

🧵 /DAZ/ 3D General - Cute Autists edition

Anonymous No. 900204

Previous: >>896690

Daz youtuber's and general guides:
travis davids (Marvelous designer)
CgBytes (Dead, but was the best of his time)
Kelvin Jin

Looking to monetize your renders?
See how the pros do it!
DAZ renders used for indie games on Steam:
Official NFT blogpost:

Bridges: https://www.daz3d.com/daz-bridges
Suggested Blender Bridge: http://diffeomorphic.blogspot.com/

Similar programs:
Vroid Anime Tool: https://vroid.com/en/studio
Xnalara: https://www.deviantart.com/xnalara
Makehuman: http://www.makehumancommunity.org/
Metahuman creator: https://www.unrealengine.com/en-US/digital-humans

Hair Creation: https://mega.nz/#F!uywlSQqS!GzZTEOGcRhiEr8Ve5hwsfQ

Even more nft stuff. https://www.benzinga.com/pressreleases/22/05/n27392805/daz-3d-collaborates-with-crypto-com-nft-to-release-an-out-of-this-world-collection

Registration on Sharecg is blocked for fake accounts and spammers.

Anonymous No. 900211

Blender is free

Anonymous No. 900265

my time isn't

Anonymous No. 900343

I recognize those retards!
Still open for suggestions on other friends for the slumber party. >>899964


gamer girl.jpg

Anonymous No. 900369

need daz hat that says Please be patient I have Autism



Anonymous No. 900375

The Mormons have heard your cries and have decided to start making content you can use.

Anonymous No. 900435

that pizza looks awful

Anonymous No. 900438

I cant stand this HID fuckers, his models are even worse than the regular daz goblinas



Anonymous No. 900443

If Reallusion didn't remove genitalia and actively work against coomers, CC4 would be bigger than Daz

Anonymous No. 900445

>and actively work against coomers
how could anyone be this stupid?

Anonymous No. 900466

How hard is it to make models for people to use, whether it'd be in Blender, DAZ or anything else, if you've never drawn anything substantial in your life besides stick figures? What is easier to learn and what do more people use?

Anonymous No. 900473

Very broad question that will depend on a lot of factors. Just pick an app and start watching some youtube tutorials. If you want to create from scratch, avoid daz. Daz is essentially a dress up doll program with loads of DLC.

Anonymous No. 900505

if you are looking to model stuff then start with Max/Maya/Blender as your base. Watch some tutorials of how to do basemeshes and such and see if its something for you.
Creating unique models from scratch in good quality is very time consuming.

Anonymous No. 900530

Do I need to find a crack or can I just download the studio from the official site, stay offline and then add my pirated content?

Anonymous No. 900532

The Mormon police are already tracking you.

Anonymous No. 900535

post moar retard tiddies


Imagine the smell.jpg

Anonymous No. 900548

Consider the aroma.

Anonymous No. 900556

How time consuming are we talking here? Give me a ball-park estimate as a start. My main goal for doing this is because I would want to make character models that people haven't made or possibly even thought of making and freely distribute them to the masses for people to use and enjoy, while utilizing any sort of donation system so people can show support if they want. How hard would that be to accomplish for a person effectively starting from step one, with poor artistic ability?


Imagine the smell....jpg

Anonymous No. 900563


Anonymous No. 900573

A couple of years to produce something at a decent levels if you apply yourself.


Not me.png

Anonymous No. 900581

Asides from cgbytes, who else that does good seminars should be added to the op?

Some progress. Exported my work so far, imported to morph loader pro, got error that I added geometry. I'm not sure what brush I used to cause this. All I used was, move, move topology, and sculpt.They never did this before.

Anonymous No. 900584

>poor artistic ability
3 years at least to get some artistic ability
2 years to become competent in 3D
1 year to get in the groove of making content on a regular basis

You can't skip step 1 btw. Nobody has ever made anything that's not complete shit with no artistic ability.

>What is easier to learn

NGMI attitude. Sorry. Change this or else you'll waste your time.



Anonymous No. 900585

Notes? I'm still pretty new to Daz, but I thought it'd be fun to try and see how close I could get.

Anonymous No. 900589

Can't see how you missed her upturned pig nose.

Anonymous No. 900591

if you have no skills right now (drawing, art, game modding or so anything) then it will take you a long time to create something good.
I would start small and do some props like tables, stools and such. Then when you understand how to build up models, UV, texture and so on then you can move to more complex objects.
But before you end up creating human models it will take some time and a lot of commitment. You can do it but just be honest with yourself that you need to stop playing so much video games / watch series and spend all that time learning 3D/2D instead.

Or you could rip and steal 3D models from games and such and just make them work with genesis 8. That isnt hard but then you can make anything new / unique ofc.

Anonymous No. 900592

pretty good. Nose need some work and so does the lips. Also I would texture her more pale but with more red contrast so you can see the rosy complexion beneath. Keep it up anon!



Anonymous No. 900593

>actively work against coomers
its like the want to fail


hair tests + refe....jpg

Anonymous No. 900620

Struggling to find short/chin-length bobs with a center-part (no bangs) that don't look like giant Karen cuts. any kind anons have some recommendations? nothing too fancy and sophisticated, just something that a housewife might have.

I quite like Birthstone's Camille (top) but it's a little more elegant (and longer) than I was looking for.
I tried tinkering with Kool's Bblythe but it's kinda stringy and hard to get that slight bobbed poofy effect and any adjustments make it look like absolute dogshit and gross (see pic related kek).

Face is maybe a 25% WIP right now since I want to get the right hair before proceeding (using mostly the big middle picture as my reference) but I'd appreciate tips and feedback on that too if someone had any.
Thanks in advance dazbros

Anonymous No. 900640

>you have to reach out to them by email and ask for permission to use exported characters in your game

LMAOOOOOO. They really hate coomers.


Anonymous No. 900643

Lmao, against coomer= insta-loss, and iam not even joking. Its fact.
Meanwhile, some chinks who keep shitting out low tier coomer bait are making billions of dollars...

Anonymous No. 900645

you need different textures.
textures are what make or break characters. I would say the textures alone, are responsible for 70% of how your character look.
Try iamarief on renderhub. His characters has textures that are close to your ref pics.

Anonymous No. 900651

Anyone here even use breast ultilities 2 regularly? I swear it quadruple my render time...

Anonymous No. 900663

>If Reallusion didn't remove genitalia and actively work against coomers, CC4 would be bigger than Daz
I was just about to ask if they were prudes or not. Thanks for letting me know.



Anonymous No. 900675

tick tock dazlets
your end is almost upon us



Anonymous No. 900711

the end is nigh? Abandon all gobbos!



Anonymous No. 900712

also being against coomers is racism, fascism and other things ending in ism.



Anonymous No. 900713

i guess this will need a cc4 version soon



Anonymous No. 900721


Anonymous No. 900725

i prefer big ass, medium tits, and a large cock in my tranny feet porn.



Anonymous No. 900787

>Dicktator/Futalicious with default morphs and materials

Anonymous No. 900804

What else?



Anonymous No. 900875

Are there morphs for the crease lines between the mouth and the nose?

Anonymous No. 900911

Yes, it's called the Philtrum.



Anonymous No. 900913

roast me

Anonymous No. 900916

Average daz/DA poster. Bonus points for no heavily overdone fetish.



Anonymous No. 900919

>heavily overdone fetish
you called?



Anonymous No. 900921

very sharp render. Looks good!



Anonymous No. 900927



Anonymous No. 900942

roast me chocolate slut

Anonymous No. 900943

would dilute my bloodline with.


imagine the handj....png

Anonymous No. 900953

what is this
also the latex(?) suit doesn't look like latex because you can see the skin bump/normal through it
pussy zone is beyond fucked
one boob bigger than the other
head and hair are nice though

Anonymous No. 900955

Thank bro!
Its the neko bodysuit by HM, it's only a geoshell bodysuit though, so the textures got stretched around the crotch and breast.

Anonymous No. 900962

Geoshell cloths are a bane, and shouldn't be allowed, period. They almost always look ridiculous, like how geoshell stockings or socks cling to each individual fingers, because that's how socks work, obviously. Trust me, I wore a sock once ten years ago.

Anonymous No. 900963

tits look like fake silicon tits.



Anonymous No. 900976

>character who's unintentionally dark
>glaringly bright clothes and surroundings

Is it DAZ's fault for not implementing some compensation fix for SSS materials in the same scene with non-SSS ones or the user's fault? 80% of Daz Studio renders I see online have that shit going on. Almost as bad as the stupid boob pinching most don't know/care how to fix.



Anonymous No. 900977

User fault. DAZ is just a tool and how you use it is up to you.
If it was a bug with the render engine Iray then sure you could spit on Nvidia. But it isnt.

Anonymous No. 900978

Something I definitely find shit though is that you can't set HDRI map light and HDRI map as background independently. As soon as my model has SSS in it I need a ton more light which then really blows out the details in the HDRI map which is fucking annoying.
>then just use additional spot lights
That's what I do in renders I want to look ok but still, usually I'd be 100% okay with HDRI lighting only and also using it as background.

Anonymous No. 900981

there is ways to setup that correctly in Iray. But an easy fix will simply be to do the render without the HDRI map as background. And then just render the HDRI background as a separate element with the correct brightness. Rendering that background should take less than 1 min.
>then just use additional spot lights
sure I use mostly spotlights because I like the control. HDRIs are great if you want to just quickly have a decent lighting setup or want to match something to an actual photo.

Anonymous No. 900983

Post an example?

Anonymous No. 900984

Anyone feel that zonegfx has turn to shit lately?
Lots of filled items but noone posting shits.

Anonymous No. 900990

The heck is SSS and how does it affect the look of things?



Anonymous No. 900992

Subsurface scattering. You know how when you put a flashlight against your hand or fingers or ear or whatever you can see some light go through it but not all of it? It means your skin and flesh aren't completely rough/opaque surfaces - they're a little bit transparent, and light should be able to go through it at least a little bit, especially on the parts of the body where the skin is thinner. That's why you use subsurface scattering on the skin or other semi-translucent items such as clothing or glass.

Anonymous No. 900994

Nice! But is it me or this Sss things does sound like transculent weight?



Anonymous No. 900995

Name changes depending on the software, but translucent weight sounds to me more like how much light passes through the entire object - 0 being completely matte and 1 being completely transparent.

SSS functions more in percentage. Let's say you have a surface with SSS - depending on the percentage, light will gradually penetrate the surface more or less, but never fully. The more light pierces, the thicker the material becomes - the harder it becomes for light to continue piercing through. This gives the effect of more light penetrating on the sides of the object and less light penetrating through the "center" of the object, since it is thicker there.

Anonymous No. 900996

Nice! Only the transculent weight deal in absolute and that's a bad thing!!

Anonymous No. 900997

Damn old hag go away



Anonymous No. 901000

posting more old hag just for you

Anonymous No. 901017




Anonymous No. 901039

>wating for daz to update their website to include polycount on hair and clothing

Anonymous No. 901041

Why does polycount matter?

Anonymous No. 901043


Anonymous No. 901047

optimized scene with no visual difference: 20 mins
Unoptimized shitty scene with poly bloat retard levels of 16k textures: Cant even render due to 30GB VRAM cost and even if I could it would take 3 days to finish.
This is why polycount matters.

Anonymous No. 901051

Why don't you just buy 4 GPUs with 48 GB memory and nvlink them together? That's what every serious DAZ user does.

Anonymous No. 901052

non daz user here how long did this image take to render?



Anonymous No. 901054

indeed. Here we see the polycount of 4 different models:
>Genesis 8 base coming in at a heavy 32k polys
>lashes at a silly 704 polys (why?!)
>The last boss of Dead Space the glorious hivemind! at a decent 18k
but.... the hair....
>Polybloat hair 2022 (looks good but what the fuck) comes in at 167k polys
So that single hair takes up 75% of the entire amount of polys. You can have 5 genesis 8 in your scene for this single piece of hair.
Only way to use premade none strand based hairs in DAZ is to export them to Maya/Blender/Max can actually "finish" them. You can cut 80% of the polys in that hair and you wont even be able to tell the difference zoomed in...
10 mins. Took about 1 hour to setup the scene and do all the decal work, fluid sim and getting the light to play nice. The render time is always the fastest if you use optimized models.

Anonymous No. 901055

>if you use optimized models.
is that just a case of using scene optimizer or something more involved like resizing everything manually beforehand? thanks in advance, trying to learn

Anonymous No. 901056

>10 min
you must have a good gpu then right? im using a 2060 so not sure if i can do anything with that

Anonymous No. 901058

167k is actually somewhat conservative for Daz hair. I've encountered many that range from 500k-900k and a handful that break 1 million.



Anonymous No. 901059

2060 master race! I used a 2060 super 8GB to do 90% of my 3D stuff. Only recently I got a hold of a better GPU but that is mainly because I need more VRAM and the performance for rendering is maybe 30-35% faster. Not something I feel that much. But the extra ram make is so I can squeeze 2x the amount of characters in a scene.
If you have seen any of my NSFW gobbo stuff then ALL that was made on a 2060 super (and the rest of the PC was from 2014 so the 2060 was the newest and best part by far).
Sure having lower / med range hardware forces you to optimize and think about what you are doing but it will also teach you way more.
haha yeah its true. I used some premade brows for a character and when I looked at it, it was made up of 500k+ polys...

Anonymous No. 901060

That's not polycount, retard. That's textures. Textures are easily solved: just use scene optimizer, like literally every able brained person in the earth.

Mostly, polycount doesn't matter, because Daz use subdiv, which means Daz will increase your polycount by literally mathematical factors if you increase that, and then stretch your shaders usage by literal factors if you use that, too. That's what's meant by "HD". The Gen 8 model is actually really conservative going by polycount alone (20,000? Something like that), a little bit much too conservative in fact, as the people that made the transition from Gen3 and Gen8 would say, but then you dial that little fibble stick fibbler and you use *8 time the same VRAM.

First rule of not exploding in RAM: Use scene optimizer, like a sane person, and it's solved.

Second rule of not exploding in RAM: don't subdiv, and certainly not subdiv into the 4th, or worse, 5th dimension, you absolute fool.

Then you can think about using things like instances and whatnot, which doesn't really solve the problem, not if you use a lot of them.



Anonymous No. 901061

>is that just a case of using scene optimizer
No. Scene optimizer for DAZ is a great script and tool to quickly just lower the heavy use of massive textures (better to do it manually but does take far more time). Scene optimizer is best for background and stuff not in focus where it matters little how rough it is.
Also it can tell you about subdiv levels in your scene so you can remove crash subdiv levels for stuff where it is not need (99% of your scene).
If you want to optimize your models and assets then download something like Gimp and Blender for free. In Gimp reformat and resize every single texture to something optimized for VRAY (look up documentation if in doubt).
In blender you can then decimate or retop your models so they are not so damn heavy.

Anonymous No. 901062

>fluid sim
what do you use for that?

Anonymous No. 901063

blue board

Anonymous No. 901064

>That's not polycount, retard. That's textures.
I added textures with that comment. Its why I said "poly bloat" but forgot to add the "and" afterwards. Insane poly counts is really bad but so are the uncompressed full bit 16k textures used constantly.
you can do that in Blender and then export the result as an obj. Or you can use the Fluidos for DAZ (actually pretty good).
I thought it was SFW but just saw that I sent the uncensored one... Mods just ban my arse again.



Anonymous No. 901065

>polycount doesn't matter, because Daz use subdiv
if you subdiv 100polys they turn into 400polys. Thus poly count of objects matter even more when you subdiv.



Anonymous No. 901066

How do I tweak the PBR Skin shader to get better results than pic related? Always looks kinda bland even compared to renders from the DAZ forums.

Is the DAZ - Blender workflow straightforward? Do you use a bridge for getting the scene into Blender

Anonymous No. 901068

If you load a Genesis 8.1 Dev Load figure does it com with the PBR Skin shader automatically enabled?

Anonymous No. 901069

>the performance for rendering is maybe 30-35% faster. Not something I feel that much.
this gives me hope thanks man you have some really nice work

Anonymous No. 901070

>Is the DAZ - Blender workflow straightforward?
well for most things yes. Dont try FBX from Blender to DAZ so stick to objs or use the plugin DAZ / blender bridge (I dont use that but it should work well).
If you want to import rigging or advanced stuff from blender to DAZ then you have to go through another 3D suit to make it work (for me blender is just too modern and new for old DAZ). I mostly use Maya and there are zero issue going from Maya to DAZ or from DAZ to Maya. In the future hopefully DAZ and Blender will work as seamless.
>How do I tweak the PBR Skin shader to get better results than pic related?
add some noise to the reflections and the roughness. Work on your normals and bumps so they are not so evenly spread. And last remember that lighting is 50% of the look of a model. Check movies and photos and how they use lighting and from which angles (backlit is an old favorite of films).
But I would say that your render looks good already. And what I would change would purely be subjective.



Anonymous No. 901071

your biggest problem with the 2060 will always be your VRAM amount. Rendering times I always found pretty good and vastly better than CPU rendering. Just be aware that if you want to build complex scene with more than 4 characters then you need to really think and optimize your stuff or it wont fit on those 6 gigs of VRAM.

Anonymous No. 901073

thanks for sharing, maybe I'll try to make a fluid sim on a simple scene
I'll add some noise, thanks for the insight!

Anonymous No. 901078

>I'll add some noise, thanks for the insight!
just create an auto-gen 1024x1024 black / white noise map in your image editor of choice. It can help break large shiny" surfaces to give them some imperfections

Anonymous No. 901087

That's a great tip, gonna try that tomorrow

Anonymous No. 901089

looks like fucking shit



Anonymous No. 901109

Anonymous No. 901110


Anonymous No. 901115




Anonymous No. 901117

FaceApp is BASED

Anonymous No. 901123

Yeah, expressions never really look right, even with 8.1
Faceapp is god sent in this regard, the smile look so much better.
I hope they add more options, like mad, or cry, or sad.
Maybe add a bukkakeapp while they are at it. Those ai are getting better and better at making porns.

Anonymous No. 901136

That's a man arm

Anonymous No. 901137

Im not impressed, there's nothing good or stand out with that pic.
>Typical dazgoblina face
>Karla hair and luna outfit
>Light look like bokeh kight or something

Anonymous No. 901145

its so obviously ran through a filter its cringey.

Anonymous No. 901154

anyone taking comms for morphs/textures besides totocandy? for stuff that's halfway decent, I mean

some of totocandy's stuff is alright, and some of it is la creatura

Anonymous No. 901155

Try blopblopfish. His stuffs are good with high quality morph.



Anonymous No. 901186

My current work in progress. I don't like how much she reminds me of jinx. Critique welcome

Anonymous No. 901187

I would add some more detail to the cloth. Just to break up those very smooth even surfaces.
Maybe add some colour to her face (ears, nose, cheeks and around the eyes could use some red from the thinner skin and blood beneath).
As for the hair I would colour the roots a more dark brown/black colour to show how its dyed hair.
Oh and lastly, fix that hair cap hehe

Anonymous No. 901189

All good advise!
>Oh and lastly, fix that hair cap hehe
I didn't even notice that. Oh god. I am too tired
Thank this is surprisingly helpful.



Anonymous No. 901196

That did help.
Does anyone know of a place where people critique others WIP? Like a discord or?

Anonymous No. 901217

yeah looks much better now!
>Does anyone know of a place where people critique others WIP? Like a discord or?
nope its why I post here mostly

Anonymous No. 901221


Anonymous No. 901278




Anonymous No. 901321

tried my hand at a succubus. Should I lose the hooves?

Anonymous No. 901323

Try derpixon heztha for demon reference

Anonymous No. 901324

Where's the penis?

Anonymous No. 901325

>Should I lose the hooves?
definitely but their feet usually have claws or bird like talons like a harpy, or just heels

Anonymous No. 901326

his is ugly to me

Anonymous No. 901327

>derpixon heztha
what is that?
yeah, its just that hooves is how they are described in their true form. Its just that it looks nasty with hooves so I might do a "seduce" version without glowing eyes, horns, tails, hooves and such.

Anonymous No. 901328

>>derpixon heztha
>what is that?
some animu shit

Anonymous No. 901330

oh I see. Well I aint going for that look. This is a western Dante's inferno inspired succubus.

Anonymous No. 901331

the one you made looks good but i just can't get into hooves

Anonymous No. 901335

yeah hooves are not great. Ill do one without

Anonymous No. 901344

Try queen of pain arcana dota for succubus refs



Anonymous No. 901346

>western succubus

Anonymous No. 901349

Also dont bother with skin color. Just choose the normal good looking skin and render. Post work in Photoshop to change the skintone to purple or red, it's much better that way

Anonymous No. 901353

I think your monitor isn't calibrated correctly.

Anonymous No. 901374

Hooves are okay. Look for soraka hooves on rule34, okay?

Anonymous No. 901384

They look like my fucking nightmares

Anonymous No. 901411

>fucking nightmares
The best kind of nightmares

Anonymous No. 901415

Just a post to verify I wasn't t banned in all boards. Mods are troublesome.

Go doing whatever you want. Last I heard, you're trying to get Hermione Granger in 3d.

Anonymous No. 901420




Anonymous No. 901422

>Last I heard, you're trying to get Hermione Granger in 3d.
sure anon

Anonymous No. 901423

Keep hooves. Much more interesting design wise. Maybe change the leg shape a bit more though?

Anonymous No. 901426

10/10 would be tricked by and lose soul.

Anonymous No. 901434

yeah its still very much WIP. Lots of things I need to change but legs 100% need some love.
>Keep hooves
this is the succubus human form.
worse ways to go I guess.



Anonymous No. 901446

I certainly hope you don't support this!

Anonymous No. 901485

Daz Studio is by far the most retarded piece of shit when it comes to animating, holy shit.
I have never ever seen something this idiotic before. The way it puts keyframes automatically (and you can't turn that shit off FOR LITERALLY NO REASON) is incredibly infuriating.
I kinda enjoy making characters in it, posing them etc. Thought it would be neat to make some idle animations since with animate2 you could THEORETICALLY non-destructively throw some animations at your model to make it come "alive". Turns out the people at Daz are absolutely pants on head retarded. The amount of workarounds you have to come up with to cope with bugs and idiotic retardation is mindblowing.
>creates keyframes automatically, you can't turn this off
>you can't inverse your keyframes selection
>you can't search for nodes to quickly get there, you HAVE to sift through the thousands of nodes or click on the model in the general area to get kinda close to the parameters/node you want to get but then your selection is GONE
>transferring keyframes from the timeline to animate2 makes you lose your interpolation type (constant not supported by animate2)

I could go on and on.
I seriously wanted this to work since exporting shit back and forth between software isn't worth it for some quick idling animations but with retardation like that it's also not worth it to deal with this shit. I'll just pretend Studio doesn't have animation capabilities at all. Holy fuck what a monstrous pile of steaming diarrhea.

Anonymous No. 901487

There is a reason why all videos about the matter on Youtube are
>here's how you make a cube slide in Daz!
>here's how you make a character change from one pose to another pose!

Anonymous No. 901489

and you still post here

Anonymous No. 901490

Time to take a trip to pound town.

Anonymous No. 901491

thats a man
you got serious eye problem

Anonymous No. 901497

>title is succubus
>nothing in render relates to a succubus at all

are dazlets this retarded? and are there monitors not calibrated correctly? hopefully daz dazman makes a screen calibration tool for them

Anonymous No. 901498

Lol. Anyway download your coomtana before this romfx/3fuck fucker report it.



Anonymous No. 901499


Anonymous No. 901503

it's the succubus's human form, the guy said it
he just tagged the wrong post

people copyright striking pirated shit that is itself copyrighted material that they reproduced without legal backing is the funniest thing to me

Anonymous No. 901514

Who is this Daz Dazman you guys speak of?

Anonymous No. 901529

nah just germanic features and not eastern like you people only seem to like.



Anonymous No. 901535

and he wants ~$14 for this.
damn, what the absolute fuck with her eyes...

Anonymous No. 901536

he's the inventor of 3d porn

Anonymous No. 901537

The textures seem shoddy as well...



Anonymous No. 901544

I don't know if I'm in the right place to ask, I'm buying an Anycubic Photon tomorrow, with the curing thing and some resin secondhand (near mint condition) tomorrow.
I've watched reviews but I just wanted 4chan autists perspectives. I'm new to the hobby and mostly want to print models and paint them as a creative outlet.
Any words of wisdom for me, folks?

Anonymous No. 901549

no, you got it wrong. Not eastern, but feminine features. We want our woman to be feminine, and not looking like a fking trans.

Anonymous No. 901555

post DAZ gobbo you like



Anonymous No. 901590

how's my gobbo?

Anonymous No. 901593

I love freckles but those are pretty harsh. Seems like scabs.

Anonymous No. 901595

just the amount, or the general look of them?

sadly I've exhausted just about every half decent looking freckled skin and haven't been able to find one I love. this is a non freckled skin + the ultimate freckles LIE

Anonymous No. 901597

I feel its the look of them. Not high resolution enough with some translucency around them. I'm no freckle material specialist though.

Anonymous No. 901598

I mean, the freckles on major 8.1 characters have some sort of depth to them. Your freckles are probably fine if you are doing more stylized looking characters.

Anonymous No. 901602

any characters to point to? I think I asked last thread

seems to me like most freckled characters on the store are only lightly freckled, while I want something heavier

Anonymous No. 901604

>lightly freckled
True, also I'm just one anon who mostly uses preset characters. Lets wait for other thoughts.
Perhaps make the freckles lighter, they almost look like moles.

Anonymous No. 901623

>3DUK's posts still dead on the pirate site
Guess I gotta pay money now!



Anonymous No. 901633

cute nose

Anonymous No. 901665

Face too long.
I hate that hair.

Anonymous No. 901666

Face too wide, feet too big nose too long

Anonymous No. 901668

Just paint the freckles in Photoshop and apply it on a geoshell.
Photoshop is best daz companion. Lips color doesn't look right? Instead of spent hours trying out other textures, just modify the textures in Photoshop.

Anonymous No. 901670

you should learn some posing basics



Anonymous No. 901732

what hair is this?

Anonymous No. 901738

What are some good cumshot props for Daz?

Anonymous No. 901754

Prop or body fitted coom?



Anonymous No. 901795

Well shinteo seems to be trustworthy, he won't do shit...
> p.s. anon who posted 3duk-fag's crappy cortana model above

Anonymous No. 901796


Anonymous No. 901798

> he doesn't know

Anonymous No. 901803

do you have to buy each hair?

Anonymous No. 901806

Nobody is twisting your arm



Anonymous No. 901824

It's been a while since I worked on Daz Studio for me - mostly I'm posing for others.

I did this girl on Genesis 8 a while ago, and I tried to make a non-drugged addict version of Viking Barbie.

Anonymous No. 901839

>see new Davo product
I gotta move on from this shit program and assets. Imagine being associated with this coommunity

Anonymous No. 901847

why do they all do this shit?

Anonymous No. 901858

See u next Saturday



Anonymous No. 901862

excuse me daz gamers
is this a body morph for a daz base? possibly a g3f since it definitely does not look like a g8f



Anonymous No. 901868

This is your cute young squire.
Don't get her pregnant or dead.

Anonymous No. 901876

>Can make anything at all, 8 foot tall amazon redheads with babyface and muscle and freckles and cum all over.
>Decide to make a skinny boy instead.

Anonymous No. 901887

Freckles too strong
Overused hair



Anonymous No. 901890

Who is this supposed to be?

Anonymous No. 901892



shit posting online.jpg

Anonymous No. 901927

just want fit/buff girls

Anonymous No. 901942

If you squint your eyes very hard it could be Jessica Alba.

Anonymous No. 901948

Was using the low ponytail before I switched up her face, and it looks weird now. Linda ponytail is the best looking 'simple' ponytail I could find

Anonymous No. 901952

>make scene
>do test render
>7 minutes
>apply scene optimizer
>still 7 minutes
what gives?

Anonymous No. 901955

This shit is disgusting

Anonymous No. 901969

have nvidia card with enough vram?



Anonymous No. 901972

small render, first render.
of many.

Anonymous No. 901975

it's only 8gb and it gets filled immediately no matter what I try

Anonymous No. 901983

Its a GTX or RTX gpu?

Anonymous No. 901998

rtx 2070 super

Anonymous No. 902003

AMD RX 480

Anonymous No. 902051

looks like shit desu

Anonymous No. 902056

Is 800.000 vertex a lot? I got my hand on a very high quality a bodysuit and Iam trying to convert it for daz use.

Anonymous No. 902058

How do I get spotlights to stop acting like physical objects and casting shadows?

Anonymous No. 902059

There are loads of bodysuits available for Daz. Is what you've got unique in some way?

Anonymous No. 902060

Yes, this suit. Very HD.



Anonymous No. 902061

Anonymous No. 902062


Anonymous No. 902063

Some look fuckable

Anonymous No. 902071

pretty damn sure that's gonna need to be compressed

Anonymous No. 902088

>download interior environment
>another environment with about the same size and level of detail
why are some people so shit at optimizing their 3d assets?


the future of porn.png

Anonymous No. 902100

actually not that bad

Anonymous No. 902107

>Comically wide hips.
>Comically small waist.
The AI is getting better and better, isn't it?

Anonymous No. 902108


Cant wait for stuffs the ai could churn out a decade later.

Anonymous No. 902116

Tell me some tips and tricks to optimize my stuff, please?
I know reduce the textures size in half is the most impactful one could do, but what if I keep the same resolution, but run the textures through a size reduction software, like FsResizer, this way it will cut down the size on disk of the textures significantly. Will it help much? Or should I just stick with resolution reduce?

Anonymous No. 902122

>I know reduce the textures size in half is the most impactful one could do
no it isnt. It tend to be the best you can do if you are limited by memory but texture sizes does not matter that much for actual render times (for most things). Also a lot of people underestimate the amount of drag on memory really high poly and subdivs actually add on top of the exponential higher render times.
Starting with optimizing the textures is a sure great first step and nearly always the best you can do.
>what if I keep the same resolution, but run the textures through a size reduction software, like FsResizer, this way it will cut down the size on disk of the textures significantly
if you compress an image you loss quality and increase errors. That said you can go pretty wild with compression depending on the image. I would suggest you load the textures in something like photoshop first and test how far you can go without losing too much data by compression. Reducing the resolution can be seen as just another form of compression and sometimes its the most effective. There is no "this is always the best route to take" but there are two main approaches:
- Split all textures into important and not important and then go heavy on compression on the not so important. Then delete unused channels on images and use black/white images to drive most things (roughness, bump and so on) by not saving the textures in RGB 8bit.
- Save all textures into as few images as possible (how you make video games). Make heavy use of the colour channels and the alpha and use shaders to reuse the same texture but in a different way over and over again. Here you can also compress if you really want to squeeze out all the memory performance you can get (think of a modern video AAA game and how they can have so many 4k assets on screen in real time).
>Will it help much? Or should I just stick with resolution
reducing the image size will help with memory use. Reducing the resolution also helps.

Anonymous No. 902158

Much obliged it, bro!



Anonymous No. 902169

Can someone please explain to me how does the HD morphs stuffs work, please? You have to be a vendor and need daz permission to use the HD models? Isnt it just an 3D object file? Surely someone must have upload it on the net by now?
Iam trying to create this boob effect by the way, can't really sculpt anything with the base g8f, too low res.

Anonymous No. 902236

When I am going to do an outdoor scene with natural lighting (there is a sun illuminating it), should I use just the sun when making the image as photographers do, or should I use spotlights or something else to try to improve the lighting?
Is there a "rule" about this or should I do whatever seems best at the time?

Anonymous No. 902288

Is there any way to have a light only interact with a character and not with anything in the background?
I feel like setting up 3 point light setups in indoor environments is a bit of a hassle with tweaking the lights so that they don't cast too many shadows all over the place and don't overexpose certain parts of the image sometimes. But maybe I'm approaching this wrong to begin with?

Anonymous No. 902299

afaik the only way would be to render an image with the figure and the lights, and then render a separate image without those (or perhaps with the figure but not the 3 point lights) and then composite them together

Anonymous No. 902301

Yeah I figured something like that would give me decent results, I just hoped there might have been a way to do it all in one render without having to photoshop things together.

Anonymous No. 902318

where retard booba?

Anonymous No. 902321

On your mother's chest.

Anonymous No. 902383

I'm trying to create a morph in blender but Daz keeps giving me the "Warning: Geometry did not match, failed to create morph" error and I'm not sure what the problem is. I've also tried to just import in blender and export without touching the mesh and daz keeps giving me the same error so I'm not sure if it's my fault.
Does anybody know what could be causing this?

Anonymous No. 902386

you can only use the base mesh resolution. So disable subdivs and remove / hide all extra geometry from the figure (lashes and such).

Anonymous No. 902387

nevermind, I had forgotten to check the selection only option when exporting from blunder lol.



🗑️ Anonymous No. 902419

How can I duplicate/copy/paste aniblocks in Animate2?
Don't tell me they didn't implement this basic ass function.


how do get clothi....png

Anonymous No. 902423

Any way to have some soft body physics in Daz?
preferably controllable to certain sections to be able to have overlapping bobba ?



Anonymous No. 902427

>give booba
Best you can do is sculpt "overflow" of the breast around your target item. There are some dforce soft body-like tools but they don't give a very convincing effect for what I suspect you're going for.

Anonymous No. 902430

sucks man
I've tried to use a couple different products but the shit always comes out looking terrible.
I'm so close to greatness I can almost taste it.

Anonymous No. 902431

Something like this? https://www.deviantart.com/tenstrip/art/Dforce-on-Body-Experiment-1-732492728



Anonymous No. 902476

Can we achieve this with daz, if we have access to the HD model? With shrinkwrap or sculpt, maybe?
I have been trying to make this with the base g8f but its not so good.

Anonymous No. 902484

I think the solution in these cases is to use simpler lighting, or sometimes even natural ambient lighting, and make the image look good with photographic techniques, i.e., looking for a good angle and using the camera settings to try to compensate the poor scene light.
But there's always the problem that poorly lit renders can have too many artifacts or sometimes never be finished.

Anonymous No. 902486

Natural lighting is nice and all but sometimes I want something that pops a little more, even if it's technically not realistically lit. Oh well, I'm just gonna keep fiddling around with it. That's part of the learning process, after all.


5 hours later.png

Anonymous No. 902490

well after about 4 to 5 hours of this im gonna go ahead and say that this shit dont work
At least not for clothes



Anonymous No. 902491

>That one 3d goblin "artist" whos "work" makes you physically Ill.
Who is it anon?

Anonymous No. 902496

I think you'll have to use some more advanced stuff if you want to get rid of the shadows that the character casts in the background. For example using emissive geometric shapes to simulate those white things that guys use in photography studios.
I think if you change the geometry of the spotlight the result is the same, but I'm not sure. You can make the spotlight be a disc of X meters in diameter, for example, in the parameters, and then you'll get softer shadows.

Anonymous No. 902498

> ziva dynamics
> Maya + Blender
Using only daz studio - it's impossible.

Anonymous No. 902502

>if you change the geometry of the spotlight the result is the same
It sorta works, yes. But it still does affect its surroundings to an extent. With proper placement and luminosity it's doable but it's obviously a lot more finetuning than just being able to say spotlight 1->only ilumminate object->character x, but I guess I'm thinking too simple here and iray just doesn't work like that.

Anonymous No. 902539

From what I have read, there are techniques to do what you want, but in the end you will always need a graphics editor to combine different images, I think.
The ideal thing is to learn how to deal with iray indoors, which will require you to think more or less like you do in real life. For example, if you have a closed room but let ambient light in through a window, you will end up flooding that room with indirect light and when you work on the character the shadows created by your artificial light sources will become more subtle.
It's good to learn to use emissive surfaces as well, because aiming spotlights on characters can be overkill in some indoor scenes.



Anonymous No. 902615

Like always the answer is look what photographers do in RL and try to replicate that. Maybe get some assests with premade 3 point lights.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 902693

Does someone know where i can find high resolution overlays from smartphone camera UI?
All i find are really low res.

Anonymous No. 902720

Some tried latest DAZ to Blender bridge ? Doesn't work for me anymore.
Imported Genesis' are literally empty and props import some old file not the actually exported one ?

Anonymous No. 902740

Use diffeo



Anonymous No. 902768

It's 2022; we have GPUs, fast CPUs, iRay and we're still treating cloth dynamics as too computationally expensive to be the default giving us these shitty morph-based collisions.
When the fuck is this going to end, /3/

Anonymous No. 902771

That's actually an improvement over the default! RIP



Anonymous No. 902772




Anonymous No. 902773

The specimen herself.

Anonymous No. 902777


Anonymous No. 902778

Why do you think I made this

Anonymous No. 902780

Show bobs

Anonymous No. 902785

First I have to apply that head mesh as a morph target to a figure's default head, then I can work on getting her body reproduced.


donor and target.png

Anonymous No. 902790

I'm out of practice. Latest version of Blender is more responsive than I remember.

Anonymous No. 902799

if i accidentally delete a figure then undo the delete it fucks up the skin material gamma (or something) permanently, even if i apply other skin materials
am i retarded? how do i fix this

Anonymous No. 902800

Does this happen on any figure or only a specific one?


a bit crinkly whe....png

Anonymous No. 902801

Yeah I recall this using weight maps to mask off sections but I need to remember how I did it

Anonymous No. 902802

kek, she will go ballistic if she finds out about this.

Anonymous No. 902806

The end result of what I do with sharp likenesses is to blend them to create separate characters of equal realism who aren't individually recognizable. In flavor science this is called a fantasia, a new flavor whose individual components aren't easily discernible.

Vir, I have no intention of posting fakes of you and certainly not uploading morphs of your likeness.

Anonymous No. 902813

seems to happen when i've applied some makeup so maybe it's geoshells fucking me

Anonymous No. 902816

How well do those tablet sculpters play with daz for morphs? I know nomad sculpt works fine when you use the proper export settings, but I was thinking of trying out forger classic. (The one that wasn't raped by maxon)

Anonymous No. 902822

What are the best Witcher 3 models for Daz? I've been addicted to Witcher 3 lately.

Anonymous No. 902824

haven't used these yet myself so no promises on the quality https://www.deviantart.com/chirpychirp99/art/The-Witcher-3-Female-Character-Models-for-G8F-913424555



Anonymous No. 902841

That's done by morphing the model outside of Daz.
Daz's shitty dforce AT BEST allows you to make indents into skin apart from the meme "falling cloth" physics. You think you can make some softbody swell to all sides under pressure with dforce? LOL, no.

Anonymous No. 902842

If some textures are altered they are saved in a temporary folder as long as the figure is there. When you delete the character the temporary textures are also deleted. Undoing the deletion wont restore those textures and then they are missing.

Anonymous No. 902845

that makes sense. but why can't i apply new skin materials to the model afterwards? it just stays white no matter what i do, it's extremely annoying

Anonymous No. 902849

Have you tried applying the base shader and then your custom material?

Anonymous No. 902859

>no intention .... uploading
RIP :(

Anonymous No. 902865

I need a DAZ model that looks like Amanda Tapping

Anonymous No. 902874

what is this?
like a 3d scan of images or handmade ?

Anonymous No. 902877


Anonymous No. 902906

We all do.

Anonymous No. 902911

Who the fuck is Amanda Tapping.

>Look it up.
Oh, you meant Samantha Carther. Yeah, she was a babe.

Anonymous No. 902961

Does someone have some suggestion for good hair shaders? I used Colorwerks Extreme for some time but it literally increases the rendertime by 300-500% compared to normal uber shader.

Anonymous No. 903003

Too brown :(

Anonymous No. 903005

How easily can you import these models into Unreal Engine 5 and make a game with them?

Anonymous No. 903006

based fair skin enthusiast

Anonymous No. 903012

Go into the LIE editor and pull down the transparency a little



Anonymous No. 903060

>I'm no freckle material specialist though.
I learned a lot while texturing a character. Freckles are the result of a mutated MCR1 gene which normally triggers enzymatic production in epidermal pheomelanin (the nipple/lips/genitals melanin unrelated to protecting you from UV rays) into eumelanin (the tan/dark skin that does protect you).


darker, Soft Ligh....jpg

Anonymous No. 903061

Freckles look more realistic when you treat them as two layers.
This is the darker layer which is Soft Light opacity 100%.


lighter Soft Ligh....jpg

Anonymous No. 903062

Here's the underlying layer, it's also Soft Light but the opacity is 47% when it's put into the layers. Notice that he blobs are larger but they'll be fainter.



Anonymous No. 903063

As you can see, the original photo has no freckles (or hairs because the subject had just wiped out on his bicycle). The two layers exist in a folder that's Pass-Through and has a layer mask to keep freckles from appearing on the background behind the arm.

Anonymous No. 903064

based freckle enthusiast

Anonymous No. 903065

I cannot remember what brush I used, apologies

Anonymous No. 903067

I took 2 weeks off from work to teach myself skin texturing/materials because it was my blind spot in character design (I'm into morphs really); the tutorials I could find on freckles were mediocre so I boned up on the biology involved. When you have enough faculty copies of MC1R (MCR1?) your skin tries to compensate for not enough eumelanin by clustering the pheomelanin (into freckles), which is hilarious because not only does pheomelanin not protect against UV, it actually *focuses* UV for maximum damage. There's a third type of melanin that's only found in the membrane covering the brain, and no one has a clue what its job is.

Anonymous No. 903068

I'm proud of you anon. Good work seeking knowledge.

Anonymous No. 903070

Vicey's better than that; he only models celebrities and porn stars for sale, so if it isn't the former it's the latter.

Anonymous No. 903071

>how does the HD morphs stuffs work, please
becoming an exclusive vendor activates code that exports HD morphs through DAZ's servers which encrypt the format before sending it back to the vendor.
Someone in one of the 3d discord groups cracked the format in a day. As far as anyone can tell DS can't tell the difference between a genuine HD morph asset from DAZ and a locally generated HD morph because there's no code signing involved.

Anonymous No. 903072

I just want to make invisible rapist sequences is that too much to ask

Anonymous No. 903073

based hollowman enjoyer

Anonymous No. 903076

If I ever meet Verhoeven I'm going to beat the details of that Rhona Mitra sequence out of him, the one that didn't even make it to theatrical release (which I saw). He will be made to pay for burning the footage.
I honestly believe it wasn't for moral reasons but because the VFX team probably did a cringe job of it he wanted no one to ever see.



Anonymous No. 903077

The other thing I did was create a node for darker skinned characters that accounts for the lighter palms/soles (thanks to the stratum lucidum exclusive to them that's too dense for melanelles to pass into). There are a shit ton of legacy black characters whose palm skin is no lighter than the backs of their hands.
In this case, the character's an actual, green skinned goblin and I was too lazy to create an original diffuse map so I tinted it green in the shader, then added the stratum lucidum map I'd created.

Anonymous No. 903078

Okay coomers give it to me straight, is it faster to pose and light a model or to draw and color a picture?

Anonymous No. 903079

If you're a competent 2D artist you can get away with a lot in a short period of time. We wasted our lives learning this shit when we could have picked up Loomis, we just didn't know any better.

Anonymous No. 903080

>I need a DAZ model that looks like Amanda Tapping
Casting Call Sam is pretty good but damn, the artist pulled their entire celebrity lookalikes series from ShareCG years ago and besides it's a V4 head morph; you don't sound like the kind of person with enough experience or patience to convert a V4 morph to G8F.

Anonymous No. 903081




Anonymous No. 903082

Here's a maybe less confusing explanation of the node.

Anonymous No. 903085

Depends on the style you want. If you’re going for a lifelike figure then the time to pose it and set up PBR materials is probably less than the time it would take to produce a photorealistic digital painting. If you’re going for something simple or something stylized and cartoony then 2D is likely faster.

Anonymous No. 903101

I just started with daz and I'm a bit lost. I did the tutorial render. Where do I go to level up from here? Before I even start doing actual scenes I want to get a good base render down like they show on the previews for all the paid stuff.

Anonymous No. 903106

Figure out good lighting setups, 3 point lighting is a solid go-to for single target renders. Get ghost lights for indoor setups, they can be a lifesaver. Turn off camera headlamp whenever you can.
Figure out good camera settings, DoF is a quick and easy way to make renders look more professional if you don't overdo it. The DoF settings actual show up on the camera object in the viewport so it's easy to see where the focus is gonna be without guesswork and test rendering.
Figure out good render settings. Tone mapping can be adjusted mid-render so it's a really powerful tool to nudge your renders in the desired direction once you're already rendering. Fiddle with denoiser settings. It's great. Environment settings contains the HDRi if you use one, so plays into lighting as well and can make a huge impact on the overall look of your render.

Anonymous No. 903109

>>you have to reach out to them by email and ask for permission to use exported characters in your game
What why? If you did all the work making a character why do you need permission?

Just like that if I ever go 3D in my solo game dev path they likely wont be an option

Anonymous No. 903110

Now where do I meet real life womenwith bodies like this? I can go with breasts up 1/4 the size, areolas still have to be large tho



Anonymous No. 903111

Wait a second....that face....the similarity lel

Anonymous No. 903112

I look at that face and think emma watson. Is it just me or anyone else seeing that too?

Anonymous No. 903114

...im having trouble telling if its real or not. After further inspection she is not real. I could not use the face to decipher if she was real. Impressive

Anonymous No. 903118

90% of Daz users just make Hermione clones.

The face in that image has been touched up by FaceApp. Daz cannot do that alone.

Anonymous No. 903119

CC4's method for producing clothes is to literally duplicate the figure's body mesh which has been against DAZ's EULA since Victoria 3 came out. Even using shrinkwrap modifiers on original meshes is prohibited.
I wouldn't expect DAZ to be real cooperative with Realillusion here if their workflows encourage violating their content EULAs.



Anonymous No. 903120

>90% of Daz users just make Hermione clones.
You don't think it be like this, but it do.

That, and futa and giantesses. I have yet to see a futa giantess Hermione, though I would wager that it will happen. It is inevitable, for some unfathomable reasons.

Anonymous No. 903122

Daz envi dont work with blender eevee?

Anonymous No. 903126

If I don't wanna bother with fine-tuning my scenes with scene optimizer and/or manually tweaking models in blender and shit because I can't be fucking bothered, is getting more vram the best way to improve render times? Like just get a 3090?

Anonymous No. 903128

Either your scene fit in VRAM or it doesn't. If it doesn't, then you fall back to CPU, which is 100 times slower. If it fits, then your GPU does the job, and then, frankly, there isn't that much of a difference between a GPU that is one or two generations older and the very last. On the order of 10-20%.

So, ironically, it's better to have a old GPU with 10 GB of VRAM than a recent GPU with only 4.

Anonymous No. 903129

Right, so getting as much vram as possible is my best option if I'm a lazy fuck. 3090 it is. Or maybe I should look into those quadro cards, see if I can get good deal there.

Anonymous No. 903131

> I can't be fucking bothered, is getting more vram the best way to improve render times? Like just get a 3090?
well if you cant optimize stuff then your only route is just more horsepower. A faster graphics card will improve your render times. More VRAM does not really mean anything UNLESS you cant fit your scene in the vram you have (since if you cant you will have to CPU render and that is super slow).
The 3090 is useless for gaming and a weird card as due to its high vram amount its actually a really really great card for 3D work without being a super expensive quadro card.



Anonymous No. 903133

>They've got an Eva 3090
It's by little things like that that we know we've won. Although I shouldn't be surprised, Eva has been whored to basically everything under the sun by that point.

Anonymous No. 903135

I can get a used one for about 1200 bucks, I'm tempted. Can't decide if I should wait for 4000 series or not. They'll probably be impossible to get for a good while after they release I reckon.

Anonymous No. 903139

for 3D work I dont see honestly much point in getting a 4000 series besides the increase in render speeds. But as another anon mentioned it does not really matter that much for what we do.
If you get a 3000 series then just sit on it until 5000 series. Always skip a series if you want to not get fleeced by ngreedia.



Anonymous No. 903187

pure coincidence!
>Is it just me or anyone else seeing that too?
its just you. Rest see an old hag.

Anonymous No. 903196

As autistic as it may sound I'm trying to recreate Elena from Love, Death + Robots in Daz. She bears a close resemblance to Jacqueline 8.1. Anyone know of a rash guard type outfit close to pic related? Also do smaller studios sometimes use Daz meshes in their animations?



Anonymous No. 903199

Pic related

Anonymous No. 903218

Trying to find clothes that aren't skintight body-hugging bimbo styled belly showing ass cheeks hanging out nipples poking through stuff is like finding a needle in a haystack. I get it, DAZ is for porn mostly but I'd like to make it a bit more tasteful at least...


Screen Shot 2022-....png

Anonymous No. 903221

Remembered how to weight paint, the symmetry function's nice.



Anonymous No. 903227


That's incorrect. Every so often I autisticaly review the index of the zone site, page by page in the "clothing and accessories" category. The variety of items it's huge, a good amount of them are "sexy" clothes but you have armors, robes, vintage clothes and more.

Are you using the daz store for searching for items? Because it fucking sucks, if you want to pay, use the pirate sites for searching and then buy it on the store. For some reason the index on the official store is very bad, is like they don't want our money or something.



Anonymous No. 903230

No I'm using esl95 too, but really the majority is what I already mentioned + armor, robes as you said + sci-fi stuff. There's an alright amount of vintage clothes but BARELY any actual normal everyday looking modern clothes. It feels like there's more of that for males than for females.
Like for example, this is ALL the shorts available on a quick search. Out of these few, there are maybe 2 or 3 that look like normal streetwear, the rest is all tight ass bimbo style shit or sleepwear.



Anonymous No. 903234


What happened to the Sakura 8 series? Has no obtained new content since forever, it didn't sell well or something?

Now new anime figure either.


Why in the flying fuck doesn't has nipples?!



Anonymous No. 903255

kek I love expression sliders
r8 my british qt

Anonymous No. 903257




Anonymous No. 903263

Is the daz site fucked up or something? Half the products don't load, they just show an empty page like pic rel.



Anonymous No. 903264

Seems to be the case. Will probably take them until the morning to notice. But store changeover happens at midnight MST so maybe that will fix it.



Anonymous No. 903268

I'm curious, is there a way to color one part of the hair like this? I know there's obviously color options, but I specifically mean the selected object.
Because there's color options for the bangs on this hair, but only both sides at once. Even though the bangs are divided into lBangs and rBangs in the scene tab, I see no actual way to color the two objects seperately, they're treated as one object in the surfaces tab.

Anonymous No. 903270

>bump limit already
You dirty dogs.



Anonymous No. 903275

And here's a preview

Anonymous No. 903280

yes. Use the geometry tool and select the one of the Bang sides and then assign a new surface to it.



Anonymous No. 903285

he cute



Anonymous No. 903287

What the fuck is wrong with people who make assets for this shit? This single tree was 1.7 MILLION tris before merging pointless vertices, and it's still 1.2. Does daz have some geometry-optimization shit going on behind the scenes, or do these people really expect people to build scenes with this monstrosity?



Anonymous No. 903288

She looks so disappointed in me. "You used to know how to do this."



Anonymous No. 903289

jesus christ how horrifying

Anonymous No. 903290

It's a blender plugin called FaceBuilder I fed a few pics of Vir into.
It only works on its own head prop so that's why I had to shrinkwrap it to a DAZ head .OBJ using a weight map to mask off areas that shouldn't shrinkwrap (like the rest of the skull, the ears and the polys that join the neck) then export it as a morph target.
Billy Idol didn't know the half of it, did he.

Anonymous No. 903291

It's a child...

Anonymous No. 903292

Google "Softwrap" for Blender, it's a plugin designed explicitly for what you're doing, I think.



Anonymous No. 903293

How do I do that? I tried fiddling in the menus, but I don't think this is it.

Anonymous No. 903294

that's black fucking magic



Anonymous No. 903295

Oh wait I found it, I just had to right click in the viewport instead.
Alright so I added a surface but idk if I'm doing it right. After I did pic related, I selected all the polygons from the right half of the bangs and assigned them to the new surface, is that how you do it? Or is there an easier way, because selecting it all by hand was a little tedious.
Also I can't get the same shader on the new surface as on the existing hair, for some reason it doesn't show up in the shader list at all. Filter by context is turned off. I'm a bit stumped. I have other hair shaders but they look wonky.

Anonymous No. 903297

Why I can't download this program?

Anonymous No. 903307

just go to their website bro?



Anonymous No. 903326

I download it but it reach 69% then this word show up



Anonymous No. 903327

I'm a bit new and have just been doing character renders against HDRI backgrounds. I downloaded a couple interior maps that have lights with them, but when I hit render it seems like the lights are either incredibly dim or don't work at all. This has been the case for at least 3 interiors so far. I was reading about some ghost light change in 4.20, could this be related to that or is it just something I'm missing as a noob? pic rel is what it's supposed to look like vs mine. Environment is "FG Lounge Area".

Anonymous No. 903330

I got a copy but I would like you to do something for me, if that's ok?

Anonymous No. 903331

That shirt is simple, just a simple opacity editing with the geoshell and you are done.

Anonymous No. 903332

Damn those data hoarder on zonegfx are really something else, they bought all the shit religiously, some spend hundreds of bucks on daz stuffs every month

Anonymous No. 903356

It is always easier to reduce vertices than adding them.

Anonymous No. 903357

There are multiple things that could be wrong.
Did you check if the assets has some tonemap settings you need to apply to get the same as the preview?
It could be some what you already said with the ghostlights. To fix that you just have to increase the emission value of it.

Anonymous No. 903364


Anonymous No. 903381

I'm listening

Anonymous No. 903382

just download it off zonegfx dummy

Anonymous No. 903389

Is that an HDRI background? It doesn't look like it.

Anyway, like always, the ISO, F/Stop, and shutter speed (which is the same thing as the F/Stop, only in different unity). Iray emulates a real life photographic camera. Which means you need the good camera parameters to get good results. It's not that complicated, there are three, and Iray even bundle the too with a master slider, but you really should do it.

Anyway, most scenes will give you the "good", or at least "expected" camera parameters, but some don't give a fuck. And as those parameters are often bundled in another file than what create the scene, you need to click on BOTH "load scene" and "load Iray parameters" to get the final result. Find those options.

About those camera parameters, if you're a professional photographer, good for you - if you're not, learn what about the terms I've just said mean. It will helps you in the middle run.

Though on second thought, this really looks like it is lacking an entire light source. You probably fucked up somewhere, load the scene in order, there isn't a single file.



Anonymous No. 903396



13 years old teens enjoy getting fucked in the ass too

Anonymous No. 903450

So is Golden Palace what I need to add genitalia? Or do models come with their own?

Anonymous No. 903465

Ngv8 is better

Anonymous No. 903466

Teeth too white for British gnashymashy mouth bones (teeth)

Anonymous No. 903468

Yeah I found that too. I'm having trouble with genitals + pantyhose though, I'm using Easy Pantyhose and the genitals only show up on top of the pantyhose. I wish it was easier to combine things like this. I really like the pantyhose + no underwear look...

Anonymous No. 903469

>Easy Pantyhose
That's exactly the problem, kiddo.

Anyway you can disable geoshells over geocrafts, but that mostly mean geocrafts will poke out of your geoshells. It's shitty.

Anonymous No. 903470

I'm not good at this.I don't even know what a geocraft is. Is that what GP/NGV8 are?
I might just look for other pantyhose assets, this "easy" pantyhose isn't all that easy anyway.

Anonymous No. 903478

What kinda opening scene should I put in my weg?

Anonymous No. 903479

Geografts replace part of your mesh with another. They are commonly used for genitalia, but can be used for anything else, really: boob is a big thing, head, etc.

Geoshells cannot go over geografts, but will still try, for some god-forsaken retarded reason. That means it looks absolutely horrible. In the parameters for geoshells, you can disable it hovering over your geografts manually (parameters wg_*). Good new: it doesn't look retarded anymore. Bad new: the geoshell literally disappears over your geograft. If it's something subtle, like a tint, or sweat, no problem. If it's a clothing (which should NEVER have been a geoshell to begin with), then your panties are crotchless. Good luck with that.

Take better assets than Geoshells pantyhoses. There are literally hundred of them. I don't quite remember what I use commonly right now, but I use them, and I'm pretty happy with them.

Anonymous No. 903485


It's easy. Just navigate to your geoshell surfaces, find the geo graft surface there, and apply iray uber shader ( the base/ default one) to these surfaces. In case of ngv8 its genital and anus. After that, copy the torso for g8f or body for g8.1f surfaces and paste it to those geograft surfaces( in this case its genital and anus)



Anonymous No. 903527

Help me to identify this hair please.

Used in promos here:

Anonymous No. 903538

That specific hair is Iselind Hair for Genesis 3 and 8 Females

Anonymous No. 903540

as for the bob in the pose previews, not sure.

Anonymous No. 903549

Davo is an esteemed gentleman

Anonymous No. 903552

Thank you



Anonymous No. 903557

Shit, now I want that bob too. Looks hot.

I think it's the same as in this image.

Anonymous No. 903560

Ammy hair on renderosity is sort of close.

Anonymous No. 903562

Not quite

Anonymous No. 903568

hey, negroes, its janey hair by windfield.

Anonymous No. 903583

Oh I actually have that. Just looks different on a thumbnail.

Anonymous No. 903585

same, I guess they pulled the bangs back a bit.

Anonymous No. 903593

This is genuinely interesting. Freckle facts, not what I expected.

Anonymous No. 903606

Can you guys just send me your assets for free so I don't have to buy them? Is that possible?

Anonymous No. 903616

bro there's like 5 different sites where you can get shit for free

Anonymous No. 903619

The literal ungodly amount of incompetence, technical obviousness, and sheer stupidity of the new generation never stop to amaze me.

Damn. Does anyone realize we are literally creating absolute retards by condoning that kind of incompetence? It's like seeing the next generation struggling to read as an adult - the same kind of shit-panting realization that somewhere, something has gone horribly wrong, and we're too late to stop it.

Learn what are files. Then learn what are file types, extensions. Then learn what is an installation process. Then learn that the installation of Daz content isn't a magical process. Then get what are directories. Then probably follow with what is the censorship Google is doing on pirated content. And politically unfavorable content too, but that's another issue. It's quite a steep climb, like learning to read, but after that you can answer your own questions.

Anonymous No. 903621

Post em



Anonymous No. 903629


Anonymous No. 903633

The ctrl+z undo is really inconsistent. Sometimes it works just fine and actually undoes what I was doing just before, other times it completely ignores some actions I performed and leaves them the way they are with no way to undo them again. Anyone know what's up with that?
For example, I just applied a pose to my character's arms but ctrl+z doesn't undo that pose. And it seems to have fucked up undoing posing in general now, I manually move my character's arms and pressing ctrl+z leaves them in exactly the same position and instead undoes my camera movement and some shaping parameter changes I did before.
I can't work like this if I can't rely on the undo function to actually undo the last action taken.

Anonymous No. 903634

Fucked up bug with the latest version as far as I can tell.

Anonymous No. 903658

just 'load' some '3d' bro

'state' of your 'renders' my guy

Anonymous No. 903661

Which app store??



Anonymous No. 903665

What's the difference between these two settings?

Anonymous No. 903667

Ok yeah something's not right with the software in general. Now it doesn't denoise when I go into iray in the viewport even though the denoiser is turned on.

Anonymous No. 903668

HDRI strength vs opacity i think

Anonymous No. 903670

Lol just stick with the 4.15 version. I don't trust daz3d retards with their software. The only reason that 4,15 is tolerable is it was shipped with 8.1 so they weren't allowed to fuck up.

Anonymous No. 903671

I assume there's no easy way to revert back and I'll have to find a 4.15 installer somewhere?

Anonymous No. 903675

It's up on zonegfx

Anonymous No. 903679

fake and gay

it's impossible to pirate daz contents. they have an installer. installing thing is like, they check your computer, and then they do some things, there is a loading bar, and then it is installed. you literally cannot pirate daz content, they have an installer (unfortunately)

how would it even look? a fake loading bar? how would that even work, informaticationally?

Anonymous No. 903680

smartest guy in the thread right there



Anonymous No. 903683

I see lots of Daz content on smutbase. How would one transfer a character and clothing to blender then bundle it in a single redistributable download like many of the items on smutbase?

Anonymous No. 903688


Anonymous No. 903697

you could have googled a face anatomy chart... why are you so retarded... you had to post this question in this shit hole... can't deny I get to witness the most insane cringe here. please kys

Anonymous No. 903698

maybe an hero instead. better use of your time

Anonymous No. 903699


Anonymous No. 903703

You too should kill yourself, pablo

Anonymous No. 903711

cute, i love you work anon but stop killing them

Anonymous No. 903731

Is there a way to better organize/customize the My Library pane? All the clothes are grouped into subfolders by author when I'd prefer to just have it list all the outfit names so I can actually tell what they are without having to expand each one.



Anonymous No. 903747

No such thing. Closest thing you could do is structure your library like pic related. Dont mind the shitty name, sometime iam just too lazy to name it properly.

Anonymous No. 903749


Go to "your library" folder, go "genesis X" then to "clothes" you can arrange that whatever you want. I always eliminate de vendor folder and put the individual cloth pack in a category folder.

Anonymous No. 903770

What outfit is this? It's not listed in the promo credits on the store page.

Anonymous No. 903774

its sujjin by val3d, negro.

Anonymous No. 903817

im smarter than you

Anonymous No. 903823

yeah but can you tell me how to pirate daz content with an installer? no? can you send your daz through email? if you can, do it faggot. fucking do it. send me your daz through email, i need the daz content.

but you can't, because it has an installer, and installer can't be pirated. 2+2=4, bitch.

Anonymous No. 903824

>can you send your daz through email
no but I can fax it to you

Anonymous No. 903825

Ask a guy who just pirated 10GB worth of DAZ assests anything.

Anonymous No. 903828

10gb amateur I'm at 150gb



Anonymous No. 903830

>Next thread
Don't start a pissing match, some anons have terabytes of useless assets to dickwave.

Anonymous No. 903831

Lmao I created the most beautiful girl with only 1 mb asset. All those big files hoarders are dog shit, in daz it work the opposite. Iam the biggest dick here.

Anonymous No. 903836

I agree but I like variety

Anonymous No. 903837

What do you think you're doing? You can NEVER leave Daz! The only one that escaped our grasp was LesbianMcManface and look at what that cost!

Anonymous No. 903877

Thanks. What i wound up doing was creating a new category and just adding the actually clothing folders to it.
My next question is if there is any way to group/collapse/expand morphs in the parameters/shaping tab. Right now it's a massive scroll list with every morph when it'd be nice to have them grouped by the pack they're from.

Anonymous No. 903909

I use the biggest files on purpose
I don't even care if my renders take days to finish
what are you gonna do about it, sizelet?

Anonymous No. 903928

sizechad IN DA HOUSE

Anonymous No. 903960

Lol-ing at those two hoarders idiots. Lmao even. You two compensating for something?
A talented painter could paint the best painting with coal and charcoal in his hand. Yes, thats me. I could make mona lisa out of the base g8f mesh and morphs. Iam just that good.
Iam THE bigges CHAD here.



Anonymous No. 903961

top kek this guy is running a crusader against 3duk/ROMFX. Pirate vs spineless pirate, who would win?



Anonymous No. 904012

I do like to support stuff from daz store when its good and has a good sale but whats the best place for free content without making a account



Anonymous No. 904030

All the shit I've downloaded this happens with when I try to open it. Is there a way to fix it or do I have to suck it up and put them on my main dr ive instead?

Anonymous No. 904055


Anonymous No. 904062


Anonymous No. 904082

3duk and rom are known pedos but the guy uploading to zone is just as retarded but then again 99% of active users on zone are retarded

hopefully Neko on shadow starts pumping resources into the Russian only community get rid of these Bitcoin hungry fags on zone for good

Anonymous No. 904091

ROMFX looks retarded. And not the good kind of retarded - the assets you can still use if you fiddle a bit, but a lesser kind of retarded. Not Guhzcoituz retarded, maybe a bit more retarded than Shinteo retarded. You can vaguely use some Shinteo assets if you try very hard.

Why and how is there any person angry enough about ROMFX to pirate all of his content? It's like being angry at the homeless next door for his shoes, and stealing his shoes, and being proud of the hole-ridden, disease infested article of clothing he acquired. It makes absolutely no sense.

I smell some deep seated psychological issues here.

Anonymous No. 904109

Actually it's because 3duk/romfx lurking in zonegfx and report every new downloads of their stuffs. A very shitty mother fucker indeed.



Anonymous No. 904143

How to fix this?

Anonymous No. 904145

copy paste your torso/body surface to the geograft



Anonymous No. 904149

It looks exactly the same

Anonymous No. 904151

doesn't the shader also have to be the same?

Anonymous No. 904157

your using a genesis 8.1 model with the new gens right?

Anonymous No. 904164

Basically the dumbass accidentally uploaded the wrong version of his product. it didn't select 8.1 models This fix will he put out is deep within the outdated ass rendererotica forums that people will 100% miss


Anonymous No. 904165

this is genesis 3

Anonymous No. 904169

there should be a shell fix in the folder

Anonymous No. 904198

new thread when???

Anonymous No. 904219


Anonymous No. 904412


Anonymous No. 904859

The timeline is fucking cancer, I could code a better system in one week.