

🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 898586

What’s the point in doing 3d modeling as a hobby? I don’t understand why people would put themselves through so much work just to create something that doesn’t look as good as what a professional can do. Professionals in the industry spend most of their time doing this type of stuff because it is their job, but a hobbyist has a much more limited amount of time, and would never be able to catch up to a professional and make something as high quality. Why do hobbyists torture themselves so much?

Anonymous No. 898591

Yeah bro why have fun in life bro
You're fucking retarded
t. full time artist

Anonymous No. 898592

Don't know. Even then, 3D to me looked like an amazing job and activity back then being the shut in 24/7 videogamer virgin. Been doing it since an year now and I'm too lazy to do anything nowadays, too tedious. I know the workflow but it's too tedious and not worth spending 8 hours a day every day on till it gets finished because it will still be worthless. I even dip from recruiters because I just lose motivation halfway into the project which was always the case and the whole team goes radio dead after some time.

You will never be able to compete with professionals and the other 3 trillion 3Dlets.
You joined too late.
The market is oversaturated already.
You will never be a real artist.
You will die alone.

Anonymous No. 898595

i dont know, why you even get up in the morning? some of us like 3d shit
if your goal in doing anything is getting paid maybe you need to look for a hobby you enjoy?
why would you even want to compete with poo in loos making shitty marvel flicks with cgi 15 years behind the time?

oy vey, why is you post so cucked? bro, lift some weights or something, get your test up
>You will never be able to compete with professionals and the other 3 trillion 3Dlets.
its not a race
>You joined too late.
into an industry thats just growing?
>The market is oversaturated already.
my studio always looking for people, we are poaching good animators and character artsist like there is no tomorrow

heres a self dick sucking tangent, but i did 3d for 10 years as a hobby before i found any real job in the field while i worked in construction
after 4 years i was the principal character artists and already have a folio strong enough to be working with all the other poos on the new jew anti white propaganda flick from marvel
do shit long enough and you become confident enough to say "i know what im doing"

Anonymous No. 898600

Because I love sculpting and hate it when westerners do anything anime and manga related only to neglect the style, proportions, and make it look like Americans comic character or lazy pre-made model.

Anonymous No. 898603

why 10 years?

Anonymous No. 898605

>nothing matters only getting into The Industry
you niggers are insufferable

Anonymous No. 898610

There's a stupid questions thread for things like this.
>Professionals in the industry spend most of their time doing this type of stuff
So, what? There are professionals and hobbyists here who spend most of their time every day at their desks, improving their 3D.

>but a hobbyist has a much more limited amount of time, and would never be able to catch up to a professional
That's on you. They're learning from mostly the same resources and eachother. This board has professionals willing to give you advice. Even a subhuman, disgusting person like cris gets help from people (although he never listens, hence the years of not improving).

What exactly are you missing? What do you think other people have that you don't? Talent? You're just bitching out from putting the work in.
>Why do hobbyists torture themselves so much?
You're bitching out. Nooo, it's too hard, nooo don't torture me with things I can't do yeet! Why not just stop caring what other people can do, and focus on what you can do?

Anonymous No. 898615

>lazy pre-made model.
Yeah, they take things and pull them back into their comfort zones, and it's very boring to look at even if it's technically good.

>"sculpting Bing Bing Wahoo from Wahoo Deluxe 2!"
>it's Yansculpt OC, but wearing a plumber outfit and a moustache

Anonymous No. 898616

OP your pic is shit easy if you just grind for like a month kek.

Anonymous No. 898617

>it's Yansculpt OC, but wearing a plumber outfit and a moustache
Nailed it


sad doggo.gif

Anonymous No. 898633

just become a professional then

Anonymous No. 898642

Your crabbing won't work here. Go back to /ic/ permabeg.



Anonymous No. 898648

Because actual artists and not no-modeler losers like you enjoy the process and not the end result.

I see people like you attempt to get into art all the time because they see artists getting attention and want it for themselves, when they realise being adored by thousands is actually pretty hard they give up and never even reach basic art competency. Now here you are, doomposting to try and make yourself feel better about quitting.

Anonymous No. 898666

I didn’t mean this from a crabby or a quitter’s perspective, but just as someone who works in the industry, I don’t understand why hobbyists would bother with this stuff considering how much work and how little reward goes into it. A hobbyist can grind for a long time and get to a “professional” level, but actual professionals will always be better because they started earlier and continue to grind a lot. A hobbyist could make something cool, but a professional could always make something of higher quality that is more interesting to look at. If everything a hobbyist makes is always just a lesser version of what a professional can create, why would hobbyists even bother?

Anonymous No. 898668

You have never made anything

Anonymous No. 898681

If you're a creator it doesn't matter all that much what other people are doing, for you it's about what you can create.
The journey and process of figuring stuff out and growing your abilities is itself the main goal and the end product isn't, it's just the result.

Selling your work to get money is just a mercenary grind to sustain yourself, what lights a fire in your heart is something different.
It's not some grift and not about always 'working smarter not harder' letting automated processes stand in for yourself at every point.
It's not about the trendiest most popular subject matter, being the techhipster using the latest most optimized tool for every task
or chasing likes on the webstagramstation.

It's about developing deep understanding and the ability to bring your own imagination to life as you envision it.
If you understand this you have something you can do that provides you with an enduring serenity allowing you to simply exist
in the 'here and now' while doing something you truly enjoy, not always chasing the next big moment.

Anonymous No. 898693

since i wasnt serious about it, just a hobby

Anonymous No. 898697

>actual professionals will always be better because they started earlier and continue to grind a lot
are you retarded, most of the people working in the field are very young, "professionals" on average will have 3 years of experience tops and will waste his time doing stupid shit like menaging jira, licking the ass of his boss and doing retopo
professional industry where talent goes to die
as someone who "works in the industry" you should know seniors will make a minority of the teams

also after spending 5 years of grooming hair on fucking next shitty game from naughty dog you think you gained any knowledge to make some nice anatomy study? what if you are stuck laying out uvs all day, the fuck you gained over a guy who used blender for 3 months to learn doing characters from youtube tutorials?

Anonymous No. 898698

>hobbyists don't grind a lot
>professionals have more time to practice than hobbyists
>hobbyists are always worse than professionals
>the quality of art is determined by the reward
>professionals started earlier than hobbyists
You're trolling or being retarded.

Most artists, let alone the great artists, spend most of their time having fun on their own, not working for other people.

Anonymous No. 898768


>works in industry
You either don't or just bottom of the barrel bare minimum professional who's likely in it for the paycheck LOl.

Anonymous No. 899290

Yeah I'll never be as good as Van Halen so no point in enjoying music as a hobby.

Fucking retard maybe it's just something we like to do.

Sigma No. 899347

Yeah I'm gonna do that myself, Anon.

Good luck in your career!

Sigma No. 899350

By the way: some of these hobbyists are like >>898595 up there. Or like me.

I spent 5 years trying to get professional grade skills.

Failed to get a job, despite being perfectly qualified to do so.

So we instead grind that day job while honing our skills on the side, for years.

I think NFTs will eventually blow up again - yeah yeah call me retarded I don't care - and I'm preparing for that event myself.

Anonymous No. 899352


Anonymous No. 899383

>3 trillion 3Dlets.
Those 3Dlets are goyim who are afraid of leaving the plantation while people make money off of mediocore quality because they follow trends or the scumbags outright taking people's exact models from the art station market place and selling them else where. /3/ always wants perfection while the phrase that pros learn long ago when doing work with deadlines is "good enough." I've seen technically Japanese machine tier work both in 2d design and 3d given lukewarm rejection from a pro industry teacher because it would always fall short in several places like composition, focal point, unity, wireframe, integration, scale, or made in a way where people down the pipeline will end up sending it back to you to fix. And even these young prodigal asian machines were divas who refused to reflect on constructive criticism and change any part of their art work.

So what if you're a really skilled white man? You're not the transgender Jewish BIPOC who can tell a good story that fills the recruiter's brain with oxytocin.



Anonymous No. 899412

Based post of the month

Sigma No. 899700

No, I'm Sigma.

It says at my name, see?

Anonymous No. 899720

Because porn doesn't cater to my specific fetishes.

Anonymous No. 899732

there is nothing as satisfying as making your own 3d model and then 3d printing it, and having something you scratch built from raw data, mouse clicks, and pen strokes held in your hand as a real physical object.

Anonymous No. 899840

With that mindset what is the point of doing anything? What is the point of you making a thread? You know there are professional writers that could write a better thread opening than you.

Anonymous No. 899986

who stole your job?

Anonymous No. 900069


Anonymous No. 900084

Hobbyists can achieve great results as well, sometimes even better than """professionals""".

It varies so much where you're working and what you're working on as a professional artist. Not everyone in the industry is a godlike artist that is a master of their craft, in fact I'd say most aren't.



Anonymous No. 900096

Agreed. Case in point Yori Toro

>began as touhou fan artist who can't draw at the beginning to save his life
>just jumps right into drawing H scenes and characters and cutscenes anyway ends up creating memorable designs
>ends up creating cult following over his masterfully written game especially on /v/ boards and it's a fucking rpgmaker H game
>drawing improves and already has an appealing unique style
>mogs Japanese art school machine prodigies whose work will be forgotten in some hallway gallery
This guy didn't just make it. He defied conventional wisdown, like a true artist, and wasn't lamenting how he can't design nor draw and how he won't be ready to put up a a portfolio for another few years because the voice of self-doubt is echo'd by the cynical literal whos on this site.

Guys like this are much more impressive than Renauld Gauland or some diva that just makes the same guns that have been modelled countless times over.

Anonymous No. 900118

>made it
In a niche market. Also you are comparing apples to oranges. Stop fanboying and surpass both by being a generalist who can do anything whether you work in the industry or not.

Anonymous No. 900132

>Sure, he may have experienced success doing something he loves doing, but will he ever live up to my expectations for what a fulfilling life should be?

Anonymous No. 900190


devilish digits show you're full of shit

Anonymous No. 900319

Well, at least I didn't need to care so much about cleanly unwrapped UVs when I was doing it as a hobby. Just auto unwrap everything all day, every day. Good times. Anyway, back to my unwrapping session, deadlines are nearing!

Anonymous No. 901143

I refuse to turn my hobby into a money making job, it's not fun when it's just a hobby

Anonymous No. 901273

Because I unironically just want to make low poly early WoW-era painterly textured models to make high fantasy dungeon crawling stuff. Professional modelers are going to be shopping for industry gigs and ultimately make high fidelity models for capeshit, carrying out the visions of trust fund-raised executives. We're in the 70s in terms of creative media; indies are the only ones worth paying attention to

Anonymous No. 901304

>why play basketball if you'll never be in the nba
>why ski if you'll never be in the Olympics
>why shoot guns if you can buy meat at the store
>why write if you won't get on the NYT sellers list
>why workout if you'll never be the biggest
It's fum and fulfilling retard.


0001-0250-1 (2).webm

Anonymous No. 901453

Because it's fun and I like having a creative outlet even if I'm not very good at it.

Anonymous No. 901455

It's not fun if you are not seeing improvement.

Anonymous No. 901456

It's easy to see incremental improvement if you actually keep up with it.

Anonymous No. 901477

It doesn't really matter if you improve or not if you just do it for fun. Well, at least for me... I do it for fun, I don't really keep track whether I'm improving or not I'm alr stressed at work I don't wanna be stressed at home.

Anonymous No. 901557


Stagnating is not fun. Being afraid of not improving is not fun. Fuck you on about? This is not fun, it's torture. I suggest you give up then and find better use of your time.

Anonymous No. 901586

What the fuck are YOU on about, m8? Not everything in life needs to be some tryhard attempt and making your dick bigger.

Anonymous No. 901591

>>how can you not improve if you work on your craft?
despair faggots get the rope too

Anonymous No. 901592

because only I can make the niche porn I want to see



Anonymous No. 901600


I spent 5 years after going to a shitty college to "learn 3d animation" actually learning how to model in my free time. I had to look for pennys under the couch to buy stuff I was dfirt poor. Eventually I got noticed and have been working non stop for the past 12 years. I have modeled stuff for huge movies. I cant tell you how amazing it was to get my first paycheck and all of a sudden be able to buy pretty much whatever I wanted.

put the time in and you will get better.

love what you do and people will notice.

you will get hired



Anonymous No. 901609

Encouraging words. Thank you, anon.



Anonymous No. 901705

Pic related is entirely cgi.

Distinguishing what's fake and what's real is now impossible with the power of technology.

How do we feel about this?

Anonymous No. 901860


How do you think people become professionals you fucking brainlet?

Jesus christ you people have the kind of mindset that will take you nowhere in life.



Anonymous No. 903826

>but actual professionals will always be better because they started earlier and continue to grind a lot

My mechanic is a great mechanic, how can I compete with my industry standard autoshop mechanic? He started earlier, thus he's a professional©®™, since he's such a professional he works on 60 cars at a time, day in and day out he clocks in at 16 hours a day, also does weekends, he does meth to keep up last I heard, such a great guy, no one can replace the lad since we're all hobbyists compared to him, all the work for him, forever.

Anonymous No. 903829

>1: Models for game mods (maybe make a level or weapon for a moddable game of your childhood)
>2: Own a 3D printer and don't wanna spend over $100 on a waifu figure like a retarded weeb (or nobody cares for your waifu)



Knock knock? No. 903835


Try this as Hobby

Anonymous No. 903845

Don't click that link, anons. I googled it and it appears to be a virus of some sort.

Anonymous No. 903925

You have no clue what kind of shit I've seen from people who somehow work in the industry. Some of them don't even know basics like high to low poly bake or texel density. How they got hired is beyond me. It doesn't necessarily mean much that someone is a professional. Amateur hobbyists with passion can be miles better than them, they maybe just don't want to pursue 3D as a career.

Anonymous No. 903959

Anon I can symphatize with these people since they are just in it for the money. You will find some people are already content with what they have, especially when you are already have kids and a mortgage but that doesn't seem to be the case in 3d land because everybody is a young exploitable zoomer with no financial literacy working their ass off for little gain.

Anonymous No. 904126


Anonymous No. 905158

He is seeing improvement. He is improving upon himself. His speed, his quality, it's all improving. He isn't making industry grade stuff, but does he have to? Just because sewing is someone's mother's favored passtime doesn't mean they can tailor a suit, nor does that have to be the endgame of stitching things together. One can simply enjoy the act of creation for its own sake. If you can't enjoy that, that is not a skill issue. No amount of getting better can fix that.

Anonymous No. 905178

I understand that, I’m saying it’s strange how some people manage to get a chance to work in the industry, on AAA games even. Just shows different skill levels and it doesn’t necessarily mean every pro will be better than a hobbyist.

Anonymous No. 905192

Yes plateaus are not fun but they happen.
Different industry pros have different philosophies and grade of skill. Some are minmaxxing autists that could theoretically handle most if not an entire pipeline by themselves given time in the hyperbolic timechamber. Others are more laid back and impress everyone because they anticipate the common work done ahead of time and create their own kitbash library for future projects. Others are just working on background assets and characters.
>Just shows different skill levels and it doesn’t necessarily mean every pro will be better than a hobbyist.
There was pic here of a Russian hard surface modeler at Trace giving hobbyists on the Blender forums the impression that wireframes don't matter for your portfolio. Pros can really fall off when it comes to teaching. That's another area where distinctions can be made especially when they forget what it's like to a beginner.

Anonymous No. 905258

serious question. how is the market oversaturated? do you have any idea how many 3d and 2d assets are going to be required to fill in elements for metaverse projects?

from my perspective you guys are now insanely valuable.

Anonymous No. 905265

the metaverse is a meme and vr is a failure for gamernerds

🗑️ Anonymous No. 905266

i still scratch my head at this. maybe you're right. but hundreds of million dollars is changing hands in that metaverse space. People are clearly interested in building and profiting off of this "meme". the venture capitalists have been funding these endeavors.

There's such a negative sentiment toward metaverse projects. It blows my mind. In the 2D world. The market is oversaturated because everyones just trying to be an illustrator for a major project like magic the gathering cards. shilling art tutorials on gumroad or schoolism. Or obtaining patreon subs to create anime pinup art. and all the fans/consumers are just other artfags. nobody is looking at other markets. they're just stewing and saying shit like "everyone's oversaturated and gay". i don't get it anon...

Anonymous No. 905267

i still scratch my head at this. maybe you're right. but hundreds of million of dollars changed hands in that metaverse space. People are clearly interested in building SOMETHING with the metaverse "meme". the venture capitalists have been funding these endeavors. facebook and apple are clearly interested. there is something here. and you guys would be prepped for it. ALSO just in general, even if this metaverse shit didn't exist. 3d assets will always be needed or used for something... like, do you guys understand that?

There's such a negative sentiment toward metaverse projects. It blows my mind. In the 2D world. The market is oversaturated because everyone's just trying to be an illustrator for a major brand like wizards of the coast or riot games. They're forced to shill art tutorials on gumroad or create an on-demand art school. The rest are pretty much working by obtaining patreon subs to create anime pinup art. Everyone else is just surviving off 3rd world tier commissions. And all the fans/consumers are just other artfags. nobody is looking at other markets. they're just stewing and saying shit like "everything's oversaturated and gay". "let me just keep doing fan art of Anya/Yor Forger or other [current thing]" Is that the end game here? i don't get it anon... why continue this misery?

Anonymous No. 905400

Its a fucking forced meme that is nothing but an empty buzzword. Facebook already lost hundred of millions if not billions on their metaverse projects because it is nothing but an empty hollow shell and the people do not want it.
We already been through that btw... Do you remember second life and how "successful" that was?
Same concept, nothing new...it's the same shit in new dresses. Facebook does not bring anything new to the table and they don't understand the market and they absolutely don't understand gamers which should be their number one target group. Gamers are rejecting it because there are already games that provide better experiences that are tailored to certain tastes.
Metaverse was conceptually an attempt of an hostile takover of the gaming world and Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft have already completely defeated and destroyed it.
Normies don't want it, Gamers don't want it.
Also the tech isn't there yet. VF goggles are still too heavy and unpractical and way to expensive.

Anonymous No. 905402

Go neck yourself crab. Mods ban this retard and delete this stupid fucking threads, we get millions of them already, nothing but trash clogging up this already compromised board

Anonymous No. 905420

ok, every time this topic comes up, you guys become openly hostile. take it easy. maybe i'm not the best arbiter of this topic. i agree with most of that. but metaverse isn't just reserved for games/gaming. there are other experiential avenues that are theme appropriate with ar/vr tech. or just plain making graphics for tangible products within the realm of educational material or the health industry. whatever you can think of. it doesn't have to be competing with nintendo anon. and by the way, miiverse, and the xbox live avatar shit were awesome to me. just because the average gamer that plays indie survival games or elden ring doesn't see the value in it doesn't mean everyone hates them. why don't they put more effort into it? they had something, and they can build something more meaningful. hell nintendo could just expand animal crossing a bit more.

also there's a dramatic difference between what second life did and what facebook was aiming for. btw i dont use FB. i'm not at all defending that faggoty schlock they tried to deliver. even the unapologetic metaverse retards opposed the garbage they were attempting. but they still showed an interest in building something with it. need i remind you that vtubing is a thing. and regardless of what people say or do, they aren't done "forcing" it. there will be an eventual point at which it is eventually received by the audience. and why would it being forced that matter for you? if you're a 3d artist, you're getting work and helping develop. are you afraid your work might be successful? because that is on the table.

and for vr/ar goggles tech being terrible. people continue to work at them and solve issues with them. whatever it is, they're going to figure it out. metaverse isn't just vr dude. 4chan is a metaverse. youtube is a player. reddit is a metaverse. that's where my mind is at. im very optimistic.

Anonymous No. 905421

This OP is condensed and refined peak /3/ (peak retardation)