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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 900558

Not sure how to search for this question on google; but how does one make a pure black transparent background in Blender? See related pic. The pic isn't black, but I'm looking for that same effect... to have 3D objects rendered in a black "viewport" of my own device.

Really I'm just asking how I even make that kind of texture? like some kind of colorburn


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Anonymous No. 900559

are you talking about something like the zbrush see through mode? yeah thats not possible
also the way you phrased your question is very unclear


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Anonymous No. 900564

something like this... if I could get the sphere to completely burn thru the cube, despite being inside of the cube



Anonymous No. 900588

i dont quite get it, you're still not being clear with your questions. but this allows you to display objects in front of other objects even if theyre clipping with eachother

Anonymous No. 900599

Connect a gradient texture to the world color?

You can just press Alt+Z to turn on X-Ray in solid mode.

One option is to make the cube transparent. You can either do that using alphas or by cranking up the transmission. The later is easy to do in Cycles, for Eevee you have to turn on a bunch of settings to make it work.



Anonymous No. 900637

Like this?

Step by step for retards:

Add plane and scale it 1000

Go to Viewport Shading view

Add material and set color to black and turn roughness to max

Now you got it.
Protip: Edit->Preferences->Themes->3D Viewport->Theme Space->Gradient Colors->Change Gradient High/Off to color black.

Anonymous No. 900659

turns out it was backface culling. I asked /g/


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Anonymous No. 900660


Anonymous No. 901243

Can you post a rendered example? I still don't get what you were asking for and now I can't ignore it.