

๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 902140

How come no one helped me on /3/ when I politely asked how to improve on 3D?

I tried making shoes, hands, and nothing worked.

It's been almost 2 weeks since I started and this is what I have and what I start over and over again, if I'm making a game, might take me a century at this rate.

People didn't reply to the thread I made, called me worthless but they replied to this thread someone else did >>901919

Anonymous No. 902141

kill yourself

Anonymous No. 902156

>How come no one helped me on /3/ when I politely asked how to improve on 3D?
Other guy's model gotta bigger booty.

Anonymous No. 902157

No one helped me, I must have my revenge.

Anonymous No. 902159

This attitude is why. People did help you. People gave you tutorials. You said the tutorials didn't work. People gave you step by step guides to do the things you asked how to do. You still didn't do them. You made thread after thread after thread asking how to move vertices. You waited eight hours until someone replied to you instead of trying to learn something yourself.
You don't try to help yourself.
Just learn how to do something by yourself. You are handicapping yourself with this attitude of demanding random people lay out a red carpet to teach you how to make the default cube in Blender.