๐งต Random terrain
Anonymous at Tue, 24 May 2022 05:30:14 UTC No. 899280
Is it possible to make random terrain in UE5? Obviously landscapes cannot be edited during runtime and thus I imagined that it'd be possible to create a set of a piece of terrain as an blueprint actor and make the engine spawn them around the player? Then it wouldn't be really random though.
Maybe one polygon and have them spread across the world in random heights and directions?
How do you pull this off /3/?
Anonymous at Wed, 25 May 2022 07:32:29 UTC No. 899461
Deep Rock Galactic's caves are fully procedural and it runs in UE, so it's definitely possible. They have some dev streams explaining the process. And yes, it's possible to generate and edit terrain on run time, don't know why you assumed it wasn't.
Anonymous at Wed, 25 May 2022 12:30:00 UTC No. 899482
I'd do it in Houdini, and then use the Houdini to Unreal plugin to export into it. I've never used those plugins, but Houdini is made for things like random terrain generation.
Anonymous at Wed, 25 May 2022 16:03:35 UTC No. 899504
I always wanted to make the game generate a random terrain per a button click as an experiment in UE5. I never knew that landscapes could be edited on runtime because it always looked like they were meant to be static and handcrafted considering you manually add components to it. I never saw a blueprint code for that to create terrain or expand it. Does Houdini really fit for this? How does it work. I strolled through google before but there's very few to no procedural generation tutorials out there so I'll have to figure it out myself.
Anonymous at Wed, 25 May 2022 16:04:58 UTC No. 899505
Why do chinks do this?
Anonymous at Wed, 25 May 2022 17:47:47 UTC No. 899520
I can't contribute much when it comes to exporting to game engines, but I'd bet that there is a way to make it work for a game that would have completely random 3d environments.
>onsidering you manually add components to it.
If you take a look at the tutorials you'll see how it is possible to scatter objects like trees and rocks onto the terrain. You can paint a mask where you want them to go, or you can procedurally generate even the mask.
Anonymous at Wed, 1 Jun 2022 01:51:53 UTC No. 900733
Look up marching cubes terrains for UE4. I've done it in Unity.
You can edit them in runtime, too.