

๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 901081


>you will never reach this level of skill
>you will never produce this quality of art
>you will never be successful if you only know 3d skills.
>you need to master anatomy as well as your art fundamentals in order to be taken seriously
>you need to live and breathe /3/d everyday
>If you are a stem wagie, it's okay if you are doing it for fun.

Anonymous No. 901084

I don't do character art so I don't give a fuck

Anonymous No. 901085

this is easy disney style though



Anonymous No. 901090

Ignoring the first two because you're not setting the bar too high out of reach and it only applies to ADHD-ridden normalfags for whom art is a passing phase
>you will never be successful if you only know 3d skills
There is a truth in this. A typical westoid will create art that's useless and boring because there's not context to it. Good design is predicated on art having some purpose usually within a story where it can effectively communicate some idea or feeling for which it was made. Otherwise I don't see pros like Ryan Reos or the amateurish third worlders that are making bank selling medicore model files having trouble here. They just violate copyright left and right to the point they tell you their patrons get the commercial license to their work.
>you need to master anatomy as well as your art fundamentals in order to be taken seriously
No you just need to make a webtoon like unOrdinary that even /a/ will read. We don't need to go down the list of popular art with growing dedicated fanbases and cult-followings.
>you need to live and breathe /3/d everyday
contradicts the 3rd point

Anonymous No. 901094

Don't care
I only do amateur low poly with shit rigging for my games that nobody will play and I am happy with that
there's no need to compare yourself to professional 3d modellers unless you plan to become one yourself

Anonymous No. 901099

That's some dogshit texturing.

Anonymous No. 901100

but I can do this and this isn't even too impressive



Anonymous No. 901104

But he used asian genes concept art for reference where big puff marshmallow suit hides the muscle lacking female form and of a stylized Disney character at that. This is the worst example you could have used.


This is what you call mastery of art? It's one of the most Canadian art station pages I've ever seen. He even painted an e-girl and Alita into generic chinese-american nu star wars looking comic character. There's even the token curly haired black woman 3d model that the the concept art looks nothing like.

Anonymous No. 901106

>Thick ass forearms and calves
Why are coomers obsessed with Popeye proportions?

Anonymous No. 901459

You're absolutely correct. And anyone giving you a negative response is just coping.

Anonymous No. 901471


>I'm happy to stagnate for years and delude myself that I'm having fun

Ok there bud, you do you.



Anonymous No. 901478

This was the first time I tried to sculpt something that resembles a human. I can count in my hands the times I opened Zbrush prior to this. Aside some beginner fuck ups it's still better than anything people like OP will ever accomplish in his entire life.
If I were to make the same shit OP is asking for I would have no issues doing so, as a bonus it would have less clipping and the skin detail at least would have some flow instead of looking like randomly generated shit.
Don't listen to the losers in this thread, if you're not a total sperg believe in your vision and keep working instead of creating the same "you'll never achieve x" over and over again to project onto others how much of a failure you are.


Anonymous No. 901488

Based GoGetter

Anonymous No. 901502

I already have a job writing firmware for some embedded devices, money isn't a problem.
Making games is my hobby, just like 3d modelling. I enjoy it. I don't care about what a self proclaimed pro artist like yourself thinks about my hobby or me.

Anonymous No. 901507

yo what is that image from, that looks cool as hell.

Anonymous No. 901516

How do you learn to write firmware? Seems like one of those things that's hard to learn because there aren't many opportunities for people to write it on their own.

Anonymous No. 901517

Okay, that's awesome. I'm changing my position. You all have limitless potential now.

Anonymous No. 901663

Autism and having interest in low level programming and a bit of the hardware side of things. I learnt C and got into Linux when I was around 16, it all went downhill from there. Personally, I think it one of those fields where if you don't enjoy it or at least are interested in it, you won't survive long. It's not for everyone.

Anonymous No. 901664

or aren't really interested in it*

Anonymous No. 901820

>the skin detail at least would have some flow instead of looking like randomly generated shit.
You can spot from a mile if someone uses Substance to texture something exactly because of this.

Anonymous No. 901828


I am stalking linkedin profiles of artists who went to 3d school in the last 10 years and surprisingly over more than half of them don't even have artstation which tell me what you see on artstation isn't always what recruiters are actually getting and they have no choice but to fill spots with mediocre talent.

null No. 901829




Anonymous No. 901867

The style of the hair, is completely mismatched with the detail level. Just zoom in on the forehead and compare the hair on her head connecting to the scalp to the hairs on her brow.

Anonymous No. 901922

Is everyone on this board just trying to make money? I want to master 3D software just to make stuff that I find amusing. Like for instance I want to model my cat lately, and then hook up a skeleton to a character controller in unity and walk around as a cat.

Anonymous No. 901929

based picrel

Anonymous No. 901930

How many of these threads do you intend on making?
Cris? That better not fucking be you.

Anonymous No. 901940

For real, I don't see what's really impressive about this except for the dedication he put into it.

Anonymous No. 901965

It means he gets a job at epic and you don't simple as that.



Anonymous No. 901967

>Emulates MasShirou
>No enormous giant dicked blacks around
>No sweat
>Doesn't have padding over chest
Don't care

Anonymous No. 902208

The video editing is a lot more impressive

>first shot is silhouette to activate neurons by showing female shape
>silhouette hides bad / boring textures and design choices
>constant closeups AND panning, making it hard to really see/consider any one detail for too long
>alternates between boring hard surface low res uninteresting greeble and GIRL FACE / BUTT / HIPS
>final shot of the character
>it's at a weird angle
>little boob jiggle to distract us again
>lights literally go out, back to silhouette
>while panning around
>with DOF as we pan away into 200% blur smudge
I mean this is a master class on putting lipstick on a pig. Unironically a valuable skill

Anonymous No. 902275

don't forget the music synced with cuts to distract you further.

Anonymous No. 902766

based. have fun man, and good luck with your game.

Anonymous No. 902867

I could get there. I'm just fucking lazy. I don't even work more than I need to. I get fired because I stop working from time to time because I just don't feel like doing it. I do 3d/2d/animation and programming. I mainly work on characters. I COULD make my own (indieshit) game. I COULD do a lot of things. But I play a lot of Eve Online. Been playing Rimworld nowadays too. I've accumulated a shit ton of 3d/2d/gamedev/hacking tutorials. I know I can get better at anything. Good iq. Univ grad. I also know I'm fucking lazy and I wont ever do anything better.

Anonymous No. 902868

It's SHIT because I wanted to see the character and in none of the fuckign shots you get to actually spend more than 3 seconds looking at its full form.

Anonymous No. 902869

Suit Design looks like total shit to me is she supposed to have elephantitis or something

Anonymous No. 902878

what the fuck is going on with the clipping on the eye at 19 seconds in screen right, shitty made meniscus? clipping from the socket bag?

Anonymous No. 902916

it's like an ad for a new car but you never get to see how the car looks. you'd be fired for making an ad this shit

Anonymous No. 903940

>OP is negative af
>gets btfo throughout the entire thread
wtf /3/ when did we start our redemption arc?

Anonymous No. 905572


>Take literal Akuma model from SFV. Take basic head model for real life model reference.
> Have no actual idea of how head anatomy works and just put random ass forms all over the place
> Brag about your skills on 4chan to a crowd of loser who know nothing about 3D

Anonymous No. 905617

Checked their artstation. Their art is just OK. Not amazing, not terrible. That render is their best work by far. That said, they have terrible and tacky design sense and would fit in well with the crowd that likes the fashion shows where they wear tires and clown outfits.

Anonymous No. 905774


It took me 10 years to get to this level.
If I had been more diligent, disciplined and wasted less times playing shitty games and jerking off, I could have reached that level somewhere withing 4 years, SPECIALLY with mentoring.

If I can, anyone could aswell

Anonymous No. 905809

neat video but why are you being so doomer about it lol

Anonymous No. 905825

actually you are right, the more I look at picrel, the more I see anatomy errors.
It looks imposing on first look but after the while you can spot things that shouldn't be here or there.
It's good start though.