

๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 901919

jumping on the ps1 bandwagon, all the cool kids are doing it. is this topology and polycount good?

Anonymous No. 901931

pretty decent use of low polycount to make a nice chibi body



Anonymous No. 901936

added arms and fixed up the neck area.



Anonymous No. 901939

oh shit, there's no topology for shoulder deformations. was too busy looking at 256fes and those never have deformable topology.



Anonymous No. 901957

polycounts for ps1 games vary.

fighting games with minimal environments will have higher poly counts while npcs in detailed environments will be much lower.

hero chars:
crash bandicoot (hero char, detailed levels): 550 polys
spyro (hero char, detailed levels):411 polys

elora (npc in spyro 2): 400 polys

fighting game char:
king (tekken 2): 1,443 polys

hope this helps



Anonymous No. 901963

nice, this came in at 526 tris



Anonymous No. 901966

take the ps1 pill bros.

Anonymous No. 901980

Great now texture it competently which was 90% of the work.



๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 901981

Sorry piggybacking here, is this a bad low poly attempt for the player character so far? Was told it's too detailed on the midsection and should I keep it in parts or merge it?



Anonymous No. 901984

>he don't know the ps1 pill is all about speed

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 901985

How did you do the head? That's my current issue

Anonymous No. 901987

>all the cool kids are doing it
No, just all the trash artists like yourself.



Anonymous No. 901988

leave it in parts, it makes weight painting and animation much easier.

Anonymous No. 901991

not this guy but i model heads separately and then attach the vertices to the neck

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 901994

But where do you start on the head? A cube, a cylinder, a sphere?

Anonymous No. 902000

really whichever works best for your style, i start with a cube and add ring loops as needed, makes it easier for me to keep track of the topology

Anonymous No. 902017

I dunno, dude seems to be more competent than you.
At least he's a modeling something, you nomodeller.

Anonymous No. 902067

He used a cube.
If you get a cube, subdivide it, then kinda blow the vertices out like you're filling it with air, it'll make a kind of round shape that's actually pretty easy to work with.

Anonymous No. 902537

make the ass 200% bigger