

๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 901318

>Import image into blender
>UV unwrap or whatever with the surface I want to project it onto
>Turn up the number of frames in the image texture node
>Still won't play past the 100th frame
>Dimensions look all fucked up even though the surface is the right size
And when I make it an image sequence, then it doesn't play all the frames and I get fucking pink error frames. This is so gay. Even Natron is better at reading video and it's absolutely broken software. Pic unrelated.

Anonymous No. 901320

git gud

Anonymous No. 901322

>Import image into blender
That's where you went wrong.

Anonymous No. 901332

Sorry I meant video lol I meant an mp4 holy fuck how did I fuck that up it was the whole point of my fucking post god DAMN, I bet an image wouldn't be this gay to deal with

Anonymous No. 901336

When u import sequences or whatever, there is a frame start and a frame ending bar where u need to introduce how many frames u want... u probably imported something with allot of frames and u didnt change the frame timeline.

Anonymous No. 901337

Okay I'll try re-importing it. Why does it come out vertically stretched though?

Anonymous No. 901375

It's stretched becauseyour UV map doesn't have the right proportions. You can fix it by fixing your UV or use a mapping node to change the size/pos/rot of your video. When you load a new video texture it will automatically set it to the amount of frames that is currently in your timeline, so if the video is much longer you will have to increase the frames in the texture node.

Anonymous No. 901387

>post about problem
>don't post pictures of problem
>expect help
>outside of /sqt/
This is so gay.

Anonymous No. 901430

Why can't we have proper moderation here?

Anonymous No. 901558

the image sequence node lacks a handful of useful features- It is cumbersome to use when trying to control rate/range of your input. I have seen a design proposal for an alternative approach to the node design that looked excellent- I saw it on right click select a year ago. Don't think it was ever followed with implementation however

I never deal with video file containers inside my pipeline

Prefer to use image sequences