
photo_2022-05-23 ....jpg

🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 899065

you always see stories like this, you never see the stories of people who didn't make it, which leads to aspiring people to waste a huge amount of time before they know they should've given up earlier, and should've invested their time in something more productive, or even more enjoyable

Anonymous No. 899069

I think the issue with the drawing on the top, is that a lot of people that draw like that do it because they have some sort of creative idea in their head, so when they create something, they are so in love with what they made that they cannot see its flaws. They love what they do so much that they will do this for a few years and never improve because they are already getting the maximum amount of enjoyment out of what they do. They never get the signal to improve, so they never do. Spending a few years not improving isn’t a sign that the person is slow since there are other people that can do it a lot faster, but just that they spent those years not knowing how to improve. For me, I didn’t improve until I knew how improvement was done.

artfags do it for clout No. 899072

how is this 3D related? fuck off

Anonymous No. 899075


Anonymous No. 899078

>He needs the image comparisons in 3d to understand the premise of the thread.
Can only imagine what your problems solving skills in 3d are like

Anonymous No. 899081

Wawa made it because of staying consistent and not doing the 3d equivalent of being a retopo slave for some senior diva. Or the aspiring people can just give up and just try a different craft every years and never become master at anything.

Anonymous No. 899146


reddit is not here. Go back to asking stupid questions on how to make Blender work instead of solving it yourself, blendlet.

Anonymous No. 899147

If you want to see stories of people who did not make it, look up the corresponding subreddit where people think they have made it. r/artprogression might be a good start. That gives a realistic picture of what the average person can expect. The pictures usually improve slightly, but not nearly enough to match half of the elapsed time and expectations.



Anonymous No. 899156

Hopefully they start drawing dirty Yor art next

Anonymous No. 899771

You see stories of failure all the time. However, when you have no idea of what good is, then you don't realize half of the progress shots you witness are actually pathetic. Clearly, OP's image is a good example of progress. However, someone with bad taste won't be able to differentiate between OP's progression, and someone else posting poor progression. They see the two as the same. Because both are levels beyond what he can comprehend.

So what I'm getting at here: Is that the people who get good, have an innate understanding of what "good" is. They feel it in their bones. They can effortlessly filter out bad influences, and absorb good influences. The people who don't get good, are "skill blind". That is to say, they are unable to see true skill. It's all the same to them. Like people who can't tell the difference between red and green.

Anonymous No. 899786

Oh wow a frame redraw

Anonymous No. 899816

Chuds are mad again that somebody succeeded compared to them.

Anonymous No. 899841

Unfortunately for you, cris, no amount of inspiration will fix your mental deficiencies.

Anonymous No. 899853


Anonymous No. 899903

>quoting someone who complimented OP's pic
The bots have arrived


aleena smoke.gif

Anonymous No. 899944

>Spent 8 years to learn how to draw ONE character
Am I supposed to be impressed?

Anonymous No. 899955

It's not the same character.