

🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 898718

>model a stylized head from memory
>it comes out rough but cute
>model one from reference
>it comes out much more detailed but doesn't look nearly as attractive
There is no winning is there.

Anonymous No. 898720

The first one sounds like a win to me, could you post it?



Anonymous No. 898721


Anonymous No. 898725

Idk about cute but the left one actually looks more appealing despite being worse in many ways. In drawing there is a great improvement technique where you iterate on what you just did, the next step would be going from memory again. Altho I think you should probably work on improving your modeling from reference more before committing it to memory

Anonymous No. 898727

Getting to that point was tedious, I spent like two weeks working all night learning how to sculpt. No way I'm starting from scratch again.
I'll move on with texturing, making the full body, clothes and rigging.
If I want to improve the model later on I'll just use the data transfer plugin.
My goal is to make games or game mods. I don't care about 3d modeling for its own sake.

Anonymous No. 898729

4chan ate up my post because I'm using firefox but basically I said that I'm gonna put the minimum effort necessary to get a character and maybe I'll export it as a second life character.
I already have a rig and a mesh for the body but I need to improve it, especially the arms and the hands.
I mean my favorite games (3d era gta games and psx harry potter) have main characters with the hands being a single polygon so I don't know what's all this autism about sculpting. It's possible to make great games with shitty models and extremely shitty games with perfectly accurate high res models.

Anonymous No. 898730

Well, not a single polygon, but one or two cubes.

Anonymous No. 898743

fucking hell

Anonymous No. 898747

Right reminds me of Old School Runescape

Anonymous No. 898749

>this is the skill level of your average dunning kruger /3/ poster
Good god, just give up dude

Anonymous No. 898842

What's wrong with it?

Anonymous No. 898859

>left oblivion
>right runescape
Left would look better if it wasn't so sunken in.

Anonymous No. 898894

The fact that you can't tell why it's awful at a glance (there's too many things wrong with it to list) is why exactly you should give up



Anonymous No. 898922

And who are you exactly to know who should or should not give up? If you are some big shot I might consider it but it would be pretty stupid to give up just because some asshole online told me to now wouldn't it?
Here's the head attached to the rest of the body that I was making.
I think it's coming out pretty well. I didn't even know if I would be able to get to this point especially considering that I never had any particular talent for the arts.

Anonymous No. 898999


Without sounding like a schizo crab, You are in a stage where everything you make looks pretty but in fact looks like shit and I fucking mean it. You are not meant to stay there forever. After 100s of sculpts you will realize how shit you are and it just keep getting worse and you have to do something about it and no I'm not talking about critique here LOl this place is useless you need to bury yourself in fundies for a while.

Anonymous No. 899011

If you think the left looks better in any way, you're deluded.

Keep following references.

Anonymous No. 899012

Cris you just gotta give it a break, try a different field man.

Anonymous No. 899013

>Those granny tits

Anonymous No. 899027

What the fuck is a fundie? (yeah sure lurk moar and all that)
I don't think it looks that good, but I'll keep working on it.
I think I should work on some hard surface props first though. I want to make a game level where all the assets are made by me, I don't really care if shit looks deformed.

Anonymous No. 899034

I will be honest, that does look kinda awful. It’s going for a realistic style, but it just doesn’t look like an actual person. Even the most minute flaw on the human body is noticeable, and when something is wrong, it still has a massive impact on whether or not it looks like a person, or a monster. I would recommend you learn things like proportion and construction before you try to make something anatomically correct. You don’t need to learn how to draw, but you can just apply those to 3d. Knowing facial expressions helps a lot too.

What you need to know is that a bunch of people on this board are miserable, whiny cunts. There’s a reason this is one of the slowest boards on this website. Threads can survive for almost 2 weeks without being bumped, and we have threads that have survived for 9 months, and it’s all because people don’t want to come here due to this board being full of a bunch of prissy bitches. I've seen talented people on here stop posting mid-project, and there are people who stopped posting here, but still post on other boards. On boards like /fit/, people insult each other and call each other ngmis, but that is just manly banter, and people actually try to help others on there, but people on here do it to tear others down because that’s just what low testosterone does.

>Without sounding like a schizo crab
Maybe that's because you are a schizo crab. Go get professional mental help, or neck yourself.

Anonymous No. 899035

And just to add, a "fundie" refers to the idea of art fundamentals, which you make want to look into. You may not care if something looks deformed, but do you actually not care? If you apply yourself and consciously try to improve, you can make things that don't look deformed, that you will probably like a lot more.

Anonymous No. 899038

Of course I care long term, but that just comes from practice and time investment, like anything.
It's just that I want to play with other related things and not just become good at sculpting before learning anything else.

Anonymous No. 899682

fuck you



Anonymous No. 899860


Anonymous No. 900212

You have to reconcile both those parts of the brain or your artistic ventures will suffer. Don't worry, keep studying and push through, you think you have an idea of what a head looks like, but you're missing the depth of faces >>898721.