

๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 901021

why does transparency alpha clipping in blender never fucking work?


fucking hate blender, it's so fucking random.

sometimes it will read the alpha and alpha clip without even having to mess with the shader,

sometimes it will correctly do it after messing with the shader nodes and material settings,

sometimes it won't do it no matter how long you tinker with the shaders or material settings.

so fucking tired of thisg arbage.

Anonymous No. 901022

Discard blender.

Embrace Maya.

Be free.

Anonymous No. 901042

Don't use eevee retard

Anonymous No. 901046

>fucking hate blender, it's so fucking random.
everything blender does can be stepped through line by line with a debugger. You're not serious about finding out what you did wrong, are you?

Anonymous No. 901096

i really wish i knew what else to say besides please use 3ds max or even maya if you have to

blender has certainly improved a whole lot over the years, but every time i come back to it, the workflow still ends up being so clunky and convoluted for no good reason. i just can't imagine ever modeling in anything but 3ds max, and rigging in maya is always so painless

please consider switching to 3ds max and/or maya anon.

Anonymous No. 901107

Are you talking about realtime viewport shading?
>please consider switching to 3ds max and/or maya anon.

Alpha sorting of transparent pixels is an unsolved problem in real-time computer graphics.

Anonymous No. 901113

>Alpha sorting of transparent pixels is an unsolved problem in real-time computer graphics.
its not

Anonymous No. 901118

Mine works :^)
Sure you're not just doing it wrong?

Anonymous No. 901120

But it is, games uses cutout alpha (on/off) and alpha dithering to get around the sorting issues.
You can't write transparent values to a depth buffer as it is a single value per pixel so what gets drawn on-top of what depends on the order it's drawn.

Hair mesh is often hell for this reason and people have been jumping thru hoops re-indexing the polygons and attempt to control the order they're drawn to improve
what goes on-top of what.

Anonymous No. 901150

It's called z order and it does solve exactly that problem.

Anonymous No. 901153

Blended order independent transparency has been a thing for over 10 years