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🧵 /cad/ - Computer-Aided Design General

Anonymous No. 899937

A thread dedicated to CAD, the chad's choice and the working man's choice in 3D production.

What projects have you been working on lately? What kind of work do you do?




>Tutorials and Guidebooks

Anonymous No. 899949

I want to faff about and make sci-fi prop concepts for fun, should I use moi or fusion? Is that plasticity3d a meme or worth looking at as well?

Anonymous No. 899950

Rhino is based

Anonymous No. 899971

I tried both for concepting and found fusion 360 to be significantly faster and more freeform, fusion 360 is the only time in CAD I've felt like I could make stuff as fast as poly modelling. If you already know 3d you can open up F360, watch a senechal timelapse and be up and making stuff in damn near 15 minutes.

The pricing and weird necessary cloud integration is the only drawback.

Anonymous No. 900009

What is the difference between AutoCAD and Fusion360?

Anonymous No. 900051

>1k for a rhino key
do they really expect people not to just pirate this shit

Anonymous No. 900055

I don't know but I tried inventor and it was a pile of shit while fusion 360 is smooth as butter so I assume every concept artist who is better than me uses f360 or Moi for a reason

Anonymous No. 900108

>>900055 is the remesher of fusion to create .obj meshes from the nurbs objects?

Anonymous No. 900205

Will learning CAD really help me get a job easier than learning Maya?

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Anonymous No. 900209

Working on a hood for my car. Will be 3D printed in pieces, glued together, sanded, and used to make a mold for a vacuum injected CF hood.

Anonymous No. 900264

need link for Catia P3 V5-6R2019 with SP6

Anonymous No. 900285

Wouldn't it be better to model it as subdiv and then convert it to NURBS later?

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Anonymous No. 900303

sounds strange, but with subdivs it's a lot harder to get clean reflection lines while keeping your model structure simple. I've been doing subdivision modeling for 10 years now and when I tried it with another 3D scan I was only able to get this surface quality by using horrendous shrink wrap modifier stacks that made the model really hard to work on.

Anonymous No. 900324

Why are you crying about the price of Rhino, idiot? Autodesk charge $3k a year for a lot of their software.

Anonymous No. 900338


Rhino is the cheapest professional CAD/CAID program out there and the license is perpetual, so once you pay- you never have to do it again.

Anonymous No. 900339

I'm not sure, but Maya has very good NURBS tools.

Anonymous No. 900423


Anonymous No. 900480

Need good CATIA course/tutorial that has decent introduction for beginners.

Already worked previously in SolidWorks, Inventor and Fusion 360.

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Anonymous No. 900526


I'm not retarded. Maya's NURBS tools are excellent for ARTISTIC purposes. Not nearly precise enough for CAID, though. Good enough for entertainment and animators.

Maya's NURBS tools are pretty much the same exact NURBS tools as in Alias/Studio, minus the precision and surface evaluation tools.

Anonymous No. 900612

ok now compare that to anything made in fusion 360

Anonymous No. 900644

AutoCAD is a 2D drafting program, with some 3D capabilities, while Fusion is a 3D Cad program

Anonymous No. 900666

what's the difference between autocat and blender?

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Anonymous No. 900717

>Cad thread
>Maya nurbs tools same as alias
>Apart from precision
>Cad thread
>Apart from precision
>Cad thread
>I'm not retarded.

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Anonymous No. 900720

Use TAB and SHIFT+TAB to hide/unhide parts in a SOLIDWORKS assembly.

Anonymous No. 900746

Absolute king retard.

Anonymous No. 900884

I had an sw20 with a solar v6 someone plopped into it. car was a nightmare, no AC, no speedometer, no tach, no abs, had an exhaust so loud when I bought it that my left ear was going deaf on the ride home, ran rich no matter what I did for some reason, but what do you expect for $1500? I miss that car all the time.

Anonymous No. 900982

That's a damn shame Anon, sorry to hear it's been totaled.
Mine's a Spyder, bought it for $2.5k with failing precats then put in a new engine for $500. It's been running for 2 years now, I'm never going to sell it, it's too much fun.

Anonymous No. 900989

it's not totalled lol, just was tired of having to fix things constantly and sold it to some dude in texas for $3500

Anonymous No. 900998

ah then I misunderstood, to me it looked like "with a solar v6 (and then) someone plopped into it"
but yeah, constantly having to fix shit is draining motivation fast.

Anonymous No. 900999

also it was a solara v6, typo on my part. it's was a really jank job but damn was it a blast to drive when it was running

Anonymous No. 901028


I'm not retarded. I'm giving people options. I'm sure there are lots of people who want to use NURBS that already know Maya.

Anonymous No. 902364

I've got a new job and the company uses HiCad. Terrible. Only now do I appreciate how nice using Creo was.

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Anonymous No. 902459

Can I somehow keep my unpirated version of Inventor once my license expires? Or will it get bricked?

I have student's license until november and Im wondering if I can keep using it later.

Anonymous No. 902639

Redpill me on the best way to learn CAD on my own.

Anonymous No. 902640

MoI 3D, $295

FreeCAD is free but the UI is complete cancer
Rhino3D has more features than MoI but costs $1k

Anonymous No. 902656

OpenSCAD, unironically
Keep the cheat sheet open, learn the syntax first, look at the example models from top to bottom
Don't immediately buy $300 software, don't use FreeCAD until you have at least 5 years experience in CAD (this is for your own sake, you will quit if you try to start with FreeCAD)

Anonymous No. 904010

where do i get a job?

Anonymous No. 904029

Moi has a long 3 month trial and is easy to learn. If you want to pirate it, get the full trial version off the official site, and the cracked beta version off Persia. The .dll packed with the beta can be used to crack the latest trial version.

Personally, I do not have experience in other CAD programs, but I really like modeling in Moi as compared to Blender. For hard surface stuff, it is better than Blender + Boxcutter.

Anonymous No. 904080

Can CAD Software be used for game models?

Anonymous No. 904090

Yeah, as long as you don't need to deform them, which you generally don't.

Anonymous No. 904092

I want to design autocannons as a hobby, though my background is in compsci. I want to use FreeCAD. Where should I start? What should my workflow be like? Thank you!

Anonymous No. 904097

As a highpoly for sure, it's even a good base for handmade lowpoly topology. I wouldn't import it directly as a lowpoly unless the geometry is very simple and doesn't feature many patches.

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Anonymous No. 904302


I started out using blender years ago and ended up working on mostly architectural and industrial subjects because that's what I enjoy modelling. I am working on a project that is a game with lots of these subjects (pic related).

I get satisfaction from arranging the polygons into the required shapes but this task is often very tedious and I wonder if I am being retarded by not taking the time to learn CAD, you know, something designed for exactly what I am doing in blender.

One thing that gives me pause is I have imported CAD models into blender for 3d-printing related operations and I've noticed the geometry or UV layout is not optimal for my purposes at all. For example in the pic I posted it is basically many cylinders and spheres of varying diameter joined together at right angles. At perpendicular intersections I try to "collapse" the circular cross section into a square or rectangle in order to keep the vertex count as low as possible, and just for general ease in texturing, smooth normals, and so on. The CAD models seem to have an automatic geometry that is just 'whatever fits' and I'd have to do a lot of that work over again.

So yeah idk. It's something I've been wondering about for a long time, it could be a huge time-saver, but I won't know unless I actually try it out and see how it fits into my current workflow. If I have to remake each CAD object in Blender I'd say it's not worth it, I can already get pretty good high-poly bakes from my modifier stack.

Anonymous No. 904308

>The CAD models seem to have an automatic geometry that is just 'whatever fits' and I'd have to do a lot of that work over again
That's true, but with e.g. Rhino flowing surfaces with great reflections come so much easier than they do in Blender because you can first figure out the shape, then export to Blender and just snap your verts to the imported surface while you figure out your topology. In a sense, it's not doing the same work twice but doing 60% of the work twice and getting a 200% quality model.

Anonymous No. 904383

You make a good point, I hadn't considered it that way before. I do feel limited by the available techniques in blender and this prevents me from making some things just because it is too tedious.

For example the hemispherical protrusions inside the end caps of the model in the pic I posted before took something like an hour to get right. That feels too long for such a simple detail. If I was less motivated that day I'd have skipped that detail and the model would be less interesting.

I've heard CAD programs described as "parametric" - my understanding is this means you are able to easily adjust parts of the model (diameter of holes, etc) without totally messing up the overall geometry. To go back to the hemispherical protrusions, I just noticed today they are slightly too large, and would prevent the removal several of the tubes in the center of the model. As the tube removal is an essential function of that device it is unacceptable and I consider that a violation of suspension of disbelief (very autistic, but I can't help it). This is a major headache to fix in blender and probably would take an hour or two of work. So if the parametric nature of CAD means what I think it does, it is clearly worth the time for that scenario.

I'm definitely willing to try Rhino, they have a trial I could use.

Anonymous No. 904823

What car?

Anonymous No. 904984

Holy shit, just what I needed. I've been using blender+freecad, freecad naming problem and UI drive me crazy, I just downloaded solidedge community edition, and noticed you can also get solidworks for markers for $99/yr,anyone have experience with the latter two? I'm mainly making mounts/brackets/3D printed stuff. I liked inventor when I had access to it, but don't anymore.
I just want parametric 3D CAD with a nice UI really. I don't need advanced features like simulation or weldments

Anonymous No. 905264

When this many people call you retarded, you might want to reflect a little on your life.

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Anonymous No. 905374

Question from a complete noob who only gets the idea of drawing sketches and extruding them here and there.
How to make something like the plastic seat in pic related?
The front looks like a curved plane but the back side has these extrusions...

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Anonymous No. 905413

I need a 3D-CAD program that lets me design some crazy ass gadgets with bearings, magnets, coils and lets me simulate them.

I'd really like "AutoDesk inventor", but that shits expensive.
I'm not a student, nor work anywhere CAD is done.
Is torrenting a cracked version ever malware free?
Is using a keygen foolproof?

I do admit I totally loved FreeCAD, but it don't physics simulate a moving generator model.

Anonymous No. 905806

Why does /3/ hate Solidworks?

Anonymous No. 905990

Expensive as hell.
Great program, but unless you have access to it from school or work then you're not going to spend 1k a year to use it. I used Solidworks and Catia in school and they were nice.
I guess you could get the cheap ass version for like 100 a year but that seems like a waste since fusion is free and does similar things if you're a hobbyist.

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Anonymous No. 906029

/toy/ reporting.

3D printed from Shapeways in SLS nylon.

Designed 100% in SolidWorks 2014.

Anonymous No. 906042

Make a curved plane and add extrusions to it,a lot of software has pattern modifiers for things like that

Anonymous No. 906184

Cute rat/dog.

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Anonymous No. 906190


Anonymous No. 906192

Sorry, forgot to write that it’s supposed to be mesonyx >>906190

Still, thanks!

Anonymous No. 906307

>Make a curved plane
That's the question. How do I make curved plane when I can only draw a 2D sketch?

Anonymous No. 906319

Draw a curve on one axis, and another curve on a different axis, then sweep the first curve along the path of the second.

Anonymous No. 906541

MR2 Sypder

Anonymous No. 906657

Pirate autodesk inventor. I dont like using inventor, but thats how I learned CAD in highschool. Now I only use openscad and cadquery cause i dont have to interact with people who use proprietary bullshit software. Granted i dont 3d model for school or work.

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Anonymous No. 907198

OpenSCAD and Solvespace. Solvespace has a good file format, OpenSCAD is code. Solvespace is now integrated into Blender, so it makes even more sense to learn it. OpenSCAD can be used for bionic 3D modelling as well (picrel), just different, but then combined with precise parts. Same should work with Blender and Solvespace code now, but with OpenSCAD everything is code.

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Anonymous No. 907333

What do you think of my idea? Took me about 10 minutes to put together and is currently in the early design phase. It helps with keeping the car dry when driving under rainy conditions.

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Anonymous No. 907338

openscad is a great way to flex your engineering degree.

anon this is genius, you need to make a thread for this right now. I'm serious.

Anonymous No. 907437

>openscad is a great way to flex your engineering degree.

Is it though? I only learned openscad and cadquery after college cause all professors taught and used solidworks and matlab.

Anonymous No. 907478

lol because it's awful for real world use, purely a dick measuring tool

Anonymous No. 907578

Do you need to be autistic to get into CAD?

Anonymous No. 907585

No, I'm only quite low on the scale. It's rather about technical parts (which need to be more precise). Also, about being able to change one value and other things change in relation to that. In case of OpenSCAD this can be done in text, so you could have another program change the file. Might get useful for combining models with machine learning.
Nice, I might use these.
The educational system tends to train people directly for jobs, not necessarily the best tools or if they're great then they're expensive.

Anonymous No. 907991

Hmm idk about that. Maybe openscad is a bit cumbersome but cadquery seemsway better than solidworks and inventor. Like if you are a business that needs 3d modelling work its way better to manage your projects on github and have have all your designs be parametric. Also you dont get locked into an out dated version of software or a subscription service.

Openscad and cadquery may make more sense in business pipelines than in a hobbyists skillset.

Anonymous No. 908143

I think there's some truth to this, but there's also a lot of problems that would make it undesirable. For starters SCAD is a programming language, so your engineers need to know how to code and use git. You would basically be hiring engineers who are also programmers instead of purchasing a license for enterprise CAD software.
On top of that SCAD is a functional programming language, so even if your engineers have some programming experience (probably matlab? idk) there will be differences in how the language works, immutability for example.
Even then there are more fundamental issues, some simple operations on complex objects in SCAD are much more time consuming and prone to error. Fillet on a convex 3d shape, for example.
Never used cadquery but I'm pretty sure most of these points you can substitute SCAD for cadquery/python.
It's kinda a pipe dream I think, there probably aren't any businesses that use OpenSCAD on larger scales, maybe in a prototyping lab or something.

Anonymous No. 908209

Come to think of it, wasn’t Chris Chan studying drafting at one point?

Anonymous No. 908332

>studying drafting
he probably thought it was drawing.

Anonymous No. 908435

how do you create a cad model w/ opengl or are there any C libraries?

Anonymous No. 908791

>Never used cadquery but I'm pretty sure most of these points you can substitute SCAD for cadquery/python.

Cadquery is way better than openscad with respect to making fillets and chamfers, there are even constraints (wtill wip though), and cadquery is OOP instead of functional.

Anonymous No. 908975

Is there any reason to learn drafting by hand anymore? Like drawing your designs without using CAD?

Anonymous No. 909005

He was, one of the Sonichu comic villains was a version of his CADD teacher at the college

Anonymous No. 909196

Revit is best
Revit is best!!
Freecad CRINGE.

Anonymous No. 909237

Having basic drawing skills to sketch ideas to people is convenient. Otherwise, no.

Anonymous No. 909425

Thoughts on moi?

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Anonymous No. 909522

Does anyone here have experience with TurboCAD? Picrel is what my work uses, but it's kind of obscure so googling a specific issue I'm having is hit or miss.
I'm looking for good ways to learn the more advanced tools other than experimentation and reading all of the documentation which isn't that great anyway.

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Anonymous No. 909748

Forgive my brainlet moment, I don't usually model with surfaces. Does anyone know what the proper method in solidworks would be to fill this top face. it's a compound curve in real life so I can't just extrude the surface and the boundary surface tool just shits itself before I can even try it.

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Anonymous No. 909768

I got it working. The key was not to try and patch the whole face but to do it in two steps. I also closed the boundaries so they were closed.

Anonymous No. 910538

It came in handy the other day when I had to draft a sink from a paper template. There are digitizing tools available, but ours was down that day. So I pulled out a ruler and pen and got to work figuring out the arc angles, lengths, etc by drawing straight lines. No need to be an expert, but the ability to understand how to get arc measurements from straight lines is helpful in a pinch.

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Anonymous No. 910544

Using CAD for cosplay instead of typical modelling makes integrating with electronics so much easier

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Anonymous No. 911017

Okay guys I have some questions, and I hope I can get some help. I am using FreeCAD to modify existing STL files, and I am trying to modify a object, and this will turn into two posts.

First one, in picrelated, I and holding shift and leftclicking to select these, how can I autoselect that model there? This is a .step file, and there isn't any parts its merged together.

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Anonymous No. 911019

Second question is, how can I go about changing the model in pic related?

My goal is to get the slot in the upper green square moved up by 2.2mm, I was thinking of cutting it in the bottom green square move it up 2.2mm and then fill the gap between the walls, but I am not sure..

Anonymous No. 911041

What has the closest workflow to CATIA?
Can't fucking stand Fusion360 and FreeCAD is too fucking obtuse. Mostly need something that works well with reference points/planes etc.

Mostly to collect some rough sketches of your idea in front of you, as it's faster to do that compared to driving down all the details in CAD.
And sometimes it's just easier to draw something simple rather than trying to autism it in CAD, especially if you're making something by hand.
I would almost be better off doing a design I'm stuck on in Lego and paper instead of trying to fight some CAD shit that won't let me adjust placement simply.

Selecting things is very finicky in freecad. There should be a way to at least filter what you're selecting.
I have a way I'd position a drawing to just remake it if it's simple enough, but I haven't found a way to do it in freeCAD.

This is mostly a negative/positive add/subtract ordeal, assuming you don't have access to the tree of operations and this is an imported solid.
You make a positive solid around the slot you want to move and use the current model to subtract the excess. This leaves you with a negative that you can move around. Fill in the old cavity, then subtract the negative you just made where you want it relocated.
That's the 'easiest' without just moving vertices themselves, which you shouldn't do for a parametric model.

If freecad doesn't enjoy that, like it just wants to cut faces instead of cutting solids, you might have to remake the entire thing. Doesn't look like a complicated part at least.

Anonymous No. 911045

you haven't tried rhino?

Anonymous No. 911048

No, was looking into it but the gallery is full of rendered examples of mesh work, so it threw me off a bit.
I'll have to line up some ideas to push through the trial perioid. Certainly cheaper than CATIA would charge, if they even bother responding to an inquiry, but a bit steep to dive into.

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Anonymous No. 911056

Why don't chuds use Blender as it can be a CAD program aswell?

Anonymous No. 911059

Because they aren't retarded like you.

Anonymous No. 911094

>Selecting things is very finicky in freecad. There should be a way to at least filter what you're selecting.
>I have a way I'd position a drawing to just remake it if it's simple enough, but I haven't found a way to do it in freeCAD.

I havent found a way either.
>This is mostly a negative/positive add/subtract ordeal, assuming you don't have access to the tree of operations and this is an imported solid.
>You make a positive solid around the slot you want to move and use the current model to subtract the excess. This leaves you with a negative that you can move around. Fill in the old cavity, then subtract the negative you just made where you want it relocated.
>That's the 'easiest' without just moving vertices themselves, which you shouldn't do for a parametric model.
>If freecad doesn't enjoy that, like it just wants to cut faces instead of cutting solids, you might have to remake the entire thing. Doesn't look like a complicated part at least.

What I ended up doing was creat a block 1mm high and made the length and width big enough to cut it, and I used "compound explode" so I can have them as two separate pieces. After that I moved the bottom part 2.2mm down, and used idk exactly but it was described as "create a ruled surface from either two edges or two wires" so inside was still hollow, and I wasn't sure how to fill it, I started messing with boolean operations like fusion, or union, idk if they worked, I opened it up microsofts program 3d builder to use its tool fix and was able to import into superslicer to 3d print.

I hope I can learn more and don't have to jump through these hoops like I did on this one.

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Anonymous No. 911940

Rate my mouse setup bros. I primarily work with large assemblies in Solidworks. I can do almost everything with my right hand.

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Anonymous No. 912632

One million years learning solidwork surfaces.

Anonymous No. 913384

Does anyone know of sites I can get practice drawings from to model after? I'm talking about similar to studycadcam.

Anonymous No. 913506

Do you find openscad time efficient? Is it slower than say inventor for basic shit?

Anonymous No. 913507


Anonymous No. 913532

anyone know where can i find a copy of vectorworks for a cheaper price or for free?

It doesn't seem reasonable to go and start another useless course, or to wait until i get an employer who is willing to wait while i learn it thoroughly enough to be comfortable.

Anonymous No. 913683

Anyone use moi?

Anonymous No. 913723

How is the production process after the parts are created in the software?
How do you turn these pieces into real objects?
Are files sent to CNC machines?

Anonymous No. 913733

Some companies take the 3D files, some companies want additional technical drawings.
You can have parts CNC machined, 3D printed, get parts laser cut and bent out of metal sheets, etc.

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Anonymous No. 914042

>good enough for entertainment :)))))
Kill yourself, all 3D art should be mathematically perfect and use real curves. go ahead and tell me otherwise jewish wagecuck nigger. keep making your hard-edged fake bullshit for daddy's sheckles.

Anonymous No. 914055

I own my own CNC machine and do all of my own design and CNC programming. For reference, everything I tell you is done using solidworks, camworks and executed on a SIEG KX3 milling machine.
1. You design the part in solidworks.
2. You move over to the camworks plugin for SW. This allows you to define the stock, fixture, ect.
3. In camworks you will create an operations tree to define the milling (or/and turning operations) that you will use to take the piece of stock to the finished part.
4. Once you complete your operations programming, you will export Gcode for your specific machine using a postprocessor which you select through camworks and is either defined by you, or provided by your machine manufacturer.
5. You take your stock and place it in the machine, touch off your relevant zeros and then start your program.

Anonymous No. 914239

>export .3MF
>print on 3D printer

Anonymous No. 914403

Very cool. Can you show ears model please?

Anonymous No. 916389

Anyone know where I can get Alibre Design?

Anonymous No. 916691

FreeCAD is only free if your time is worth nothing

Anonymous No. 916709

Is blender decent for cad stuff? Im already familiar with it but I can just pirate solidworks and use a vm if its no good.

Anonymous No. 916915

as someone who has just recently got into CAD, i first tried blender with cad sketcher and it wasn't intuitive at all, if you're already pretty familiar with CAD you can give it a shot but imo solidworks is way better

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Anonymous No. 917616

Noob question here, is there an easy way to import models from Fusion 360 to blender where the components/bodies in Fusion are individual objects in Blender?

I can import the design but the entire model is one single object. My workaround is to import each individual object, since their position is exported too, then all I have to do is import them all, but sometimes it's too time-consuming if a design has dozens of bodies.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 917621

Repeat this line in your head or out loud while visualising it

"My aura is altering all aspects of my being to emit Infinity to the power of Infinity repeated forever -% (negative percent) energies into the world, the nature of these energies is opposed to globohomo/new world order/anti-white agendas and passive toward pure evil and it's agents."

Alternatively, for the brave:

"My aura is altering all aspects of my being to emit Infinity to the power of Infinity repeated forever -% (negative percent) energies into the world, the nature of these energies is anti-pure evil."

Expect the worst and hope for the best if you choose the second line. The purely evil are indeed purely evil (and almost always racially demonic), and death is apparently an illusion.

If it doesn't work, try using just Infinite -% energies instead of the exponent thing.

If you are affiliated with globohomo or any anti-white or even an anti-jewish (I am a jew) agenda you are choosing to put yourself at risk of hell by using this against us or me.

Repeat this mantra:
"Empower me.
I am becoming more powerful.
The rate that I passively gain Bio-Electricity is improving."

Imagine Bio-Electricity as a vitalizing force coursing through your body. This will make you immortal.

We would also appreciate the following alternative wording(s):
"The nature of these energies is in/to support (of) the forces of Good on Earth in a general sense."
"The nature of these energies is to assist the forces of Good on Earth in the recruitment of key demographics."
"The nature of these energies is to procure a paranormal escape route for the originator of this information." (I am extremely powerful, I need to survive)
"The nature of these energies is to twist time to favour our/my cause."

If you took the jab, at the first sign of trouble, change the nature of the energies to heal you and protect you from any dangerous biological or robotic elements in the vaccine and focus on obtaining more bioelectricity.

Anonymous No. 918155

Which do you prefer, Inventor or Fusion?

Anonymous No. 918447

Is modern Alias any good? Or is the name the only connection it has to the oldfag version of Alias that ran on IRIX?

Anonymous No. 918483

What are the main CAM programs people use for Solidworks? Excluding integrated plugins

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Anonymous No. 919061

I use Mastercam and before that Solidcam. If you have a new version of SW, then the included Solidworks Cam is very good.

Anonymous No. 919062

Sorry my tiny brain didn't read, "excluding integrated plugins". I think the previous owner of my mill used lazycam, but I can't remember.

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Anonymous No. 920375

Can I commission someone to model some gun furniture for me? I want to turn my Mateba Grifone into pic related

Anonymous No. 920589

bruh you're missing the metal barrel furniture which acts as the most important structural part for the foregrip. would be cheaper to get some c-clamps and just 3d print that sumbiatch some clothing

Anonymous No. 920594

Tools are modern and updated but interface is from 80s.

Anonymous No. 920597

I wanted to get into 3d printing mechanical parts, which CAD software should I use (pirate)?
I'm experienced with blender but I guess that's not the best choice for this job.
I tried freecad but the experience was terrible, are all CAD programs like this?

Anonymous No. 920626

Does anyone have experience using salome ? I'm torn between fusion360 and salome and need some input to make up my mind.

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Anonymous No. 920652

No the silver portion of the gun is where you actually attach furniture. It has 3 holes that you screw in. Pic related is what it looks like with normal furniture.

If you’re talking about the actual barrel shroud, I would have to get someone to machine a longer one for me. While that’s possible it would be incredibly expensive and I don’t care that much

Anonymous No. 920811

How long would it take to get into this kind of work? Like an entry level position?

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Anonymous No. 921240

here's a quick exercise for anyone that wants some practice.

Anonymous No. 921741

Just getting into cad/fusion360 for 3d printing. I'm trying to design a series of itx/atx boards that can be printed in pieces and feature mounting points for sbc mount plates and hdd's/sdd's.
Current approach with channels to slid the plates into isn't working very well, even tweaking for tolerance.
Any advice/tutorials for designing 3d printable latching mechanisms? I want to try a different approach, but have no clue how to design connectors.

Anonymous No. 922676


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Anonymous No. 922706

Is there a proper way to simulate hydraulic cylinder forces in solidworks simulation? Basically I need a pair of equal opposing forces acting on arbitrary, non-fixed faces, that are always aligned with each other even when the model deforms. The latter is why just a pair of forces along the selected direction don't seem to work quite right (they misalign when the model deforms and this induces extra moments that shouldn't be there). Spring connector doesn't work on arbitrary faces. Adding the actual cylinder into the model increases complexity and solution time, as well as amount of things that could go wrong. Is there any other way that I missed?

Anonymous No. 922722

>my understanding is this means you are able to easily adjust parts of the model (diameter of holes, etc) without totally messing up the overall geometry

that's exactly what "parametric" is supposed to deliver and it does deliver 90% or so. There still are edge cases where Rhino will e.g. fail do do a boolean properly (mostly if "non-clean" surfaces or curves are exactly on top of each other and similar edge cases), but Rhino has Grasshopper which is used by architects to do, among other things, eaxactly what you're envisioning.

And if you want to start a bit on the easy side outside of Grasshopper, Rhino has a "History" functionality, where you e.g. "record" extruding a surface along a spline into a tube with a profile, and whenever you change the spline the tube will adapt as long as the "history" has been recorded.

I myself haven't really used Grasshopper so far because I'm using Rhino for car panel surfacing ( >>900303 ), these kinds of surfaces don't reall benefit from that style of modeling.

Anonymous No. 922992

unbind DPI cycle

Anonymous No. 923030

Damn, that one's obvious. Thanks anon

Anonymous No. 923836

when I go to download the windows version of freecad, the file changes its name to 'f.exe'
also, its 430mb

should I be worried?

Anonymous No. 926173

Where did it all go wrong for Fusion?

Anonymous No. 926353

What happened now?

Anonymous No. 926359

What's the difference between CAD software and Blender, Max, Maya etc.?

Anonymous No. 926367

Blender,Max,Maya are mostly used for VFX or game work. It's usually less work to model something with these but the models aren't 100% accurate.
Rhino, Solidworks etc are used mostly for designing products, i.e. something that has to be manufactured, has to adhere to strict tolerances, perfect surface reflections etc.

Anonymous No. 927867

should be possible, i'd rather use multi body physics software like adams or recurdyn

Anonymous No. 929031

how did people design shit before computers? i am legitimately curious. i am a machinist by trade so i can read a print, but actually MAKING a print and knowing how everything moves together seems ridiculously complex. i really want to design my own 2 stroke motor and 3d print it, even if it's not technically usable i want to go through the long and painful process that is figuring out how to make one. the problem is that i'm a retarded freecad main and it doesn't let me move and model shit. so i want to either do it manually on paper or something else

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Anonymous No. 929638

How the hell do I cut this?
I've spent hours trying every combination of reference geometry and chamfer and it's just not working.

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Anonymous No. 929640

fusiontard here. id break it down into 3 separate parts, the middle, left, and right. id make a plane with 2 of those axes and then a drawing, then make the shape I wanna cut then extrude it out, repeat for the 2 other sections

Anonymous No. 929641

oh and if extrude doesnt work because desired shape is not perpendicular, use sweep instead

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Anonymous No. 929642

That's actually how I got started here, I think. It didn't do the entire job, though. So I went a bit further.
I got one side 70% of the way there. Tomorrow I'll try to do the other side by building up instead of cutting.

Drafting used to be its entire own career. You'd have engineers and technicians/machinists/mechanics like you do today, but the engineers often also had drafters working under them on big tables, using all the old-timey equipment like compasses and slide rules, just to convert rough sketches and ideas from the engineers into proper spec drawings.

Anonymous No. 929643

>oh and if extrude doesnt work because desired shape is not perpendicular, use sweep instead
Damn, I completely forgot that was an option! Thanks, anon.

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Anonymous No. 929645

you're welcome :)

been using fusion as both a tool for work and for my own personal projects
I hate parameterization, freeforming everything is so much more fun

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Anonymous No. 929690

Anyone know any free CAD software that would let me import an image to trace? Or how to do that in SolidWorks?

Anonymous No. 929729


Anonymous No. 929935

>make surface
>cut with surface
>remove uneeded bodies

Anonymous No. 929936

You can copy-paste an image into solidworks. It would then do its worst to make sure you know it doesn't like it, but it can be done and even used in practice.

Anonymous No. 930289

I have no experience in modelling I want to get into it, but something like this I would imagine would need a few sets of measurements

Anonymous No. 930320

Has any anon had problems with saving times on servers? I read that you need to change some parameters in the registry, like savefidelity and other stuff

Anonymous No. 930321

Forgot to mention, this is for Autodesk programs

Anonymous No. 930752

Why do we hate Solidworks again?

Anonymous No. 930760

iirc the guy has a degree in CADD. Talk about an obsolete degree.

Anonymous No. 930896

how much does a cad job pay?

Anonymous No. 930929

>Horrendously overpriced and arbitrarily difficult to buy if you're not a corporation buying 100+ licenses at a time
>Company loves to acquire competitors and then destroy their features rather than go through the trouble of integrating them into the rest of the bloated mess

When you can get it for "free" via a university or workplace and you're not working on anything too complex, it's great. But it's hideously painful trying to get it as an individual user, and it sucks to use on larger projects.

Anonymous No. 931069

we do a little 3d printing

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Anonymous No. 931101

Is there any suite that supports multicore rigid body simulation? Bonus points for accurate friction and material adherence. Solidworks can suck me off, I've been looking at NX Siemens, but I can't find any documentation. I'm sick of sitting on powerful hardware but limited by retard practices.
>inb4 mate chain design

Anonymous No. 931182

Thanks anons.
Somehow, I thought it would solve all my problems if I could scan my broken part and trace it in SolidWorks, but that still requires knowing how to measure it properly...

Anonymous No. 932714

What CAD software does have a solid catalog of kitchen elements? I'm thinking about doing some kitchen designs.

Anonymous No. 933080

I think I will sub to Sketchup. Hoping renders look better in 2023. Wish me luck

Anonymous No. 933719

Hello 3 anons, I have ~7 years of experience using Solidworks ""professionally"" and before that I was a machinist.
I work with a shitload of newer coworkers who have no idea what they're doing in SW and I wanted to make videos to teach them how to make things the right way.
Instead of making videos internally, like a good wagie, do you guys think it would be worth to make a youtube channel for soliworks tutorials/tips as a native english speaker?
Is there anyone for Soldworks thats similar to what DefaultCube is for Blender? I don't watch tutorials so I have no idea

I lurk on /3/ because I want to learn blender and want to give back some of stuff I learned through you anons

Anonymous No. 933732

As you know, doing CAD work heavily depends on what exactly you're doing CAD work for. Setting up a drawing for metal cutting and bending is vastly different from modeling a CNC milling part, which itself is different from 3D printing parts, pressed parts, etc. Then you have the diffrent kinds of surface quality - in automotive you'll be working with surface continuities of G2 and up while continuity is G1 at best for e.g. invisible non-critical mechanical parts. For structurally important pieces you might need G2 due to better load distributaion, etc. So, before you start modeling you already have to have the manufacturing process in mind, that's why I think it's very hard to make "one size fits all" tutorials since people use CAD software so differently.

Anonymous No. 934105

Does anyone if it's possible to get a cracked copy of Moi 3D? I'd like to incorporate it into something I'm working on but I don't want to be limited by the trial duration. Tried looking for a torrent or something, but couldn't spot something that looked legit.

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Anonymous No. 934271

I need to use this faggot ass software for a final jewelry assignment, does someone have a safe torrent? Every single one I found on cgpeers are filled with virus reports, never seen that shit before. I'm not trusting none of that nor I want to install the evaluation only to waste time cleaning the installation for my system if I ever need it again.

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Anonymous No. 935564

Bros, does anyone know how to make a repeating pattern like this in Fusion 360? I know how to do it manually but there must be an easier way. I'm trying to figure out the buttpad raised ridges.

Anonymous No. 935565


w14 (dot) monkrus (dot) ws/

Anonymous No. 935568

Rectangular Pattern
In sketches or directly with the body.
Google it, it's very easy to start using, and it's exactly what you're looking for.

You can pattern sketch objects, bodies, features, all sorts of shit. Play around with it, you'll find a million uses for it.
Circular patterns too, important shit to learn to save yourself wasting time.

Anonymous No. 935569

Bless you anon for responding to me in both threads.

Anonymous No. 935715

what about fusion360?

Anonymous No. 935799

Solidworks/revit designers and other CAD jobs could be automated in the future by AI? Like in 10 more years?

Dont want to put so much work on something that could be automated.

Anonymous No. 935888

Why do they need to learn git? They can use something else if that’s easier, or not use version control at all.

Anonymous No. 935890


whats going on with the left ?

Anonymous No. 937424

Autodesk Alias and ICEM surf is what you use for late stage modelling in the car industry.
Early stage polygons has become popular since a few years but Alias is also used early, Icem no one except some frenchies.
For design that is. Engineers use Catia afaik

Anonymous No. 937582

>cadlets struggle with simple shit like this
oh nononono cadbros this cant be happening...

Anonymous No. 937621

Inventor, because you can actually pirate it as it's a standalone software, compared to the online-only cloud based Fusion360.

But if you're willing to pay $60/month, then you can go with Fusion.

Anonymous No. 937647

when i was in the industry 5 years ago or so it was pretty 50/50 between catia and alias depending on the house. chrysler preferred catia, i think more for the collaborative file sharing system, secure cloud storage for security reasons, and non destructive history for iterative changes. alias had a reputation of being the faster and more freeform modeler, but as it had destructive modeling with poor history (at least in the version i used), every time a designer wanted even just small or iterative changes you had to rebuild all of the surfaces.

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Anonymous No. 937664

I'm looking for drawings of parts/assemblies that are leaning towards medium complexity, as I would like to practice my modeling. Something like picrel is too easy, and I really dislike the style of dimensioning, which seems to be common on these types of drawings for some reason. Any links or repositories would be appreciated, thanks.

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Anonymous No. 937681

i'm trying to improve my surface modeling skill in solidworks, any tips ? i'm not good when it come to complex models where a shape need multiple functions, I don't know where to start and how to do it.

any course in pdf form would be more than welcome too.

Anonymous No. 937710

looks great, 3dprintcels always use nurbs modelers cause they are locked in their reddit circles

Anonymous No. 937849

How useful or useless is Solidworks Bible 2010 for someone with Solidworks 2016?

Anonymous No. 938714

I been working with CAD and Revit for over 20 years now... Revit, not as long. I can not wait for AI to start. Will make my life easier.

Anonymous No. 938900

Need links for any version of CATIA above 2015, thanks.

Anonymous No. 938904

Youtube playlists from the DeMonte Group is what you are looking for, its a gold mine.

Anonymous No. 939012

Hey /cad/, I'm wondering if anyone here has recommendations on a trackball for Catia. I've noticed lately that my wrist is getting sore from flicking the cursor to the bottom right corner of the screen to work in the popup context menu and want to try a trackball out. My work is ITAR restricted so I'm unable to install any software for function buttons. Due to how the Catia views are controlled, I'm not sure how usable a finger operated trackball would be with the middle mouse button. Does anyone here have experience with trackballs and catia?

Anonymous No. 939136

bro you virus shit just blocks craks

Anonymous No. 939139

Testing, I want to know if my fellow engineerbros are doing fine

Anonymous No. 940004

Bit of a late comment. I recently stopped my yearly subs as I am (supposed to be) moving from freelancing into a wagey role. Account manager at local reseller was a bit PO and tried to use the monthly "development" penalty, which has to be made up before you get back on subs, to force my hand.

Grumbled a bit when I pointed out that there are other systems out there that do just as good a job, with the advantage that they are still being actively developed, unlike SW where it would appear our subs are going towards a cloudy system no-one really wants...

Anonymous No. 940018

I experimented with using trackballs before, but not on CAD software, and all I can say is that it needs getting used to, and it doesn't magically fix your "wrist problems". Definitely worth taking a shot though, although I'm not sure if Catia even supports trackballs

Anonymous No. 940451

maybe a vertical type mouse
i never ried but seems mor anatomica

Anonymous No. 941266

Yes, but they don't animate the model. So it works for static objects like trashcans, weapons, etc. or for the character models before animation is added. You just export into the appropriate format that your game uses which is usually 3ds or obj or stl in the case of 3d printing or you can use file type converters. Most 3d model formats are pretty similar and most file types can be converted by most programs out there.

Anonymous No. 941267

Trick: make cylinder. use center of flat part of the side of the cylinder to make a sphere. Boolean them together. Now you have pill shaped cylinder. Use that pill shape to boolean cutting into any object to make your arches. You're welcome. Or draw shape with splines and revolve to create 3d shape and use it the shape way.

Anonymous No. 941268

To make the back part I'd make a box with about five segments and pull the polygons backwards a bit to make it curved and the bottom ones up to make the arch and the top corners down to make those curved and then make a cylinder and clone it across to make one row and then clone them down to make another row as needed and group them and boolean them to cut the shape out of the back to make the holes.

Anonymous No. 941270

It's good. One thing it's especially good at is making threads. That's really hard in rhinoceros.

Anonymous No. 941292

cute pic

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Anonymous No. 942069

All I'm trying to do is make a rectangle in FreeCAD and I'm getting filtered so fucking hard.
I can't see or edit the values of any of the constraints, and if I try to make new constraints I never get asked to input a value (despite having it enabled in the settings) so I'm stuck. I've looked around and read the 70 page PDF on Sketcher mode but no solution. A fucking rectangle.

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Anonymous No. 944209

are CSWA or CSWP certifications worth it?

Im thinking about finding a job out of my country, nobody here seems to care about design certifications, but on most job listings in Australia and Canada that seems like a minimum requirement.

I have a portfolio of my designs and a lot of years of experience in solidworks , my original plan was maybe learn Creo or Fusion, but some of my coworkers said certifications are more worth it. I dont mind spending money but i dont want to waste my time lol.

Anonymous No. 944384

Bong here, using Solidworks since 98+. Never known anyone outside of a VAR that had either.

Do a lot of surfacing of consumer products and clients / potential employers want to see what you can do, not what certs you have.

Not sure about more trad engineering. Last time anyone questioned my skils, they looked at my Pro/E, Solidworks and Rhino work, sat me down in front of a copy of Mechanical Desktop (a while ago!) and made me model a bent sheet metal bracket without using any sheet metal features. Cheeky twat (coincidentally an Ozzy).

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Anonymous No. 944459


If you're using solidworks, be sure to enable dynamic reference visualization.
It allows you to see a selected feature's parent/child dependency in the history tree.

You're welcome.

Anonymous No. 944460

Of course.
And also Show flat tree view is very useful when you need to find a specific sketch amongst thousand of features. And when the order of sketches is weirdly done.

Anonymous No. 944469

Minor problem. Have this turned on in a model of reasonable complexity (say 1000 features+ in some castings and interestingly surfaced power tools I've worked on) absolutely destroys the performance / responsiveness of the program as you casually drag the mouse over the tree and it searches every bastard feature in the tree.

Same sort of shit with instant3d. Oops accidentally dragged a sketch entity at the top of the tree and fucked the model, irreversibly trashing splines... also bloody irritating with dynamic highlighting on.

Anonymous No. 944483

Rhino is a nice AutoCad knockoff, priced better for students, who don’t know they can get AutoCad for free. Static modelers are cool if you like spending your time in 30 years ago.

If you’re not in Inventor Pro or Solidworks you’re wasting your time and limiting your designs.

Anonymous No. 944543

Haven't used Inventor since V9 but Solidworks surfacing is a PITA and limited unless you add Xnurbs. Some stuff (surfacing) Rhino is much better at if old-school clunky. Aaand you can muck around with Grasshopper.

Did an NX trial a little while back. That's where my money would go if I was to continue doing demanding surfacing. It's also a bit clunky compared to SW but the surfacing is better. We might yet get it but that's for more 'engineeringy" stuff.

It's a shame DS have stifled the development of Solidworks to protect Catia.

Anonymous No. 945788

Inventor, because it actually supports complex assembly operations and PDM unlike Fischerprice360

Anonymous No. 945789

The keyword he used was fusion360, that should tell you all you need to know.

Anonymous No. 945800

Go back to designing your car engine with polygonized cylinder bores. I'm sure it'll run great.

Anonymous No. 945883

opinions on onshape for non-commercial work?

I want to use it to design guitars.

Anonymous No. 946158

what did you use to scan your car?
i have a classic kei van with one bump in the headlights are. I was wondering if i could scan the other side and print the difference.
At least until i can afford to go to a proper place to fix it.

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Anonymous No. 946240

I am retarded, can anyone point me in the right direction? Im trying to understand how to model curtain walls in solidworks without prior 3d software experience. Playing around with weldments but it seems that im not approaching this thing right. What im trying to achieve for starters is a model with all correct lenghts and machinings for each profile

Anonymous No. 946250

Not sure that your data is private on a non-commercial account. Otherwise, probably fine.

Anonymous No. 946368

Unless there's some more specialized solition I'm not aware of, using weldments is certainly the correct approach. Use corner settings and trim/extend tool to join all the profiles properly (though it might be a bit of a pain with complex profiles like yours), then you can generate weldments table that would list all the pieces and their lengths you will need. Non-weldment parts can also be included, but they won't have their dimensions automatically filled.
Very convenient to make a numbered part list and an assembly drawing with all the parts numbered. Dont forget to put numbers on the actual physical parts after you cut them and you can basically turn your brain off for assembly.

Anonymous No. 947058

Should I power through the autism that is FreeCAD to make enclosures and basic 3D printable parts? I've made a few but I'm not very good at it (they were simple cuboid enclosures so they work well enough)
I am an EE by trade so enclosures are only meant to hide the electronics inside

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Anonymous No. 947112

>>good enough for entertainment :)))))
>Kill yourself, all 3D art should be mathematically perfect and use real curves. go ahead and tell me otherwise jewish wagecuck nigger. keep making your hard-edged fake bullshit for daddy's sheckles.

Alias sucks.It's user interface is GARBAGE! I wouldn't use it unless you have to (like for automotive work).

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Anonymous No. 948124

try this fucker up

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Anonymous No. 948215

does she noa lot about CAD design?

Anonymous No. 948220

I used some beginner-level camera, mixed water with corn starch and spplied it on the part with a sponge, gives tons of tiny splots which the software can pick up. I took around 200 pictures.
For photogrammetry I used Meshroom.

Anonymous No. 948450

CNC companies

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Anonymous No. 948844

Any anons here have experience with Solid Works Flow Simulation? I have a full license but really struggling to run simulations on imported pieces made in other software, to retarded to even understand the problems. anyone with experience in this area?

Anonymous No. 948865

I just finished an Advance Diploma in Building Design but been thinking about doing some sort of engineering drafting, seems that there is way more vacant jobs and work from home options. Just not sure where to start, should I look around for a junior role? Am based in Australia.

Anonymous No. 949085

Anyone knows any use of AI and AutoCAD???

🗑️ Anonymous No. 949116

4chan mod is a fucking nigger faggot
Fuck 4chan mod tyranny
Join our discord:
Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1283b
Speech Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

Anonymous No. 951679

Check out the Udemy course "Catia V5 Beginner to Advanced - Automotive and Industrial", best one I found so far.

Anonymous No. 951683

can someone explain what is wrong with freecad? Why does it feel so ergonomic and is it worth investing time in writing a new workbench from scratch that is more intuitive or is this fundamental problem of how freecad was designed? I wanted to learn some cad solvespcae was fun but a bit dated freecad looked nice but for some reason every operation needs more steps than I expected also the pad tool seems kinda broken is there really no way of selecting which faces to pad from?

Anonymous No. 951736

I kind of just want to mess around making architecture, nothing too complex. Is it worth learning the basics of freecad for that or should I just stick to blender

Anonymous No. 951737

you can use it for images with depth mapping

🗑️ Anonymous No. 953400


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Anonymous No. 953552

Not that anon, but done in 18 minutes.

Anonymous No. 954107

Is this solidworks?

Anonymous No. 954224

Yes. It's solidworks with the built-in dark theme.

Anonymous No. 954302

you probably should learn hard surface modelling
Josh Gambrell has some nice intro videos on it

Anonymous No. 954747

Alias does this in three clicks. Tools > surface array.

Anonymous No. 954874

It's time we, the open web, do our own trolling back. I am not saying to block, but show a banner or popup to all chrome users on your websites. It must states that chrome is against freedom and recommend to switch to any other browser.

Anonymous No. 955571


Were is the full version?

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Anonymous No. 955622

Could you expand that tree a bit? Never used solidworks, but unless I'm a major grug brain I don't believe you can model this part with only 6 features.

As for mine, please forgive the use of individual holes, I only just now realized I have a full academic license through work but 3DX is a nightmare to configure properly.

>no typical fillet radius
shit part

Anonymous No. 956252


Anonymous No. 956503

Pro Tip for anyone in university:
Get yourself a rhino student license it costs around 100-150bucks. You will be able to for a lifetime and upgrade it for a fee to the next version Incase you wish to. (For the most part not necessary especially if you get rhino 7 right now).

The great thing about the student license is that McNeel let's you keep using it after university.
While I used a cracked rhino version during uni I decided in my last year for that reason, it has really paid off so far

Anonymous No. 956505

I'm retarded and not knowledgeable of the English language here is the fixed version:

Pro Tip for anyone in university: Get yourself a rhino student license it costs around 100-150bucks. You will be able to keep it for a lifetime and upgrade it for a fee to the next version Incase you wish to. (For the most part not necessary especially if you get rhino 7 right now). If I'm not mistaken you are also allowed to use it commercially, while I'm not 100% certain on that.
I used a cracked rhino version during uni decided in my last year for that reason, it has really paid off so far

Anonymous No. 956934

I dont have SW at the moment because I graduated and the student license expired, but here's what I did:

Sketch1: Placed on the front plane, I created the side profile of the part so I could reference it to place planes and so I wouldn't need to dimension some things later on.

Plane1: Referenced Sketch1 to create a plane perpendicular to the front plane and along the top surface of the bottom plate

Boss-Extrude1: Profile of the bottom plate including holes, placed on Plane1 and extruded downwards (SW is smart enough to know that circles inside a sketch = holes in an extrusion) Uses Sketch1 for the limits of the extrude.

Plane2: Reference Sketch1 to create a plane perpendicular to the front plane and parallel to the top plane at the top of the part.

Boss-Extrude2: Placed on Plane2, extrudes the top profile of the cylinder, including the full width of the side lobes, down to the surface of the bottom plate, (again, the center hole is included in the sketch and the extrude feature is given the top face of Boss-Extrude1 as the stopping condition)

Cut-Extrude1: Cut downwards from Plane2 to create the new flats on the lobes, (Cut extrude can have multiple independent profiles to cut with in the same base sketch, same as boss extrude)

Plane3: References Sketch1 to create a plane parallel to the top plane, centered in the keyway of whatever you want to call that horizontal feature.

Boss-Extrude3: Uses Plane3 to create the profile of the horizontal feature, again including the hole. Extrude limits are set as mid-plane and reference Sketch1

Cut-Extrude3: Uses front plane, cuts the keyway on the horizontal feature as well as cutting all of the horizontal holes on the cylinder. Uses through-all as the end condition

Boss-Extrude4: Uses front plane, gussets, multiple profiles in the same sketch

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Anonymous No. 957201

I am super new. Is there a way to "copy" a constraint? Or "reuse" a constaint?

Say I want to copy that 5mm constraint to that point of line. How do I do that?

But it would be better if I change that original 5mm constraint, I want the point at top to be updated as well. Is there a way to share/reuse a constraint for something else?

As I am typing this, I noticed I could add a 0mm constraint from top point to bottom point. So they are always on same X line. Is that the way to do this?

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Anonymous No. 957396

Not sure program but could you put a central construction line and mirror or constrain symmetrically to it? Black lines in pic rel means its fully constrained, would be purple if not

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Anonymous No. 957398

How much would you charge hourly for 2D CAD work? How frequently do you invoice a client?

Anonymous No. 957483

$60 dollars an hour minimum if the work is inside my wheelhouse.
If the work is on going, invoice every 2 weeks with detailed timesheets.
If it's short term then I just give them a copy of the finished work with important details obscured and ask for my payment.

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Anonymous No. 957820

So, i got an old centroid controlled mill working at the shop and have free reign over it. People are already wanting parts made, i'm used to QCAD for plasma cutting and such as well as 3d printing. After trying freecad and getting filtered i'm trying out fusion 360.

I'm making a flange somewhat similar to this. I have the basics done, but i need to add 3 bolt holes similar to pic related. I used the circular pattern tool to get them spaced how i need them from one another, but i need to offset these holes outward from their point of origin. Then add extra material to accomodate them. Any tips?

t. 3d cadlet

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Anonymous No. 957832

Nevermind, figured it out. Had to make an offset for my original bolt hole, apply a circular pattern modifier to it, and extrude the offsets.

Anonymous No. 957872

Any of you guys work at firm doing CAD professionally?

I fucked up and got a CAD degree and now the only place I can live is in a shithole city.

I want to work almost 100% remotely so that I can buy a house in a comfy small town and escape the grind a little bit.

How possible is that with a CAD job? my understanding is that most engineering firms and whatnot are trying to get rid of remote work.

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Anonymous No. 957980

>there probably aren't any businesses that use OpenSCAD on larger scales
I don't see any in LinkedIn, Dice or Indeed, it probably isn't cost effective from a business point of view. Software is cheap, engineers time is expensive.
Any source control is better than none, use whatever you're comfortable with.

Anyhow I'm about ready to send out picrel for 3d printing, I have used CraftCloud before, but they seem more expensive this year. Is there any other 3d print service that would beat them on price?

Anonymous No. 958249

Your best bet is to live in the farms/sticks just outside of a town of 50-100k people and drive to work.
Find a steel fabricator or similar business that needs drawings pumped out daily to keep its welders and machinists employed.

t. did that for 2 years before quitting b/c of lack of upwards mobility (I design nuclear subs now but earn less than if I stayed, kek)

Anonymous No. 958695

I bought my key in college for like 200 and its perpetual with upgradeability. Still rolling on rhino 5 without paying a subscription. Its pretty based

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Anonymous No. 959227

any recomended playlist for freecad?

Anonymous No. 960316

rhino noob here, im trying to make an stl of a vase in grasshopper. I can make a revolved surface, but how do i give it a thickness? with a flat plane its easy to just extrude, but how would i extrude the revolved surface?

Anonymous No. 960566

>don't use FreeCAD until you have at least 5 years experience in CAD (this is for your own sake, you will quit if you try to start with FreeCAD)
>FreeCAD is only free if your time is worth nothing
You spend only like up to 20 hours in total on learning curve issues
If anything, FreeCAD is bad to start from only if you have a belief you won't be able to learn any other CAD software for some reason

Anonymous No. 960722

When I was learning it I was just jumping from vid to vid depending on what I needed as I was trying out different details and shapes, just look up so that the video guide fits with your latest version and if there may be add-ons to do what you need to do faster, easier and more precise

Anonymous No. 961135

I can't even find one for Rhino 7 that isn't for MacOS or some shit

Anonymous No. 961194

I really appreciate how FreeCAD has the same long freeze moments both on my toaster and on high-end PC, but that's just me using files with lots of solids

🗑️ Anonymous No. 961210

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1295
Sweater Puppies Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

Anonymous No. 961480

AutoCAD is shitty boomerware, Fusion 360 is more intuitive and suited for 3D CAD

Fuentes No. 961493

A superchatter on Sam Hyde's stream said that he's making $100/hr doing Real Estate CaD work. Is this a lie?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 961607


Anonymous No. 962091

>there's a CAD software that works like OpenSCAD but has the geometry engine of FreeCAD
Some /diy/ post says these threads discussed it, what software is this?

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Anonymous No. 962156

This is just pure practice (Rhino), but if I want to "fill in" the part that the red arc closes in, so that it follows the curvature of the top plane, what method should I use?

Anonymous No. 962170

duplicate the top surface and untrim. then dupedge the bottom edges and make a closed shape with the red arc. extrude that up and trim with the untrimmed top surface. boolean union. done

Anonymous No. 962279


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Anonymous No. 962408

How do I get into this sort of work? Currently drafting for an engineer in building services. Would this be some sort of engineering I need to study?

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Anonymous No. 963429

>making a simple spur gear in solidworks
>Not too familiar with the software, but easy enough to wing from extruding and cutting
>Forget how to make sure that the teeth will mesh
>Look up on youtube
>All pajeets with accents so thick I can barely understand.

Anonymous No. 963460

Finally managed to bodge a work around with a second part to attach but now
>Spawn in second part
>It either can spawn on the correct XY, but will be INSIDE the object, being unselectable.
>Or spawn on the wrong XY, can align to Z but refuses to shift onto Z0,Y0
Rookie issues, but I dont want to spend the next 10 hours how to understand the inner workings of SW just to make a stick with some mathematical bumps

Anonymous No. 963472

just use gear generator 2 like any normal person

Anonymous No. 963833

Alt+v in inventor, tab is for demoting parts of an assembly into subassemblies and it's so comfy. Just drop all your shit into one assembly and do the clean up last to get logical subassemblies.

Anonymous No. 965558

i tried to do this with 3dsMAX but they block you out after 30 days or so if you aren't connected to the internet

Anonymous No. 965560

>a job
What job?

Anonymous No. 965561

Who uses Sharkcad?

Anonymous No. 965826

anyone permanently borrowed rhino 8?

Anonymous No. 965836

I use plasticity and find it good for the price which was $100 (now i think its 150).
Its kinda one dimensional which i didn't mind and wasn't overwhelming with a million features. .
Have found that I'll probably need to switch to rhino in the future as plasticity lacks some tools needed to make more complex organic shapes.

Anonymous No. 966548

It's funny that FreeCAD runs "big" projects' workflows like shit equally the same on either dinosaur hardware or high-end hardware

Anonymous No. 966610

Why aren't you using creo?

Anonymous No. 966618

openscad is a GREAT way of wasting thousands of hours of your life typing out code to generate basic shapes that can be made with 2 mouse clicks in any real software

Anonymous No. 966894

>no free non-trial version
>no trendy generative/automated modeling like in Fusion360
What is it even fancy for? It even switched to subscription-type licensing anyway.

Anonymous No. 966895

If you mean to say that's the only thing OpenSCAD is good for, then you misunderstand the type of workflow it's for.
I agree that the advice to start learning all CADs with just OpenSCAD is dogshit, though.

Anonymous No. 967594

Anyone else here use iLogic? Inventor apprentice server? I just got into iLogic and it's fucking cool.

Anonymous No. 967984

More like the monkey general

Anonymous No. 969796

Hi lads, sadly i work as a technical drafter (autocad & Excel) but im wondering if someone can help me out.

I mainly do bridges and roads. Is there anything specific for this? I tried civil 3d and its really good for volumes (excavation/fill volumes) but thats about it.

If i need to draw all the sections of a viaduct, i rely on a tachymetric plan along a corridor to calculate it, which is tedious and time consuming. Isnt there a way to make a 3d model out of the viaduct with that exact tachymetric section?

Also, about the rebars. I got an old model of a Revit abuntment that was armored. Although this "family" does not exist, its not a 3d entity ported from ACAD nor a mass item in Revit. But it has the rebars on it. I tried downloading some families or making my own, but ends up fucking everything up (since i make everything as it should be with different slopes) and Revit doesnt deal that good with those.

Also, i use Advanced Steel for metallic structures, but i dont know how to extract a full blueprint of it. Or maybe theres only an automatic toogle for "metallic parts" and thats it. Whereas i link all of them together in ACAD, defining welds and whatnots.

Also, is there any way to get freelance job? I make blueprints and 3d models extremely fast, so i get bored in my 8h shift. I tried Fiverr but its mostly scammers trying to get my shekels. Any recomendations?

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Anonymous No. 970379

I'm impressed anon, that's a compact tree.
My only suggestion from a engineering design perspective is to use the Hole Wizard rather than draw holes within your sketches. It annotates better on the drawing, and it's easier to change hole dimensions and hole type (thru/tapped/countersunk).

Anonymous No. 971931

whats a good beginner cad for linux? I am willing to pay as well but it has to be beginner friendly FreeCAD so far seems a pain in the ass.

Anonymous No. 971935

because aryans choose parametric modelling
direct is for untermensch

Anonymous No. 972035

Unironicaly use blender for this
Blender is the best software for parametric modeling

Anonymous No. 972136

Just use Onshape to learn CAD. Yeah it's cloudbased and gay but the UI is good (it's copying solidworks) and since you're new you won't miss the power-user features that come with a real cad package.

I was going for speed of modeling, but I agree, hole wizard is definitely the better option if it's a real product.

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Anonymous No. 973293

Construction geometry, external geometry, symmetry constraints, and equality constraints are all good ways to avoid redundant dimensions. As an example, pic related is a sketch that I drew for a bracket I 3D printed. (The light blue lines are construction lines).

If I'm understanding your picture correctly, I think you want to start by importing the two outer circles as external geometry, then fix your points onto them with the "Point on object" constraint.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 973670

>thread created in 2022

Anonymous No. 975562

Any of you fags use Tekla to make models? Any Steel chads here? I'm trying to gauge what makes Tekla popular and what institutions use the software besides steel detailers.
I want to know the same thing about Revit, but it seems like Autodesk products are the absolute standard for CAD shit, so I am easily able to find lots of uses for Revit.

Anonymous No. 975630

didn't know there's a general for this
In Revit, can I use the same linked CAD file that contains all of my floor plans for a multi-storey building but to display a different part of the file for each of the levels?

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Anonymous No. 978043

I want to learn CAD to work on some projects I have in mind, and I plan on taking a solidworks course over at my local community college sometime when my work schedule clears up. I don't want to go in blind, what is the best way to get access to the software so I can follow some tuts online until then?

Anonymous No. 978307


I’ve used so many 3D modeling and CAD softwares and honestly, plasticity is next level, the best software I’ve ever used for hard surface modeling. The other day it added xnurbs, which is nuts, that’s normally a $400 plug-in for a $1000 CAD program, added to the studio version with no price increase.

Anonymous No. 978425

If you already have a student ID and email through your college, you could see if they have free access available for students through a remote server or borrowed laptops. Once you get your hands on it, you could try finding any tutorials your college's creator space has on their website or something. Failing that, you could try looking into any documents workspaces at universities like MIT, Stanford, Purdue, or whatever have posted. Videos on YT are also a decent resource, but don't put all your eggs in one basket.

Anonymous No. 978569

95% of engineering is just running some analysis programs and being an excel monkey and the remaining 5% is quoting studies performed by PHDs to justify your excel sheets.
At least cad monkeys make pretty pictures.

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🗑️ sage No. 979032

ಈ ಸ್ಥಳವು ಈಗ ನನ್ನ ಶೌಚಾಲಯವಾಗಿದೆ.

Anonymous No. 979491

is there a use case for implementing a physics engine inside of a cad program? I was wondering how people use something like tinkercad playground in a professional setting. Wouldn't a game engine be better?

Anonymous No. 980723

3d printing general says architects should look to Sketchup, and not FreeCAD. Anything a total noob should know before diving in?

Anonymous No. 980732

I know I'm wildly late to this one, but just in case anyone ever needs the info, PCBWay is a pretty solid one if you're looking at outsouring your 3DPrints. Wide variety of materials and methods

Anonymous No. 981205

well, that settles it

Anonymous No. 981206

I have been putting off giving this a go. I might have to just nut up and try it.
>don't use FreeCAD until you have at least 5 years experience in CAD (this is for your own sake, you will quit if you try to start with FreeCAD)
I started by using FreeCAD because I am on linux and I don't want to pay or have all of my models uploaded to someone else's server. It is very buggy, but I'm starting to get the hang of it. I have a project that I made currently printing on my 3d printer.
I've also been following the development of FreeCAD and it is currently on the brink of being downright usable. The next release looks like it's going to be pretty decent, thanks to the development that has been upstreamed from the Ondsel project.
>using files with lots of solids
Admittedly, I haven't gotten this far yet. My project only has 8 parts. The new assembly workbench is pretty nice, though.

Anonymous No. 981207

The next release will be significantly improved. It's worth checking out as I believe it will see a lot of improvements in the near future.

Anonymous No. 981720

in autocad how can I use the current position of the mouse as the relative coordinate instead of the last clicked position?
when i paste something, can i set it to automatically drag by a certain point, like at the center instead of the corner, without of having to reselect it all over again?

Anonymous No. 981879

What websites do you guys use for selling CAD files?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 982829

FreeCADlets BTFO. It is well and truly OVER for them

Anonymous No. 983058

Buy an ad.

Anonymous No. 983893

I know i'm replying to a nearly year old post, but are those fucking INCHES? do Americans really?
i had always assumed that they would at least have the common sense to use the metric system for things like engineering.
"yeah, lemme just cut a length of 3 17/21 inches real quick"

Anonymous No. 983911


Anonymous No. 984138

1 lb over 1 square inch is very easy to visualize.
1 g over 1 square meter... not so much.

Imperial is very practical for human-scale stuff.

Anonymous No. 986379

I've used inventor in the past and freeCAD now, I've produced models in freeCAD but the UI is horrible, what CAD has a responsive UI and is relatively bug free? mainly do 3D prints, machined parts, small CNC , sheet metal.

Anonymous No. 986382

hows inventor not responsive? i thought its top of the line software.

try solidworks, engineers usually use siemens NX but solidworks is where its at

Anonymous No. 986398

>Sheet metal

Anonymous No. 986462

Well if I were to get it again, I'd have to pirate it, so I thought I may as well get whatever the best software is, but I'm not really sure what is, which is why I'm looking for recommendations, and it seems solidworks is the go-to.

Anonymous No. 986830

Does anyone have advice for smoothing out models? I've been designing some parts for a project that I plan to 3d print and to save time I've been using a scanner to get an outline of the item's shape into my program by converting the scan into an SVG, but often times this results in jagged edges and artifacts.

Anonymous No. 986859

More points

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 988060

CAD speed modelling comp, try the models yourselves, watch videos of speed freaks or compete yourself

Anonymous No. 988266

A foot is just as abstract and arbitrary as a meter, but with a dumber division system.
It has no advantages, but your brain got used to it.

Anonymous No. 988287

So if a loaf of bread cost 8123458.13247562435 units, you'd consider that convenient?

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Anonymous No. 988336

>NFT grift from a skill-less youtuber
Holy FUCK.

Anonymous No. 988464

My entire point was that all units of measurement are arbitrary, so why the fuck would you go
24 1/24 inches to 1 inch
12 inches to 1 foot
3 feet to 1 yard
1760 yards to 1 mile.

How the hell are you supposed to scan a document full of numbers and notice anything out of place.

Anonymous No. 988466

In 99.99% of industrial drafting, we only use inches. Decimal inches down to the third digit ("thou").
When we measure the mass of something, we use pounds. A very easy amount of weight to imagine.
When we calculate pressure, we use pounds and inches. No unit conversion necessary before you crunch the numbers. It's fast and easy to do on the back of a napkin or whatever.

When working in metric, we use mm's, but then when calculating pressure we have to switch to meters, so we have to do a unit conversion just to do the calculation. It's annoying.

Anonymous No. 988546

>he considers moving a decimal point difficult
You're really not getting the point.
The only reason you can visualize 1 pound and 1 inch easily is because you've been using them your whole life.
Your CNC machines likely work with metric behind the scenes anyway.

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Anonymous No. 988550

im an onshape fag, ive been using it for over three years and ive gotten really good, whats some good linux-supported cad software that i can switch to =

Anonymous No. 988577

I use both, retard.

Anonymous No. 988590

You're proving my point.
I only use metric and I can design, program, simulate and visualize anything, plus easily jump between units of measurement for any phenomenon at any point.
Why would you add inches in the mix and complicate things needlessly?

Anonymous No. 988591

Rhino shrinkwrap. Does exactly that and it's wonderful.

Anonymous No. 988602

We use them for different things.
Like we use km for distance traveled but we use feet/inches for body height.

Anonymous No. 988611

You do you, man.

Anonymous No. 988877

Keep your love locked down you lose you lose

Anonymous No. 988878


Anonymous No. 988879


Anonymous No. 988880


Anonymous No. 988881


Anonymous No. 988882

moon cricket

Anonymous No. 988883


Anonymous No. 988884

porch monkey

Anonymous No. 988919

I literally spent two years doing nothing but dual-dim drawings for a multinational corporation.

Anonymous No. 988985

freecad / VariCAD or just stick with onshape

Anonymous No. 989366

anyone here took the cswp exam before? was it worth it?

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Screenshot 2024-0....png

Anonymous No. 990433

Real new at this, what's the best way to sketch this out and keep it all constrained so I can mess with dimensions for printing? The main 68.85x12.7 shape is the body, the circles and 1.725 lines are cutouts. It works fine this way, but is there a less cluttered looking way to do it? All the stuff inside the Ø5 hole is extraneous, it's just there to make the cut between the two circles.

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Wrap Help.png

Anonymous No. 990439

Does anyone know how I can make the Wrap feature in Solidworks use the other side of my sketch? It's debossing using the wrong side.

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Anonymous No. 990452

Openscadfag from 3dpg here. With freecad chills advertising themselves as "usable" these days, is freecad actually good enough to plan a whole machine out of step files these days without giving me three headaches or is fusion360 still the more reasonable choice? My concern is mainly staying a freefag as much as possible.