

๐Ÿงต Character customization in real time

Anonymous No. 900447

Hey /3/ ,how would you handle this?
Im an 3D environmental and character artist so Im not really used to rigging and deformations.
I have my character and currently working with Unreal. In the starting menu there are these customization options for your character -like soulsborne, skyrim and such-. The question is, whats better?

>Having scalable bones? So you can scale the chest, legs, flatten belly, make it fatter (and also easier to work with clothes which share same skeleton later)
>Blendshapes/Morph targets? I already sculpted a few of this, they dont interfere with animations but at the same time you cant rely on sliders, custom sizes and for clothes are a worse option. They are better for details or specific things like "human ears/elf ears"

Which is the "correct" workflow? Scaling bones would cause any problems? Have you ever done anything like this?

Anonymous No. 900448

Games use shape keys because they don't break animations and clothing, but experiment with either approach.

Anonymous No. 900464

So how would you design the clothing for deforming it with blendshapes?
Wouldnt it be easier to share the same skeleton and deform they both with the same size?

I thought games like elden ring customizations were done with bone scaling

Anonymous No. 900523

That is correct. Bone scaling solves this issue of having multiple sets of clothing that conforms to the character's shape.

Anonymous No. 900525

There is no "correct" workflow. You do what works in your situation, you should probably use both bone height, scaling and morphs activating corresponding to same sliders as bones at a certain set value or %.

That you do to make things look "right" at different bones heights and scales, you could also use more bones and do the same thing and use them as controllers for shapes but a mix of both would do better imo.

What you should do is prototype it in a day to test it out, see what breaks, come up with the solutions and apply them to the workflow.

To do lets say height for a character you edit bones and give sliders to both upper and lower leg and set value boundaries of max and minimum height choice, once it hits a certain % or value you counteract with a morph or more bones scaling on the same slider to not make it all look weird at different values. For clothes you do similar with bone or morph. For multiplayer as the games mentioned you save and store these bone data values in database and get it once when a player joins the server or updates/edits their character information.

Yes I have done similar work before, there are many different ways to go about it.

I have done many tests with this through the years also tested tissue as muscles and fat deposits under the "skin" of character to use for realistic deformation.

Note if this is confusing, I was very tired at the time of writing this.