

๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 900281

Now, no one is answering the other one so a fresh one will have to do.

I've been wanting to model PS1 looking characters but I tried a tutorial and it got messed up. I only have experience with enviroments, please help? Or should I just buy a male and female model and be done with it? How long doesnit take to learn and any videos, any resources, the one I'm using right now it's not that formal.
On the lines at the edges, I don't know why but it doesn't work the same as him
so it's fucked.



Anonymous No. 900283

Don't skip the fundamentals.
>PS1 looking
Use way less polygons.



Anonymous No. 900289

You can download Makehuman for free and just generate a character.

Or you can make one in blender. Just make sure you understand the importance of topology.

Here's one i'm working at atm



Anonymous No. 900290

i tried to optimize the topology

Anonymous No. 900305

What fundamentals? Ido enviroments but never modelled before. Could you guide me to a tutorial to do your pic related? That's what I want to make.
Even a low poly one?

Anonymous No. 900309

>Could you guide me to a tutorial to do your pic related?
There are none. Just watch a bunch of beginner modelling tutorials for basic shit before you even attempt to create characters.

Anonymous No. 900310

There has to be one, please tell me.
I've been downloading ps1 assets and trying to study them but some choices are baffling even if I understand the whole.

Anonymous No. 900332

kill yourself tranny schizo

Anonymous No. 900333

I get more pussy than you

Anonymous No. 900347

fuck off cris

Anonymous No. 900361


>Using realistic reference for polymodelling
Stop right there and give up kid.

Anonymous No. 900365

/3/chud is mad somebody succeeded yet again.

Anonymous No. 900371

That was on the tutorial



Anonymous No. 900374

You sem to be a total moron with no clue what you're doing.

Here's the fucking cliff notes on how to do a shitty job.


Here's the same guy spending two and a half hours doing a shitty job in real time, unedited. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMplVXdI26M

>Ido enviroments but never modelled before.

What does this even mean? You slap quixel scans into UE4? Is that what 'doing environments' is these days?

Anonymous No. 900381

So if it's a shitty job why provide me this? Are you training me wrong as a joke?

Anonymous No. 900382

So if it's a shitty job why provide me this? Are you trolling me?
/3/ and /agdg/ gave me no help at all
Read this chain

Anonymous No. 900384

>why provide me this?
So you can fuck off and get out of our hair with retarded questions. Honestly, have some self-drive. It's not even like that anon provided you with obscure resources, they're results that would have been right at the top of the page had you actually fucking searched for something instead of asking.

Anonymous No. 900385


Anonymous No. 900387

Why did he wait until now, the thread has been upall day, I wanted to work on it today, finish an attempt today.
It's been 13 hours ever since I woke up, nothing was done. My drive is gone, I'm depressed too depressed and weak to try, I'm Mr. Self destruct.

Anonymous No. 900389

>It's been 13 hours ever since I woke up, nothing was done.
You could have used other resources like Google and YouTube instead of 4chan in the meantime but you didn't.
You are the one to blame.



Anonymous No. 900391

I asked and asked people, I looked at videos, I can't be blamed at all.
All of this is so pointless, suicide, I fear it but also Im in love with it

Anonymous No. 900392

>I asked and asked people, I looked at videos
And you got nothing done.
Sounds like a (You) problem

Anonymous No. 900393

Why do 3D? Why do it? If zero brain activity grants me peace that won't end.

Anonymous No. 900394

How is it not obvious to any of you that this guy is fucking trolling you? Just another schizoid looking for drama.



Anonymous No. 900395

I wanted to make models like RE or pic related, no one helped me

Anonymous No. 900396

>So if it's a shitty job why provide me this? Are you trolling me?

In >>900305 you greentexted the word 'topology' and said 'Huh?'
That tells me you know literally nothing about modelling and that you have barely tried to learn anything yourself before you came here asking to be spoonfed.

I've link you to videos of a guy doing a shitty job because, despite its shittiness, it's still serviceable, and more importantly, it's about as good as you're going to be able to do without months of practice.

It's shitty, but it's literally the best I expect you to be capable of at this moment.

>Why did he wait until now, the thread has been upall day

Do you think I sit here constantly checking one of the slowest boards on 4chan?

>It's been 13 hours ever since I woke up, nothing was done.

13 hours and you couldn't find one of the first results for a youtube search for 'how to make a ps1 character in blender'. Don't blame the lack of activity here, blame your own lack of drive.

Wake up to tomorrow morning and go for a walk. 1 mile MINIMUM. Look at something more than a hundred feet away from you. See the fucking sun. Come inside, make a drink, sit down, watch a video and start fucking modelling.

Anonymous No. 900398

>it's still serviceable
Then why do I need to improve after it?
What does a good job on a PSX model look like to you?

Anonymous No. 900401

Months of practice? For what result? Post it?
And again, I only want something I can show to others who might want to cooperate, I love to delegate stuff, couldn't give less of a shit about learning more than what I need.

Anonymous No. 900409

Kill yourself, you ingrate.



Anonymous No. 900413

I want to do pic related >>900409



Anonymous No. 900414

When should I be able to make pic related?
JUST THE MODELS dont give a shit about texture on this question

Anonymous No. 900476

Watch Grant Abbits tutorials on low poly modeling from the start. If you can't follow these i'm afraid this is not for you.

Anonymous No. 900477

The models are super easy. Learn basic modeling and model them in an hour. Then spend 3 years learning how to make the textures.

Anonymous No. 900727

Is there are high res version of this somewhere?

Anonymous No. 900734

>When should I be able to make pic related?
When you can look at them, see the wireframe right in front of you, and be able to replicate them.
The wireframe is right fucking there dude that's all the information you need. If you can't make a model with the literal connect-the-dots image right in front of you, you're not ready and nor will you ever be.



Anonymous No. 900770

How is it going? Been checking some vids and some models from PS1 games.



Anonymous No. 900772

I shouldn't have tried to make her tits a separate thing yet, should I smooth it out?

Anonymous No. 900774

Nice low poly Ina anon



Anonymous No. 900775

Why the fuck are you ignoring my posts in my thread?
I want to learn fucker

Anonymous No. 900789

This is all really simple stuff, it should only take you an hour or so to master.

Anonymous No. 900790

More like 20 minutes if you have half a functioning cerebral cortex.

Anonymous No. 900795

Unfortunately for OP, he doesn't.



Anonymous No. 900803

It will take whatever it has to in my hands, help me or else

Anonymous No. 900805

I could easily teach you how, but I will not help you.

Anonymous No. 900806

Why? Your loss.



Anonymous No. 902168

Nobody can help you because is one of those things nobody can teach you the secret sauce.

There's not secret sauce.
It's just practice.


Here's some tips.
Learn to make some good ortho references, by drawing or just photobashing the references.
Model a lot.
Learn to use modifiers, specifically use the multiresolution set to 1 division with a cube, this creates a nice sphere with basically a cube, I use this to quickly create the base mesh for heads, core, hands and feet.
Set a certain number of faces or vertex as challenge and practice a lot, like do #fes256 challenge.
Study models in the style you want.

There's nothing else to learn 3D modelling, specially low poly.

And yes, practice everyday for at least a year before asking if you have talent or not or how to do it.

Anonymous No. 902177

>taking advice from a 3rd world ngmi.