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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Best 3D Texturing Software?

Anonymous No. 901801

What is the best texturing software in your opinion and why?

Anonymous No. 901802

Photoshop because it's the one I have at hand and a license for.

No seriously if you want to become a pro you must be accustomed to work with what you have available.

Personally I like substance but that I use for personal work.

Anonymous No. 901814


I heard 3dcoat is good for handpainting anime because it feels like painting in photoshop. Bodypaint3d is only used by korean sweatshop studios. Painter feels like drawing without pressure sensitivity kek.

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microsoft paint.jpg

Anonymous No. 901818

Step aside, peasants

Anonymous No. 901821

last night I wanted substance, so I navigated to a website downloaded it and it worked without any issue. Are we allowed to talk about piracy here?

Anonymous No. 901823

why, are you poor? Get a job!

Anonymous No. 901826

I have a full time 3D job, but I also like to make stuff at home, and paying 5 thousand dollars every three years for maya so I can do hobby shit with it seems criminal. I also needed photoshop and substance and after effects and premier and and and and piracy just made the most sense for a lot of it.

Anonymous No. 901827

Are we allowed hahahahahaha dude chill yeah I know its a worksafe board but there is no harm in talking the truth. I have pirated sotware all my life and I honestly think every cg artist has done it at some point. Fortunately I am an oldfag that has done a living with cg so I can afford licences on my professional work. Now if you take a look at my home pc you'd think its a cgpersia server.

Anonymous No. 901830

Yep. Even indie licences seem a bit too steep for some folks. I think autodesk knows each and every user that has pirated their software (or at least their ip) but also they know that piracy is the best way for them to create the next generation of professional users but obviously they cannot admit that. Heck I would download a car if I could. I've seen autodesk's licence enforcement practices at first hand and trust me they are not interested in the single pirate user. They are interested in companies or socially active users that pirate their software and make a fat dollar on that. One word of advice, never advertize publicly, not even on forums, what software you use at the samectime you use your real identity or work email. Simple as that.

Anonymous No. 901831

id say Substance and Marmoset are fantastic

Anonymous No. 901832

I wouldn't be surprized that there is a sad faggot that monitors every forum on the internet for potential high profile users that pirate software even on /3/. Happened to an ex business partner, he wouldnt shut up about how good he was on 3ds max at the corona forums and he got fucked by autodesk, his letter arrived atchis email and home address in a third world country. Another advice, dont ask dont tell.

Anonymous No. 901844

What are Toolbag's new texture tools like? How do they compare to the alternatives?

Anonymous No. 901845

IIRC, there was a streamer who was streaming herself using a pirated copy of 3DS Max. Autodesk contacted her and basically said they don't mind, but if you start making money remember to pay.

Foundry are the ones who relentlessly pursue anyone who pirates.

Anonymous No. 901875

The best is a combination of multiple tools.
Mari + Substance Painter and Designer and Mixer and the Megascans library is a combo that is unbeatable since it allows to leverage the best workflows and circumvents the bad and slow ones.

Anonymous No. 901877

Mari is the only one usable when doing proper texture work.

Anonymous No. 901879

Absolutely no one says that and you can look at artstation for proof

Anonymous No. 902030

You can't use more than 5 4k tiles without substance completely shiting itself, and it also has the worst projection tools I've ever used. So yeah, Mari is the only option.

Anonymous No. 902038

Only option for what? The 3d industry's bread and butter is mobile and console games where substance is perfect. Look up the financial figures, your edge case film barely makes a dent in the overall industry

Anonymous No. 902048

>m-muh gaems!

Anonymous No. 902052

you can literally use gimp to make your textures. diffuse/normal/spec.rough maps or whatever

Anonymous No. 902053

This is correct.
Mari is absolutely superior for texture work.

Anonymous No. 902066


Anonymous No. 902309

look up the financial figures for what is actually making the most money in the industry and you'll see that you are the real idiot, idiot

Anonymous No. 902325

yep there was this one person I knew that brought his laptop to work loaded with pirated programs. Once he joined the WIFI the apps pinged the companies that made them and they sued him and the company he worked for.

Anonymous No. 902328

his own fault for being stupid. He probably is blacklisted now

Anonymous No. 902362

people who use fallacies to bolster their argument are the real idiots - always.

Anonymous No. 902368


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Anonymous No. 902500

>tfw bought the pack
>never use it

Anonymous No. 902900


Anonymous No. 902913

anything else is too much bloat and looks like plastic shit
fuck pbr

Anonymous No. 902919

lmao ngmi

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Anonymous No. 902925


Anonymous No. 904009


Anonymous No. 904084

you will never be a real artist

Anonymous No. 904087

wtf is this program

Anonymous No. 904122

what IS this? I straight up can't recognize it by UI at all and you cropped the program header bar for some reason.

Anonymous No. 904125


Anonymous No. 904154

I already know you're a moron, you don't need to dig yourself deeper.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 905438


Anonymous No. 905440

When will blender have proper texture painting features?

Anonymous No. 905567

I think the next thing it will get is upgraded sculpting and retopologising tools.
Armor paint has taken the texturing niche and it's also foss.

Anonymous No. 905581

I think Blender is getting faster texturing for 3.3/3.4, it's in the pipeline now that sculpt vertex colors have been released.

Is armor paint any good? My blender workflow is set up shaders > texture paint masks > bake for game engine, but it's obvious the tools need some love

Anonymous No. 905611

Mari is the only one that you can make a pipeline on since it has node based system which you can run using json files. so thats is why its used on most high end studios. Substance baking speed and easy to use mask are awesome as fuck. Usually the use of mari as a primary soft for its proyection tools and asisted by substance to get the most out of it is a great combo. No other soft can handle the resolution mari can.
If you have work under a production pipeline you will know how important it is to be able to use nodes for everything.

Anonymous No. 906666


Anonymous No. 907508

None, just use a single color.

Anonymous No. 909664

Having used Photoshop I genuinely consider it to be shit software based on the retarded ways they try and make it UNIQUE alone.
>Every other programme has CTRL-Z be undo
>Photoshit has CTRL-Z cycle between undoing and redoing the last performed action
The irony is that's a helpful function, but it shouldn't be keybound to what LITERALLY EVERY PIECE OF SOFTWARE IN HISTORY uses for undo.

Anonymous No. 909806


I prefer unchecking one option in Photoshop's properties instead of learning whatever the fuck other softwares control like

Anonymous No. 909809

Literally every other programme controls basically the same though. Not just texturing/art software. Like, CTRL-Z is undo is like, the STANDARD for software. If Photoshop makes you learn to do it differently, then Adobe has fucked up at the most fundamental level.
Imagine you have a bicycle. It's very expensive, it's made of nigh-indestructible but incredibly lightweight alloys. The wheels have just the right amount of grip. Everything is beautifully machined and toleranced to perfection. But there's a problem- you can't pedal it like a regular bike. You have to do some awkward crab-dance to get it to move. Because the manufacturer had to be different, and he wanted to make sure you could ONLY ride HIS bikes if you wanted to learn on his bikes. So your options are either embrace the madness of crab-pedaling and looking like a moron- and never being able to ride a normal bike again- in exchange for slightly better performance...or compromising on the alloys or wheels or tolerances or whatever and getting a still excellent conventional bike that you can ride like any other. Because that's what using Photoshop vs other software is like.
Any sane person would just ride the less precisely machined but less idiotically designed bike. But there is a cult of people who insist that the crab-bike is better, that you should unlearn your regular pedal method and pay the extortionate rent fee (because you can't just buy the bike, you can only rent it) because "It's the pro-bike-scene standard!". These people are idiots, and the rise of bikes that can compete easily with the crab-bike whilst pedaling normally is a good thing, both for consumers who want to ride bikes and for striking terror into the hearts of the crab-bike racket.