

๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 899893

How long will it take to do 3D models like in LSD dream emulator, pic related?
Any tips or tutorials?



Anonymous No. 899894

Anonymous No. 899901

With today's technology, almost no time. Very low poly modeling.

Anonymous No. 899904

Cool, how to do it?

Anonymous No. 899924

Sure here you have, next time just use the stupid questions thread

Anonymous No. 899927

The fact that you have to ask instead of just doing it, means that whatever you make, the end result will completely lack any soul.
Real artists DO, they don't sit around asking how.

Anonymous No. 899943

imagine the smell

Anonymous No. 899945

You are such an idiot it's funny.

Anonymous No. 899956

bro if you have to ask how to make THAT model.....its over...just dont do it.....youre hopeless

Anonymous No. 899958

I would guess you're brand new to modeling being that those characters are so simple, but you can't figure out how to make them just by looking at the polygons. For character modeling, you would normally learn the technical process behind making a character (sculpting, topology, etc.), as well as studying proportion and anatomy so you can play around with the human figure without it looking deformed. Because of how simple those characters are, hard surface modeling skills and texture painting skills would be worth developing.

Anonymous No. 899976

What? Why am I being insulted? I just legitimately have never modelled a character before, I do enviroments only but I think this has charm.
Thanks for the ones who helped.

Anonymous No. 900046

>Why am I being insulted?
Gee, I wonder why. It definitely doesn't have to do with you asking a stupid question that's been asked countless times on this board.
People are tired of spoonfeeding retards that can't make the effort to figure it out themselves.



Anonymous No. 900216

Well now it looks like shit, the lines that were supposed to make it rounder and organic don't work like on the vid tutorial.
Now what?

Anonymous No. 900235

Watch a hour long beginner tutorial and you will be able to create these models. They are very simple

Anonymous No. 900237


Anonymous No. 900247

See this, it's not working out. Help?

Anonymous No. 900251

If you're genuinely new here, excuse these projecting fucktards. There's something about this place that attracts the most insufferable, butthurt asswipes that can't land a job so they take it out on people who actually try to ask questions. My recommendation to you is to run far from here and find some place more productive like a 3D modeling discord server so you don't have to deal with these gatekeeping schizos. Good luck, friend.


Anonymous No. 900549

>retarded zoomer wants to recreate quirky "soulful" shit from the 90's thread #325435327

Anonymous No. 900583

fuck off cris