

๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 900861

Can someone teach me how to model low poly assets (humanoids)? I've been trying for almost a week and have nothing to show?
Could someone please teach me, /v/ /agdg/ said I have no talent
Discord is possible



Anonymous No. 900864

Anonymous No. 900865

What do you consider to be low-poly?



Anonymous No. 900866


Anonymous No. 900867

Did you make that? What exactly is the result you're trying to achieve? And for what purpose? Are you making a game or something?

Anonymous No. 900869

Ooooooohhhh, I get it now, you're the newfag that's been shitting up the board with like five new threads.

Listen senpai, /3/ is a very slow board. Make your thread and it'll probably get like 10 replies in two or three days. This isn't /v/.

Slow is also the process of 3D modeling. There is a lot of research that needs to be done before you can make something even slightly presentable.

Please stop making a fool of yourself. Understand Rome wasn't built in a day, and start trusting yourself more.



Anonymous No. 900870

Yes, I have been failing for 3 days.
That's me, can you help me, I'm stll crying, I want to make a game, it's incredibly artistic and I need to make it.
But look at what others can do in less time, should I give up?

Anonymous No. 900873

Stop being a brat. Do you realize how difficult it is to make a game? It'll probably take years. This isn't something you do in a week, or in a day. If you're serious about this, you'll wanna learn and take as much time as you need to learn.

That fact that you think that you can make a sensible model in a couple of hours without any previous knowledge of 3D modelling is insulting to those of us who do this for a living. Fuck you, and then pick yourself up and start grinding.

Anonymous No. 900877

I want the model, I said I had a week to do it, I asked on friday and have done very little, it matters to me, my self worth.
I am still crying now.

Anonymous No. 900881

Why don't you download game models and look how they are made. It's the best way to learn. Posts on a website are no good.

Anonymous No. 900885

I did this already
It didn't help me


stop now I wont h....png

Anonymous No. 900888

I'm only replying because this is depressing to watch. Select the face of your upper torso, press E to extrude it. Press S to shrink it. Move the face out 0.1m. Press E again. Move the face out 0.3m. Select the face on the bottom of that extruded region. Press E again. Move it down until it is aligned with the hip. If you did it right it should look like this.



Anonymous No. 900893

I destroyed my model though, thanks for the help.

Anonymous No. 900894

>I want to be good at a thing in a single week while others have taken multiple years or a majority of their lives mastering!
among the ngmi you are among the most ngmi

Anonymous No. 900895

OP, this is an important question.
Can you model a stapler?
If not, you won't be able to model a person.
Show me your stapler.

Anonymous No. 900896

You're so close to pissing me off
Read this
I am going to be literally mindbroken if by end of tomorrow I don't have a low poly model.


cAN'T WASTE time, I have to make the person by tomorrow

Anonymous No. 900897

Literal retardation the thread.

Anonymous No. 900899

Please help me, otherwise my mental disorders are going to win tomorrow, can I have a model made for tomorrow, if not, then I am once again, mindbroken for real, it lasts YEARS, telling you from experience.


I promised not to....png

Anonymous No. 900900

Jesus Christ man
>Add a cube
>Set cube size to 1 meter
>Press Ctrl-R
>This creates a loop cut
>Set smoothness to 0.2
>Set factor to -0.3



Anonymous No. 900901

Bottom left



Anonymous No. 900902

I destroyed it out of anger.
IRL, I eat things that cause me anger, painting, photos, destroy screens, anything that I can and pisses me off.
I'm damaged, havnig this model made in a week would have been the light in my life for now, only suicide remains, on November 10th



Anonymous No. 900905

Nigger what the fuck are you on about kek AM I BEING TROLLED??



Anonymous No. 900906

I need help, if I don't have a low poly model, two in fact but one would be enough by the end of tomorrow I'll enter into a complete hysterical state of which it might take me too much time to recover.


keep trying.jpg

Anonymous No. 900907

I'm not the appropiate person to deal with that, but I will try.
Anon, you hate yourself and deride yourself but never try to make anything easier for yourself. You think you should know this by default but pile more weight upon yourself without ever trying to lessen the load.
This is insanity.
Of course you don't know how to do everything without learning from external sources. That is why external sources exist. Everyone needs taught. There is a wealth of information waiting for you to learn it.
You don't need to maim yourself and engage in destructive behaviour because you don't try and help yourself.
Are you going to take this to heart, or will you let yourself continue on a downward spiral because you set unhealthy expectations for yourself?
Try this tutorial, and take as long as you need. You will know much more by the end of it. One video a day. You can do it.

Anonymous No. 900908

NO, no no no, I've tried the Donut before, Blender fucked me over and I had to stop, I could have months of practice hadn't it been for that, I could never fix the glitch, I had to quit, I hate myself but please I need to have the model by tomorrow or else the chain of events makes it so that I kill myself on November.
This is not normal, in 5 days I should have more, 5 days watching tutorials, this is insane.

Anonymous No. 900912

OP is speedrunning 4chan threads to "kys"
Kys OP

Anonymous No. 900917

>on November 10th
Why wait so long?

Anonymous No. 900929

Sometimes I get imposter syndrome and feel bad for being hired despite being arguably pretty beg, but then I look at threads like these and feel way better about myself. Thanks for the ego boost, schizo anon.



Anonymous No. 900931

Fuck you. Calling me inferior?

Anonymous No. 900932

>I have to make the person by tomorrow
Maybe you should have tried working instead of posting on 4chan. Just a thought.



Anonymous No. 900934

I think I get what you're doing. You're satirizing this board (and AGDG too I guess).

Anonymous No. 900940

Fuck you, I want help/

Anonymous No. 900945

Not helping you

Anonymous No. 900951

In which world is a newfag a senpai

Anonymous No. 900952

who are you calling newfag, senpai

Anonymous No. 900968

>Not knowing that the word f a m gets autochanged to senpai across every board

You are the newfag, Jimmy. Lurk more.