

๐Ÿงต I mastered geometry nodes. :D

Anonymous No. 901001

A new milestone in my gamedev carreer just happened.

I learned and mastered geometry nodes.

Now KNEEL chuds.

Anonymous No. 901002

Nice. Can you show us the nodes too?

Anonymous No. 901023

what is that supposed to be?

Anonymous No. 901024

I doubt there's anything special beyond some random value node to rotate and scale nodes set to instantiate point node with some vertex group selection.

Anonymous No. 901025

A tile of grass and flowers.

Anonymous No. 901029


oh... okay

Anonymous No. 901079

>cris doesn't even know what a flower looks like

Anonymous No. 902580

Oh geez, Cris got up and mastered point distribution.

hey asshole how about you learn to model flowers that doesn't look like a clown nose on a nigger dick

Anonymous No. 902584

> I mastered
No master would ever say that



Anonymous No. 902591

Hello mister Kruger. Envoy the ride n a few days weee!

Anonymous No. 902600

Cool maracas.

Anonymous No. 902602

How has this stupid child not been perma'd yet?

Anonymous No. 902609

You can get away with anything if you take some janny cock.