

๐Ÿงต Test i made

Anonymous No. 901548

Had and idea this morning and tried it
the top part doesn't look that good
but the result was great for such a low poly model

Anonymous No. 901568

I like it! Good job.



Anonymous No. 901573

This is the 3rd time i try to upload this

Anonymous No. 901607

looks like someone learned about subdivisions

Anonymous No. 901610


..i like the approach, would you mind to post the back side of the low poly?!



Anonymous No. 901616

Nothing much to see
normal she looks like a ff7 character
with sub divide she looks like a doll
i need to fix her head

Anonymous No. 901621

>Nothing much to see ...

..ill take my infos out of it, thx! o/

Anonymous No. 901635

>polymodeling a character
Yep you're never gonna make it. Enjoy crab life loser lmfao.

Anonymous No. 901637

crab in the bucket!

Anonymous No. 901640


Anonymous No. 901691

>"hey crab"
>is literal crab


Anonymous No. 901739

If you're planning on doing low poly. then don't apply the subdivision multiplier. It's showing you a shape that you can't attain without adding more polygons.
Rather, just select chunks of your mesh, and then right click and select "smooth vertices". That will smooth things over without the need of subdivision. Grab an arm here, smooth, a leg there, smooth, etc.
You can make section easier by pressing ctrl and + or - on the numpad to grow and shrink your selection.

Anonymous No. 901744

but my idea was to use subdivision
i was just trying to see what i could do with square limbs

Anonymous No. 901745

Gotcha. It's good you're working out your topology on this base level, because you can always add more loops to good topology. But trying to fix loops on a large complex mesh is a pain.



Anonymous No. 901748

I tried with triangles, but had to make a cut because the legs looked too flat
4 vertices are the best option
but for fingers triangles are great

Anonymous No. 901764

cute, good job anon

Anonymous No. 901953

I like the shape but I would have preferred if you had gotten it with an unsubdivided mesh and using a base of 8 spans instead of 4.

Anonymous No. 901993

Sorry i didn't explain my test
The idea wasn't to make a low poly model then apply subdivision
it was more like "what can i do if my objective is subdivision"
Subdivision wasn't used to make the model look good, it was intended to be the final product
The low poly model is completely wonky
i knew it would happen even before i started
parts going though each other and stuff
but the result was great
i even tried with 3 vertices but it didn't go that well
at least i learned a lot

Anonymous No. 902204

You are literally doing what is called "Subdivision Box Modeling"; this is an entire ancient style of workflow in which you create a base mesh that is only usable when subdivided.

You have rediscovered the wheel, or more like you have discovered that round things can roll. You aren't even aware that the axle exists let alone why you would need one or how to make one.

Anonymous No. 902213

>ancient style
>You have rediscovered the wheel

...better be the guy who rediscovered the wheel and shares his "discovery" with others who seek for discoveries, than the guy who piss and shit into the meal!

Anonymous No. 902216

>you discovered by yourself something that has been discovered before
how is that a bad thing?
doesn't it mean that i am able to have ideas and put it into practice?
i imagined that this has been done before
but this didn't stop me from trying

Anonymous No. 902734

the torso does not merely transition into legs. Though it looks like it does in the front. Try it out and you get gumby ass. The torso transitions into the pelvis which is a complex intersection between the 2 legs and the torso. It needs its own topological zone to have buttocks. Even if you're not trying to make some huge booty character. You need the freedom to those masses in there, or it will look bad.

Anonymous No. 902735

these toy manufacturers understood.
See how the pelvis is a separate plastic piece from the legs and abdomen? You must model these 4 pieces and connect them together.
Your character design looks like its headed towards a fairly large bottom and thick thighs. You'll need special considerations about the topology of the butt or else the loss in volume when it deforms will be noticeable.



Anonymous No. 902736


Anonymous No. 904222

Can you upload the reference you use?

Anonymous No. 904570

you want a clean loop in the area where leg connects to the pelvis

Anonymous No. 905535

is that a condom?

Anonymous No. 905673

If it is, it ain't the size I use for sure. Too asian sized.

Anonymous No. 905713

This is a fine way to start off making a body base mesh

Anonymous No. 905828

do you have any material on this? I would like to master this and always fuck up here. I want to make a big booty character!



Anonymous No. 905848

How the hell do i replicate this topology ? I'm always missing something.

Anonymous No. 906282

Maybe you should do a tube-like body, tube-like legs and stitch it manually? Can you show left model side and bottom views?


how to blender.webm

Anonymous No. 906289

Is something like this works? I'm just learning so mesh is very simple.



Anonymous No. 906295

i think its better to mare crease here

Anonymous No. 906298

holy shit 1 month of no discernable progress. Yep, ngmi alright.

Anonymous No. 906338

M? It's my second work in blender, just for example to >>906282. I'm not >>905848

Anonymous No. 906339

They're separate pieces because it needs a fucking rubber O-ring in the middle and not because of any artistic reason, idiot.

Anonymous No. 907905
