

๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 901198

>study low poly for 7 days
>4 days working on models
>cant get past torso and early stages of blocking shape
Is it over? Others can do it in 2 hours

Anonymous No. 901199

Yes, kill yourself.



Anonymous No. 901200

Explain this to DOOM, have you seen my work? My models, you could have helped, why didn't you?



Anonymous No. 901206


..wtf is your problem? just search for some boxmodeling tutorials on youtube, and do some of them.

..take this as an example, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAO4C_8y0w8 , repeat it seven times, then again seven time without the tut running! bam!



Anonymous No. 901207

My problem is that this took me 1 hour yesterday, when I was at my best on these past 7 days, a bad indicator of any success.

Anonymous No. 901209

Literally just play the video at half speed, stop and copy exactly what he does, values and all.



Anonymous No. 901210

Too late for me to do it, this is what remains of the model, I copied this into all backups, if there was a way to mangle Blender into unusable garbage I would, out of pride.

My goal was to have my model within a week, 7 days, I failed that yesterday, sunk cost fallacy, I've spent more time sucking at 3D than the nonexistent second in which I've been good.
You could have helped me before but you didn't, why? I needed help turning some thing like pic related and this pic >>901207

Anonymous No. 901211

Hide this man's threads.
Ignore this man's posts.
Do not reply to this man's posts.

Anonymous No. 901212

>Too late for me to do it
Nope, go back and do it properly this time.
No excuses. Come back when you are done.



Anonymous No. 901213

No, my self worth has been damaged beyond repair.
After 7 days I don't have what others can do in one hour, do you know how many assets I would need for my game, low poly but we are talking about 20 NPCs at least for now.
If I can't have one model in one week how can I shit out that amount of models in a working pace? No, I've given up.
Read this post.

Anonymous No. 901214

>8 threads up on /3/ of the same shit
>he's spammed /vg/ and /v/ for a week straight with the exact same shit
get this fucking nigger banned from 4chan for life

Anonymous No. 901215

>No, my self worth has been damaged beyond repair.
No excuses. Come back when you are done.

Anonymous No. 901218

>gets help
>says no
>"WHY ISNT ANYBODY HELPING ME?!?!?!?!?!??!!?!?!??!!??!"
What do you want then, faggot?



Anonymous No. 901222

into this? I can't make it look rounder
I GAVE UP when I couldn't round my model here >>901207
the loop cuts would be uneven
Your board is too slow, your fault, you should engage with my posts
I've given up, why try?
How many models would I have to make for my PCs, for my NPCs, we are talking unique models for everyone since you can't reuse assets here at this level of detail, 7 days with no results, I've given up.
Am I to believe your tutorial will be the turning point? I failed, I resign myself to failure
I was following this tutorial but started with a cube instead https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3vdQj06DGo
Loop cuts? Would leave surfaces on neck and below and arms, edges, with too many cuts, thought about dissolving but no one told me if I could, no one helped.

Anonymous No. 901226

No excuses. Come back when you are done.



Anonymous No. 901228

No, There's no turning point, your tutorial won't help me, there's always something, some blender bug, something that prevents me from making the game.
I wanted to make pic related but 7 days already passed by without no model.



Anonymous No. 901229


...ok, modell something like pic related, when you are done, post result. when you answer, i show you true magic!

Anonymous No. 901230

>No, There's no turning point, your tutorial won't help me, there's always something, some blender bug, something that prevents me from making the game.
No excuses. Come back when you are done.



Anonymous No. 901233

I would have accepted yesterday, I was willing within 7 days, we are past that.

Anonymous No. 901234

Then you failed. There's no need to set foot in the board again if you don't want to try.



Anonymous No. 901236

I failed, haha, I did.
But I must remain here, I want to know the reason of my failure, why are others able to do it but not me, my pride needs to know
I must also warn others of the truth of low poly, it's a trap.



Anonymous No. 901237


..ok, would you be so kind to stop opening new threads because you are unable to follow simple instructions, please, because everytime an other more valuable thread disappears.

thank you very much!

Anonymous No. 901238

>I want to know the reason of my failure
You are not willing to try and give up too easily.

Now you can go. Bye-bye



Anonymous No. 901239

Show me what you have to show me, maybe I can return to this, maybe there's redemption but it would have to be only for today, if I don't have it today, if I dont have a full model before the end of today, then it's over.
Teach me, I won't let you down.

Anonymous No. 901240


...have you created the easy model(post sceenshot)?

Anonymous No. 901241

I'm working right now, I can't.



Anonymous No. 901244

Pic related is my goal, Jill from RE1.
But please teach me, if I manage to have a model done and finished today, you'd be my hero.



Anonymous No. 901245

I was willing to try, even now I can, but don't betray my trust, this was my first attempt on monday.



Anonymous No. 901248


...ok, try to model a crude figure, the one i posted, then swtich to sculpt mode, and work with the smooth brush to round up the rough form and the grab brush to move the vertecies around.

its from this tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzMAh66ofq0 i am doing right now. is ultra speed, download, load video in blender and follow frame by frame.

...pic is my current progress.

Anonymous No. 901253

oh you're that faggot, you should probably just end it right now, you're clearly too impulsive and don't have the willpower to achieve your dreams. better to end it now than to spend the rest of your life never being able to accomplish anything.



Anonymous No. 901258

>op rage quitted his own thread

Anonymous No. 901276

Not bad in 4 days for a beginner. You must give it some time to get familiar with the tools.
That 7 winged star at the armpit might not be such a good idea. There are other things with your topology you will find is not optimal for very realistic character animations, but i don't think that should be your first project. Now do the head.

Anonymous No. 901553

>OP hasn't posted again
Do you think he got banned?