

🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 901848

>decide to start learning zbrush
>realize that zbrush thinks of separate meshes/objects as "tools"
>if you create a new primitive, you are creating a new "tool"

Anonymous No. 901851

What a waste of a thread. KYS

Anonymous No. 901852

I'd rather spend two days learning Zbrush's retarded jargon and UI than waste 3 weeks in blunder juggling with addons and shitty tutorials to achieve something basic desu

Anonymous No. 901854

Why are you bringing up Blender, idiot? Why do you have such a huge chip on your shoulder when it comes to Blender?

Anonymous No. 901855


Anonymous No. 901857

>ANON_1: ZBrush thinks of separate meshes as "tools"...
>ANON_2: But just imagine a world without Blender. No more pain. No more wars. People walk holding hands. Heaven on earth.

Anonymous No. 901871

>shit at sculpting
>thinks zbrush “tools” is the issue

Anonymous No. 901872

everyone knows zBrush UI is cancer that assumes you're an idiot you can't into 3d. Brainlets and masochists who claim to like it are worse fanboys than any Blendlet.



Anonymous No. 901885


Anonymous No. 902006

good, you're learning, keep going

Anonymous No. 902009

Explain why that naming convention makes sense.

Anonymous No. 902019

French guy made it. I think it's a derivitive of the French word for implement or plan.

Anonymous No. 902047

Is there any presets anyone has made to make it's UI NOT suck dick? I've been wondering this for ages because I'll take one look at the UI, sigh, and then close it.
I've been doing regular subdivision for ages but good god Zbrush feels backwards in UI design.

Anonymous No. 902068

>frogposter filtered by alternative term for mesh
Do you complain about different programming languages as well?
3D is all about adapting to new technology, techniques, and software. No UI is hard to learn if you use it above an hour per day.

You spend below the bare minimum, yet you wonder why zbrush is confusing.

Anonymous No. 902073

I spent 15 years with 3DSMax and it's caveman UI, and even compared to that Zbrush is a nightmare. I swapped to Blender and that took next to no time, so there's absolutely a problem.



Anonymous No. 902080

Oh man, look at all these TOOLS available for download! I can't wait to use and modify all these TOOLS for use in my projects with all my other TOOLS

Why the HELL would you call your meshes anything other than a mesh? There's learning your program, and then there's not knowing how to use standard fucking naming conventions and then shitting on everyone else for not instantly picking it up.

>an hour per day
For what, every day for five years? A UI being "learnable" doesn't make it any less shitty. By that metric, Hammer world editor has an AMAZING UI, but at least in Hammer I know what I'm fucking selecting.

Anonymous No. 902113

Because tools aren't meshes they're more like project tabs, the fact you can't even figure this out proves how dumb you are

Anonymous No. 902133

None of these tools aren't like videogames, they are not meant to be pick up and play gacha mobile games that spoonfeed feed you with daily rewards.

They are meant to be tools that give you multiple solutions for one problem.
>For what, every day for five years?
Nope, just two hours. If you put less effort into complaining about the UI than actually learning it, then you would figure it out by now as well. Get your feet wet and do a single project? Don't understand something? Google.

If third worlders and furries can do it, then so can you. You have no excuse.

Anonymous No. 902155

Furry here and I'm actually great at operating ZBrush so I can corroborate this

Anonymous No. 902178

>more like project tabs
Then call it a project and stop shitting on people for not immediately picking up your nonstandard naming convention, asshole.

Anonymous No. 902191

>realize that zbrush thinks of separate meshes/objects as "tools"
yes it was created by autistic people I think. I have been learning it too and some of the UI is just needlessly retarded.

Anonymous No. 902233


Zbrush is a program where if you've used an actual 3D program it is a fucking nightmare to learn, whereas if you start with it it can be okay-ish. it defies literally every norm that is comprehendable about laying out the UI and toolsets available. There's not much excuse for them to not change ATLEAST the default UI and make it more understandable.

You didn't even read what I wrote if you think I want something to be gamified. I've put up with some garbage working with 3D over the years, especially when the only free softwares were shit like Wings3D or Anim8or. It just needs to have a fucking sensible structure to it, and Zbrush is just messy.

Anonymous No. 902251

They need to branch off a version for the print jewellery artist types and then a version for more traditional 3d animation and vidya type of people. I've used zbrush on and off for years but it's always such a bollockache to get back into just when you need to do that little bit of sculpty. zBrush is so spastically obtuse that to just bring a mesh into viewport you've got to start calling it a tool. This is pure late 90's shit that needs to be replaced by a basic scene outliner or node graph for mesh/ model management.

Anonymous No. 902269

I have used an actual 3d program before and I don't have any problem with Zbrush at all. It has a learning curve, but it is one that third worlders and furries can easily navigate through on inferior hardware.

Do you have a pen tablet? It is easy to maneuver with it. I use a cheap Huion h610 pro

Anonymous No. 902294

you're replying to a cr*s thread, don't do that.



Anonymous No. 902312

>I should buy and set up a drawing tablet for the express purpose of tinkering in Zbrush twice a year

Anonymous No. 902365

Yeah, this is another issue I have. Trying to navigate the object structure and how it stores things is equally obtuse as the UI. It makes no sense.

A tablet doesn't magically make it easier to use, nor does it make the UI suck less.

Anonymous No. 902369

>use software infrequently
>get surprised that it is hard to learn



Anonymous No. 902420

Yknow, I just installed Maya with the intent to make a point on how reasonable UIs shouldn't take that long to learn, but it crashed within 3 minutes 45 seconds of me starting. Isn't Blender supposed to be the one that gets memed on for crashing a lot?



Anonymous No. 902425

And as someone who's never so much as TOUCHED Maya before, I made a basic AF dice, and it only took me... what, an hour of trial and error? I even figured out you can edit operations after the fact (actually pretty cool coming from Blender), and only googled how to apply textures.

UI is still weird compared to Blender, but at least it's usable.

Anonymous No. 902426

stop posting this trash

Anonymous No. 902634

Forget about 3D, idiot. Nowhere in the history of art has the thing you work on ever been referred to as a "tool", except for ZBrush.
The fact that you can't understand why people would find this confusing is proof you have a brain defect.

Anonymous No. 902635

>Because tools aren't meshes they're more like project tabs
Except they're not. And then you have the whole subtool system just to double down on the confusing shit.

Anonymous No. 902638

>Then call it a project
No can do, because ZBrush has "projects" too.
Every ZBrush tutorial has a segment explaining all the differences between a project and a tool, and why it's probably a better idea to save tools instead of the project.

Not confusing at all, is it?

Anonymous No. 902651

Right, you don't have the brain defect for being unable to understand terms that non-english third worlders and furries can easily comprehend. It's soooo mentally hard and taxing to associate "subtool" with "mesh". So hard to mentally associate "def" with "function".

You put more effort and days into whining about how you're filtered by the UI than actually learning it. Quit coping and start learning.

Anonymous No. 902654

>Right, you don't have the brain defect for being unable to understand terms that non-english third worlders and furries can easily comprehend.
No need to project, idiot. The criticism was that it's a stupid naming convention that contradicts basic logic. It's not my problem you're too big of a moron to grasp such a simple point.

Anonymous No. 902666

Everyone understands that it is a different label, but it is ultimately meaningless in the grand scheme of things. People constantly associate labels with something else all the time in every field. Ever heard of pattern recognition?

Learn your software instead of whining about every non-issue that third worlders, furries, and "morons/idiots" like me can overlook. Swallow up your pride and you'll be able to achieve more than what you're capable of.

Anonymous No. 902729


Why don't you choke on my DEFA D921/GT-2 90mm towed anti-tank gun?

Oh, sorry, you probably understand the terminology better as "my dick". Not my fault you flunked out of high school.



Anonymous No. 902730

>itt anons simp for zbrush, others call its ui retarded, and neither side can sculpt