
porn cube harem.webm

๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 899726

Look at my coomer masterpiece chuds.


Anonymous No. 899727

Mental illness

Anonymous No. 899728

What the fuck.

Anonymous No. 899729

You know that if you'd put actualy work into the models and animations, you'd make a lot of patreonbuxx?
Eh, you probably are already and you just shitpost here for fun.

Anonymous No. 899736

/3/chuds btfo. More work than 3 will ever do

Anonymous No. 899739

No way! Raul is such a chad!

Thanks again for blessing this board with AAA graphics.

Anonymous No. 899741

/3/ BTFO!

Anonymous No. 899742

wait! this was made by only one person?!

Anonymous No. 899746

why is this so hot /3/bros?

Anonymous No. 899749




Anonymous No. 899796

sorry, was that the wind talking?

Anonymous No. 899812

getting FFVII vibes. based

Anonymous No. 900006

What a ridiculous concept for a game. There's no way Raulina could possibly maintain an erection after the years of HRT she's been taking.

Anonymous No. 900145

Fuck off Cris.

Anonymous No. 900147

kill yourself cris

Anonymous No. 900148

Thats was ur mom queefing, bitch

Anonymous No. 900169

/gif and /trash will love this



Anonymous No. 900202

but wait, there is more



Anonymous No. 900252

Done my first portrait of my first pokemon girl you can rape.

Still missing some work and make the coomer scene.



Anonymous No. 900268


Anonymous No. 900275

>not less than 20 people browse this board

Enjoy your small dead island Cris.

Anonymous No. 900278

you know what cris, if the legs didn't look like they were floating this would actually look somewhat decent

Anonymous No. 900292

Cris, why do you have decent drawing skills, but terrible 3d modeling skills?

Anonymous No. 900297

I have come to the following conclusion.

Do I suck at art?

Do I need to become an elite master?
No, my plan is get good enough.

If I get good enough, then plenty of better japanese artists will do doujin shit.
My 4D chess plan is to become like ZUN.

As such, that 3D style is great because is minecraft tier to make, but looks decent enough.

Anonymous No. 900298

Since when is Cris replying to people
Godspeed cris finish that game

Anonymous No. 900327

You will never become like ZUN, give up.


porn (1).webm

Anonymous No. 900368

look at this chuds.

Anonymous No. 900378

lol not even that bad.

Anonymous No. 900426

if you plan to be an elite master then you'll easily reach your goal of being good within a few months as opposed to a few years



Anonymous No. 900626

Anonymous No. 900959

Cris really seems to be hitting his stride lately.

Anonymous No. 900967

fuck off cris

Anonymous No. 900969

he's playing 4d chess

Anonymous No. 901007

fuck off cris

Anonymous No. 901083

fuck off cris

Anonymous No. 901329


Anonymous No. 901339

Fuck off cris!

Anonymous No. 901340

Fuck off cris

Anonymous No. 902016

Fuck off Cr-fucking-is

Anonymous No. 902040

0/10 none of the waifus peed

Anonymous No. 902064

I'm surprised nobody made a game like harvest moon yet but in 3d with porn. It's weird how Stardew is the closest thing to that but the graphics are like gameboy advance.

Anonymous No. 902090

Explain what the point of such a game would be. How would you add such content without it feeling shoehorned in?

Anonymous No. 903681

Explain what the point of videogames is

Anonymous No. 903857

If you can't make a girl in a leotard I will never respect you.

Anonymous No. 904184

Fudge off Chris.

Anonymous No. 904195

cris is the soul of this board and very likely the only modern embodiment of the whimsical old fag spirit that spread his cheer to other boards. I cannot help but laugh every time his low poly comedic genius makes boring wagecuck tourists on here overreact like barneyfag.

Anonymous No. 904223

fuck off cris



Anonymous No. 904285

Just base the game around it, duh
>Harvest moon gameplay
>But you get to fuck your wife and the rest of the villagers instead of just building relationships
>Could also be able to grow versions of edible plants by using arousing chemicals at them that you can find in the wild that no one knows about and feed those plants to the villagers, with them saying "Oh, i don't know why i did that but thanks" or some shit
>Growable fleshlight plants
The ideas are limitless

Anonymous No. 905016

Ijust got hard at the tought of rape and viagra infused potatoes....

Anonymous No. 905116

This is more self reflection than I expected from the almighty cris.

Anonymous No. 905117

Fuck off cris.

Anonymous No. 905539


Anonymous No. 905562

>No, my plan is get good enough.
You've been doing 3d for years and you still look like a beginner. Your 2D is garbage, but it's not beginner level really bad garbage like your 3D. If you keep wasting your time on 3D and coming to this board, you'll always be a failure

Anonymous No. 907361

fuck off cris