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Anonymous No. 900653

Why do zoomies like PSX so much?

Anonymous No. 900662

the same reason you like wasting your life on 4chan so much

Anonymous No. 900665

how does one make ps1 graphix?



Anonymous No. 900668

-VERY low poly modelling. Make everything out of cubes and/or cylinders with 4-5 subdivisions around- tops

-Just look up the specs of a PS1 and how many polygons on screen most games had

-The resolution of PS1 games was 320x240

-All textures were 8 bit (256 colors) or even less and very low res- like 64x64 or 128x128 at most.

-Don't worry about using only triangles or keeping things "all quads". It's not important. Use as many triangles as you like! Go crazy with triangles

Anonymous No. 900699

Why are you assuming it's zoomers and not mentally ill 30+ year old millennials still living in their mothers' basement?



Anonymous No. 900714

>Easy to falsely replicate
>Reminds them of a time with unmatched creativty, optimism and lack of globohomo they never got to experience
>Gives them feelings of "liminal spaces" aka zoomie speak for spooky unfamiliar place so its good for shitty unity horror games
>Played Silent Hill 1 once

Anonymous No. 900716

>why do people like jazz?
>why do people like sneakers?
>why do people like hedges?
>why do people like gas grills?
>why do people like jack daniels?
because people like things.

Anonymous No. 900781

Ahhhhh gottem

Anonymous No. 900886

it's easier to produce and game devs exploit it to make cheap gimmicky games. Once streamers found the vein there was immense synergy.

Anonymous No. 900924

>>Gives them feelings of "liminal spaces" aka zoomie speak for spooky unfamiliar place so its good for shitty unity horror games
yup, that's the one

Anonymous No. 900933

Because the ps2 is a direct upgrade.



Anonymous No. 902033

I love PS1. The shitty polygon graphics make the horror games all that more scary.

Very Easy to 3D model. Very nostalgic to.

But it's not all shitty some are very beautiful

Anonymous No. 902035

>easy to falsely replicate
Lol have not seen a single ps1 demake project look authentic, like a ps1 game


MML nude.webm

Anonymous No. 902036

It was a better time, a based time.

Anonymous No. 902065

I wish this got a pc release with mod tools.

Anonymous No. 902092

LSD Revamped. No idea if the mod tools are out yet



Anonymous No. 902189

because barely any one of them can replicate it properly, so they keep shitting out one after another "PSX-like" styled grafix as a typewriter monkey-like mechanism, hoping it will work this time around and actually look like something made in the era, only to turn out yet another low poly shit out that just reeks of modernity with a coat of cheap, probably lead-filled, pixelized paint on top. The only time I've seen this "style" actually work and feel like PS1 was ALISA.

Anonymous No. 902265

>Lol have not seen a single ps1 demake project look authentic, like a ps1 game

So, better to make arcade game/PC game from the same era?

Anonymous No. 902342

Same reason Millenials liked pixel graphics

Anonymous No. 902443

>Lol have not seen a single ps1 demake project look authentic, like a ps1 game

You could also make a sega saturn type game. Same as the PS1, minus the "triangle popping" effect.

They could also make early or very low budget PS2 style games. The early ones from like 2000-2001 were pretty low poly as well.



Anonymous No. 902444


Forgot pic

Anonymous No. 902542

Saturn is even harder to replicate. It uses quads made out of distorted sprites. They don't behave like real quads. The system does have a similar warping.

Anonymous No. 902722

>The system does have a similar warping.

I never noticed it. Maybe it's more subtle?

>It uses quads made out of distorted sprites.

Source on this?

Anyway, the easiest graphics to emulate might be PC, N64, or early PS2. These had texture filtering that smoothed out the textures (sprites included), but the PS1 did not have filtering so the games had a very grainy/pixelated and sharp look to them.

Also another hard to replicate (besides the triangle popping effect) would be the inconsistent frame rates of PS1 games. How would one go about replicating this?