

๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 901649

>wonder why Yan sculpts anime characters into these Disney nightmare designs
>it's the Blender cult sculpting style anon they say if only he were a Zbrush chad
>look further into this
>find out he's French
>no further explanation is needed

Anonymous No. 901650

>>wonder why Yan sculpts anime characters into these Disney nightmare designs
because he's a bad artist, nothing more nothing less.

Anonymous No. 901651

So you made a thread about this on /ic/, and now you make it here. You /ic/ niggers need to be banned from this board because all you do is make shitty threads complaining about other people and shit that isn't important.

Anonymous No. 901652

More like inspired by the one over there
>because all /3/ does is make shitty threads complaining about other people and shit that isn't important.
An astute observation

Anonymous No. 901768

>you made a thread about this on /ic/, and now you make it here.
>You /ic/ niggers
Projecting much.

Anonymous No. 901771

>because he's a bad artist, nothing more nothing less.
to be fair, he's better than everyone here.

Anonymous No. 901773

But what's interesting is that he has a following and you don't. I don't care for what he makes, but I guess there is something people like about him. It could be that his success comes from the fact that he actually works instead of bitching about people on an interdimensional Congolese lavender farming forum.

Anonymous No. 901779

>But what's interesting is that he has a following and you don't.
Nice critical thinking there. This is the appeal to popularity argument 12 year olds make when someone does anything but ass kiss their bhad bhabie tier celebrity. What's next you're going say OP has no room to talk about he makes more money than him? What's more is it's not humanly possible to hold this mentality without being a hypocrite.

The only following people care about is the one of artists that have influenced them.

Anonymous No. 901781

Mind ya own and you'll actually get somewhere, because I can guarantee as bad as yansculpts is you're worse and managing to belittle people that are better than you until you feel like you're better than them without doing literally anything is a poison mindset that inhibits progression.

Anonymous No. 901782

>because I can guarantee as bad as yansculpts is you're worse and managing to belittle people that are better than you until you feel like you're better than them without doing literally anything
Now you're belittling me and yan while saying that's toxic all in the same sentence. What is is this even?
>Mind ya own and you'll actually get somewhere
Oh no ebonics into a conclusion that doesn't logically follow. There are too many red flags here to spend any more time on this.

Anonymous No. 901785

Hard work makes a big difference regarding success, even if the results have their faults. This was something I learned when I was younger and wanted to be a gaming YouTuber. In the small community I made videos for, my sub and view count were always behind other people's. I would try to make reasons and justifications in my head to figure out why people with worse videos were more popular than me, and at the end of it when I no longer cared about what I was doing, I realized it was because they had more dedication and wasted less time whining about other people on obscure parts of the internet. It was also because I wasn't as good as I thought I was, even if I wasn't that bad. If you actually are better than Yan, then you can experience the same success if you actually work, but I know you are worse, and you don't work.

Anonymous No. 901805

this desu

with all these cris threads, the board has enough garbage as it is. Discuss work you can do instead of shitting on people who are easy to shit on. You won't get better making fun of retards.

Anonymous No. 901811

t. crabby mccrabberson

Anonymous No. 901812

His following is made up of begtards who don't know any better but he is a good measure of the minimum amount of work you require to be decent at 3d.

Anonymous No. 901864

I don't like his style but the guy is obviously a solid artist. Competency shines through and is infinitely more important than your own aesthetic whims.

Anonymous No. 901866

oh nice you're a racist too, that's double evidence you don't actually do anything at all because there is no such thing as a good racist artist.

(You can go ahead and prove me wrong by posting all your 3d work that btfo yansculpt but we both know you don't do anything).



Anonymous No. 901908

>there is no such thing as a good racist artist.
LMAO the history of the creative world is full of them you smelly coon. Also what are doing on a racist site GTFO

Anonymous No. 902081

Ironically looks better than anime. Get fucked OP.

Anonymous No. 902087

Great proof of my point in your picture there



Anonymous No. 902094

Dios Mio. Leave it to the Vietnamese porn artist to do the job right.



Anonymous No. 902099

Kek you serious? That tranny Tifa would even pass over two decades ago.

Anonymous No. 902101

would not*

Anonymous No. 902124

Looks like a design issue and not a 3D-skill issue

Anonymous No. 902161

People make females with dirt on them. Why.

Anonymous No. 902185

I need a dirty and greasy girl to pump my semen into. Imagine the smell.

Anonymous No. 902197

>art fundamentals
Good one

Kek no learn to semi-realism properly

Just look at the nails



Anonymous No. 902198

Yan mogged by the power asian genes and zbrush combined



Anonymous No. 902421

More like Mexican tranny Tifa