

๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 901035

>"do this and then I do this well this don't do because... so I do this because I think it looks cool"
>skip to to the 6 minute mark for something that needed 10 seconds of explanation
What's your frustrating memey experience with learning 3D from videos?

Anonymous No. 901037

I learn 3d by searching for code and issues on public github and sourceforge repos. I'm a lot more accomplished than you

Anonymous No. 901356

I got out of that right away once the software was in my muscle memory. I would just watch pros from time to time to see how they got from point A to B in their workflow or presentations to discoover how they used an unfamiliar tool. That and they show you useful hidden functionality on occasion. But once I got the tools that'll save me from hitting an uncessary wall. I just dedicate long periods of time to nothing but problem solving on my own. It's more rewarding that way as 3d is a puzzle.

The only accomplishment you'll be remembered for here is this unsolicited autistic /g/ flex.

Anonymous No. 901366

3dcg has many more aspects to it than just simply modelling and sculpting, kid

Anonymous No. 901403

What's with the pissy angsty teenager attitude? your gf break up with you and call your pecker tiny? Then go make your own thread and contribute your insight instead of getting ass mad over people talking about creating 3d art on a 3d board.

Anonymous No. 901407

go back to /adv/, kiddo

Anonymous No. 901408

As someone who learnt art in a time before there was even lots of videos where you could observe other artist work
whatever technique and still managed to learn how to do it my contempt for whiners like Op is rich and abundant.

The 'spoon-feed me' mentality of kids these days are out of hand.
Not only do you want us to cut up your food in bite sized pieces for you to digest, it's like you want
people to regurgitate already digested food straight down your windpipe like some bird feeding it's chick.

Everyone isn't a good teacher, just because you know how to do something doesn't mean you understand how to
present it to somebody else, what's someones interpretation of what they do might even be different from what they actually do.
If you're a good student however you don't need a good teacher. Because you observe what somebody does and then you put it to practice.
Fuck off with that weak shit attitude of whining on people taking their time to help you.



Anonymous No. 901410

>I learn 3d by searching for code and issues on public github and sourceforge repos. I'm a lot more accomplished than you



Anonymous No. 901413

>for whiners like Op is rich and abundant.

Anonymous No. 901418

Anyone who thinks you're behaving like a spoiled fuck isn't being salty/crying or smug/superior.
They're pointing out how you're capable of so much more once you're in the habit of helping yourself instead of requesting others to help you.

You don't wanna grow up to be one of these fucks that can't even google themselves out of whatever hole they've found themselves in.

Anonymous No. 901424

I agree, but I can see how it could be frustrating when most professional 3D artists aren't professional educators.
>words words words
>demonstration demonstration demonstration
>"Now you know"
It's not bad enough to make a thread about, though, because like you say, it just takes a bit more work. There are people I learn from who don't even speak English and are the only source of information for their field, complaining won't help.

Anonymous No. 901427

your logic is flawed because a professional educator is someone who has failed at doing

Anonymous No. 901429

i have a really high tolerance for shitty accents, but there's this one brazilian dude who has decent content, but his manner of speaking + accent actually makes me angry .

Anonymous No. 901433

In my opinion, the Australian accent is the best for instructional videos



Anonymous No. 901436

>goddamn kids these days want to be efficient with their time in a globalized hyper competitive age where last year's second rate AI is already mogging painters
This is the most indignant boomer parody post I've read in awhile. I'm surprised the abused memey term "entitlement" didn't pop up. I've seen a similar but more tactful post once by Kevin Johnstone over a decade ago. However, he revealed a month later he developed complex about accepting help, since being afflicted by Chron's disease, but decided it was to change that way of thinking. Yours remains black and white. Regardless of how you got lost here on the way to your good goy disqus comment section, let's address your trite dunning-kruger reply to OP.

You make the assumption that just because someone shares their frustration with the abundance of low quality youtube tutorials, that they wants to be spoon-fed. This is a complete non-sequitur. What OP is explicitly communicating is that instructors, so to speak, are

a) doing things arbitrarily according to their own personal taste. Professionals who makes this mistake are pulling from years of experience and a big mental library that isn't even being taught tacitly AND THIS IS A CRITICISM (not whining) RAISED BY OTHER PROFESSIONALS THAT ARE TEACHERS.

b) loading up the video with filler unrelated to the title for something that only requires a brief demonstration of something specific that hopefully someone points out the timestamp to in the comment section. Apparently it's more noble for you if he happened upon it randomly in a silent demonstration

c) this is obvious click bait, again another waste of time, but that's what you get on a site where people will sacrifice quality to play the youtube algorithm for their brain. Sometimes they're actual useful tips and others it's bait and switch by people who've made useful videos.

Anonymous No. 901442

The type of thinking people in this thread have is exactly why barely anyone wants to use this board. It's all whining, superiority complexes, and walls of text.

Anonymous No. 901443

I succeeded in doing your mum

And that's not how it works. As you get better at 3D and move into senior positions, you're going to be expected to teach. Doing it face to face, people usually get a lot better at teaching.

But the people you have access to on Youtube, freelancers and especially people looking to hawk you some NFTs like Andrew Price (he's been at this sort of thing since he was a kid, his posts are still up on the blender forums), might not always be good at one or the other, and views and likes and dislikes aren't helpful feedback if you're looking to improve anything.

Anonymous No. 901445

i was taught by a senior animation sup on an oscar winning film. He couldnt teach for shit dude and it cost me money.



Anonymous No. 901449


>As someone who learnt art in a time before there was even lots of videos where you could observe other artist work
whatever technique and still managed to learn how to do it
So you say but first-hand intimate knowledge of your life and experiences would reveal omissions and hypocrisy in your testimony. It would be an easy gamble. I'd also be able to see what art, time, and technique you're exactly referring to so you have no room wiggle room to weasel about.

Now for the record I avoid using videos as crutch because I don't want to copy mindlessly. No artist does because that's boring contradictory to wanting to create your own thing at given time in life (unless you're just a 3D drone like the co workers in pic related who uses artist and job security in the same sentence). them problem solving for me. I also don't want to form bad habits. If I'm practicing drawing shapes and form then I should be SPOONFED , as you put it, to draw from the shoulder that the body will naturally fight against but is important to master.
>lel just observe
Observation alone is folly if the interpretation is incorrect. The subtleties can't always be seen and patterns will be noticed that aren't there. It isn't going to confirm with certainty what is important and so on. There's a reason why every master musician be it piano, guitar, or violin and even singing will tell you it's insanely foolish to not get a private teacher. You cannot observe yourself.
>what's someones interpretation of what they do might even be different from what they actually do.
So you do fucking understand this part except that the role teacher is there to clarify and correct you put it into practice. Most of all it's to teach the purpose of a motion or technique not just copy it so that the student can calibrate and optimize it himself to achieve the better end.

Now I understand better now why formal education these days has been reduced to paying 5 figures with debt just to take an exam.

Anonymous No. 901451


>if you're a good student however you don't need a good teacher. Because you observe what somebody does and then you put it to practice.

Don't even need to read between the lines at this point just cut the bullshit phrasing. This isn't an office environment; you don't need to dance around it anymore like a pussy when you follow up with what you really believe: a teacher is not needed because I didn't need one. You prescribe observation without a feedback mechanism. Cutting the essential other half of the learning process because BACK IN MY DAY and FUCK OFF WITH THAT WEAK SHIT ATTITUDE I'M A REAL MAN'S MAN. No wonder younger people these days are so hesitant to ask questions.

>Fuck off with that weak shit attitude of whining on people taking their time to help you.
We're talking about pre-recorded videos. Not a livestream. Not tutors trying to help you out having to fix customized sometimes new weird problems on the fly. Not lack of appreciation for people trying to help others. It's about lo-fi hip hop blaring over thick accents giving you the video format of listicles that just end up confusing and misdirecting people.

As opposed to drawing, people watch these videos because they're fighting with the software and trying to speed up their work flow.

Anonymous No. 901457

Many of the AAA industry accomplished pros go on to teach and I'm not just talking about shilling courses but 1 on 1 instruction that anyone is eligible to start. It's pretty funny seeing /3/ get assmad when you reiterate some of the non-controversial things you've learned. Especially Blender users because they're even more reliant on youtube celebrated crutches so they really want to cope their way out of ever caring about topology.

Anonymous No. 901480

I'm sorry to hear that. My only bad experience with paid teaching was to get qualified as an archery instructor for my club years ago - the fat fuck teacher was fucking chatting to some whore most of the time and not watching the shittier archers. My point was 100 hours of you sitting down with someone, and teaching them how to animate - even if you suck at teaching, should still help them a lot more than if they watched 100 hours of some Youtubes sometimes naming things and vaguely explaining techniques as most do in their videos. You would have to be an extremely bad teacher for this to not be worthwhile for them. Watching a video is simply not a good way of learning something so hands on.

> It's pretty funny seeing /3/ get assmad when you reiterate some of the non-controversial things you've learned.
>Especially Blender users because they're even more reliant on youtube celebrated crutches so they really want to cope their way out of ever caring about topology.
Stop this weak and unimaginative trolling. You know full well the retards have nothing to do with whatever software they're using, otherwise, we'd all give up industry software, because stinky cris has used them all at some point.

Anonymous No. 901486

What even is this snarky tangential psued writing style lmao

I bet you gratify yourself by reading your posts after submitting them. Share your opinions, not your personality, thanks.

Anonymous No. 901494

>no argument
try to keep up grandpa.

Anonymous No. 901500

But now you are acting very entitled here anon. You're calling people 'boomers' and complain they don't offer you an easy enough answer for free.
But wtf are you doing for these people? Nothing at all, that's what. Can't you see you're just a little shit that sucks air and
complain how everyone isn't up to YOUR standards of equipping YOU with what YOU need right this moment to make them irrelevant faster than some algorithm from last year.
You act like that and people call you entitled? Well go fucking figure why bro.

You're being a weak sissy deflecting onto others all of your own shortcomings and instead of embarking on a long journey of personal growth
just like everyone before you who blazed the trail and hammered the anchors towards the holds. You're not climbing after them thankful for the route they set.
You're not paying them to tutor you, you're scolding the ones who take their time to help you for not offering you a pampered enough service to get ahead of the pack.
>Can I pretty plox get a ski-lift straight to the summit instead of this i'll worded tutorial of how to pinch this slippery rock Mr.climbing guide? No? well FU then!

Smh anon. I'll offer your kind a middle finger to pull you up that stone you're stumbling over atm but I sure as hell ain't gonna do no climbing for you.
Unless you pay me to be your sherpa you gotta pull your own weight to reach the summit you little pussy.



Anonymous No. 901504

>You're calling people 'boomers'
Just you right now and roid raging gen-xer who drank the boomer kool aid would be more accurate.
>But now you are acting very entitled here anon
A word used by hypocrites and as meaningless as racist used to take advantage of other and discourage from engaging in negotiations. Mind your language.
>complain they don't offer you an easy enough answer for free.
No. Time to doubt those observation skills you claimed to have.
>But wtf are you doing for these people? Nothing at all, that's what.
bought some of their courses in support of their content, so looks like I am entitled to something when there's money on the table
Jesus you're already mindbroken

Do you have anything specific to address? Or are you going to keep looping?

>embarking on a long journey of personal growth just like everyone before you who blazed the trail and hammered the anchors towards the holds.
Guess not

>Smh anon. I'll offer your kind a middle finger to pull you up that stone you're stumbling over atm but I sure as hell ain't gonna do no climbing for you. Unless you pay me to be your sherpa you gotta pull your own weight to reach the summit you little pussy.
Alright thanks for the laugh you crazy old nigger.

Anonymous No. 901505

Brother we understand each other so well but unfortunately you've lost that bet, so I'm going to have pass on your shotacon-style aristocratic demands.

Anonymous No. 901506

>Just you right now and roid raging gen-xer who drank the boomer kool aid would be more accurate.

Yeah right because I'm the first person you called 'boomer' since ~yesterday. I dunno why being 'age'ist' is such a big theme these days.
Maybe we'd been that way too if the old cunts hung out in our videogames and online back when we where kids.
Can't say for sure we wouldn't so not gonna hold that against you guys.

A spoiler tho; you're gonna get old and it'll happens in the blink of an eye.
It'll seem like a slow burn at first but it'll be like 20-21-23-25-30-35-45-~72~grave.

So wise up anon, because when you're a 'boomer' the kids will be doing shit so unimaginably infuriating none alive today can even guess.
>I fucking wish I was gen-x but I'm a millennial. I cried a little when I learned the horrible truth: that I am a millennial.

Anonymous No. 901512

That's okay I'm ready to take my clothes off and have gay sex with you.

Anonymous No. 901515

Tnx, I get that a lot, I think. It's mostly subtext but you can kinda tell the hunger in peoples eyes.
Even so, still nice to hear sometimes.

Anonymous No. 901559

>Can I pretty plox

Anonymous No. 901761

>t. can't read more than 5 lines of text
>no argument
Anon's post is on point btw, complaining about shitty "teachers" that don't even have basic teaching techniques is not wrong or bad

Anonymous No. 901765

there's way too many videos where it feels like the dude just started recording and mumbles until he decides the video is long enough but not if it was actually informative
also there's a lot of "draw the rest of the owl" videos