


Anonymous No. 900829

I call for a deplatforming of all blender users from the Internet.

Anonymous No. 900854

Lmao, how much money did you burn on second-rate software?

Anonymous No. 902533

No matter how mad anons on here will be Blender will always be the go to for beginners since it's free. Why would anyone want to pay shekels for a program they barely know how it works? Literally getting upset over nothing.

Anonymous No. 902548

>blender gets delisted
>people interested in learning 3d would have to pirate
>given how people don't want to pirate photoshop, which is ridiculously easy, and instead use gimp or affinity photo, the same would apply to not wanting to pirate a 3d program
>people will use shitty foss programs and declare 3d to be a worthless hobby
>20 years later
>3dcg market pays more than twice as it does now because it's in demand but hardly anyone knows the shit at a professional level
Would delisting Blender, dare I say it, be a based decision?

Anonymous No. 902577

soft gatekeeping is always a good idea
you dont want retards joining but you also dont want potentially good to avoid you
those that seek will find and those that... look at videos with bright vivid thumbnails labeled "beginner tutorial #n" are retards

for the record, i use blender (for converting between file formats)

Anonymous No. 902626

Yes, even blender kiddies preaching about being tired of blendlets in le reddit get ridiculed by industry professionals for producing hobbyist tier work. Blender kiddies will never get a comfy job with just blender. They are stuck freelancing with inefficient workflows making the client look like a fool for hiring you in the first place. If anything blender kiddies hyping it up means more resources for autodick, adobecuck and epenis to monopolize the entire market

Anonymous No. 902663

I call for voting you off the internet.

Anonymous No. 903279

As someone who's used all 3d programs, I like Blender. It's definitely more stable than Maya.

Anonymous No. 903446

I got a pirated copy of 3d studio back in 93. I remember learning about 3d and calling up autodesk at 12 years old and feeling like killing myself when the woman told me it cost 4000 dollars. Luckily my older cousin happened to have a pirated version. It changed my life.

Anonymous No. 903451

I'm surprised you had a computer that could run it without issues.



Anonymous No. 903453

I had a pentium with a one gig hard drive and like a 32 meg graphics card lol. It ran but it took an hour to render a single frame of the most basic thing. I remember I ended up buying a metaballs plugin that was 400 dollars because it showed you could make a dinosaur like in Jurassic Park and I was fantasizing that I would be able to make things at the quality I saw at the movies. When I got it the reality set in that I would only be able to make a couple balls blend together lol

>that's the image that made me dream so hard

Anonymous No. 903454

Heh. And now that you have the proper hardware and software you created your dinosaur, right?

Anonymous No. 903494

Commit End of Line.

Anonymous No. 903534

>you created your dinosaur, right?
no lol I still haven't. I do hard surface modeling professionally, but I still have my dream of the dino someday. I started learning zbrush but of course i've only been able to make a ball that kinda looks like a face so far.

Anonymous No. 903738

look a these crabs

Anonymous No. 903869
