ready meshes)

Anonymous No. 902996

>Porn is jewish.
so was christ
try your hardest to have a second thought

Anonymous No. 903096

If you're asking who owns the art the AI produces, it's whatever the contract says. I don't know what DALL-E says as far as ownership rights and it'd be open to interpretation by a Judge.
I mean there is clear precedence regarding the ownership of something you make on someone else's tools (which I would argue is what the AI is; it can't generate these images without you supplying the text input; the training model and other shit like that is just 'part' of the machine).

But if, when you click the 'generate picture' button from your text, you're agreeing to their terms and their terms state they own any image you generate, that's pretty unassailable.
If you're asking if the things generated by the AI, which tend to be based on other things made by someone else that the AI has either been trained on or is drawing from as a pool, as long as it's sufficiently different from the source material it's very likely in the category of "transformative".

Anonymous No. 903492

aka: no art allowed

Anonymous No. 903493

>as long as it's sufficiently different from the source material it's very likely in the category of "transformative".
any data in an AI dataset is grounds for copyright infringement and not transformative. There was a big thread on this on blenderartists

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Anonymous No. 903507

Been fucking around with DALLE-mini to make it generate specific results, and it can do some pretty impressive things even with how jank it is and how hard you have to mess with the terminology to get good results.

I'll admit though, it's disinterest with showing heads due to most google images for 'mecha' have the head cropped out due to store pages and such make getting results with a head in frame annoyingly difficult. It's great for body shapes though!

Anonymous No. 903541

>sexy giant robot

do you find exhaust pipes arousing?

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Anonymous No. 903544

to get results you have to do some bullshit with the wording.
The issue with using 'sexy' is that it tends to heavily overtake other keywords and generate overly thin designs.

With 'bodybuilder' as the codibying word though, you get much more interesting results (though they'll often be very grayscale)

Anonymous No. 903545

>any data in an AI dataset is grounds for copyright infringement and not transformative.
What the actual fuck. Copyright laws are a blight on the world.

Anonymous No. 903964

>noooo you can't just steal my work and use it to generate images for profit
I'm not even an artfag

Anonymous No. 906228

Don't kinkshame fag.

Anonymous No. 906232

you're genuienly retarded if u dont think that shit will evolve to porn sooner or later, someone gonna get hands of of and makes an alternative

Anonymous No. 906234

tell me you suck at art without telling me you suck at art.

Anonymous No. 906242

This is the best timeline. /ic/ is suicidal, hundreds of millions of covert narcissist peter pans have had the rug pulled from under their entire identity, whole lives wasted, boo hoo so sad, SPLAT!

Anonymous No. 907910

>for now it cannot keep a style consistent
thats one thing it can do

Its been fed all the the styles and will apply any specific style you request

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Anonymous No. 910214

>due to most google images for 'mecha' have the head cropped

That's not the reason anon, a lot of query requests you make to the AI result in headless cropping, and it's because the AI severally struggles with faces if you don't specify them. so it avoids it if possible. if you write that paragraph and specify the face picture related is what shows up

Look up how the AI do human faces, some are horrifyingly grimdark, DAH MACHINE is struggling to understand faces

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Anonymous No. 910215

I also got this absolute HARAM when I tried to have the AI do a bust pic of it lol

Anonymous No. 910251

Can it make a 3d model?
Now that's the real shit.

Anonymous No. 910278

At some point humanity has to admit that there wont be enough meaningful jobs for everyone on the planet to do at the same time and do something other than this capitalist hellscape we find ourselves in.

Anonymous No. 910293

Keep voting left and you'll get your desired solution to capitalism as a post scarcity technocracy you won't live to see, since you won't make the cut to live among the 500 million mark

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tengu shrine.jpg

Anonymous No. 910372

>he thinks Christ is good
The hatred for Jews transcends religion - for good reason

Anonymous No. 910374

this is absolutely wrong. Why do you say this so confidently, although you have no idea about the subject matter? Why mislead? What do you gain from this? You know you don't know it and yet you claim you do. I just don't get it.

Anonymous No. 910404

Christ was actually good, but his teaching was distorted. In reality he hated the jews because Jahwe = Satan.

Anonymous No. 910963

>Imagine praing to big nose on white brain.

Anonymous No. 910994

>>galilean jew
>>nazareth was a roman province
seethe cope dilate more you pharisatanic cunt

Anonymous No. 911027

>I have watched so many strangers have sex that I now I'm a connoisseur in the genres of porn.
Not something that should be a point of pride. You need help, compassion, and prayer.

Anonymous No. 911173

im glad i never put effort into learning a skill :)

Anonymous No. 911175

Everything going automated just means we all become service techs. Like with my stupid Roomba that keeps clogging and getting trapped in weird places.

Anonymous No. 911201

1 machine does the job of 10 people. 1 service technician manages 50 machines. How may fake jobs are lost in this situation?

Anonymous No. 911350

Try typing in "upside down face" into these AI generators for a good laugh.

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Anonymous No. 911355

Porn? I'm making art.

Anonymous No. 911380

You use other people's programs to click a few buttons and tell yourself that your making art. You dont notice it but your work lacks a soul. It has very little of your own meaning that you put into it but you'll never know that. people will see that your art is junk but you wont know why. Its because its not yours. Your experience and feeling isnt in it and it ends up being meaningless. You are the new DAZlet.

Anonymous No. 911387

Wow not only did you not get the joke, but you then wrote a bitchy paragraph in response. Sad.
And I bet you consider yourself to have an above average IQ too.

Anonymous No. 913037

the model that people use is currently trained on cp. it's what the crypto fags rely on. the rich tend to get away with murder usually. hopefully Russia starts nukes to end this cringe reality we live jn

Anonymous No. 913038

cringe. kys

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Anonymous No. 913040

Anonymous No. 913042

it's kind of incoherent.

For AI to work in 3D it has to be able to build actual meshes, or some kind of membrane that can rotate and deform, while maintaining the base features and details.

The closer you look at the robot bison the more gestural it becomes. Perhaps this might be good enough for a printed advertisement, but commercial artists make money from stuff like the Geico Gecko or Pixar movies or video games.

Could the owner of a company or the project manager of the marketing division just decide to sit at a computer and try to steer an AI to get what they are picturing in their head to being market-ready? I can't see it.

There would be a lot lost in the translation of precision.

"Make the elbow lower so we can fit the logo"
"have her expression more derisive"
"have the candy bar a little bit melted"

They would really just be taking a bunch of iterations and mashing them up together in photoshop and that's not really what Marketing directors are paid to do. They are in the weeds of research, analytics, surveys, test audiences, etc.

No, I think artists jobs are safe right up until we have full-fledged General Artificial Intelligence. Even then, each GAI will have its own quirks, personality, and style that the marketing director will have to compromise for and put a lot of trust in.

In any case, once we do have General AI, the economy becomes post-scarcity anyway and we'll be free to do what we really want.

Anonymous No. 913043

>AI won't take over pornCGbros
Good. More money to me

Anonymous No. 913047

>it lacks a soul

as Commander Data once said "Can YOU prove you have a soul, nigger?"

Anonymous No. 913061

You talk like the fat idiot that got fired from google

Anonymous No. 913174

you talk like you trace anime you printed out on your dad's computer and got beat up by girls

Anonymous No. 914419

absolute pile of fucking dogshit. imagine the faggot sitting there smiling as he codes in endless censorship, I would gladly take his eyes out. it doesn't even give you good results.

Anonymous No. 914436

>M... Muh SOVL!!
Grow up

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a photo of a nerd....png

Anonymous No. 914748

>He thinks there isn't a single coombrain on earth to reverse engineer and make a porn making AI for huge profits in the following years

You're legitimately retarded, I'm terribly sorry

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Anonymous No. 914801

maybe its time for concept artists to start learning how to code lmao

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Anonymous No. 914803

you dont?

Anonymous No. 915074

I could see this being used for concept art at most