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Anonymous No. 899118

Why their work always looks so similar? And it's always Asians

Anonymous No. 899134

It's too hard for them to be an artist.

Anonymous No. 899137

The real question is why does your work look so similar to this picture of nothing I have

Anonymous No. 899138

whats the point? those people will never make a game character or a movie character.. so much work for naught.

Anonymous No. 899140

cause most of chinese/korean 3d modeller/sculpter in the industry are taught by the same school. Literally taught the same pipeline, same class about designing and shit.
Where as, in the western world, you have alot of free lancer who taught themselves.

Anonymous No. 899143


This is why western globohomo was born in pursuit of muh creativity coping mechanism.

Anonymous No. 899154

I wouldnt give a fuck if I was that good.

Anonymous No. 899161

That's probably what sells the most in Asia and that's a also the fantasised version of themselves



Anonymous No. 899169

ehh, so you were saying, pic rel, is the fantasized version of our?



Anonymous No. 899180

Your average chink would literally kill for that.

Anonymous No. 899181

chink here, no I wouldnt, you can keep your aloy.

Anonymous No. 899191

Unfortunately yes but I'm north african so my fantasized version of the ultimate female is actually a dream
Bro not even joking, I dev a lot at this library in the center and ma fabourite desk is in front of a window at the ground floor. I see a lot of people and couple walking down the streets. You wouldn't imagine the number of normal/good looking asians with meh/ugly white chicks.
On the other hand I personaly know a chinese guy that scored a blondie that's way out of his league. Also the asian guy who's dating this 10/10 cosplayer with a fat ass. Lucky motherfucker

Anonymous No. 899211

He said average, not bugman

Anonymous No. 899225

I knew an exchange student from China back in college, and the reason apparently is because they're very rigid in their curriculum. Like if you deviate from a prescribed style they're really harsh on it. The way it seemed was that a lot of the art school shit in China was an assembly line to create a product rather than people that are skilled artists.
I don't know if they're being taught this exact style in school, but I could guess that if it's what sells they definitely are.

Anonymous No. 899235

Let me guess, you are typical murican which can't see difference between asians and so can't see actual difference between these models.

Anonymous No. 899237

>those people will never make a game character
their characters are in millions grossing game, it's not because it's not popular in the west that it doesn't exist

Anonymous No. 899242

>I'm north african
Island african here, welcome to the ugly gang

Anonymous No. 899251

Yeah, why is none of them black, gay and fat? Asians are just racist.



Anonymous No. 899311

I'm morrocan bro. I'm not part of of this ugly gang you're talking about



Anonymous No. 899314

test render on maya
i think that neat

Anonymous No. 899315

wrong thread



Anonymous No. 899318

aight get fucked, glory to the Polisario Front

Anonymous No. 899322

The real reason is that they all edit from the same basemeshes and that they all use the same brushes and assets. I own their courses.

Western artists/teachers have their unique styles, but China is taught to combine or tweak basemeshes together.



Anonymous No. 899334

Since the day Morroco pacted with Israël, I stopped giving a fuck

Anonymous No. 899345

Chinese copy paste farm.

Anonymous No. 899346

Still better than what you will ever produce in your lifetime

Anonymous No. 899351

not that guy, but I even rate cris work higher than ops image, because there's at least a bit of soul in it. ops pic (especially) on the right shows everything wrong with the asian industrial style. exactly the reason why I never touched a asian MMO because they all look like utter soulless garbage and I'd take my vanilla world of warcraft lowpoly chars over it any day of the week.

Anonymous No. 899355

Sure beats any of reddit tier cel shader/ spiderverse crap that gets western jaws agape