

๐Ÿงต /blend/ - Blender General

Anonymous No. 901540

A general dedicated to the best free & open source 3D modeling suite.

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Create your boob jiggle with this:

Previous thread: >>896009

Anonymous No. 901542

>a fucking foot

Anonymous No. 901594

Anyone know a way to preserve all the original vertex positions while using catmull-clark subdivision? Like basically a simple subdivision but the new vertices would be positioned smartly to make smooth curves instead of just being the midpoints between the existing vertices?

Anonymous No. 901603


..when you have a sub-d surface and you want to add new loops without destroying the flow, make a copy of the object, and use this new copy as an shrinkwrap target - the new edge or vert will immidiatly be placed on the nearstes surface point of your target and the more dense the sub-d mesh of your target is, the more accurate the verts get placed.
important is that you place the new loop somewhat in the middle of the two edges to get the least problems with this method, because its sub-d and will use all edges for its calculation, even when they are placed exactly on the original curvature - just test it, then you will see.

Anonymous No. 901606

Wiggle Bones is better, but it's just as underdeveloped. :^)
Blender really needs a native solution at this point.



Anonymous No. 901632

I'm familiar with some blender basics. Downloaded a few scenes off smutbase. As far as coomer workflow, am I essentially just appending different characters into their own collections and posing by their separate rigs?
Any workflow tips, suggestions or guides? I see asset library is a thing now.

Anonymous No. 901636

>Wiggle Bones is better, but it's just as underdeveloped. :^)
No you're an idiot.


Anonymous No. 901638

I haven't seen smutbase stuff myself but the rig quality will probably depend on the author.

Anonymous No. 901672

Wouldn't DAZ be better for making still renders? Not really an advice, more of a question.

Anonymous No. 901673

I've used it before but curious about getting started with animation and daz a shit for that.

Anonymous No. 901676

definitely not. daz is like posing barbie dolls in a dollhouse, and using daz dazmans shitty camera to take a picture. meanwhile in blender you can literally do anything youd like without a paywall. and use a better and up to date rendering engine to do it.

Anonymous No. 901679

>daz dazmans

Anonymous No. 901681

hes the owner and board leader at DAZ3D

Anonymous No. 901684

Bro, did you even watch the video?
Dude straight up says that wiggle bones is better overall. Only edge Spring bones has is it's carries inertia slightly better.

Anonymous No. 901687

t. coomer

Anonymous No. 901713

I guess it's going to be trial and error from here on out. While I'm sure such guides might exist (I once stumbled on to a pretty comprehensive tutorial on how to rip daz models into blender for coomer purposes) unfortunately I can't tell you where to find them. But from what I've seen the guys that make good porn put in a lot of work to get decent results. Having some assets is a start, but you've still got a long journey ahead of you. Good luck.

Anonymous No. 901726

As if tits are the only thing you can use jiggle bones for.
Get real, chump.
Anything with physics can get some use out of them. I use them for springs and suspension stuff all the time.

Anonymous No. 901729

>Only edge Spring bones has is it's carries inertia slightly better.
Which is exactly why the OP is recommending it for boobs you stupid idiot.


plush iro fuzzy t....png

Anonymous No. 901735

fox plushie anon from last thread, i fixed her head and tried out some fuzzy hair particles! my CPU is not happy

Anonymous No. 901772

sup anon
let's say I'm going to use blender as a reference for my art shit
where can I get free NSFW models for that?

Anonymous No. 901778

smutba.se or import from Daz studio



Anonymous No. 901789

Downloaded this model from Sketchfab to mess around with and noticed all these sharp edges. Can someone what are the common use of sharp edges and their purpose on this model cause in object mode, I can't see what difference they make

Anonymous No. 901791

it could just be shit they forgot to smooth, or just a random fuckup when they were ripping the model. could be anything when moving models between different programs

Anonymous No. 901792

seams, buttons, hard edges.

Anonymous No. 901794

Sorry I'm a beginner but
> seams
You mean for UVs? Why would an edge that's marked as seam also be marked as sharp?
> buttons, hard edges
Like to make them pop up more when rendered?

Anonymous No. 901800

Why do people use SFM over Blender's animation tools? What makes SFM better?

Anonymous No. 901804

sfm's animation tools are better. it's easy to create a loop, and then manipulate it and layer animation on top. also the way it uses "samples" instead of conventional keyframes means the animator doesn't have to think about gimbal lock, space switching or dynamic parenting.
meanwhile blender's animation tools have been stagnated since the big buck bunny movie project in 2008. there's still no proper animation layering despite the NLA editor being there since 2.4X era (but there's a new dev working on it lately).
if you can deal with all the other limitations of sfm, using premade assets rather than making your own, you'll have a much happier time animating in it than blender imo.

Anonymous No. 901809

>sfm's animation tools are better
No, they're way more limited than pretty much everything at this point. It's early 2000s software. It's easy to get into because you're quickly going to run out of things to learn

>then manipulate it and layer animation on top
It's possible, but there are no tools or non destructive workflow options to make this as easy as you seem to be suggesting.

>gimbal lock
You're forced use the graph editor to get around SFM's limitations, so you will encounter this problem a lot, even if you insist on using the motion editor most of the time.

If you're a beginner, it's great. But if you start with it now as opposed to ten years ago, you're only gimping yourself.

Anonymous No. 901856

Is there a command that copies (and /or pastes) ONLY the selected objects, without dependencies? Like a child without its parent.

Anonymous No. 901944

Does anyone here use SheepIt? Is it worth it or should I just pay?

Anonymous No. 901958

What's the best sculpt tools to fit a skintight bodysuit to a body, guys?
Maybe elastic deform?

Anonymous No. 901990

So I was doing some sculpting on joints om Blender but the tolerances weren't well measured, and now I have to essentially cut out the parts that made the joint then reintegrate new joints into the sculpts.

I have a couple questions about what I could have done better. I've seen some demos on zbrush where component parts/objects seem to have saved 'instances' that the sculptor can go back to and edit at will, then if they choose go back to the previous instance but save the current one. Is there any such function (or something like this) in Blender? I've tried searching for an answer but had no luck, and my current workaround was to make copies of the object and put them elsewhere, though I made a lot of changes to the 'final' copy of my model which had the joints integrated in already.

And second, regarding measurements, I worked out a makeshift way to make measurements using Booleans and specific points, and while the model measurements appear to be accurate based on test prints, it'd be good to have wholly accurate and measured shapes. I tried this in free CAD software then imported the models, but based on Blender's listed dimensions it didn't translate accurately. Was there something wrong with the importing, or is Blender or the CAD just confused?

Anonymous No. 902002

Shrink-wrap probably

Anonymous No. 902011

Worth it in my opinion.
Think of it like banking your rendering power to use in a burst. Or like offsetting the render time not at the end of a project, but during, or even well before the project starts. Using your off-time rendering to farm up points, then use it when you need it.

If you don't want to farm up the points though, I guess paying for an actual farm might be worth it. Though you can go in the negative on SheepIt by like 20k, without any tangible repercussions, so you can have them render out an animation without actually putting in any work rendering other people's stuff if you really wanted.



Anonymous No. 902042

I have another beginner question related to this sketchfab model.
I'm trying to train with rigging and animation but I have a problem when exporting this as an OBJ or FBX file (to use in Maya). The materials aren't properly exported and I end up with a pink mesh. I have two Diffuse BSDF materials when I check the character in Blender. I don't know if I'm supposed to do something else (maybe UV unwrap but I'm not sure since I believe that it's supposed to be done if the textures are showing correctly to begin with in the blend file). Anyone can help with that?
I'm not too good when it comes to materials and textures stuff.

Anonymous No. 902044

Do you have the texture image files?
Try to export those separately to Maya. You usually have to remake the material depending on what program you're exporting to.

Anonymous No. 902045

I do. Okay I'll do that but is this normal when FBX is supposed to pack everything the file has to offer in terms of materials and stuff?

Anonymous No. 902046

It has less to do with FBX packing and more to do with how each programs handles materials differently.
If Maya looks for textures in a material designed for blender it might not find anything and just not bother to import it.
The best I ever got when using FBX to port over materials with models was just the base color.
Importing in general is a pain sometimes. There's no 100% easy flawless way and often you have to work around dumb bullshit.

Anonymous No. 902049

Ok I see thanks a lot. Mind giving me an early advice regarding materials and textures then (I'm studying all this for gamedev) for assets that are going to end up in Unreal?
I kind of took the path of learning everything related to mesh sculpting and modeling (Zbrush and Blender) and I'll be tackling lookdev very soon (so materials, their creation and same for textures). And mesh theory is obvious and set in stone.

Anonymous No. 902050

Depends on how detailed your going.
For Physically Based Rendering there's usually
Base Color
Normal Map
Roughness/Specularity (usually roughness)
Ambient Occlusion
Heightmaps if you want to use displacement for terrain or other shit
usually the last few can be one texture each being a separate RGBA channel
if you want to get really photoreal human characters you might want a map for the subsurface scattering.
Check out some examples form the UE marketplace, especially the tons of free Paragon shit since its from an actual game.



Anonymous No. 902057

now i am making furries



Anonymous No. 902245




Anonymous No. 902276

I'm getting filtered by the POV-ray extension in blender.
Followed this write up: https://wiki.povray.org/content/HowTo:Use_POV-Ray_with_Blender
but I cant get the materials to actually render with color/lighting on f12/preview mode.
I know povray objects need special materials but the only youtube video that even shows this has an "add as POV code" option that I can't find in the 2.8 editor (even with rendering mode set to pov).
I am definitely rendering to povray as it pops up, shows the render with white objects, then sends it to blender.
Even imported some of the example .pov models but their materials came in borked.

Help pls I just want 90s CGI kino.


i want to kms.png

Anonymous No. 902303

I had a brainlet moment and forgot that merge actually merges the vertices together.
What's the best (easiest and quickest) way to go about fixing this fuck up? I have multiple shapekeys and they're all messed up because of this.

Anonymous No. 902304

I'm thinking knife tool to recreate the last outline and then just deleting the leftovers. After that it's just trying to return it to how it was before.

Anonymous No. 902305

Split the edges and move everything to where it's supposed to be in your shapekeys. Or just reload an earlier file.

This better not be porn.

Anonymous No. 902306

Just get an old version of Blender and use the BI renderer

Anonymous No. 902317

>vertex color baking still fucking broken
Getting real tired of your shit, Ton.

Anonymous No. 902334

How can I check how the UVs of a mesh I imported are layed out ?
I downloaded a furniture mesh online and it's rendering correctly in the main viewport but when I open a new viewport with the UV Editor window, I only the default square with nothing on it. If I open the texture (that's in the folder with the mesh), I only get the texture but no shells/islands (demarcation of the uvs)



Anonymous No. 902336

Ok nevermind, I was in object mode when I should've been in edit mode

Anonymous No. 902339

new update is well good innit



Anonymous No. 902341

First model how'd I do?

Anonymous No. 902349


Anonymous No. 902357

what is it?

Anonymous No. 902366

>An alternative Tweak mode is now available, Start Tweaking Strip Actions (Full Stack) (rB3acbe2d1). The old behavior can be found using Start Tweaking Strip Actions (Lower Stack) and remains the default for the TAB hotkey. This new mode allows animators to enter tweak mode without disabling all the tracks above the tweaked strip, effectively animators will see the "Full Stack". Keyframing will work as expected, preserving the pose that you visually keyed.
Is Blender saved?

Anonymous No. 902370

Eevee seems a way slower to load all the shaders now. Viewport performance seems worse too.
Am I missing something here?



Anonymous No. 902380

ooh shit now we're in godmode. My feellow blender animators. All rise for the animator National Anthem

Anonymous No. 902390

looks great



Anonymous No. 902402

Why does baking to a new UV map only bake when I go to cancel it? I go into cycles, I disable lighting, it's only baking the diffuse map, I click bake, and it will sit at 0% for forever. But if I click cancel it will finish the job in 1 second.
What's up with that?

Anonymous No. 902450

That sounds weird, have you tried both cpu and gpu render?



Anonymous No. 902493

Is there a fast way to rig mechanical things? Like robots for example.

You can't just use Automatic Weights and call it a day, because you can't have robot limbs deform like human limbs do. When I've done robot rigging before, I have to parent with Empty Groups and then go in there and manually assign 100% weight to the appropriate bone and this is incredibly long and tedious. One might suggest suggest parenting an object directly to a bone in Pose Mode, but then this only works in Blender and exporting out YMMV since there are no vertex groups doing it this way.

Anonymous No. 902522

Is it possible to use a geometry nodes output attribute as a driver for another value? I'd like to drive the volume slider of a sound item with it.

Anonymous No. 902531

A good setup should already have vertex isles to simplify rigging and UV skinning down the line.
>surviving export process
That is a different beast, and that is already a complete nightmare. Pretty sure industry do not have a proper standard for binding Center of Gravity as parent bone, or what should be weighted to Center of gravity.



Anonymous No. 902589

Hi. I'm doing domething where I have to scale all axis to a very specific number. Since I'm doing it for like 300 things I was wondering... Is there a way to scale all of them X, Y and Z) to the same value all at once? Coping and pasting on each seems like a waste of time if there is a better way, which is why i'm asking if one exists.

Anonymous No. 902594

i expect it should work, barring some kind of dependency graph issue. pipe the output attribute out to the modifier stack, right click the value in the modifier panel and copy as driver then right click on the volume slider and paste as driver

Anonymous No. 902613

How do you rotate your brush in textures paint? I watched guide on YouTube but its all sculpt mode, and it doesn't work in textures painting mode?

Anonymous No. 902614

Select all the objects, and have the object with the correct values selected last (just deselect and reselect that specific one with shift-click).
Right click the scale values, 'copy all to selected'

Anonymous No. 902630

Is rutracker a good place to find cgcookie's coursed for free?

Anonymous No. 902661

Thanks that will help

Anonymous No. 902665

very comfy, would sit


how to.png

Anonymous No. 902697

What is the "right way" to form armpits and crotch when doing character body with subdiv? I found a video guide but result not looks good (especially in croth area, there is no those V-shaped fold). Also there is my first step, after subdiv it's legs and hands is weirdly deformed? I can fix it with a tons of supporting loops but it makes basic mesh too complex and hard to edit. (I think it can be easily done in Rhino with T-splines but I want to use Blender, maybe there is a T-spline plugin but I can't found it).

Anonymous No. 902698

Would cycle with some tweaked shaders maybe do a better job?
Most these old render really love reflections and bounce lighting even on shit that shouldnt be shiny like fabric or fur.



Anonymous No. 902712

For the armpits you want one loop going through the X plane, delete the middle vertex and then extrude, you also want a support loop on the upper arm close to the shoulder. For the crotch it's better if you start with a V shape at the bottom and extrude the legs/hips from that, this will give you edges that are more or less already aligned with the V shape you want.
Note that this topology is super awful and won't animate well. If you want to do it correctly here's a pretty nice tutorial, although it's a bit more advanced so I would recommend getting a bit more familiar with blender before jumping into it.

If you don't want the hands and legs to deform like that you can delete the faces at the end (where the hands and feet should be).

Anonymous No. 902713

It doesn't. You can copy the data path, or full data path, no option for 'copy as driver'. I tried using the data path instead but the driver window always reads a 0.0, even though shaders confirm the attribute is working. Ive tried every combination of domain types and such and still nothing. I'm starting to think i'll probably need to use the animation nodes addon or python for something even as basic as this.

Anonymous No. 902746

Thanks, but there is a very complex base mesh. Is subdiv with simple meshes is bad for characters and shouldn't be used?

Anonymous No. 902752

Has anyone here had any better luck with FaceBuilder than me? Unless the photographic subject has autism and no facial expressions it misreads jawlines and does nothing with nasolabial folds.

Anonymous No. 902758

>polymodeling a character
ngmi retard

Anonymous No. 902761

what century is it

Anonymous No. 902762

>Help pls I just want 90s CGI kino.

Then just view your models in Second Life

Anonymous No. 902776

Reminder the head of DAZ is some coke addicted faggot from Cricut that the venture capital people installed to get rid of Dan Farr; since being hired he got rid of most of the company's staff, all of its programmers and he's tried to move DAZ into avatars, Unity assets and now NFTs while losing money on all of them.



Anonymous No. 902794

What do you mean not yet implemented? I'm just trying to make my object data single user!

Anonymous No. 902797

figured animatable values would all be usable as drivers, but i guess geonodes aren't hooked to the depsgraph properly yet

Anonymous No. 902798

>don't make me tap the sign

Anonymous No. 902805

sounds based

Anonymous No. 902808

sounds like a retard who shouldn't be running a company

Anonymous No. 902898

Can I make it so that "A" deselects all if something is selected already?


2022-06-13 00_44_....png

Anonymous No. 903093

Ok, so I finished my fucking donut and tried my hand at a body. And I am already running into issues on how to model a crotch. Any advice, please?



Anonymous No. 903095

Hey, if anyone is available, I'd really love a 3D model of my character in your style or what have ya. I've had some 3D work done before, howbeit, i actually need the dimensions and such for the model, a buddy of mine has a 3D printer, looking to test it out!



Anonymous No. 903098

If you're taking commission work or just need some projects, please lemme know.



Anonymous No. 903099

Am I using the video editor correctly?
>multiple scenes in one blend file
>scenes have their own audio added to the timeline
>make a "video editor" scene to pull all the other scenes together in the video editor
>audio from added scenes doesn't play

Anonymous No. 903100

download zbrush and quit wasting your time with shovelware

Anonymous No. 903102

retard here, what is poly group and what does it do?
I watched some vids but still couldnt quite grasp the concept.

Anonymous No. 903202

what happened to that hair curve system in the 3.2 alpha? I was having fun with it but it's just gone in the release version, too crash-prone?



Anonymous No. 903206

Is it possible to edit the UVs on a NURBS curve without first converting it to mesh? I'm making some anime-ish hair chunks and want to keep the length and thickness relatively easy to edit, if I find that I want to go back and make adjustments. 2.9 for plugin reasons.

Anonymous No. 903207

Useless post.

Anonymous No. 903215

Anyone know how to fix the fbx import script?

Old version used to import fbx normally with no issues, but now it sets every material to Alpha Blend instead of opaque for some fucked up reason

Workaround I tried was to grab the old fbx import script and just drop it into new blender, and it imports properly again. But then it fails to export.

Anyone else ran into this?
Really shit to have to go change them back to opaque every time


normal bake.jpg

Anonymous No. 903237

I'm trying to learn how to bake normals, but I'm running into an issue and I'm not sure why it's happening.

I have two models, one high poly and one low poly. I have a non-color image texture node not hooked up to anything in my mesh's skin material. The node's image is set to a new blank image. I select the high poly mesh, then the low poly mesh, and I hit Bake with SelectedtoActive enabled, the BakeType set to Normal, and the RenderEngine set to Cycles.

It bakes a texture that is mostly right, but there seem to be distortions wherever the high poly and low poly meshes intersect. See the zigzag on the ribcage being projected onto the normal which is seen in-engine.

What am I doing wrong?

Anonymous No. 903239

How do I set what point a bone rotates around? I created a bone and named it after the vertex group I wanted it to control, and it does move that vertex group, but when rotating it rotates around the origin of the whole scene instead of rotating around the middle of the vertex group like I want.

Anonymous No. 903242

You need to get rid of the intersecting parts. I recommend using a shrinkwrap modifier on your low poly with an offset to get rid of the intersections.

Anonymous No. 903243

use a cage. just duplicate your low poly and scale it up a bit, the cage needs to completely cover the high poly, go into sculpt mode and inflate areas of the model until the high poly is covered.

Anonymous No. 903244

You can't have UVs without meshes



Anonymous No. 903250

Using a cage worked perfectly. Thank you!

Anonymous No. 903251

yh inni aha x



Anonymous No. 903258

Any tips on making animated blender porn from people who've gone through the process?

I just started learning how to animate and it mostly just seems like putting in the time and making lots of little adjustments to things and key framing them.

Any advice about things you'd wish you'd known starting off?


2022-06-13 23_59_....png

Anonymous No. 903271

Was unsatisfied, so I scrapped everything and made everything from scratch. I feel more satisfied with this iteration. Thoughts?

Anonymous No. 903272

I have no idea, but rule of thumb is that there certainly will be some plugins/addons that will make the whole process way simpler and easier, while removing much needed learning experience.
With that being said, I would look at f95 instead and ask/check there.

Anonymous No. 903363

Is she supposed to be pregnant?



Anonymous No. 903365

Any good tutorials on modeling stuff like houses, medieval weapons etc?

Anonymous No. 903367

I tried mirroring an object and it wont mirror, tried to go around it and symmetrize it instead and it still is not doing anything, what am I missing, I have the correct object selected


2022-06-14 14_21_....png

Anonymous No. 903377

No, I am just shit at modeling.

Anonymous No. 903378

Show us what and how you are doing this.



Anonymous No. 903412

Been trying to animate a simple arms crossed idle pose. Left is first attempt, right is second. Which looks better?

I'm finding it difficult to fold the arms over each other with such stubby proportions. I kind of gave up wrangling around the hand IK and just shoved it into the arm.

Anonymous No. 903420

>He is polymodelling instead of sculpting and retopoing.
haha blendchuds do really?

Anonymous No. 903421

>Making the model twice

Anonymous No. 903425

I'm still learning, in case it wasn't obvious. Can't spend money without first getting a grasp of the basics.

I don't even have a a clear idea of what retopology entails.

Anonymous No. 903439

Is it for a game?

Anonymous No. 903440

Yes, that is ultimately my purpose.

Anonymous No. 903441

>sarah wearing shitty samus bodysuit with a basically a posed jill
fuck this



Anonymous No. 903443

I wish freestyle wasn't its own clunky post-processing effect on the side. It would be nice to see freestyle lines in real time in the viewport and if it had settings, perhaps, had shader nodes. I know freestyle has always been this way.

Anonymous No. 903444

I mean, I know it has settings, I mean exclusively made a shader step in eevee and cycles to appear in the viewport


2022-06-14 23_33_....png

Anonymous No. 903445

Ok, so it kinda looks like ass, but I am unsure on how to approach the modling of the ass cheeks. Any pointers, please?



Anonymous No. 903464

You're right, it's the Pareto principle, polishing a render/scene takes a lot of time and effort. It's best to start building up an asset library on a drive that you can put in scenes without much hassle.
Removing as much menial work, such as setting up textures, as you can will help a bunch.
I recommend polyhaven https://polyhaven.com/ and ambientcg https://ambientcg.com/ for assets for scene building, also check on open3dlab, the sister site of smutbase.

Download some porn models and reference the topology; no topology is king but coomers definitely spend a lot of time working on deforming that region.

Honestly, you shouldn't be using freestyle unless you completely need to, e.g. rendering a blueprint layout for clients.
You can get away with using this method for the most part.

Anonymous No. 903475

Yes, that is very basic and common practice you idiot.

By not doing it twice, you are both taking longer, getting a shitter result and constantly begging for help.

Anonymous No. 903486

What's a good workflow for UV unwrapping more complex models I cant seem to get the concept of Seams and when I think I get it and try to draw lines they don't match up or are jagged

Anonymous No. 903488

my god you're still working on the same torso?
just use the sculpting brush
you can find re-topology tools that will make it a lot quicker than what you're doing now



Anonymous No. 903490

Why the fuck is my PNG image sequence showing up as just basic Files?

Anonymous No. 903496

This is a terrible idea. Secondlife's Renderer is actually alot better than that and simply wouldn't look correctly. It also can't simulate the fun weird old raytracing methods in any way that matters, and turning the settings all down means you have no AA at all due to the deferred system effectively replacing it whenever it's on.

In general don't do anything in SL because it's trash. I used it for like 14~ish years and it's done nothing but get more boring.



Anonymous No. 903503

Okay I wanna know what's up with this picture cuz it's really funny and a vibe I'm enjoying.

I honestly despise doing hair. retopologizing this is a nightmare. is there any sort of easier way to do this or am I pretty much on the right track?

Anonymous No. 903504

I just now realized there is diapers in this picture and am now horrified.



Anonymous No. 903508

why is that you only need to use mirror X and it will mirror everything?
You dont even need to tick the mirror Y and Z axis, just X is enough?

Anonymous No. 903509

what is your propose then? sculpting then?



Anonymous No. 903510

Here you go anon, they're just admiring suzanne.

Imagine placing a mirror down the centre

Anonymous No. 903511

uhh, no shit? Why the fuck wouldn't you learn to sculpt?

Anonymous No. 903512

batch edit .png on the end.

you forgot to enable the option under output that appends filetypes to files

Anonymous No. 903513

what GPU can I get to upgrade from integrated graphics below a $300 budget?

Anonymous No. 903514

but you still need to retopology after that?

Anonymous No. 903515

rtx 2060, it's a sweetspot for budget and performance as long as you're ok keeping your scenes under 6GB

Anonymous No. 903516

anything like 1060 but with like, 12 gb VRAM?



Anonymous No. 903518

poly-modelling a character isn't a big issue honestly. I've been doing it fort a loooong time just because I'm an old fart that learned that way, but it's very doable and a useful skill when sculpting proves to be messy.
The issue alot of people get hung up on with poly-modelling is that they thing things need to be 'perfect' with the topology in the sub-d phase, when in reality you can do some REALLY stupid shit and it just works, especially if you abuse line creasing to get specific body definition.

Something I did with regular old subdivision workflow that took a week in-between work shifts. most of that was just sussing out how to do nice musdcle definition and experimenting with ideas.

I dunno if I'd fully recommend it with faces, but it would be a good idea to have a poly-modelled head base to work with so you can start over more easily if needed.

Anonymous No. 903519

I keep forgetting I need to actually finish the fucking hair on this. kill me.



Anonymous No. 903520

It depends what you want out of the card; are you going to be raytracing a lot or just eevee?

You're not going to find anything under $500 with 12GB of VRAM, GDDR6/X is manufactured by a single company and massively expensive.

If a 1080Ti will have 11GB but it's not worth the performance loss compared to a Turing/Ampere card with RTX

boy would you look at those melons

Anonymous No. 903522

did you make this? it's really good

Anonymous No. 903523

The original tron bonne model is cumminham but I touched it up to look good in cycles.

The background is mostly kitbash with kit ops

thanks though.

Anonymous No. 903524

Yes, and?

Anonymous No. 903530

isnt retopology like, just tracing over the sculpted model, with poly modelling? why not poly model in the first place?

Anonymous No. 903531

That's pretty much exactly what it is, yes.

Anonymous No. 903553

Because then you're juggling form creation with good topology. If you do that, you're going to have a bad time.

Form first, topology later.

Anonymous No. 903563

i found out you can just double click A to deselect lol

Anonymous No. 903564

Is modelling with tris just a completely retarded idea for a character model for a game? They just have a more natural "flow" to me, and allow me to get into sharp little details while retaining a low polycount.



Anonymous No. 903565

No you don't, actually. You've clearly never worked with subdivision if you think that you need to keep up with the topology right away.
Personally speaking, I tend to just use whatever dirty hacks I can to make a character form work nicely, and then use, say QuadRemesher and material bindings once I'm done with that to get things nicer afterward.
QuadRemesher is magic and I love it so much, haha.

Anonymous No. 903566

Thank you for admitting you're a fucking idiot with no idea what you're talking about.
Everyone in the industry will tell you sculpt + retopo is standard practice for organic characters, even for stylized. Fuck off with your garbage ideas, nobody polymodels characters anymore except for morons like you.

Anonymous No. 903567

It took me very little time to make this. the main body took a day at most, more like a couple hours though. The rest was much easier by comparison.
I don't see what makes my method wrong or why you're getting defensive about it. What's the issue exactly? Just because I started working like... 18-ish years ago doesn't negate my skill or experience somehow. I just know how to do it about as fast as someone who sculpts a character mesh that looks like a sack of walnuts and thinks they're cool.

Anonymous No. 903569

>It took me very little time to make this
Which is why you're garbage, lmfao.

Anonymous No. 903576

That's... not how that works. I feel like you don't understand the concept of 'efficiency' if you think being able to do something quickly means it's garbage.
Do you even do work in 3D at all, or are you just parroting things you've heard alot? I'm genuinely curious at this point.

Anonymous No. 903577

It IS garbage. It's not my problem you're a delusional idiot, trapped in a loop of attempting to rationalize your embarrassingly awful workflow practices, lmao.

Idiots like you never learn. Sunken cost fallacy. Every single pro-level modeler in the industry laughs at losers like you.

Anonymous No. 903579

...I literally do art as a job. I specialize in hardsurface work and I just end up doing characters the same way. I don't get why you gotta say that's wrong when it's just a difference of workflow.

I don't actually know what to tell you here man. You seem upset over nothing. Maybe calm down?

Anonymous No. 903586

This is like the people who preach "always use quads!" with no understanding of different situations or critical thinking.

Sculpting is good but if your goal isn't high detail normal mapping and you know the topology, you may as well just model it straight. Editing vertexes are more precise and cleaner than fussing with Move brushes too.



Anonymous No. 903588

Based free-thinker

Anonymous No. 903589

This here has actually been part of why I never really moved to use sculpting much. The tools just feel really imprecise when I'm desperately wanting, say, a seam line in a specific spot, but it just isn't really wanting to do it, even with my tablet.
If I want a seam on something I'd rather just add it via normal-map detailing in substance or I'd prefer to bevel a set of edges and put a crease value.

Anonymous No. 903594

Yeah, I have been scrapping the same torso over and over because I want to get things right. I have been getting faster at it, so at least I know I am improving in some way.

Anonymous No. 903604

That presentation was so good.
I occasionally go back and watch it.
Lots to take away from it while also somewhat entertaining.

Anonymous No. 903605

You can always just look up timelapse videos of people making models you like and just go through frame by frame to see what they're doing (they usually have input display on screen too, so that helps disambiguate some of their actions sometimes) and it's pretty clear why they're doing what they're doing.
Only issue with this is sometimes they do jump cuts and some details appear and there's no way to see how they did it. usually just a few edge loops etc., so there's a little leg work to get the whole picture.

Anonymous No. 903608

>...I literally do art as a job.
Your way of writing just tells me you're an insecure idiot. It's not my problem you're too stupid to grasp an essential workflow practice for character modeling, moron.

Anonymous No. 903622

I think it's funny you would call him insecure for mentioning that he does this as a job, even though you previously pointed out how superior your industry workflow is, presumably because you do work in the industry. That, or maybe you're just an industry wannabe who gets mad at people when they don't larp as hard as you do, but still have a job in spite of not trying as hard. Being that your posts are laced with insults and you accuse others of being insecure, it leads me to believe you're projecting your negative emotions. Take a break from this board for a while, it will help you out a lot.

Anonymous No. 903623

Nobody in the industry polymodels characters, blendie idiot. Sculpt + Retopo is the universal workflow. You will never have a job, moron :)

Anonymous No. 903625

>Sculpt + Retopo is the universal workflow
Maybe in South America lmao.
It's okay though. We understand that you guys just got electricity last week. We'll give you time to catch up.

Anonymous No. 903626

I sculpt and retopo my characters too, but I don't berate people for doing things differently because I don't have a superiority complex.



Anonymous No. 903650

Original poster here. If you really need an idea of my skillset, I was able to make a working action figure prototype with no prior experience in toy engineering. It doesn't look great given the person I worked with had a kinda wonky 3D printer, but it's still a good notch above what majority of people could manage. This same model I also made into a game-ready mesh, though at the time my workflow for hi-poly was quite sloppy compared to now.
I'm still trying to understand what's got you so angry about this. You've been given evidence towards the fact that you're being pedantic, so what exactly is the problem that's got you so angry? Maybe it's that I use blender?

In that case, this project here was made in 3D Studio Max before I swapped to Blender, which I had quite a few years of working with before ever touching Blender. My workflow became leaps and bounds faster with Blender too, just because Max has significant issues with performance and it's modelling toolset is just all over the damned place. (not to mention it sometimes just outright forgets your crease values)

Anonymous No. 903654

>The tools just feel really imprecise
But it's a normal in a Fine Arts, isn't it? Precision is a CAD thing. If you more engineer than Artist you can model in Solidworks with NURBS and then export result to Blender for texturing and rendering. Also there is a Rhino with CAD-like modelling with curves but I don't tried it yet and can't advice.

Anonymous No. 903655

What the fuck man, you retopologize your hair?
I feel like there's always a better way to do hair that I'm not grasping, but your way is definitely not it.

Anonymous No. 903657

I mean I was gonna have to retopo it anyway for the low poly bake, I dunno why it's weird to do that in the first place.

a friend of mine uses Rhino because he works in jewelry, and he absolutely hates the program.
In all honesty I'm not super interested in getting CAD levels of precise, I just need the lines to not end up wobbly and where I can adjust them the way they need to be.

Anonymous No. 903659

>I just need the lines to not end up wobbly and where I can adjust them the way they need to be.
Maybe you need NURBS? Blender has very limited NURBS toolset but maybe it's enough for your task.
Also, I can sculpt IRL (and like to sculpt bat hate materials) but absolutely have no idea how they do it in Blender with 2D mouse. Wonder why there is still no 3D controllers for modelling.

Anonymous No. 903662

Just decimate it, it's hair

Anonymous No. 903666

it's curves, and I need it to bake as one hull properly, and I need to adjust it to not look so messy anyway.
Also don't use decimate unless you know what you're doing. It's by far one of the easiest ways to end up with Street Fighter 5 lumpy clay hair.

Anonymous No. 903678

I am very new. Give me a qrd on the whole quads/tris meme



Anonymous No. 903682

I am currently trying to resize this in the x axis, but instead of resizing it uniformly as before, the "center" stays the same. What did I fuck up by accident, and how do I set it back?

Anonymous No. 903684

resize in object mode and apply scale

or merge doubles in edit mode, if you're pivot point is the median of all points then you have doubles

Anonymous No. 903685

>resize in object mode and apply scale
Yeah, that was it. Thank you.

Anonymous No. 903686

Scene appending is still so weird. I wish you could select multiple 'folders' and the contents in them



Anonymous No. 903687

Anyone here us a 3D mouse? I got one a couple of days ago, it's great for moving around a scene but has anyone managed to use it as an input for transforming objects? Without janking an object by parenting it to a camera.

Use collections https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/latest/scene_layout/collections/collections.html

Anonymous No. 903689

I already know you're a complete moron. You don't need to keep doubling down on your stupidity, blendie moron.

Anonymous No. 903690

>If you really need an idea of my skillset
I don't, because I already know you're a jobless, hopeless idiot, regardless of your cope.

Anonymous No. 903706

What is bevel with crease value? Blender noob here, btw

Anonymous No. 903707

Does anybody here use the video editing side of Blender? I am particularly interested in that part as I like the idea of being able to make animations all in Blender including editing in Blender's video editor.
Besides documentation what specific Youtube tutorials for Blender's video editor did you find really helpful? Is there a Blender Video tutorials that is the equivalent of the donut tutorial?
Good morning /blend/!
I hope you're all having a good week!

Anonymous No. 903710

good morning, it's taking me 45 minutes to render and image and i want to die

as far as animating in blenders video editor goes, krita might be a better option if you're hand drawing keyframes



Anonymous No. 903712

with edges selected, you can open up the Edge menu and use the "Edge Bevel Weight" option to mark edges for bevelling later. You can then delimit the bevel modifier to only use marked edges for nondestructive beveling.

You don't have to set it to 1 either, you can have different bevel intensities on different edges if you need.

Anonymous No. 903713

>as far as animating in blenders video editor goes, krita might be a better option if you're hand drawing keyframes
I'm not particularly interested in 2D animations in Blender at least as of yet. I'm more interested in editing in post processing effects for animations or sound effects being added post process if I need to or editing in effects that would make my PC (GTX 1060 AMD Ryzen 5 1500X Quad-Core Processor) explode.

Things like that.
[spoiler]and maybe edited memes with some effects like filters or some stupid things like that[spoiler]

Anonymous No. 903730

Whatever helps you sleep at night buddy. I don't think anything I say can convince you that I do art as my job, you clearly are beyond hope and are just some angry child.
Honestly the way you type you're probably ten years younger than me anyway.



Anonymous No. 903734

That's actually not the same thing at all. bevel and crease are used very differently.
Crease value is used specifically in Subdivision Surface modifier to define how sharp or smooth an edge or vertex is, which allows you to skip alot of the annoying aspects of hard-surface work, like having tons of supporting edges everywhere.
You'll still need supporting edges in certain fringe cases, but they're significantly less of an issue. This also means it's alot easier to lay out details along curved and organic surfaces, as you won't have supporting edges causing warping or overly hard shapes in the area that you have to adjust for.

It basically makes any hi-poly workflow trivial and fun. I'm suprised most people don't know to use these.



Anonymous No. 903739

To give the best example of it's use, this type of transition is awful to to in normal subdivision work, yet here it takes seconds. This is the absolute best use case you can get for using crease values in your hard-surface woorkflows, and it makes adding hard details to character's a breeze.



Anonymous No. 903753




Anonymous No. 903754

why his craniuim so big?



Anonymous No. 903768

Skulls are a bit rounder, anon.

Anonymous No. 903779

yeah but i am so confused, none of the tutorials use a reference



Anonymous No. 903793

just download a head basemesh and deform it to what you need.

Anonymous No. 903797

>I don't think anything I say can convince you
You're right, you can't, because I already know you're a jobless idiot suffering from sunken cost syndrome.

No professionals polymodel characters. It's an outdated practice only morons like you still do.



Anonymous No. 903799

would kinda defeat the purpose of practising then and i want to master poly modelling because i don't want to be a booleanlet



Anonymous No. 903805

and i give up, guess i will try tomorrow

Anonymous No. 903807

man i'm following that rn after picking up blender after months again lmao



Anonymous No. 903878

Any idea what setting makes it so the edge of this render always is brighter than the rest of it? I've messed with Eevee/Cycles/AO/Lighting and it seems no matter what I do the edge is always lighter.



Anonymous No. 903879

It's not super noticeable with just 1 tile but here's an example of them placed together. All the bright edges stand out.



Anonymous No. 903882

I'm happy with the model itself but how do I make this look pretty with lighting? The variation in shading feels very bland right now.

Anonymous No. 903885

I suddenly can't select more than one vertices at the same time while the X-Ray is toggled on. I can do it fine when it's off, but turning it on makes me select everything one by one. Edge and Face select doesn't select anything, so it seems like it's just limited to one.
This defeats the purpose of X-Ray

Anonymous No. 903886

nvm I am a fool who had ALT+B enabled.

Anonymous No. 903889

Is there a life cycle setting for fluids? Or some way to fade them out in eevee?



Anonymous No. 903922

How do I

>render a sequence of images
>load them onto the render layers
>left arrow / right arrow scrub my images while seeing the changes i made to the lightgroup aov and other aovs

I tried with image node -> image seq but i lose the ability to use lightgroups, which i need


12.5m polys.png

Anonymous No. 903962

I got the Manhattan kit off Persia for Blender, and I am having trouble dealing with it due to being so high poly. Even if I pare it down to just a few large buildings, it is still to slow too select. I try to add a plane to a scene, and it takes something like 20-30s. I can't work like this.

What am I supposed to do here? Join the objects and place a decimate mod that is disabled during render time? Export the individual objects into Clarrise and do my work there? Get a better computer?

Anonymous No. 903987


I am going to go with Clarisse this time as Blender does not have proper proxies.

Anonymous No. 903988

I'm searching for urban japanese packs, but can't for the life of me. Dead links everywhere. Any ideas where to find something like the ones that nonecg made?

Anonymous No. 903991

CGTrader โ€“ Japanese Architecture Pack
Kitbash3D โ€“ EDO JAPAN

I just typed 'japan' into Persia and found these two.

Anonymous No. 904024

How do I export materials from Blender to Unity? I'm being filtered hard by the unpacking

Anonymous No. 904028

>im noob retard to blender/3dcg in general
>spent a bunch of time rendering an animation but i forgot to set the output as a video

Anonymous No. 904049

Is there a good (really good) manual for working under subdivide? Those I see in YT looks not so good because of this
>having tons of supporting edges everywhere

Anonymous No. 904053


Anonymous No. 904054

if the materials are procedural, you'll have to bake the color/roughness/metallness/normal maps first

Anonymous No. 904061

If your output was images, you can create a video out of them.

Anonymous No. 904064

I feel I will never find a solution for this and will have to create an in-engine shader or something to handle it. I believe it has to do with how shadows are handled from the light source but I don't understand why the shadows always create a lightened edge no matter the type of light or where it seems to be placed.

Anonymous No. 904075

So, when I switch modes in Blender (Layout to Modelling for example), the view changes. Is there a way how to make that go away? I want my view to stay the same through the modes.

Anonymous No. 904077

You definitely don't want that. There is options for each mode however if you click on them.

Anonymous No. 904106

Here's my dumb question.
When you make something using geometry nodes, can you set up some values to be alterable from the modifier section instead of going into the nodes to change values?
Basically, can you future-proof your assembled nodes against your own lack of memory.

Anonymous No. 904108

Yeah, by using the group inputs. Once you use the secondary inputs they'll become active in the modifier.

Anonymous No. 904119

Those are definitely not what he was asking for. Urban implies modern japanese city, not edo period



Anonymous No. 904120

It's a very weird situation, because it seems people just outright ignored OpenSubdiv when it came out, despite it being the biggest boon of hard-surface work in general. Blender outright has Opensubdiv in it since 2.78 or 2.79 or so, but all the videos talking about it ONLY mentioned that it speeds up animation on hi-poly meshes.

The best I can really tell you about the workflow is that for hard edges, you want to stick to crease values of around .35-.45, as going higher or lower than these can lead to things being TOO sharp. The other thing is that it's important to have evenly spaced quads along a surface regardless, just because it helps keep things looking nice and not having some crease edges look different than others due to stretching. You also wanna do this just for the fact that having extra quad space means you can chuck in extra details whenever you feel like.



Anonymous No. 904124

this first attempt at pubes took an hour for my pc to render, so I'm going to share it. I think this is sfw, the pussy behind the pubes is like a barbie doll, so nothing erotic here.



Anonymous No. 904130

I'm adding details to a mesh by placing smaller meshes on its surfaces and joining them. Some of the smaller meshes have materials for some surfaces that map images. When I join the meshes, the surfaces retain their materials, but the image is weirdly scaled and skewed. Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong here? The oscilloscope-looking screen thing in the pic is an example (left is before the join, right is after).

Anonymous No. 904136

Probably one of the meshes have more than one uv map or material is using object coordinates.

Anonymous No. 904140

>or material is using object coordinates.
Thank you, that was what I didn't understand (it was actually hooked up to the "generated" output of the Texture Coordinate node, but basically causing the same problem).

Anonymous No. 904176

im flattered that the mods thought my barbie doll with crappy particle hair was lewd enough to delete.

Anonymous No. 904177

Thanks, anon.

Anonymous No. 904487

Need someone for a quick few edits of a model in blender I've got for a 3d print I need done soon. Very quick and easy job, but you need a little experience working with faces. I'm too smooth brain to work with blender myself so here I am.

Hit me up. Modest compensation provided.

Anonymous No. 904523

I am absolutely new, so this question will probably be seriously retarded, but how exactly does texturing of an object made from multiple primitives (like multiple cubes) work in Blender? Do you need to clean up the mesh beforehand, ie.: join the objects, get rid of extra parts/clipping, etc.? Or is there some tool for it?

Anonymous No. 904534

moving to blender today since there's a lot of tutorial compare to other program



Anonymous No. 904537

Want to make a late 90s/early 2000s inspired PC game and have been teaching myself Blender in order to make the models. Started with this lad.



Anonymous No. 904540

Also managed to rig him and give him a basic animation.
I am aware the lighting isn't quite crusty enough to be authentic, hopefully whatever game engine I use it with will allow that.

Anonymous No. 904557

90% of what you see in blender tutorials applies just fine to 3dsmax or maya, and vice versa. With the exception of addons and some minor features, the skills you learn in one program will transfer to others.
That said, yeah, there's a LOT more blender tutorials nowadays.

Anonymous No. 904562

Oozes with SOVL, good work anon, keep it up

Anonymous No. 904563

Thanks anon, that's what I'm aiming for.

Anonymous No. 904564

feels absolutely weightless

Anonymous No. 904579

In my defence it's pretty much my first walkcycle...well, ever. Also I don't want it looking TOO good, given the style. It could use some improvement though I'll agree- I don't want him looking too heavy as he's meant to be a stout chap.

Anonymous No. 904585

Are there any good videos to get started with environments/interiors? Iโ€™m just about ready to work on an animation, but thatโ€™s the last subject I have yet to approach.

Also, will the renderer for the background affect my gpencil layer?



Anonymous No. 904657

i give up, im uninstalling blender and deleting all my files

Anonymous No. 904661

Are you using an HDRI image to light the scene?



Anonymous No. 904662

I love making procedural materials. I think it's one of the most fun parts of 3DCG. It's just fun to me to try to match colors and imperfections.
What's wrong? What are you trying to accomplish? Need more info besides feet pics.

Anonymous No. 904663

The light source is just a sun

Anonymous No. 904666

Okay, I'm pretty sure I know why it's happening then, and I think I know a way to fix it. It's getting late, so I'm going to test something tomorrow, and I'll post here if it works. Does your sun face straight downwards towards the mesh, or is it at an angle?

Anonymous No. 904667

It faces it at an angle, but I also tried it straight down, and changing it from sun to point/spot/etc.

Anonymous No. 904671

Okay, that info helps.



Anonymous No. 904687

this is a living nightmare i give up making feet or modeling anything at all

Anonymous No. 904693

Any idea why holdout seems to not effect geometry nodes? I have a plane with geometry coming off, and if I add another plane to cover part of it with holdout it works on the plane but nothing coming off of the plane from geometry.

Anonymous No. 904702

Nvm I figured it out, I guess my object wasn't really above the nodes enough to affect them.

Anonymous No. 904710

Can you share a high rez of that node setup? Looks pretty good for beat up metal surfaces.


head car 1..png

Anonymous No. 904734

hi. new to blender. i'm trying to model a head with wheels (yeah), but i can't seem to figure out how the hell to model the facial features. i tried using multiple loop cuts to make the faces easier to manipulate to no avail.
also, how do i merge two solids after extrusion? thanks

Anonymous No. 904736

This is not a good shape. Topology is bad and you have too many subdivisions for how simple this shape is.

Anonymous No. 904738

thanks. how do i get rid of the subdivisions? and how do i model the face after getting rid of them?

Anonymous No. 904740

select a vertex, edge, or face and press X, then experiment with the "Dissolve" options. Dissolving tries to remove things without altering the shape. It's one of those things you have to just try and get comfortable with

Anonymous No. 904742

thanks. i'm getting the hang of it!
>Topology is bad
what exactly is topology? all i know about topology from a math textbook i read a while ago is that donuts and mugs are the same. how do i improve the topology?
>This is not a good shape.
the proportions (if you're referring to them) are supposed to be bad!

how do i begin modeling a face? i'm very lost. or should i sculpt the face? thanks so much, anons.



Anonymous No. 904777

Okay, so I think the reason you're getting bright edges is because you don't have grass tiles surrounding that tile to cast shadows on the edges, where as the rest of the grass has shadows on it. Pic rel. Look at the right hand side. No shadows = brighter edge. It's not a great demonstration, but it shows why it happens.
Yeah, had to remake it because I didn't save. Remade it from my screenshot, so it should be 99% accurate. Will post in just a sec.



Anonymous No. 904778

When you add a tile to the other side, you get the shadows that you would expect to be cast from a neighboring tile.



Anonymous No. 904779

In this pic, I changed the sun angle to be at 45 degrees and come towards the camera. I made a grass tile and made 9 instances of it (by default, the particle system is identical between copies). I made the surrounding instances invisible to the camera. They still cast shadows and contribute reflections, but they can't be seen my the camera.



Anonymous No. 904780

Here are the shadows the instances cast. Notice how they are most visible around edges. This is what will darken the edges and make the light uniform through out the tile.



Anonymous No. 904781

And this is the end-result render. Notice that there are no bright edges. This obviously increases the memory requirements of the scene, which is the only real draw back I can see. I like the drag all of my instances and camera 20 or 30 meters up on the Z axis so the original collections don't interfere with the lighting. I also realize the lighting on this render isn't great, but hopefully these posts demonstrate the concept well enough.



Anonymous No. 904784

And here's the material. Like I said, it should be 99% accurate to what is in the first post. If you have questions about any of the nodes or why I used them, just post them.

Anonymous No. 904785

And a side note. If you keep all of the instances visible, and position an orthographic camera above and set it up such that it only captures the central instance, you will have a grass texture that tiles without any post processing whatsoever, since the data repeats. The only thing you might have to do is use a tileable dirt texture below the grass.

Anonymous No. 904802

Anyone have any resources on how you're supposed to use the Animation Layers addon in an actual animation?
All the videos I've seen just goes over how the addon works, and not how you're supposed to use it in the context of a longer animation.
Like it's supposed to replace/augment the NLA editor, right? So what am I supposed to do with an action when I'm finished with it? Bake it down and put it in the NLA? That kind of seems like it makes the non-destructive workflow of the layers pointless.
Any solid info on how to actually work this shit into an animation that's not just a single walk-cycle or something would be useful.

Anonymous No. 904803

Like what I had hoped was to make a bunch of different actions to use, and use the addon to tweak things where I need to, but mainly put the actions in the NLA editor to make up a larger animation.



Anonymous No. 904810


I will test this out later, thanks for all the info.

We actually ended up solving our issue in 2 different methods (well same method one in-engine with a shader and one in blender).

I ended up creating holdout planes that made hardlined edges and turn them on/off depending on the tile thats being rendered. In our engine we can use a similar method with selecting anything with color alpha at a certain point and cutting the edge off.

Attached is a sample of it.



Anonymous No. 904811

and here's a super quick mockup using like 3 of the tiles showing it works.

Anonymous No. 904812

Thanks anon



Anonymous No. 904813


Anonymous No. 904819

Is it possible to blur the result of the shader to RGB node? Trying to create a specific soft toon shading effect.

Anonymous No. 904820

Color Ramp not doing it for ya?
Might want to change the attenuation of your actual lights then. It's the "size" value that you want to play around with.

Anonymous No. 904821

bumping this. help would be very appreciated. thanks

Anonymous No. 904839

S O U L keep it up



Anonymous No. 904842

I'm just a noob dicking around after seeing a bunch of tutorials and I made this tower using extrusion and bevelling, but I want to make it an octagon now. To do this, I wanted to subdivide and then skale every other point out until it's an octagon. However, this bitch refuses to subdivide properly. What's the reason for that? sometimes I cant even subdivide a single edge between two points.

Anonymous No. 904843

And as a follow-up question: I extruded this from a flat octagon, but every time I bevel, it breaks the pillar's octagonal cross-section into more foaces. Why is that? Is there a way to keep the number of perimeter vertices the same?



Anonymous No. 904847

forgot to add the pic

Anonymous No. 904849

the point where the animation loops back to frame 1 is janky. consider adding a few more to smooth it out



Anonymous No. 904853

if i don't have a good front view of the character, am i fucked? i only have a proper side view

Anonymous No. 904854

learn anatomy

Anonymous No. 904856

You've got enough reference. Just use proportions, Use the head as a measuring unit to figure out the proportions of the body.



Anonymous No. 904857

same anon, rate not my first doughnut, don't have the pic from 2 years ago
>can't use spoiler text on /3/
geometry node actually fun, but my blender always crash when i try to go to edit mode

Anonymous No. 904858

Draw your own. You could even photoshop the front view of a different character to fit (or in this case, you could take mix the face and body from the left sides of those reference sheets)

Anonymous No. 904860

yeah i am practicing it but this is a stylized character
yeah this is what i thought
also true if plan a falls through, i will try this



Anonymous No. 904862

another thing, should I model the base mesh first or model with the pants like ps1 and ps2 models?

Anonymous No. 904867


Anonymous No. 904868

In 3.2 Blender keeps crashing after a few minutes of using Cycles, taking down the OS with it. Does anybody else have the same problem?



Anonymous No. 904871

How would one approach modeling cartoony scale armor like this?

Anonymous No. 904872

am i supposed to make subdivisions and then use the G key to model a face? thanks


voila pants.png

Anonymous No. 904878

you dont need to model the body under the clothes for low poly models
but you've basically modeled the pants already, just put a loop around the ankle and scale it up

Anonymous No. 904938

So I'm trying to rig a character's walking animation.
Got the model, the bones, the Inverse Kinematic, it follows the circle path, all great.
But, if I try to move the character around the area, the IK empties start moving way too far in that direction. Like, for every increment I move down the Z axis, the IKs move 2 increments.
Anyone have a clue?

Anonymous No. 904941

how does the top of the cylinder look before you bevel it? It should work if you only select the edge around the ledge

Anonymous No. 904943

So I'm reading through the OP at the moment so I'm sorry if this is a question in the OP has I may not have reached it yet. But I have a friend who is interested in vtubing and wants a model. I know literally nothing about 3d modelling or rigging. But I figured ripping the 3d model from a game should be simple enough no? Surely I can learn that much and hand it off to him to do whatever he needs with it. How does one go about ripping a 3d model from a game? Also is it an issue ripping a model from a game via an emulator like RPCS3 or PCSX2?


ao blender.png

Anonymous No. 904950

Is there a way to apply the Shade Smooth function to ambient occlusion? When I make the AO strong enough it perceives the edges and vertices on lower poly models as corners to put occlusion on.



Anonymous No. 904954

Hello, how long would it take me to do models like pic related? Not exactly but definitely a bit downgraded, I require them so that I can use shaders on them?
Buying these would be too expensive since I need like 10

Anonymous No. 904956

These types of questions are completely meaningless.
No one knows your skill level.
If you were an intermediate or advanced user, it could take a few days, who actually knows. If you're a beginner, it could take months if you only tried to aim for that exact result and nothing else. More likely you'd probably need half a year to a year if you're a complete beginner, since you'll have to learn the program, on top of anatomy, and proper edge flow and topo.
Again, no one fucking knows because it's different for everyone. And no one knows what speed you learn at or pick things up. If you're a complete retard or hyper-schizo autist you might never reach that level or a competent result.
Not to say what you've pictured is extremely hard (it's a low poly human), but to a complete beginner it might as well be forcing a toddler to run a marathon right after it learned to walk.

If you have at least some knowledge of what you're doing, you're probably better off buying 1 or 2 that are on the more generic side, and editing them to be different instead of buying 10 different models.

Anonymous No. 904972

why did you increase it by so much?



Anonymous No. 904973

how do i model the clothes? do i select then just separate it and model the collars and all?

Anonymous No. 904975

also is it supposed to look ugly?



Anonymous No. 904976

forgot pic


im waiting BG.png

Anonymous No. 904978

never posted here before, but i popped in bc i just this second finished this model and rig and made a test render, thoughts? not one of my best i think but not the worst either, just middle of the road

Anonymous No. 904995

Geometry node > Pointiness

Anonymous No. 904996

it has slight appeal however i wish it was textured and a lot higher poly (subdivided better)

Anonymous No. 905000

Is there a way to make boids rest on an object/objects near their goal?
Or, more specifically, I want to write text and have the boids come to rest on the letters so they spell it out.
As it is now, I can only make them cluster at the origin point.

Anonymous No. 905002

I guess you will have to make each letter a leader and have the boids have the rules follow the leader and flock. Maybe geometry nodes ? Have only used boids for small fishes and moths so far

Anonymous No. 905004

is there no sculpting bruh equivalent to the zbrush's move topological. that thing's really handy.

if you don't know what it's supposed to do:

is the workflow to replace this, just mask-based?

Anonymous No. 905005

proper link:



Anonymous No. 905007

jesus fucking christ the s - 0 - y filter is breaking this goddamn link:


Anonymous No. 905008

can nobody help me with this? I'd really like to subdivide my creations without having to laboriously select every single line
as for
I figured out that insetting and then manually moving in the octagonal tower pieces upwards does not further subdivide edges as bevelling does. It's a tiny bit more time consuming but it works well.

Anonymous No. 905014

To anyone interested :
I tried making the letters emitters and setting the boid goal as their 'spawn-point' with the idea being that I'd flip the key frames and thus they'd go in the right direction.
Problem is, I don't know how to keyframe particles. More research to be done. I'll post my solution if I find it.



Anonymous No. 905017

i am slowly losing my sanity, how do i make low poly clothes? i cant even make a proper looking collar



Anonymous No. 905018

this is reference

Anonymous No. 905024

Your geometry is screwed up at the first and the second levels of your tower, and that's preventing it from subdividing nicely. Edge loops are defined by quads, so you generally want to have only them unless you know what you're doing. That makes subdivisions and adding new loops easy.

In this case, you should just scrap that tower and star from scratch. Create a plane, extrude it upwards a few times to create the levels. Then use ctrl+R to add two loops along the walls. Select the loops with alt+click, and scale them along X- and Y-axes by pressing S and shift+Z. Now you have your octagonal tower.

Anonymous No. 905027

Make high poly clothes first. Then you can figure out what kind of geometry you need and what can be painted on.

Anonymous No. 905033

give me an example or a video, i didn't quite get you



Anonymous No. 905049

I dont know what that means
I tried again, i created this tower with the method I mentioned earlier: inset, move up along Z-Axis, then extrude again
Why would I add loops if I already extruded a few times, why can't I just use those?
Here I have the issue that SOME of the faces simply will not be selected and thereby subdivided if I select all points along their edges. I heard somewhere that I can choose a "select faces mode" but I cannot find where to do that

Anonymous No. 905056

>I dont know what that means
Quads are faces made up of 4 vertices
N-gons are faces made up of 5+ vertices.
It's easier for the computer to handle quads (or tiangles I guess? I'm not that advances) than N-gons.
I didn't follow the entire conversation, but there ya go for that bit.

Anonymous No. 905081

You might want to look up the definition of low poly.

Anonymous No. 905092

Good riddance, loser. That's what you get for being a retard trying to model a character before learning the fundamentals.

Anonymous No. 905093

fuck off and learn the fundamentals before trying to model a character then begging /3/ for help

Anonymous No. 905103

Not that anon, but shit, I've just been learning stuff wily-nily.
What are the fundamentals I'm probably missing?

Anonymous No. 905120

sorry i meant clothes in general but my jacket is still under 1k poly
are you fucked in the head dude? how do you think people practice fundamentals? you cant learn shit unless you actually apply the fundamentals and get into errors. can't believe crabs exist in /3/ as well



Anonymous No. 905125

i have done character modelling before and i haven't done clothes that's why i was begging on /3/ to help me



Anonymous No. 905142

Does anyone know how to create shadow maps with Blender's material nodes?


Anonymous No. 905162

everyone and i mean everyone in the industry uses MD then bakes

t. MDbro

Anonymous No. 905173

>muh industry
fuck off

Anonymous No. 905174

get with the times



Anonymous No. 905182

md is one of the easiest software i have used but anime characters don't wear realistic clothes

Anonymous No. 905195

>are you fucked in the head dude? how do you think people practice fundamentals?
By not starting with polymodeling characters.

Modeling a character off the bat and begging /3/ for help constantly shows you're a fucking moron.



Anonymous No. 905198

tf are you talking about dude? there is no way you can better at poly modelling without actually practising



Anonymous No. 905206




Anonymous No. 905216

It's me again, the noob with the octagonal towers.
I noticed that in layout mode, I cannot move my towers independently. Both of these towers were added to the scene (or whatever it is called) as separate pieces, one as a cube, one as a 8-sided circle, but they always move as one. I thought it might have somethign to do with "collections" and looked that up online but in the tutorials, the individual pieces of a collection could still be selected individually, these cannot. if I select one tower, the other one will always also get highlighted.
Can someone help me figure out what this is and how to undo it?
And since I'm here and keep coming back:
What's a good collection of tutorials online that teach the use of different tools/parts of blenders rather than the typical "how to do everything in blender with just one tool in five minutes" video where one guy creates some amazing object with undefinable motions and shortcuts. For now, I am mostly interested in just shaping stuff, I intent to use this mostly as a cheat-sheet/reference for drawings

Anonymous No. 905221

holy shit nigger, literally do some introductory tutorials instead of flailing around in the dark like an imbecile.

Anonymous No. 905224

holy shitt nigger, that's kind of exactly what I'm trying to do by posting this question here.

Anonymous No. 905227

You have one object called Cube.001. That object contains a mesh called Cube.001. That mesh actually consists of two different towers. The reason they move together is because they're literally parts of the same mesh. To separate them into separate objects, go to edit mode and press P and select "by lose parts".

But honestly, you should just watch the dougnut tutorial by the doughnut guy: https://youtu.be/nIoXOplUvAw This is such basic level stuff that you could have learned all of it by following a tutorial for 15 minutes.

Anonymous No. 905230

thanks and thanks. that's kinda what I was looking for.



Anonymous No. 905271

One fucking question
Why is blender not fucking working and not fucking panning?

Anonymous No. 905273

panning how?
Locked to an object in motion?
Or using the mouse to do it?
Anywho, the best advice I can offer (as I'm a noob) is to reset your camera with the numberpad shortcuts (particularly the "." key to zoom in on stuff, that ones great)

Anonymous No. 905274

I cant drag around my mouse
I installed it again and its still not working
I am this close to getting another program

Anonymous No. 905275

Just in case, you know it's shift+middle mouse button, right?
Other than that, I got nothing. Like I said, I'm just a noob.

Anonymous No. 905284

and like the braindead idiot you are, you continue to miss the point.
When you're a beginner to drawing, you don't start with gesture, you start with basic shapes and observation. The same principle applies to 3D; you don't jump straight into character modeling without learning the fundamentals of topology and anatomy.

Alas, you're incredibly stupid. Stupid people never learn, you'll just keep crabbing away and begging /3/ for help every 5 minutes.

Anonymous No. 905296

You really think I dont know that? I dont want to be rude.
But it doesnt work, even after reinstalling this shit.
Any alternative to blender?

Anonymous No. 905307

Turn on "emulate 3 button mouse"
Might not fix the problem, but using alt instead of MMB will save your fingers.
After that, pan should be alt+shift then just click and drag.
alt+drag to orbit, ctrl+alt drag to dolly.

Anonymous No. 905316

Is there a way in Sculpt Mode to prevent vertices from moving only along a particular axis? I know masks can be used to keep them from moving at all, but I still want the sculpting tools to move these vertices, just not along the X axis (I want to keep them at the origin on X so my mesh will still look good mirrored)



Anonymous No. 905319

Will probably do materials for this tomorrow.

Anonymous No. 905322

Yeah but what about selecting entire loop chains, I cant do that I might as well be doing nothing



Anonymous No. 905328

anon what I am trying to say is that I already know the theoretical side of the fundies but applying them in real-life situations is a practice of its own. you can only learn where to place poles for proper lineflow by trail and error

Anonymous No. 905338

I use alt and can select those no problem.
Alt+right click.
You are using right click, aren't you?



Anonymous No. 905394

Yes. You can lock each axis individually in this menu.



Anonymous No. 905496

How do I make this in blender

Anonymous No. 905508

I'm new to Blender and I have a question. Is there a way to add more bone nodes to rigify's metarig? And will that fix the folding of the elbows and knees?

Anonymous No. 905509

You can even create your own metarigs from scratch.

Anonymous No. 905510

god blender extrude make me seething, if you press right click you will fuck your extrude

Anonymous No. 905544

When sculpting do you use a drawing pad or a mouse?

Anonymous No. 905571

depend, if it's simple sculpt i'll use mouse, if it's it hard i'll use drawing pad



Anonymous No. 905584

what are those yellow pixels and how do i get rid of them?

Anonymous No. 905587

I'm not an expert, but looks like noise.
So more denoising?
The settings should be in your render properties tab (the TV underneath the screwdriver&wrench)
If I'm wrong, then sorry, but I know answers can be slow to come, so I figured I'd take a stab at it



Anonymous No. 905589

i've played around with the noise threshold slider and moved the lights around, i think it's the light reflecting from the glass, not sure why it looks so weird though



Anonymous No. 905593

figured it out. it was the roughness on the texture

Anonymous No. 905596

Congrats, I was just gonna suggest uping the number of sampless

Anonymous No. 905652

What is the best way to do simple character's hair for printable model? And should I use Blender for it or it's for photorealistic renders only, not for solid bodies modelling?

Anonymous No. 905665

Can anyone tell me why this is happening, and how to keep my mesh centred in the lattice?

Anonymous No. 905674

Problem solved.



Anonymous No. 905683

i made this recently. 5 hours maybe.
first thing thats not a donut

Anonymous No. 905698

good job anon



Anonymous No. 905711

There's one vertex connecting the legs of a character I have in blender. How would I go about seperating this so it isn't connecting both legs together? Most methods I've tried just left a large hole in one of the legs

Anonymous No. 905731



Screenshot (427).jpg

Anonymous No. 905744

why are these eye lashes like this ahh?!!

Anonymous No. 905746

it looks fine in the viewport shading mode
btw that other screenshow was from the cycles render


Screenshot (428).jpg

Anonymous No. 905747


Anonymous No. 905752

So what's it look like in eevee then? Eevee would be the viewport view or should be.

Anonymous No. 905758




Anonymous No. 905797

So, i was told to follow the donut guy tutorial and up to part 4, everything was working just peachy, but now I'm at maging stuff snap and I just cant make it work like he does.
I watched the video over and over again, but the icing stuff just wont snap to the face of the donut like in his video.
Did I miss something? is there some extra button I have to press to make it scale? I already have the magnet icon selected and set to "snap to faces". I even tried deleting everything refollowing the entire damn tutorial again, and the icing STILL disappears below the geometry of the donut



Anonymous No. 905805

In the animation i'm currently working on there are a couple of screen billboards in the background and they are fucking with me because i need a slow mo speed ramp at some point, i assumed i could just use the time remapping feature but for whatever reason it doesn't work for them in cycles just in eevee.

In eevee it does stagger and goes to a third speed holding the frames accordingly but in cycles it just ignores this and the image sequence keeps going as normal totaly ignoring that everything else having been slowed down. Is there something im missing to make the image sequence respect the timing in cycles? I've looked around and can't find anything to do about this.

And if it's just not supported is there a way that i can make my image secquence just go slower inside the shader itself using the nodes instead of having to re-render and reimport all the files at a third of the speed one by one?

Please and thank you.



Anonymous No. 905826

similar to a problem I had some time ago - play with alpha blend modes



Anonymous No. 905830

A long time ago there was Anon who told me that anime characters is better to model with subdivs.Anon, if you here can you link me some lessons about bodies or give an advice? I have a trouble with base topology and a very few lessons I found in YT doing something not good.
Also I can model face that I really like, thank you for advice! (May looks not so good but it's my first work and this is what I want. Hair is just crappy 1-minute mesh only for demo.)

Anonymous No. 905832

is that george floyd?

Anonymous No. 905841

Maybe I should combine subdivs with NURBS patches in hard places like a crotch and armpits? Sibdivs is nice for tubular organic forms like an upper body but there is a very hard to form desired geometry of the splittings.


Screenshot (430).jpg

Anonymous No. 905887

added mix shader and transparent bsdf but the face turned out black



Anonymous No. 905899

I decided to sleep on it and try again in the morning and nope, it still is fucked up.
I dont know why the glazing always dents like this, I am not moving it inward and there are no faces it could snap to.

Anonymous No. 905902

I haven't watched the donut tutorial in a long time, but if it's just that vertex, you can grab it with G and press Z to lock the movement to the Z axis. that way it'll only move up and down.
Mind you it look like it' a few face, that should work reasonably well too.

Anonymous No. 905903

I don't get it. That texture for you eye lashes doesn't appear like it's on an alpha, it's just on a black background (see the pic I posted) . I don't understand how they can appear transparrent in the viewport.

Anonymous No. 905911

Have you tried the alpha clip mode?

Anonymous No. 905926

yep, looks the same, black

Anonymous No. 905930

If I link a bunch of shit, blender eventually grows less responsive. Anything I can do about that? Aside from just appending what I need.



Anonymous No. 905972


now i am working on this



Anonymous No. 905989

okay try this

Anonymous No. 906019



plasma the demons.png

Anonymous No. 906020



Screenshot (329).png

Anonymous No. 906096

I feel like I must be doing something stupid but I genuinely can't figure this out and google isn't helping

Why is the bevel going straight up instead of forming an angle between the two faces?

Anonymous No. 906144

"Shape" must be 0.5 for rounding, 1 is for corner, middle values for something between. And it's 0.5 by default. Just correct it.


Screenshot (432).jpg

Anonymous No. 906146

I've tried it
Tried this method too
There are two lashes textures, one is brown and has the bulky edges as seen in the render result
while this one has it black and white and detailed. (should I not mess with this one?)

Anonymous No. 906186

Blendchads, I need help. I'm trying to use shape keys to create facial expressions. Currently I'm learning how to use them by starting with a basic blink pose. After finishing my mesh I applied the mirror modifier and started working on the blink.

I have my Basis with the resting pose, then I have a LeftBlink key for the left eye being shut. I'm trying to mirror the key for the right eye. What I did was select LeftBlink, click NewKeyFromMix, then renamed it to RightBlink and selected it, then hit Mirror Shape Key (Topology).

Doing this mirrors most of the vertices, but it does say it failed on several of them. I'm not sure why those vertices fail because the entire mesh is just mirrored geometry. Just to be sure I tried mirroring the mesh and reshaping the key again; same issue. Looking at the statistics, selecting one side of the face and then the other shows the same number of vertices selected.

Anonymous No. 906189

Nevermind, got it. Trying again without the (topology) command mirrored it correctly.

Anonymous No. 906205

Apparently it is impossible to export something from Blender to FBX without something breaking.



Anonymous No. 906240

I am following the donut tutorial and currently I'm at the weight paint part. I didnt like how my original weight painting looked like so I changed it, but I have the feeling it's not applying it, instead still using the old weight paint or none at all,a ctually. The Blender guy then did a bunch of values and renamed them and added nodes and I have absolutely 0 idea what he is doing and I tried to follow it and now my shit's all fucked up.
WTF is going on?
How do I get my stuff back? do I need to just delete every single node and start the whole geometry stuff over?



Anonymous No. 906241


Anonymous No. 906286




Anonymous No. 906299

How do I cut an object at exact position with snapping to grid? Whenever I choose loop cut it places the cut in some random arbitrary position instead of directly where my mouse cursor is. I need to cut this triangle exactly where it's intersecting with other object (red dotted line). I don't want to cut it at other position and moving the vertices because there is no way I am gonna maintain the slope and I am gonna end up with two wonky faces.

Anonymous No. 906304

Put a plane there and boolean it.



Anonymous No. 906316

gonna need some advice here. I have to add skeletal teeth to the bottom of the face mask, Im considering two approaches, one is make the mask, subdivision and solidify then sculpt the teeth out of the mesh. or go full mesh edit


Looking for moar.jpg

Anonymous No. 906317

What's a good place to download assets especially buildings/parts of buildings? I tried Polyhaven but it's kinda barren, I have to say.
I am looking specially for wall segments with various door- and window-frames, boards for floors and walls, roofs, all that stuff, ideally fantasy-themed



Anonymous No. 906320

Kinda new to this and I'm looking to rotate, distort or otherwise transform the image before it gets applied to the object as a bumpmap. In this case, i want the board-texture to run along, not across the board. I might also want to squeeze and stretch it some



Anonymous No. 906346

I am getting sick and tired of this shit. I've been through so many tutorials and none deal with this shit:
Why is the "point" of any object always put on the centre of the space? I dont want to rotate or scale or whatever this object around some stupid point in the middle of nowhere, i want to rotate it around itself. How do I set the centre of this object to be itself?
And while I'M at here: how can I rotate or move an object so that a specific face aligns with another specific other face? So I can set two cubes to end at exactly the same point or two specific faces perfectly perpendicular/parallel to teach other?

Anonymous No. 906349


pick one

probably cursor to active. or selected. retard



Anonymous No. 906351

>probably cursor to active. or selected.
Nope, tried that, it keeps the cursor at the world origin there on the right.
I noticed the little orange dot there. I tried applying scale, location, rotation, any transform really, but nothing helped.
In the end, i rotated it by selected every vertex in edit mode (hovering + L) and then I could rotate it around its own centre, but it still sucks and I'm still amd about it.
Also, for some reason, the object that started as an 8-sided circle doesnt neatly snap to align with the grid.

Anonymous No. 906353

works on my machine.

Anonymous No. 906355

so when you're trying to get sharp edges on a mesh, are you supposed to just throw ctrl+R in every corner or am I doing something wrong
in the tutorials I watched edge crease is a bad thing or something

Anonymous No. 906363

Maybe it helps? There is example when crease behaves inadequate and how to fix it. I think you can use crease without loop if all distances from creased edge to other edges are equal.

Anonymous No. 906364

Al least you have a shitty shading die to non-optimal mesh when crease value less than 1.0. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9g7Fmrc900


Screenshot (436).png

Anonymous No. 906380

Tried to render with the original shaders setting but I still get this black face

Anonymous No. 906387

I always see them do examples on simple shapes to show this. but I have a fairly complex mesh on my model and putting in extra loops adds extra bumps on the surface and sometimes doesnt even give me a sharp edge

Anonymous No. 906392

How do I rig 'stiff'' materials?
That is to say, how do I set up my rig so that only the appropriate mesh deforms? I modeled a robot. The robot has fingers. The bones on the bots' fingers are deforming the arm mesh (the meshes of the fingers and arms are separate objects) instead of only the finger objects.
I want the arm's mesh to remain stable, but still able to move through space if I pose the model.



Anonymous No. 906430

How do I enable "floor" (grid view) for Z axis? I was looking for solution for like an hour and only thing I found is how to enable/disable XY grids or enable/disable XYZ axis color lines.

Anonymous No. 906431

bump for this question

I remember it was possible and easy in 3ds max


BlenderThatching ....png

Anonymous No. 906469

Odd problem I have here (dont ask why I'm doing it this way, I know it's stupid):
I created the octogonal roof of this hut with an array node arranged around an empty object at the roof's tip.
I then added a simple texture to the single roofing section to give the impression of a thatched roof. However, the texture will not apply to each single piece of the array but to the array as a whole. I found no other way to rotate the texture so it aligns downwards than this Texture Coordinate > Mapping > Texture file
Ay hints how to do this? maybe add another modifier to the roof section below/above the array modifier?


scoot model test 2.png

Anonymous No. 906503

Been working on a lowpoly model for a game, and wanted to get some feedback before I attempt texturing. I feel like I did something wrong with some of the loops on the face, since I wasn't able to make additional cuts to some areas of them, and wanted to know if this was a problem I needed to fix or not. You can kind of see it where some areas on the side of the head have additional edges as opposed to the faces above/below it.

Anonymous No. 906504

How's MBlab/Makehuman anons?
And is there a Blender plugin version of Marvelous Designer?
Can anyone confirm the viability of Blender's video editor? Or is it really just Blender's weakest link?

Anonymous No. 906517

>How do I rig 'stiff'' materials?
To anyone wondering, what I figured out that works but might not be the right way : select the mesh, go to vertex groups in object data properties (the green triangle above materials), and delete every bone that isn't the one you want affecting your mesh.



Anonymous No. 906531

How do I add thickness to the outer edge of my 3d models, guys?
Pic related, I tried the bevel modifier, but it didnt work without the solidify modifier which I cannot use, because I intend to use this outfit in a video game.

Anonymous No. 906537

If I understand what you're saying, can't you select the faces around the edge and extrude them outwards (away from the mes, not creating longer sleeves) ?

Anonymous No. 906540

Use solidify modifier with Only Rim option on.

Anonymous No. 906554

Is there a way to render different materials with different numbers of samples in cycles?

Anonymous No. 906557

>make boob physics with cloth sim
>disable floor collision object
>boobs fall straight to hell when rendering
Everything looks fine in the viewport, even when previewing animation. Any guesses as to what's going on?

Anonymous No. 906559

I said they fall off, but after hiding some stuff, it looks like the sim objects are getting snapped to world origin, but only if there isn't another collision object in the scene. Has to just be a bug, I think.



Anonymous No. 906635

I downloaded some assets from sites in .blend format and exported them as .fbx (because I got no idea about any of those formats but saw a video on importing in that format) but for some reason, only parts of the textures and bumpmaps got imported as well.
These plants should have proper green leaves and all, but only their stems got their textures imported. Should I use a different format to export and import instead?

Anonymous No. 906646

If you're already working in blender why use an intermediary format at all? Why not just open them in blender an use them in blender?

Anonymous No. 906650

>I intend to use this outfit in a video game.
What kind of a video game are you making, anon.

Anonymous No. 906651

Because .blend doesnt hsow up as an option to import assets

Anonymous No. 906661

you dont import .blend assets, you link/append them

Anonymous No. 906662

then what is importing them?
I dont get the difference
Or how to do it.
I am very new.

Anonymous No. 906681

>you import a blender file, cant be edited inside your current project, takes up less space. to edit you have to edit it the original file you're linking
>basically import the entire thing or individual pieces (camera, model, etc..) that can be edited inside the project you're working on

im also very new to Blender but thats what I gather from the various tutorials I watched. as far as im concerned LINK/APPEND is basically import for .blend type files

Anonymous No. 906691

>want to apply vertical running board texture/bmp to box
>only have horizontal board texture
>want to to rotate properly so that the convergent poles are on top and bottom side
>use textzure coordinate + mapping node to do so
>cant get it to work
>rotate bmp manuallay in external editor and save as new image
>changing the scale of the image somehow also moves the pole left and right, fucking up the texture

Anonymous No. 906720

I set a cube to be the goal for a boid particle system.
I set that cube to be a collision object with 'kill particles'
Except the particles now clump up a short distance from the object like it has an invisible forcefield.
What the heck did I mess up?



Anonymous No. 906756

skyrim mod only bro
thank, I managed it with the extrude edge then shrink/flatten, and then extrude the new faces. Results are some what passable.



Anonymous No. 906757

a while back I asked a question here, on how to achieve the webm related effect.



Anonymous No. 906758

An anon answer with this pic, but now when I tried to it again, I cant found the add/multiply/power nodes anywhere, even with the legacy geo-nodes enabled.
Anyone know why?

Anonymous No. 906760


Anonymous No. 906761

Much obliged it mate, i was using the search in blender and some how the math node didnt show up

Anonymous No. 906762

huh interesting, can you do this without using geometry nodes?
Simulation? physics collision?



Anonymous No. 906763

Gotchu bro, make some nice thicc overflowing thigh-highs.

Anonymous No. 906779

what are your most used modifier/tools/plugins?
Mine are: boolean and hard ops. Shrink wrap too.

Anonymous No. 906797

Boxcutter is awesome.
>hard ops
Is there fresh version somewhere?

Anonymous No. 906824

sub divide


Screenshot (442).jpg

Anonymous No. 906862

so it seems the lashes are projected onto the face
but why??
sorry still new to Blender. Took a long break and now I want to get back to it

Anonymous No. 906925

Is only way to do a cute fluffy hair is using particles?

Anonymous No. 906952

Just rotate the UV directly

Anonymous No. 907013

How to make wet/sweat look good on character skin? The method of getting a drip/drop/condense map and applying it to a character with a regulator of drop/drips doesn't look good on skin



Anonymous No. 907040

any tips on how to put insets like this inside an existing mesh, im ripping off Kojima's designs and appyling it to other shit and I love these little details
actually using insets makes everything rectangular and I want to keep my topology shit in check



Anonymous No. 907061

>Download some porn models and reference the topology
not that anon but I'm actually doing that just for messing around with sculpting in general
how do you deal with voxel remesher bridging creases like this?

Anonymous No. 907111

I made a geometry node group that takes in a mesh with multiple faces, isolates a face based on an input index number, then applies some mesh details on its surface. What do i need to do to make this node just do this repeated times? I've tried having a line with the same number of points as faces, and using its captured indices in the index # input, but i get no results.

Anonymous No. 907112

They're math nodes.

Select the math node and press the bar at the top



Anonymous No. 907132

how do i make the cube transparent without make the image plane disappear



Anonymous No. 907137

You can either use the far superior quadriflow remesher or use dyntopo.

If you want to use voxel remesher then try shrinkwrapping modifier'ing the remeshed object onto the original.



Anonymous No. 907156

I want to create a spiral that's something like this, but when I try to bevel a curve, the mesh stats cutting into itself. And suggestions?



Anonymous No. 907160


Here you go anon, here's your lolly files

Anonymous No. 907162

As someone who has only used blender for around 2 weeks I just can't get eevee to look as good as cycles
cycles has such good lighting and shadows out of the box

Even with irradiance volume it's not the same

Anonymous No. 907163

Yes, that's because Cycles & Eevee are fundamentally different technologies.

Eeevee is closer to a renderer used in video games.

Anonymous No. 907164

Should I just stick to cycles even if I'm using video game materials while trying to create animations with a video game look?
I guess even if eevee can look as good as cycles it's way out of league for me?

Anonymous No. 907165

"Video game look" is very vague, ultimately, Cycles will be the more powerful option.


Anonymous No. 907166

Thanks, anon. This helped me figure out which step I was missing

Anonymous No. 907169

guess I'll stick to cycles



Anonymous No. 907172


Anonymous No. 907176

shift + z



Anonymous No. 907184

Lads, I was doing the CGBoost Blender primer and wanted to try doing the procedural rock generation part with geometry nodes instead of particles just for the lulz.
I created a basic scattering pattern with large rock formations using a weight map for the ground.
Next, I wanted to use a second weight map for small rocks and vegetation, but I can only access the map by connecting the density factor to the group input, picrel.
Is there a way to select which weight map/vertex group I want, so that I can spawn those collections separately? I tried duplicating the setup and selecting the other map on the modifier stack, but it uses the same map for both collections.

Anonymous No. 907190


Anonymous No. 907192

project your cutout then press x.

Anonymous No. 907199

If your computer can handle it, sure



Anonymous No. 907212

I'm looking for something like pic related. Seems simple enough but I just can't get anything to look like it

Anonymous No. 907213

Replied to wrong post
meant for >>907013



Anonymous No. 907236

doesn't work, i'm using image plane add on

Anonymous No. 907237

sounds like you fucked yourself.

put the image on top and turn the alpha down and make it non selectable.

theres like 5 different ways to make this not a problem, you just seem lazy and dumb

Anonymous No. 907239

hey, i'm new to blender, just finish my doughnut tutorial without the animation process

Anonymous No. 907241

maybe you should finish your donut

Anonymous No. 907249

Either project knife which is doable but annoying, or just use Boxcutter. You can get it for free.

Anonymous No. 907251

Watch this.

Anonymous No. 907261

Isn't some of that info outdated? As an example
>if possible use optix denoiser
In one of the Blender guru videos he talked about not using optix
>Open Image denoise is default for render because it's so much better. It keeps much more detail than Optix. Try both on the same image and you'll see how much Optix over-smoothes things.
>Yep! Discovered this right after finishing the recording. Use Optix for viewport, and keep it at Open Image Denoise (default) for the final render.

Anonymous No. 907263

Is some of it outdated? Quite possibly.
Do majority of it still applies and helps tremendously? Also yes.

Anonymous No. 907266

Thanks a lot anon
I'll try and see the results when I get home. On a 3070 it's still pretty painful to render in Cycles when the scene is a room with a couple of animated props
However the result is just so good, and I can't replicate it with youtube tips on eevee

Anonymous No. 907270

Doesn't the SSGI with Eevee builds pretty much give you Cycles tier renders but with Eevee?

Anonymous No. 907271

No, there are a lot of edge cases for eevee compared to cycles

also for simple scenes it's fine but when you get to heavier scenes with 10mil+ tris then Cycles will actually perform better.

Anonymous No. 907274

do I really need an addon to import multiple objects at the same time?

Anonymous No. 907275

Definitely not through simulations, but this might work via modifiers. Displacement based on weight proximity can accomplish the squish around straps. But if you shrinkwrap the straps, it may lead to circular dependency and blender going nutty.
It probably won't be as good as the geo-nodes solution though.

Anonymous No. 907290

damn that geo nodes things are truly mind blowing. Shame Iam too low IQ for it.



Anonymous No. 907291

Hey guys, my UV doesnt fit in this square (it is called island, isnt it?), and Iam afraid using S to scale it down will have some effect to the textures in the future. Can you give me some advices please?



Anonymous No. 907405

What the actual fuck is wrong with Blender's sizes!?
Why sometimes resizing or flipping things along 1 particular global axis doesn't work and instead it keeps resizing along ALL axis, or along the local ones (even though I specifically select GLOBAL)?
It's 3 hours I'm trying to flip this thing along the global X axis, and literally NOTHING I tried works, what the fuck should I do??

Anonymous No. 907406

You need to set scale.
I have no idea why is Blender doing this tbqh. I like Blender, but it is so full of little things like that that make no sense in general workflow.

Anonymous No. 907468

On this setup plug color from Clairelashes into the mix shader into factor with the transparent bsdf not the alpha, since the image has no alpha. You want the black to be invisible.

Anonymous No. 907469

afaik scaling won't affect your texture since you'll be creating the texture afterwards. Tutorials I've seen guys freely scaled and moved islands around.
Of course if you do scale it just be aware that you will have less surface area to create your texture on so it might impact the resolution of your texture in this manner.
It seems that you only need to scale it a little though.
Alternatively you could scale up the image size but you already know that right?

Anonymous No. 907470

why not just set the 3d cursor to where you want to flip it around and flip it around the 3d cursor. DO IT! NOW!

Anonymous No. 907472

looks like some kind of noise texture for bump with SSS and high specular/metalness.

Anonymous No. 907481

I actually don't know that. How do you do that? I asked around and watch some youtube videos but they all are vague.

Anonymous No. 907503

>You need to set scale.

>flip it around the 3d cursor
Does not work either.

Anonymous No. 907505

Wait, I did it!! I found a way!
Basically I made a new cube, boolean-added the wing to it, and then flipped the whole thing!
And it worked!

Anonymous No. 907509

The model(s) in question has SSS and specular maps and I've tried noise texture and bumps with the SSS
Maybe I'm connecting the nodes wrong but I get the model to look much more oily than wet

Anonymous No. 907510

>Max limit of image replies has been reached.

Anonymous No. 907523

What would be the most efficient way to deeply learn about a specific blender feature? For example I want to learn enough about shader nodes to be able to make my own materials. Is it enough to just read the documentation and experiment on my own? The video tutorials on youtube are long as fuck and I don't want to waste my time on a 20 part video course diluted on purpose by a grifter.

Anonymous No. 907582

Just repeatedly doing it, really. There's no cutting corner doing this kind of things. Even pros forgot stuffs or get rusty if they don't practice for a week or two.